Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2319365-Young-people-and-screens
by writer
Rated: E · Article · Adult · #2319365
Young people are addicted to screens of all kinds and they don't know that it's bad.
Nowadays, it is increasingly worrying to note that young people spend a lot of time in front of various screens such as cell phones,
tablets, computers and televisions. These digital devices have become inseparable from young people's daily lives. B
We know that this overuse of screens can have serious consequences on their mental and physical well-being, it is certain that
spending long hours in front of these screens can cause health problems such as eyestrain, sleep disorders and even reduce consent.
In addition, too much connection to these screens leads to social isolation, and a reduction in physical activity. Realizing
that young people have become addicted to digital media, we need to educate them to B a correct use, to have a responsible
management of it. (Là, il faut vraiment couper cette phrase qui n’en finit pas…) (and) Parents must to control the time
spent in front of these screens in order to preserve their mental and physical health.
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