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Rachel becomes increasingly physical, as things begin to slowly spiral for Sebastian... |
This story is based on real-life events from a fellow writer on WDC, Windowlicker. All names and certain details have been changed for anonymity reasons, however, what happens is essentially the same was what happened in real life. Chapter 4 - Domino While on one of his rare occasions of actually attempting to study, Sebastian was trying to process a specific media technique. He must have been 'staring off into space', as Rachel had quietly entered the room, appearing suddenly at his side. Although this startled him a little inwardly, it took him a few more seconds to turn around fully to her. She stood in front of him, wearing little other than her t-shirt and pantyhose. "That sociopath music..." She began with a sneer. "Does it help you practise your psycho stare?" Sebastian blinked, taking a moment to explain that actually the music helped to open his mind and allow him to study better. He could already feel his insides churning. She knew how much he loved Aphex Twin. She had taken great pleasure in teasing him, always with her ass or feet in face, that Manele music was better. But that was part of the domination and it was an advantageous position for her to exploit. This was different. This was just rude! He told her as much, sarcastically stating that she must've thought Manele music was 'high art' and adding that she always felt the need to be right... that she was actually really controlling and possessive, not to mention damn rude! Taking him by surprise, she let out a snarl as she suddenly launched at him, her arms and elbows all of a flurry as she attempted to strike out at him. Her physical displays in the past had always been in an intimate situation, or were at least part of that. She had never really tried to hurt him before, even that time she had hit him in the nuts, which was followed by the face-sitting was at least sexy. This was different but fortunately for Sebastian, he was stronger, a trained fighter and had no trouble subduing her. Not even needing to rely on his Jiu-Jitsu expertise, he calmly wrestled her onto his bed to contain her burst of anger. Rachel was not done though, as she screamed at him before attempting to bite his arm, completely unhinged. Perhaps it was the surprise of her attack, or the fact that he could easily control her but Sebastian actually let out a laugh, which made her even madder! She managed to claw at his arm but it was only a slight mark left there, and not enough to actually hurt him. Finally, she stopped struggling and, breathing heavily, barged her way back out of his room, slamming his door behind her. Sebastian turned his Aphex Twin song back on; who the hell was she to control what he was listening to? It wasn't even that loud! Her lashing out at him physically took on a whole new level during an evening in the communal kitchen. Sebastian didn't normally socialise with that many of the other guys there, preferring to keep himself to himself, as he had precious little time without Rachel - and would prefer to spend it with Aleks, if anyone. Anyway, Mark and another dorm-mate, Hugo, had offered to share some beers with him. They were soon out of drink and Sebastian borrowed a bit of Rachel's liquor, messaging her to assure her that he wouldn't take much. It was the most time he'd spent with Mark and Hugo and he was actually starting to enjoy their company. When she burst into the kitchen, witnessing the three of the guys laughing, while drinking her alcohol, she literally let out a snarl. Mark and Hugo exchanged looks while Rachel marched directly over to Sebastian and promptly slapped him fully in the face, her palm causing a smacking sound that rung throughout the kitchen. Sebastian couldn't help but laugh, while he adjusted his hoodie. He was inebriated and couldn't take this situation seriously - it was like he couldn't find the correct social response. Laughing seemed like the logical thing to do whenever Rachel attempted to hurt him. "Er, maybe we should..." Mark began as Rachel, apparently ignoring him and Hugo, arched her arm back to slap Sebastian hard in the face again. She repeated this twice more, until Sebastian actually felt his cheek burning from her blows she had unleashed on him. As Rachel stormed away, the other two didn't know what to say. Nor did Sebastian as he awkwardly left the kitchen too, heading back to his room and slamming the door behind him, seriously considering never speaking to Rachel again. It was one thing to abuse him in private, especially when it was part of eroticisms, but to physically hit him in such an unfair, angry manner was totally different! Yet, as with every single time, he couldn't stay away from her for long. Days after that incident, he ended up in bed with her one afternoon. She had humiliated him thoroughly, including calling him a "Dog from Germany... a dog who can't resist sniffing my feet!", she had quickly jerked him off. She had made sure to insist that Manele music was on with her feet in his face, knowing he couldn't fight back, even forcing him to yell out 'thank you, boss!' as he ejaculated. During the night, while they shared a bed together, Sebastian was struggling to drift off and suddenly was wide awake when her ass scooted over very close to him. With his back against the wall, literally, and with no space left, her ass cheeks started nuzzling against his groin. In a way, it was hot, but at the same time, not exactly comfortable for sleeping! "Please...Pinky... just move your ass..." Sebastian tried, but no avail. She was fast asleep; even poking her ass cheeks did nothing! Then suddenly, her hips shot forward, leaving him that very slight wriggle room but a moment later, they slammed back into his groin. Sebastian let out a soft moan and realised that this was turning him on. He shook his head in grudging acceptance - even in her sleep, Rachel could dominate him! Finally, he drifted off, his sleeps littered with her voluminous ass crushing him, in various ways. That was one of Sebastian's very last positive memories of Rachel. Perhaps he had been distancing himself slightly; he didn't even think it was an issue at the time when he walked home with Anna, a girl he had briefly met at a party that Aleks and Jessie had invited him too. Perhaps Aleks was trying to set him up but it was irrelevant either way, as he and Anna had no interest in one another but she gave him the perfect opportunity to get out of the room. The music was obnoxiously loud; in fact a Manele song was playing. He realised that listening to it was rather conflicting as Rachel had conditioned him to orgasm while insisting it be played. Diabolical! Anyway, on his walk with Anna, while making idle chit-chat, he noticed his phone vibrating more than usual. When checking this, on the way back, he realised that it was all Rachel. Phone calls, WhatsApps, even Instagram messages... maybe he was overwhelmed but he decided not to confront it and wait until they got home. Sure enough, Rachel insisted on berating him in his room, ranting and chastising him for spending time with other girls. It was ironic - if anything, there was another girl - Frieda at the party who had caught his eye - but it was Anna that Rachel was really fuming about. The verbal attack soon turned physical when she attempted to take him down, at first throwing the back of her head into his face, a move she had picked up on TV, which he was used to blocking easily. As she then attempted to elbow him, he managed to hold her from behind, gently easing her to calm down. However it was then when everything went a little crazy. In some ways it was exciting and it could be argued that this was the last properly exciting experience they had shared together. Without him even noticing, Rachel suddenly grabbed under his trousers (he had dressed smart, as usual, for the party), so her fingers squeezed hard against his balls, pulling and twisting at once with her sharp nails digging into them. "Oh...oh... Oh my G-God...." Sebastian managed to whimper as his usually impassive eyes widened with alarm. "P-please....Pinky I'm begging you... l-let me go...!" The pain was already unbearable; it was like his balls were on fire and he already felt completely emasculated by his girlfriend. "Please, please, please Rachel.... I'll do anything... p-pleaaase!" It was a pitiful sight as Rachel stared down at him, continue to twist her fingers. "That's right, beg like the dog you are. I want to hear more. BEG! BEG ME!" Sebastain complied, fully at her mercy, begging for all he was worth. His voice turning shriller and into a full on whine, he wasn't sure how much he could take. "Please...p-pleeeeease.... I am begging you, begging you to l-let go... please, please, PLLLEAAASSSEEE!" He sounded like a wounded puppy, though that was the least of his concerns. Rachel shifted her grip so it was all focused onto one testicle; this was even worse as it felt like this could explode at any moment! Fear gripping him to the core, he let out a strangled cry and let out a few more desperate please for help, while she lingered her fingers there, soaking up a few final pathetic begs and whines from him. Pure terror was starting to grab him from the inside; with everything focused on just one ball, he was desperately hoping no damage was being done. Involuntary tears started springing from his eyes, just adding to the sheer humiliation and degradation of it all. At last, she released, while he inhaled ragged breaths when she let him go, allowing him to drop to his side. A weak, quivering mess, it was the most she had hurt him. His balls were throbbing but at least still intact. He barely even registered the hard slap across his face, while she panted, bearing over him. "Fucking dog... you are fucking pathetic, DOG," Rachel seethed, her expression still furious, though it seemed to be slowly softening as she watched her boyfriend still crumpled on his bed. He could only let out soft groans of pains, feeling thoroughly emasculated and less of a man than he had ever been since knowing her, or since he could remember. Finally, she composed herself and let him hold her from behind, his touch apparently calming her enough that they both passed out from sheer exhaustion. Unfortunately that was not the last violent encounter the couple experienced. In fact it was just a couple of weeks later when Rachel snapped at him again. This was after she had been talking about her ex boyfriend, how big his dick was and how he was taller than Sebastian. It was something she had mentioned routinely, but in the past she had categorically stated that she preferred a smaller dick; her ex's actually caused her pain! But this time, it was as if she was sneering at him, so he snapped back at her, making a sarcastic comment that she had clearly moved onto 'sociopathic dogs', which she lost it at. The two of them were alone in the kitchen as she grabbed for a broom, wielding it like it were a lightsaber and swinging it, hard, at him. Sebastian was strong; his training clicked in and he promptly grabbed it from her, tossing it away while she panted heavily. Attempting a punch directly to his face, he neatly side-stepped this and spun her around, hoping to soothe and calm her. She wasn't having any of it, throwing her elbows wildly back and nearly connecting with him. This was too much so he stormed off to his room, only to find that she had followed him and attempted to pin him down to the floor. "Fucking dog. I'll make you submit. Telling me what I want... who the hell do you think you are!" She spat at him as she tried to use her impressive weight to overwhelm him. Again, Sebastian stayed composed as he overpowered her, grabbed at one leg so she was flat on her back and putting her into a heel hook. It was a practised move that was intended to subdue her. However, Rachel used her other, free foot to kick him fall in the face, which missed him only by centimetres. That was close...far closer than he would have liked! Shaking his head, Sebastian knew he had to exert more control. On that occasion, he was able to do so. Fed up with her violent outbursts, he was able to frogmarch her back to her room and locked himself inside his own, putting on Aphex Twin to try to clear his head. She didn't seem interested in sexually pleasing him anymore. Maybe this was his fault? Did she genuinely believe that this is what he wanted - to be hurt and degraded by her? Yet, he reasoned that Rachel had an angry past, with those events she had mentioned before still unresolved, making him a logical target and human punching bag for her issues. The final events that pretty much convinced Sebastian that there was no reasoning with Rachel were in March. He'd been hanging out more in the kitchen of late, knowing that it would be better if others were around in case she got violent - even though that hadn't stopped her before. He was not feeling great, his head all over the place, including several media assignments looming. So when she appeared in the kitchen, already speaking down to him about having a smaller dick than her ex, he knew he didn't have the energy for her. He tried to tell her he wasn't up to this and to leave him alone. After she persisted, he lost patience and snapped, kicking her on the thigh, immediately regretting it. "Rachel.. I'm so sorry Pinky, I didn't mean to..." Sebastian gulped, especially as he noticed tears were already springing from Rachel's eyes. "That's definitely going to bruise..." She told him, a cold look in her eyes while he tried again to apologise, assuring her that he didn't mean to. Eventually she seemed to be OK and he was relieved when she went back to her room. Aleks and Jessie appeared not along, chatting away to him, though he barely registered their words. His head was all over the place! "....with Anna?" Aleks finished, looking at him expectantly with a grin. "I heard you walked her home... anything happen?" He raised his eyebrows while Jessie giggled. Sebastian barely had the energy to tell them nothing at all happened; that was of such little importance he ended up making his excuses for some alone time. However, later that evening, things went from bad to worse... "Hey, dog. Give me that drinking game. Heather and I are gonna get wasted tonight. Give it to me." She gave him an infuriatingly smug look while he sat at the kitchen table. He was meeting Aleks again in a bit, feeling bad for bailing on him earlier. He stood his ground. It was his game and he was actually considering using it for himself and Aleks. "No, it's mine. It would be too complex for you to understand, anyway. And stop being so fucking rude." She smirked at him before letting out an impatient laugh. "I'm rude! HA! You're a fucking sociopath who's going to end up like Jack! Just do what I say like you normally do. Maybe if I were sitting on your face, making you admit anything I want, barely even needing to touch your tiny dick, that you would give it to me..." She laughed at him, a look of such smug contentment on her face. She had gone too far. The reference to the film they had watched caused his blood to boil. Before he could control it, Sebastian retaliated - their usual cycle of him calling her fat, her lamenting his dick size and height, him telling her she needed to change her body, not the other way around... He wasn't even aware his knuckles were bright white with how hard he was clenching them. "Well, my next boyfriend is gonna be a fucking stud. Yeah, he'll be huge. Not like a sociopathic dog, like you. I'll be fucking a real man, while you can get off sniffing some dirty slippers...or asses!" Her harsh words had stunned him and Rachel pressed her advantage, smirking as she stepped forward to kick him directly in the groin. "And that's another thing you like, isn't it loser. Someone beating you up, kicking your little dick and balls? Which loser girl is gonna agree to doing that?" Instinctively, Sebastian had closed his legs, blocking her but inside he was crushed and hurt - her words were like poison and he could not help but lash out. With a sudden thrust of his leg forward, he firmly kicked her, in the same spot he had earlier. The first blow caused her to gasp in shock; the second made her stagger back and clutch the kitchen side. Letting out ragged breaths, a look of fear that soon morphed to anger plastered on her face, Rachel opened her mouth to call him something but she instead shook her head, in apparent disgust. Her eyes following him as she ambled past him and out of the kitchen, Sebastian stayed completely still. He didn't move for a few minutes, even after she had left the room, his eyes fixed on the clock, as if studying the movement of the hands. That was twice in a day that he had hurt her. Of course he felt ashamed and when he had gathered himself, did consider going in to talk to her. But what could he realistically say? One thing was becoming increasingly clear to him. This 'relationship' with Rachel, whatever it was they had, it was hurting both of them. And how long could it realistically last? Click here for the folder link so you can access each part of the story! ![]() |