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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Mystery · #2321344
In this bittersweet world, why is the human suicide rate so low at only 0.02%?
Wanzhen left their two daughters in the ward to visit their mother, while she took Mr Zhou outside the ward to ease the atmosphere.

"Mr Zhou, don't be too excited! Your wife has just been rescued and is still very weak. Don't irritate her anymore." Wanzhen advised.

"Miss Liang, thank you for rescuing my wife... but you saw what happened just now. She is arrogant and unreasonable!" Mr Zhou felt a little discouraged.

"Mr Zhou, I just hope that you can resolve the misunderstanding reduce the arguments, and harm the two daughters," Wanzhen said kindly.

"Thank you for your kindness, I understand." Mr Zhou showed gratitude in his eyes.

"Yes, Mrs Zhou said that you haven't been home for a night out recently. Is it really because of...an affair?" Wanzhen turned her eyes.

"Of course not. I just need to work in mainland China to make a living. She doesn't appreciate my hard work and still doubts me. It's simply unreasonable!" Mr Zhou answered in the affirmative.

"Well, if that's the case, you should clarify it with Mrs Zhou to avoid further misunderstandings." Wanzhen nodded.

"Miss Liang, I've explained it to her many times, but she just doesn't believe it, and there's nothing I can do about it... I think it's because she didn't follow the hospital's instructions and take her drugs on time, which led to her serious mental illness and led to her suicide. " Mr Zhou kept shaking his head and spreading his hands.

"Is Mrs Zhou confirmed to be suffering from mental illness?" Wanzhen asked.

"There should be nothing wrong. I took her to the psychiatric department of Dalian Hospital for medical treatment. In the hospital, after diagnosis by many specialists and detailed examinations and tests, it was confirmed that she was suffering from a serious Schizophrenia." Mr Zhou nodded.

"However, Mrs Zhou insisted to me that she was not mentally ill. When I talked to her just now, I couldn't feel anything unusual about her mental condition. Could it be that the hospital made a mistake in diagnosis?" Wanzhen was somewhat sceptical.

"Dalian Hospital is a well-known psychiatric hospital in recent years, so it should not make random diagnoses." Mr Zhou disagreed.

"Dalian Hospital?"

The term "Dalian Hospital" appeared repeatedly in Wanzhen's ears many times, causing her to suddenly remember the two suicide cases she had handled earlier.

The deceased persons in the case, Li Qiwen and Tam Chi-tak, also had follow-up medical certificates from Dalian Hospital and were patients of it.

Thinking of this, Wanzhen first comforted Mr and Mrs Zhou, calmed their emotions, and then returned to the computer file room of the police station alone.

Because of the name "Dalian Hospital", Wanzhen's suspicion about previous cases and Mrs Zhou's suicide was once again aroused.

To answer her questions, Wanzhen checked the information on suicide cases in various police stations in the past few months and looked up the background of "Dalian Hospital".

After analyzing and synthesizing all the relevant information, Wanzhen seemed found what she wanted and immediately went to see Sergeant Chen Dazhong.

"Sergeant Chen, after checking the information on suicide cases in various police districts, I found a common point," Wanzhen said seriously.

"Oh, little girl, what new tricks do you have?" Dazhong tilted his head.

"Don't show me such an attitude, just listen to me." Wanzhen's face was serious.

"Say it!" Dazhong looking forward to it.

"Among the more than 20 suicide cases in the past few months, more than ten of them were patients of Dalian Hospital. I believe things cannot be such a coincidence." Wanzhen exhibited the printed information to Dazhong.

"What do you think?" Dazhong inspected Wanzhen's documents.

I think the reason why so many patients commit suicide is most likely related to this hospital. " Wanzhen's eyes were solemn.

"Are you saying that there was a problem in the hospital that caused the patient to commit suicide?" Dazhong looked at Wanzhen.

"Exactly!" Wanzhen nodded.

"You must know that doctors in Hong Kong are extremely professional. Even if they commit medical errors or mistakes, it is not easy to convict them." Dazhong put down the document.

"The problem may not be as simple as medical error, I also checked the background of the hospital concerned and felt that the incident was more suspicious," Wanzhen said vividly.

"What else did you find?" Dazhong looked at Wanzhen again.

"'Dalian Hospital' is a hospital built and funded by donations from Japan's Dairen Shoshu, the 'Dalian Sect'. It is said that the 'Dalian Sect' was originally a branch of Buddhism with millions of followers around the world. Later, the reason why the Dalian Sect split from Buddhism and formed its sect was because its theory was not compatible with Japanese Buddhism." Wanzhen then provided another piece of information to Dazhong.

"It's not a big deal. It's just a personal matter. It doesn't prove anything. Doesn't it mean that if a branch of Buddhism is not accepted, then they can't fund a hospital?" Dazhong looked at the document again.

"The most suspicious thing is the identity of the Dean." Wanzhen gave Dazhong another information document.

"What's so special about the Dean's identity?" Dazhong flipped through it.

"The name of the Dean of 'Dalian Hospital' is 'Tianwu Yingyang'. He is not from a medical school, but majored in sociology..." Wanzhen read out some contents of the document.

"Does it mean that if you study sociology, you can't become the Dean of a hospital? Is this considered doubtful?" Dazhong immediately retorted.

"Of course, that's not all. It was also found out that Tianwu Yingyang served as a staff member of the Japanese Kwantung Army's "731 Unit" during World War II and was responsible for research on neurobacterial strategies." Wanzhen read again. Go down.

"Unit 731?" Dazhong stared.

"At that time, they captured many Chinese and turned them into victims of horrific experiments," Wanzhen said some information.


"However, after the war, Tianwu Yingyang was not prosecuted and became a doctor of sociology. He taught and continued research at the University of Tokyo. In the past three years, he became the Dean of Dalian Hospital." Wanzhen continued when she saw that Dazhong did not react.

"I understand. You suspect that the director took advantage of the hospital's convenience to continue conducting horrific experiments on living people, causing many people to commit suicide, right?" Dazhong said what Wanzhen was thinking.

"There is a possibility." Wanzhen agreed.

"Miss Liang...Miss Liang...I...I..." Dazhong's expression changed greatly.


"Hahaha...hahaha..." Dazhong burst into laughter.

"...Hey! You...you...why are you laughing?..." Wanzhen was greatly bored.

"Hahaha...you...your joke is so funny. Please allow me to laugh for a while before talking about it, haha..." Dazhong laughed louder and louder.

"You...you...I'm serious, you...you think I'm joking?" Wanzhen started to get a little angry at Chen Dazhong's playful attitude.

"Haha...seriously? I know you are serious...I want to ask you a question." Dazhong's laughter stopped for a moment.

"...What?" Wanzhen raised her eyebrows.

"Have you ever watched the TV series "The X Files"*?" Dazhong asked a strange question.

"Oh... I watched it occasionally... What does it have to do with what we are talking about?" Wanzhen scratched her head.

"Haha, Miss Liang, maybe you watched too many TV episodes of "The X Files" and put yourself into the role of the female agent "Dana Scully".

"Sergeant Chen, I don't have such thoughts... Could it be that more than ten suicide cases in the same hospital? Don't you think it's suspicious?" Wanzhen raised her lips again.

"Ms. Liang, do you know what kind of hospital Dalian Hospital is?" Dazhong asked another question.

"Psychiatric hospital!" Wanzhen replied quickly.

"Yes, a psychiatric hospital, which means that all the patients in this hospital are mentally ill," Dazhong said.

"Yes." Wanzhen nodded.

"Generally speaking, mentally ill patients have a higher chance of committing suicide than ordinary people. A dozen suicide cases is not a big deal!" Dazhong explained.

"This... but... at least that hospital should bear some responsibility for the fact that so many patients committed suicide in just a few weeks." Wanzhen was a little flustered by Dazhong's question.

"Didn't I say it before? It is difficult to criminalize medical errors in Hong Kong. Moreover, the hospital is under the supervision of the Health and Welfare Bureau. It is their responsibility to investigate and hold accountable, and it has nothing to do with the police!" Dazhong explained.

"It's just that...the background of Dean Tianwu Yingyang is also questionable!" The doubts mentioned by Wanzhen were constantly broken by Dazhong, which made her confidence drop a lot.

"You know that the police handle cases based on evidence and cannot decide the case based on personal background alone." Dazhong reminded Wanzhen.


"As far as I know, after World War II, most of the members who served in Unit 731 were not prosecuted. The main reason is that the research data they used for experiments on living people is very valuable." Dazhong also gave some information.


"Many team members later held important positions at home and abroad, and made outstanding achievements in the fields of science and medical technology," Dazhong added.


“Take their founder ‘Shiro Ishii’ as an example. He served for the US military after the war and became a germ warfare talent.” Dazhong even gave an example.


"Are they all carrying out a conspiracy?" Dazhong asked rhetorically.


"Also, the Second World War was more than fifty years ago. Even if those war members are still alive, they are still very old. If there is a conspiracy, it should be carried out earlier. Why are they still doing these tricks in their old age?" Dazhong Question Wanzhen’s logic again.

"Hey, Sergeant Chen, I didn't expect you to be so familiar with this kind of information!" Wanzhen sneered.

"Of course, how can I be your boss without certain qualifications?" Dazhong responded with a smile.

"That means you think my arguments are all rubbish?" Wanzhen glared back at Dazhong.

"You can say that." Dazhong nodded a few times.

"That's great. Since that's your point of view, there's nothing more to say!" Wanzhen's tone turned cold.

Wanzhen, who originally arrived with enthusiasm, now knows that Sergeant Chen disagrees with her point of view and is unwilling to follow up.

Although Wanzhen also felt that Sergeant Chen's explanation of the doubts was reasonable... However, this time she did not agree with Dazhong's view of the incident.

Wanzhen still thinks her guess is correct.

Therefore, Wanzhen resolutely made an unusual decision!

She decided to investigate the case privately!

*”The X Files” is a popular science fiction TV series in the United States in the 1990s.
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