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When a age old demon is released from him entrapment only one person can protect the world |
The black diary with no name Prologue: Eons ago after the big bang all the planets were all made and aligned with each other but not all can be found with telescopes. A planet that lives light years away called Crow was bright, beautiful and magical. This planet is not a normal planet and the people there where advanced. The people that lived on Crow could live for 2,000 years longer than any creature than any other planet. They made space warships and other space creations before B.C. 3,000 and they had magic. There are 7 different types of magic: there was earth, fire, air, water and space magic. But there was 2 horrible types of magic: blood magic and black magic. Blood magic was forbidden in Crow's magical world but then the 7 kings sended there best warriors to destroy all of blood magic. When they returned un-emptyhanded the kings and queens were pleased but then horror struck. 1,500 years later a Crowian murders the kings and queens of all magic including black magic. Then the next day he killed all the royal blood of all the magical lands. All the lands including black magic were furious and all the kingdoms had no leaders, so they sought out the one of all their loss. Then they found the person named Deathbringer and decided a horrible fate for him. He was brought to court where he was given a fair and just trial but in return failed to plea his case. They then told him his punishment that he shall live forever but will not be whole. They splited him and his soul in half and turned one half into a book. The book could never be touched and would kill anyone who touched it and deathbringer's mind would be able to use another's body but with slowly killing the soul inside the person's body for as long as he stays. The other half of his body and soul turned into a red demon whose rage was powerful then all the best warriors combined. They froze the demon in ice and sent it to vextor. Vextor is a planet that is very cold and deserted like mars. Then they sent the diary in an asteroid that had artificial gravity inside and sent it far away. No one knows what happened with the diary, but everybody knows the legend. Or so they thought. You see that he can live forever but not able to be together, but they forgot that he was able to still use his blood magic. They can take your ability to live a normal life away but not your powers. After they sent the two halves of Deathbringer they made 7 warriors that will come to people's aid in case of his escape. But that was ages ago and there was no record of warriors ever since. But legend has it that someone of royal blood will slay the demon and the monster that lives in the diary. Though you think it is not true let's see if you believe this story. CHAPTER 1 SARA CLUESUS 6:00pm Tuesday, September 5, 2030 I come home from the bus and look at myself. I have coffee stains that look like the statue of liberty on my pants. And then my shirt looks like a black and white shirt that a 50-year-old person in Jordan would wear. "How was school sara?" my mom asks from the kitchen. "It was fine." That was a lie today wasn't good because someone pushed me into the coffee stand at school and judged me by my color. "Ok miha." Says my mom. "Mom, you don't have to call me that anymore." I said, "In fact no one calls me that. Anymore." Then my mom says "but miha you loved that name" as she comes into the living room I can see her jade green eyes, her black skin, and her golden locks. She looks like a black version of Cinderella but just little bit older looking. "So how was your day mom?" I say while putting my backpack on the hook near the door and went to the living room where mom is. "It was great sweetie" she says while not looking up from her computer. Then I turn on the tv with a click of a button and see the news pop up. "Looks like there is going to be another low-pressure storm headed our way near Rhinebeck, northern New York and lower Canada..." then the news shows wat was happening today. I really don't care what they had to say about fashion models or drug dealers. But then the weirdest thing happened. "... today was another uneventful day in the U.S government... they still haven't found the crater that archeologists were trying to find for years called..." then the TV turned black and off so did the lights. "Mom?" I said while trying to get into the kitchen. "mom" she didn't answer. Then I look on the table and see a black dairy with no name. "What the." Then I turned around to see my father. "Hi dad... what's this". When I turned around the diary was gone. "I don't know sweetie." Then my dad walks past me to kiss mom on the cheeks. So, I turn my head away and headed to my room and went to my diary. When I saw my diary, I was just now remembering the diary on the kitchen table... I don't know who it belonged too, but I wasn't going to find out. While I am in my room, I look on my phone to find a text from my boyfriend Ried. Ried64: hello babe how you are doing. Hope your doing well. Hey, did you see what the government were doing to the mission asteroid. They said I will be with them on the trip. See you! Goodbye. When I look at the text I was astonished. My boyfriend ried a Navy Seal helping find the asteroid that the government. I was excited for him and me. Then when I looked at my room it was like walking into a pig's sty. I had homework on my desk, my bed wasn't made, and my bookshelf was unarranged into messy piles. "Great I forgot about that." I say sarcastically while tidying the books. Then as I put them up, I feel a sense of dread it feels like someone poured ice on me. When I turned around my face changed from disgust to fear as I see a figure right before me. The thing looked human but also not human. It draped black robes like Ronan from marvel but not blue. Then it came closer to me and said in my ear "soon all the people you love will be killed by me. And you won't be able to stop me sara cluesus" then he stabbed me in the chest. And I didn't feel anything as he turned it around in my chest. I couldn't move instead when I screamed it was gone and I was on the floor in my room, and I was scared. Tears streamed from my face like the Niagara Falls. "SARA what happened!!" my mom rushed into the room and came by my side. I tried to explain but it was like my mouth was shut. "I don't know mom." Then my dad came in. "what happened sara are you ok?" he was looking around before I saw the man again. "DAD BEHIND YOU!" but when my dad turned around it was like he couldn't see the man. The man then showed me a knife and stabbed my dad, but he wasn't dead. No blood dripped he was normal. I froze again before running to my dad. "How are you not dead?!" then my dad looked at me like I was crazy "what do you mean how did I not die? nothing tried to kill me." Then he kneels by me, and he then looks me in the eye. "Are you ok?" I look at my phone before wiping my face of all the tears I had and look at my dad in the face and then I say to him "I am not crazy please believe me!" then my dad hugs me and tells me "Everything will be okay I promise." Then his phone rings and looks at me before getting up. "I have someone calling me but don't worry I we talk later if you want." He says as he gets near the door and brings the phone to his ear. Then he walks out the door leaving me, and my mom confused about what happened and who called him. I slowly get up and my mom asks me a question. "Are you ok dear?" she says in a scared tone. "I am fine I am just um..." I say trying to say the best words for this. "Tired yeah, just tired." I say with a fake yawn while stretching. Then as I get up my mom then kisses me and leaves. Then I take out my phone and see if Ried texted to me. Phone: 08/05/30 6:00pm Ried64: hello babe how you are doing. Hope your doing well. Hey, did you see what the government were doing to the mission asteroid. They said I will be with them on the trip. See you! Goodbye. 08/05/30 6:30pm Ried64: hope you had a great day babe. Sara49: hello babe. I almost had a great day. I am excited for you good luck on the mission. ;) Then I put my phone up on my nightstand and sat on my bed think about what the person meant by 'everybody I love will die." But I then bring out my laptop and start doing my homework. Chapter 2 Ried 8:00pm Tuesday, September 5, 2030 West coast of California: Project Asteroid. "How are you doing ried?" my friend says to me as we get boarded onto a simple ship. "Yeah, just feeling a little bit confused. But I am wondering how you are doing Cal?" I say with meaning as we get situated on the ship. Then Cal looked me in the eyes with a straight-faced expression holding his Ak-47. "I know but we need to be brave we are Navy seals. This is what you signed up for when you joined." He said with a long sigh. "Look what I am saying is that you will be fine I promise." He says as he lays his hand on my arm, and I sighed too as I put my hand on his shoulder too. "Your right! But we don't know what's in that asteroid." I say as I pull out my AK-47 too. After a few hours we make it to the asteroid, and I gasp. "Wow that is huge." I say as the calm ocean starts to get rough as if something moved. "Did you feel that?" asks Cal. "yeah. It felt like we hit something or..." I was cutted off as Commander Zan move between us. "We are here and shut your trap please. We are here for the scientist's protection." Then once we reach the asteroid the boat driver then seems scared. "Are you ok sir?" I ask the driver he swallows and nods. |