Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2320406-Swallowed
by Ton
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Dark · #2320406
Man sad Man still sad
Chapter One: The Beginning of the End
The sky was darkening when Elias stumbled back to his small village, clutching a bundle of wildflowers he'd picked for his mother. As he neared his home, a sense of dread settled in his stomach. The usually lively village was eerily silent. He quickened his pace, the flowers falling from his hands as he broke into a run.

Eldridge was nestled in a valley surrounded by dense forests and towering mountains. It was a peaceful place, where families lived off the land and shared their lives in close-knit harmony. The people of Eldridge believed they were safe from the world beyond the mountains—a world of dangers and dark tales.

When Elias reached his house, the sight before him made his blood run cold. The door was torn off its hinges, and the interior was in shambles. His mother, father, and little sister were nowhere to be found. Desperation clawed at him as he searched the house, calling their names.

He found them in the backyard, lifeless bodies strewn across the ground. Towering over them were grotesque demons with bulging muscles and claws dripping with blood. Elias froze, his heart pounding in his chest. The demons turned their gaze on him, eyes glowing with malice.

Before he could scream or run, a hand gripped his shoulder and yanked him back. It was Jonas, the village blacksmith. "Run, Elias! Run!" Jonas shouted, pushing him towards the woods.

Elias stumbled, tears streaming down his face as he obeyed. He ran until his legs gave out, collapsing in a thicket far from the village. Hours passed, and the first light of dawn broke through the trees. Elias lay there, too exhausted and grief-stricken to move.

Jonas found Elias the next morning. The burly blacksmith, with his soot-stained apron and calloused hands, had always been a father figure to many in the village, including Elias. He had trained many young men in the ways of the forge, including Elias’s father, and had taken it upon himself to protect the village as best he could. Seeing his strong, comforting presence brought a glimmer of hope to Elias's heart.

"We need to move, Elias," Jonas said, his voice gentle but firm. "We can't stay here."

The survivors traveled for days, finally finding refuge in a neighboring village called Willowbrook. Willowbrook was larger than Eldridge, with sturdy stone houses and a bustling market square. It had a reputation for being a haven for those fleeing danger, its walls having withstood many an attack over the years.

Elias found solace in his new community. The villagers of Willowbrook were welcoming, offering shelter and food. Elias formed a close bond with a boy named Finn, who had also lost his family. Finn was mischievous and lively, often coaxing Elias out of his shell with his antics. Together, they explored the village and the surrounding woods, their friendship growing stronger each day.

One evening, as they sat by the village fire, Finn turned to Elias with a serious expression. "We have to do something about those demons," he said. "We can't let them keep hurting people."

Elias looked at him, uncertainty gnawing at him. "What can we do? We're just kids."

Finn's eyes blazed with determination. "We can train. We can become stronger. My uncle knows how to fight. He can teach us."

The next morning, they approached Finn's uncle, a grizzled warrior named Thorne. Thorne had seen many battles and bore the scars to prove it. He had come to Willowbrook to find peace but knew the importance of preparing the next generation for the dangers that lurked beyond the village walls.

He looked them over, his expression skeptical. "You boys want to fight demons, do you?"

They nodded, determination etched on their young faces.

Thorne sighed, rubbing his temples. "It's a dangerous path you're choosing. But if you're serious, I'll train you. This won't be easy. It will take years of hard work."

And so began their rigorous training. Thorne pushed them to their limits, teaching them how to wield swords and defend themselves. Elias discovered a strength within himself he didn't know he had. His grief became a driving force, fueling his desire to protect those he loved.

As they trained, Elias and Finn met others who joined their cause. Among them was Anya, a fierce and skilled archer who had survived an attack on her village. She had a sharp tongue and a quicker wit, often challenging the boys in both training and conversation. Then there was Bran, a hulking farmer with a gentle heart and unmatched strength, who decided to fight after his younger brother was taken by demons.

Lila, Mara's apprentice, also joined them. She had a talent for healing and a keen mind, often providing strategic insights that helped them in their training. Though she wasn't as physically strong as the others, her presence was a reminder that not all battles were fought with swords.

Chapter Two: Shadows and Sacrifice
The group trained under Thorne’s watchful eye, each bringing their own strengths and stories. The camaraderie they shared grew, and they became known as the village's protectors, always ready to defend their home from any threat. The bond between them and the villagers deepened, each act of bravery cementing their place in the community.

One fateful night, while patrolling the outskirts of Willowbrook, the group was ambushed by a band of ruthless bandits. The attackers were relentless, driven by desperation and greed. Amid the chaos, Mara was beaten with her head smashed against a tree, her final cries piercing the night. Lila, her apprentice, was left to cradle her mentor's lifeless body, her heart shattered by the loss. She was gone by morning. The brutal reality that demons were not their only threat sank deep into their hearts.

The next day, as they mourned Mara's death, Elias was consumed by a growing darkness within him. The repeated losses and constant fear gnawed at his sanity. He found himself obsessed with finding a way to gain the power necessary to defeat the demons once and for all.

Desperation drove him to ancient texts and forbidden rituals. In his madness, Elias discovered a dark spell that promised immense power but at a terrible cost. Consumed by the need for strength, he performed the ritual, sacrificing his closest friend, Finn. The betrayal was swift and brutal, driven by a madness Elias could no longer control. He took a rock swiftly swinging at Finn in his sleep. The deed was in minutes.

The power surged through him, transforming him into something barely human. His strength now rivaled that of the demons, but his soul was scarred beyond repair. The villagers, horrified by his actions, cast him out, unable to comprehend the monster he had become.

Seventeen years passed, and the world had become a desolate wasteland overrun by demons. Elias wandered the barren landscape, cursed with immortality but without its gift of healing. His body slowly decayed with his flesh falling off his skin, a rotting corpse of the person he once was. The memories of his friends’ sacrifices haunted him, their faces a constant reminder of what he had lost.

Elias walked alone through the snowy wasteland, a solitary figure in a world devoid of hope. His journey was one of endless suffering, his only companions the ghosts of his past. As he stumbled upon the graves of his fallen friends, he knelt, his body wracked with grief and regret. The world was a bleak and empty place, and Elias, once a beacon of hope, was now a symbol of despair.
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