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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Mystery · #2318249
In this bittersweet world, why is the human suicide rate so low at only 0.02%?
Apocalyptic scientific detective novels


It is often said, that “Death” is not the solution to problems.


This statement is wrong in so many ways!

“Death” is the best solution to problems.

However, the global suicide rate is less than 0.02% per year.

Even when faced with old age, illness, or financial difficulties, the vast majority of people still try their best to survive until the very end!


People believe that suicide is not a solution to problems?


People are afraid of death?


People do love life?


People have hope for the future?


The answer is...??"

Warning: The novel contains themes of suicide and may not be suitable for readers who are emotionally unstable, have suicidal thoughts, or are prone to self-harm.

Chapter 1: Suicide

*The dialogues between the characters in this novel, unless otherwise stated, the Japanese dialogues are in Japanese and the others are in Chinese. J-Japanese.

The Bodhi tree is without a tree, a bright mirror has no moss.
Originally, there was nothing. Where did the dust come from?

Sixth Patriarch Huineng

In 544 BC, after half a lifetime of searching, the founder of Buddhism, Gautama Siddhartha, finally attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree and saw through all worldly phenomena!

Gautama Siddhartha made a significant decision that would have a profound impact on future generations!

He decided to leave the world!

* * * * * * * *

March 20, 1996, Tokyo Narita International Airport.

An old man with a long beard and white hair is waiting in the terminal for a flight to Hong Kong.

At this time, a young man with a depressed look came over and sat next to the old man.

"Young man, seeing your sad face. Do you have a big problem?" The old man asked.

"Old sir, thank you for your concern. I... indeed encountered a big problem," The young man responds with a bitter face.

"Can I help?" The old man asked.

"I'm afraid it's not something you can help with...," The young man lowered his head and replied.

"Haha... there's no problem in the world that can't be solved. Don't worry, I'll help you," The elderly man expressed confidence.

"Sigh...I've got a fatal disease - AIDS," The young man reveals his situation to the elderly man.


“I still owe a huge debt…”


“I was just fired from my company…”


"...The burden of the entire family is on my shoulders, what do you think I should do?" The young man told several problems he encountered.

"I'll give you the simplest and most direct method!" The old man said that he had a solution after hearing about the young man's problems.

"Ah! Old man, do you... have a solution? What is it? Please tell me." Hearing this, the young man raised his head, eyes full of hope.

"Death!" The old man simply said one word.

"Death? To be honest, I also want to die, but the insurance money is not enough to repay the debt. Even if I die, what will happen to my wife and children?" The young man shook his head.

"It's very simple, why don't they just die together?" The old man made another "suggestion" to the young man.

"Haha... Old man, you really know how to joke. Not all problems can be solved by death. This will only create more problems!" The young man smiled bitterly when he heard this.

"Young man, your thoughts are too influenced by the world!"


"Death! is the best way to solve the problem!"


"Young man... think clearly, the root of the problem is the existence of human beings. If all humans in the world die, this causal relationship will disappear. Will there still be problems in the world?" After speaking, the old man smiled and proceeded to the boarding area.

The troubled young man who remained at the scene lowered his head again, thinking about what the old man had just said.

After a while, the man seemed to think clearly and finally had an idea.

The man raised his head again and walked to the restaurant near the airport waiting room to sit down. He picked up the sharp knife on the table and stabbed it hard into the chest between the third and fourth ribs, where the heart was!

* * * * * * * *

February 2, 1999, the rooftop of Sha Li Yuan in Ho Sheung Township, Sheung Shui, Hong Kong.

Despair, complete despair!

This was exactly how Huang Liping, a 33-year-old female paging company employee felt at the moment!

Liping had always been very loyal and would try her best to help friends who were in need, thus winning everyone's respect and friendship.

Liping couldn't believe what she was seeing now, but the facts were right in front of her.

Liping lent her late husband's insurance money and own savings of more than one million to her best and most trusted friend for emergencies.

Unexpectedly, after Liping's friend got the money, she disappeared without knowing where she ended up, causing all her savings to disappear!

For this reason, Liping was greatly hit and often felt depressed.

Liping despaired of human nature and felt that she had no hope of life and that everything was over.

There was a loud noise, and Liping jumped from the rooftop to her death!

* * * * * * * *

"...This was "log" No. 20. In June last year, we colluded with her good friends and defrauded her of more than one million in savings. One month later, she began to be emotionally unstable. Three months later, mental problems appeared. Half a year later, she committed suicide by jumping off the rooftop! (J)" After Huang Liping died tragically, in a corner, someone had a seemingly general discussion of her death in Japanese, and called the deceased "log".

* * * * * * * *

At noon on February 22, Oi Man Estate, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon.

A 25-year-old woman, Kwong Whelan, was wandering in the high-rise corridor of one of the buildings. From time to time she stuck her head out of the railing and looked down, showing that she was worried and depressed.

Whelan was originally a very diligent and responsible person. In her early years, she even worked overseas.

After returning to Hong Kong, Whelan worked in an accounting firm in Central District. In her spare time, she enrolled in the Master of Accountancy program at the University of Hong Kong.

However, Whelan's recent academic performance has not been satisfactory.

Whelan recently resigned from her job at an accounting firm to cope with the examination.

However, although Whelan devoted himself to his studies, she still failed to achieve a passing grade, and the master's thesis she submitted was not accepted by the college and needed to be rewritten.

Everything was not what Whelan expected, and it came extremely not smoothly, far beyond her expectations.

At this moment, Whelan felt so much pressure that she couldn't breathe at all. She was in great pain and desperately hoped that the pressure could be eliminated!

Finally, Whelan crossed the fence and jumped onto the patio!

The police believe that Kwong Whelan committed suicide by jumping off a building due to the pressure of her homework. The cause of death was not suspicious.

* * * * * * * *

"... She was "log" No. 12. She hoped to pursue a career in accounting after completing her master's degree. She was very dedicated to her studies. So we increased the pressure on her homework at school, and the log began to be overwhelmed. After that, We let her fail the exam, the log started to cave, the log began to collapse, and within a month, she committed suicide! (J)" Similarly, after Kuang Whelan died, someone in a corner explained the cause of her death in Japanese.

* * * * * * * *

February 23, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong Island.

I couldn't stand it, I couldn't stand it!

Xu Meixian, a 21-year-old female clerk, could not bear the sudden heavy workload!

Meixian loved her job very much. She had put in a lot of effort for her work and had received many rewards, including praise from her colleagues and bosses, and she even won this year's Most Outstanding Employee Award.

However, the workload this time was far beyond what Meixian could bear. Since no one else could help with such work, she could only handle it alone.

Even though she stayed up for many nights and worked overtime, Meixian was not able to cope with it. Instead, she made frequent mistakes and was constantly criticized by all parties.

She felt unprecedented frustration!

She didn't like this feeling very much!

She needed a way to escape!

She then looked down from the window...

Instantly, Meixian had fallen from a height to the platform, with her head and limbs broken!

* * * * * * * *

"...Log No. 15, she focused on her work performance. We gave her the "Outstanding Employee" award a month ago, and then gave her a sense of frustration, pulling her from the peak to the bottom. She couldn't bear it anymore and committed suicide. (J)" Someone in a corner explained the cause of Xu Meixian's death in Japanese.

* * * * * * * *

On March 3, Huang Yifu, a 13-year-old secondary school student in North Point, returned to school happily, preparing to receive his mid-term exam results.

Yifu was a top student in the school, his grades had always been excellent, and he was among the best. He was very confident about getting good results that time.

However, Yifu got the score sheet and found that it was not at all what he thought.

Not only did Yifu not get first place in the exam, but his grades even dropped significantly from before.

Seeing that score sheet, Yifu was stunned. He didn't believe it was true.

How could it be?

Why were those classmates whose test scores were worse than Yifu's in normal times, but their scores were better than his in that test?

Yifu spent so much time preparing for this exam and did everything well. He was also satisfied with his performance in answering the questions. It was impossible to get such a poor result. There must have been a problem and something was wrong.

With such poor grades, Yifu will become the laughingstock of other students.

The teacher would also think that Yifu is lazy...

More importantly, how would Yifu face his parents who were full of expectations?

The more he thought about it, the more panicked he became. The more he felt empty, helpless and helpless. Without realizing it, he walked to the terrace on the tenth floor and jumped to his death!

* * * * * * * *

Death is like a light going out. Will everything end after death?

Does death mean the end of everything?

Many people of different identities and classes committed suicide for different reasons.

However, death is not the end of life for them.

Even after their bodies died, a brainwave transceiver chip inside their heads continued to operate, transmitting information about their suicides and deaths to a mysterious place.

There were several staff members in white robes there, busy receiving these messages and conducting analysis and research.

It seemed that each person's suicide was closely related to that group of people, and it was not as simple as it seemed.

After a round of data analysis, the group held a working meeting in a completely closed and dark room.

In addition to several people in white robes, a seventy-year-old man in a black suit was sitting in the centre and presiding over the meeting.

Due to the dim lighting at the scene, it was difficult to distinguish the old man's face in the darkness. We could only know that the old man's weight in this group was significant!

The atmosphere in the room was crisp and gloomy. Everyone was watching the projector on the wall intently, projecting pictures of the deceased who committed suicide, and listening to the analysis report in Japanese about the cause of each person's suicide.

They called the deceased who committed suicide "log" and gave "log" a specific number!

"The last 'log' was No. 26. We rewrote his academic performance. He committed suicide shortly after receiving the results! Dean, the report is over." After explaining what seemed to be the cause of Huang Yifu's death, the speaker bows to the presiding officer, whom he calls "the Dean."

"Haha...Young man, it's so easy to seek death! Ryumoto, you did a great job!" The host, who had been listening to the report silently, finally spoke up.

The "Dean" spoke in an extremely low tone and at a very slow speed.

However, every word said by the "Dean" can penetrate the ears of all participants.

"Thank you, Dean, for your compliments." The man named Ryumoto, about thirty years old, with a heroic face and handsome appearance, looked like the "Dean's" right-hand man. After finishing his report, he sat down respectfully.

At that time, another man in a white robe stood up and looked at the Dean, reporting a special incident.

"Kawasaki, what's going on?" The Dean turned to the man he called "Kawasaki."

"Dean...'log' No. 6 seems to be very difficult..." Kawasaki looked puzzled.


"After several months of work, including depriving him of his career, money, marriage, and even causing him to suffer from an incurable disease..." Kawasaki told the situation of the "log" No. 6 in his mouth.


"...but...he still has a lot of thoughts and survives strongly..." When Kawasaki reported, the Dean remained silent, making him more and more nervous when he spoke.

"How could this be the case?" After hearing this, the Dean was silent for a while and then responded as if he was extremely unhappy.

"I... don't know. Logically, he has nothing, his wife and children are separated, he has no relatives, and he is terminally ill... He shouldn't have such a strong will to live..." Kawasaki knew that the Dean was dissatisfied with this matter, and he had to try his best to explain.

"Hmph! Find out the answer immediately and give me the result at the next meeting!" The Dean gave instructions to Kawasaki in a reproachful tone.

"Yes...yes...yes..." The man named Kawasaki was extremely frightened by the Dean's scolding and obeyed his instructions.

"Well, Ito, Kimura, how is the research progress on cracking the ' immortal gene'?" The Dean turned to the other two meeting participants named Ito and Kimura.

"Report to the Dean, according to the brainwave pattern returned ten minutes before 'log' committed suicide, all of them are in the alpha band belonging to the sleep state, which is different from the beta band in the active state of normal people." The man named Ito reported to the Dean's first.

"Hmm!" Dean nodded.

"It can be inferred from this that the alpha band is believed to be the key to destroying the ' immortal gene' and causing people to commit suicide. Kimura's research results are also consistent with mine!" After receiving a positive response from the Dean, Ito continued.

"Yes, ten minutes after using high-frequency alpha waves to emit normal genes, a section of the ‘immortal gene’ code in chromosome 1 was mutated, in which the three base letters "ATG" disappeared, thus activating A "feeling gene" called Serotonin 2A in the brain makes people have suicidal impulses. This proves that alpha waves are effective in destroying the ‘immortal gene.’" It was Kimura's turn to explain.

What the two men talked about was a top scientific report on genetic research. It was not easy for ordinary people to understand, which showed the quality of the participants present.

"...Based on the current progress, it is estimated that the second phase of the experimental plan will be entered soon." Ito and Kimura explained their research findings to everyone in detail using image projection.

"Okay...Okay...Now that we have found the root cause of the suicide, speed up the experiment immediately!" After hearing this, the Dean gave instructions to everyone with satisfaction, and the meeting ended.

This group of people used various methods to force many people to commit suicide and collected brain wave data from the suicides before they died. The real reason behind it seemed unusual.

March 5, Nam Cheong Street, Sham Shui Po.

Li Qiwen, a 20-year-old girl, liked to make boyfriends through dedicated phone lines. She had always regarded love as a game and often liked to change partners, thinking it was a very interesting thing.

At that time, Qiwen had real feelings and fell in love with "him" sincerely.

However, Qiwen could not have guessed that "he" was a prodigal in love.

The situation where only Qiwen took the initiative to break up with the other party had changed.

This time, Qiwen was actively abandoned by "him"!

Tasting the feeling of being abandoned for the first time, Qiwen felt extremely humiliated and disappointed.

In the end, Qiwen decided to take death as revenge, and fell off a building in Nanchang Village and died!

At the scene of the crime of falling from a building, the police seized a small miscellaneous bag from Li Qiwen, which contained an ID card, a library card, an ATM card and a medical record card, which showed that she suffered from mental illness.

However, the police tried to find Qiwen's family based on the address on the medical record card but found that the address was incorrect.

In addition, a note was found instructing the police not to open the grocery bag and to turn the bag over to his parents.

There was even a phone number written on the note, and the man's name was written on it.

When officers called Tang, the person who answered the phone said the man didn't exist. He also revealed that two months ago, a woman often used this phone number to look for a man named Tang.

The police also found many men's names on Qiwen’s pager.

Since the case was still suspicious, it was handed over to the police's criminal investigation team for follow-up!

The leading detective responsible for investigating this case was Sergeant Chen Dazhong, who was in his thirties and very experienced in the police district.

Dazhong came here with Liang Wanzhen, a 22-year-old female detective who had just been transferred to the investigation team, to accumulate experience in investigating cases.

Wanzhen looked pretty and pleasant, with a childish look on her face. She was full of young people's character of not being afraid of difficulties, full of arrogance, confidence and courage.

While serving as a uniformed police officer, Wanzhen performed well at work. She later applied to work in a detective unit and was just transferred to the criminal investigation team.

This was Wanzhen's first time taking over a detective case. She was fresh and curious about everything in the investigation work. She carefully examined the various relics left by the deceased

"Miss, you have been observing the case for so long, what did you find?" Standing next to Wanzhen, Sergeant Chen Dazhong, who had rich experience in handling cases, couldn't help but chuckle to himself and became even more impatient with her behaviour.

"Well, Sergeant Chen, this case is indeed very suspicious, It's not like an ordinary suicide case." Wanzhen looked at Dazhong seriously.

"Oh, did you find anything suspicious?" Dazhong was curious.

"First of all, there is a note outside the deceased's utility bag, which we cannot open;" Wanzhen said what she thought was "suspicious."

"Yeah!" Dazhong responded casually.

"Secondly, the address on the medical record card is incorrect;" Wanzhen added.

"Hmm!" Dazhong held his chin.

"Also, the man named Tang can't be found in the phone number on the note, so I'm suspicious..." Wanzhen explained to Dazhong, gesticulating.

"What are you doubting?" Dazhong looked at Wanzhen intently.

"I doubt Li Qiwen committed suicide!" Wanzhen said her point of view.

"Not suicide?" Dazhong scratched his head.

"Yes, I think she was—murdered!" Wanzhen spit out her "conclusion."

"Murder?" Chen Dazhong was startled by Wanzhen's answer and didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

"Yes, I think the man Tang turned his love for the deceased woman into hatred, so he pushed her down the building and then fled in fear of crime." Wanzhen said her "inference".

"Oh...? Why do you...have such an inference? " Dazhong suppressed his emotions and continued to ask.

"Sergeant Chen, can't you see that there are many men's names on the deceased's pager?" Wanzhen continued to explain her "reason."

"So what?" Dazhong sneered.

"The person Tang must have been abandoned by the deceased, and when their reconciliation failed, he killed her out of anger." Wanzhen combined the matter with her thoughts.

"But... the doubts you mentioned just now are most likely just caused by some misunderstandings and coincidences," Dazhong said.


"Years of experience tell me that this is just an ordinary suicide case. The front-line police handed the case to us because they were too cautious in many cases." Dazhong reminded Wanzhen.

"I think that since the front-line police officers handed over the case to us, there must be something to follow up. I think we must not take it lightly. We must investigate the suspicious points and confirm whether there are criminal elements in it!" Wanzhen said strictly.

"Oh!... In that case, you can do whatever you want!" Chen Dazhong was almost furious at Wanzhen's high-profile answer, but the procedure she said was true, he couldn't do anything about it. He didn't want to do unnecessary things. Dazhong had to investigate together with Wanzhen reluctantly.

Through the address registered on the pager, Dazhong and Wanzhen found the mother of the deceased Li Qiwen.

Her mother insisted that although her daughter was playful, she loved life and would never commit suicide.

Qiwen's mother also said that her daughter must have been murdered by a man named Tang. She wanted Wanzhen to arrest a man named Tang to avenge her daughter.

In addition, Qiwen's mother also told Wanzhen the correct way to find the man named Tang.

"Sergeant Chen, my inference was approved by the deceased's mother!" After Wanzhen and the deceased's mother took the confession, she became more confident and believed that her inference was correct.

"Miss, allow me to remind you that usually, the relatives of the deceased in a suicide case will not believe this tragic fact. There will be deviations in the confession, so it cannot be fully believed!" Dazhong upturned lips.

"Ah! I...didn't alert this. But...we still need to find the boyfriend of the deceased to confirm those doubts."Wanzhen felt as if she had been slapped by Chen, and her confidence was slightly shaken.

Soon, Wanzhen and Chen found the man named Tang Million and took him back to the police station for questioning.

"Tang Million, on the night of March 5th, did you see the deceased Li Qiwen?" Wanzhen asked him questions directly.

"Yes, I met her that afternoon and proposed that we break up," Tang Million said bluntly.

"How did Qiwen react?" Wanzhen asked again.

"She was very emotional at the time, so I stopped entangled with her and left in a hurry..." Tang Million said of the situation at that time.

"Where did you go after that?" Wanzhen continued to ask.

"I went to karaoke with my friends to sing and stay up all night," continued Tang Million.

"Hey, to be honest, was it because the courtship failed that pushed Li Qiwen to fall down the building?" Wanzhen turned her eyes and looked directly at Tang Million.

"Please don't make wild guesses. I didn't push her down the stairs. When I left, she was just emotional and fine." Tang Million denied it.

"Is this the case?" Wanzhen glanced out of the corner of her eye.

"At the party tonight, there are many friends who can vouch for me." Tang Million was made uneasy by Wanzhen's eyes.

"Mr. Tang, stop arguing. It's better to confess quickly. Maybe you can plead with the judge to reduce your sentence." Wanzhen changed her tone sharply.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Tang Million kept shaking his head.

"Stop lying. I know you are the murderer who pushed Qiwen and fell from the building." Wanzhen slapped the table vigorously.

"I did not push her to fall. She... was mentally ill. What's so weird about committing suicide? Why do you have to say that I killed her?" Tom Million was shocked.

"Hmph! You're still so arrogant, believe it or not, I'm going to beat you?" Wanzhen stood up and lifted Tommy Million's collar with her hand as if she were going to attack.

"Wanzhen, stop!" Chen Dazhong, who was standing aside, saw this and immediately shouted, for fear of something going wrong.

"Mr. Tang...that's it, sign and confirm this confession, but you can't leave the country for the time being. If necessary, the police will summon you to come back and give a confession." Dazhong explained to Tang Million.

"Hey, this is just like human language!" After Tang Million signed the confession, he left angrily

Only Chen Dazhong and Liang Wanzhen were left in the evidence room.

"Sergeant Chen, why did you let Tang Million leave so easily?" Wanzhen said with blame.

"..." Chen Dazhong stared at Wanzhen without responding.

"His face makes me angry. I know he murdered the deceased, but he doesn't admit it. I want to hit him!" Seeing that Dazhong didn't answer, Wanzhen continued.

"Ms. Liang, you have received detective training, right?" Dazhong asked Wanzhen.

"Yes, I completed the detective training course before being transferred here." Wanzhen nodded.

"Are they teaching you how to cross-examine witnesses by beating them?" Dazhong asked back.

"No...no!" Wanzhen shook her head.

"Why do you use this method?" Chen Dazhong's eyes widened even more, and his voice was filled with reproach.

"I... think the reality is like this..." Wanzhen was so stared at that she didn't have the confidence to speak, so she spoke softly.

"Hey, it turns out you have a vibrant imagination." Dazhong upturned lips.

"Yes...I'm sorry, I was a little impulsive. I...just wanted to bring the murderer to justice as soon as possible." Wanzhen apologized.

"Wanzhen, he did not murder the deceased." Dazhong calmed down a little when he saw Wanzhen showing remorse.

"Oh, Sergeant Chen, why do you help those bad guys?" Wanzhen didn't understand.

"I'm not helping him. You should know that the time of death of the deceased was at night. If what he told was a lie, it would be easy to find out at the karaoke place. I believe he wouldn't dare to lie." Dazhong analyzed.

"This..." Wanzhen paused.

"Besides, his eyes were firm when he spoke, and it didn't seem like he was lying," Dazhong told Wanzhen from the perspective of being a bystander.

"Really...really? I...didn't pay attention to what you just said..." After listening to Sergeant Chen's analysis, Wanzhen realized that her observation skills were too poor.

"Also, if you are so impulsive, you will be in trouble if the other party files a complaint with the Complaints Division." Dazhong reminded.

"Yes...yes, I will keep improving." Wanzhen lowered her head.

"Hmm!" Dazhong nodded slightly.

"Excuse me...how to deal with it next?" Wanzhen politely asked Dazhong for advice.

"Well, let's first check whether Tang told lies. Then, wait for the detailed autopsy report before making a decision." Dazhong then explained the steps.

"Yes...yes." After this lesson, Wanzhen no longer dared to talk nonsense and obeyed his orders.

Looking back at Tang Million, not far from the police station, another man was waiting for him.

"Tang, was there any problem just now?" The man inquired Tang about the situation at the police station.

"Of course not, it's just a confession...the female police officer there is a bit fierce," Tang Million told the man the truth about the situation just now.

"Oh, don't worry if there is no problem...I want to thank you again for venting my anger for me!" The man smiled and thanked Tang Million.

"Haha, you're welcome. That bitch relied on her beauty to deceive your feelings... This time she didn't expect that she would fall into the hands of my love prodigal..." Tang Million was very proud.

"It's all because of your great skills." The man praised Tang Million again.

"Of course, it's just... I don't think she will commit suicide." Tang Million shook his head.

"Don't worry, didn't you say she was mentally ill? Her suicide had nothing to do with you." The man comforted Tang Million.

It turned out that Tang Million pursued and abandoned Li Qiwen to help the "man" vent his anger, causing her to commit suicide.

To thank Tang for his help, the "man" gave him a wad of banknotes. After Tang took the banknotes, he left happily.

Looking at it clearly from a close distance, although the "man" put on sunglasses and spoke fluent Chinese, it was not difficult to see that the "man" had analyzed the reasons for each suicide in Japanese in a mysterious place. A Japanese named Ryumoto!
On the other hand, Dazhong and Wanzhen went to the karaoke place mentioned by Tang Million to investigate and confirm that he was not lying.

Later... Li Qiwen's detailed autopsy report was obtained, which pointed out that the deceased had not been subjected to any violence during her lifetime, and there were no injuries caused by resistance or struggle.

There were no signs of taking drugs or alcohol in the stomach of the deceased Li Qiwen. The main cause of death was a fall from a height.

After Wanzhen read the autopsy report, she knew that this was just a case of suicide and falling from a building, and she felt that she was too suspicious.

"Junior sister, 'scepticism' helps investigate the case. However, too much unnecessary suspicion and curiosity will hinder the progress of the case, lead to dead ends, and waste police resources. Do you understand?" Dazhong used this to preach to Wanzhen.

"I know...I know, I will keep this lesson in mind...I will learn more from Sergeant Chen in the future!" Wanzhen knew that the way she handled the case this time was immature and needed a lot of improvement.

"Haha, don't be too impatient about everything. You have to spend more time and gain experience in the future, and then you will gradually mature." Dazhong showed a satisfied smile.

On March 10, accountant Tam Chi-tak fell to his death from a building in Sham Shui Po. Due to the complexity of the case, the case was handed over to the Criminal Investigation Team for follow-up investigation.

This case was also handled by Chen Dazhong and Liang Wanzhen.

After preliminary investigation, it was found that the deceased, Tam Chi-tak, was a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and had opened an accounting firm in Mong Kok. He used to live in a flat in Pik Wah Garden, Kowloon Tong, with his wife and two young children, and his life was relatively stable.

However, during the financial crisis at the end of 1997, Tam Chi-tak lost a lot of money by buying stocks. He even mortgaged his property and opened an overdraft account and overdraft of $2 million. He also borrowed 3 million from two other banks, resulting in a lot of debt!

In addition, Tam Chi-tak was a romantic person and had made many girlfriends in mainland China. He even had a photo of a sticker with another woman hidden in his wallet. This had also caused relationship problems between the couple and they had recently officially begun to separate.

Troubled by both financial and family problems, Mr. Tam's mental condition deteriorated and he sought medical treatment at a psychiatric hospital. Two pill bottles crushed by him were found at the corpse scene.

"Sergeant Chen, the number of suicide cases seems to have increased recently. It is known that there are many such cases in other police districts." Wanzhen looked at Dazhong.

"Well, maybe it's because people are a lot more stressed after the financial crisis." Dazhong looked at the scene carefully.

"Sergeant Chen, what do you think of the case?" Wanzhen became much more "humble" after the last lesson.

"It is estimated that the deceased suffered from mental problems and committed suicide due to financial and emotional worries." Dazhong guessed.

"How should we investigate?" Wanzhen sought Dazhong for instructions.

"Follow the normal procedures. Let's first ask his relatives to identify the body and confirm the identity of the deceased." Dazhong ordered Wanzhen to act.

Wanzhen called Tam Chi-tak's estranged wife. His wife said she had not seen her husband for a long time and had no intention of going to identify the body.

Later, after repeated persuasion by Wanzhen, Tam Chi-tak's wife and her daughter went to the hospital.

After Tam Chi-tak's wife identified the body, she looked very sad and excited.

Tam Chi-tak's wife cried to Wanzhen that her husband was a very determined and strong person, she did not believe that he would commit suicide due to money or emotional problems.

Tam Chi-tak's wife did not believe that her husband suffered from mental illness and believed that he had another cause of death. She asked Wanzhen to investigate and find the truth.

After listening to Tam Chi-tak's wife's complaint, Wanzhen also had many questions, so she asked Sergeant Chen for advice.

"Zhen, maybe you are still young and have little life experience." Dazhong glared at Wanzhen.


"The reaction of the deceased's wife is just human nature. Although the couple has been separated, their relationship for more than ten years cannot be completely forgotten at once. It is understandable why she is sad and does not accept that the deceased committed suicide."Dazhong analysis

"But... the deceased just had debts and emotional problems. He should be able to deal with it. There is no need to seek death." Wanzhen doubted.

"Silly girl, emotional troubles are very painful. In addition, he suffered huge financial losses. It is not surprising that he suffered a mental disorder and lost his will." Dazhong patted Wanzhen's shoulder.

"Well..." Wanzhen felt that Sergeant Chen's analysis was quite reasonable, and she gradually began to admire him.

"Haha, little girl, you have to find a boyfriend and fall in love, then you will understand emotional issues better!" Dazhong looked at Wanhen ghostly.

"Hey! Why still need to make boyfriends to investigate the case?" Wanzhen kept raising her lips.

"Of course, this will increase your experience," Dazhong replied with a smile.

"Hey... Sergeant Chen... you are already middle-aged... not married yet, and you don't even have a close girlfriend? Aren’t you also able to analyze emotions thoroughly?" Wanzhen retorted without any sign of weakness.

"Ah, you... made fun of your boss. Believe it or not, I'll beat you up..." Dazhong raised his fist in a gesture.

"Haha... How dare you? Haha..." Wanzhen fought back without showing any weakness.

While the two were having fun, Dazhong unknowingly developed a special feeling for Wanzhen.

* * * * * * * *

"This is 'log' No. 22. We seduced him with our beautiful woman, but he soon lost control and abandoned his wife and children. This even led to him not doing his job properly, which greatly affected the business of his accounting firm, and his stock trading was not smooth... Under our instigation, he borrowed 5 million from the bank and was unable to repay it. Finally, he committed suicide on March 10." In the dark conference room, Ryumoto made a new report.

From the content of the report, it seemed to be the case of accountant Tam Chi-tak.

"No. 30 'log' liked to play love games, so we arranged for a love prodigal to deceive her and then abandon her. On the night of the breakup, she committed suicide as she couldn't bear the feeling of being abandoned. " Next, Ryumoto reported what seemed to be the cause of Li Qiwen's death.

"Ryumoto, the progress is good, keep up the hard work." The Dean praised.

"Yes, Dean." Ryumoto sat down respectfully.

"Kawasaki, what is the current situation of the No. 6 "log" mentioned in the last meeting?" The Dean turned to look at Kawasaki who was attending the meeting.

"Reporting to the Dean, No. 6 'log' finally committed suicide." Kawasaki stood up.

"Why he didn't want to commit suicide before?" the Dean asked.

"It turned out that the driving force for his survival was a big wolf-dog that was very dear to the family. Later, we poisoned the wolf-dog to death, and two days later, he committed suicide by inhaling petroleum gas at home." Kawasaki said.

"Haha... Good, your sacrifice will be very helpful in researching how to destroy the 'immortal gene'. Your death is very valuable!" The Dean continued to speak to everyone in a low voice.

"Reporting to the Dean, an instrument that can convert brain waves from the beta state band to the alpha state band has been successfully developed. The second phase of the plan has been properly deployed and can be carried out at any time." Ito and Kimura also made progress reports to the dean.

"Well done, Ito, Kimura, proceed at full speed." The Dean showed a rare smile.

After everyone heard the "Dean's" order, they acted immediately and were extremely disciplined.

Only Ryumoto and the Dean were left at the scene. They looked at each other and smiled knowingly. It seemed that they had the same mind and had a great understanding!

"Dean, the 'plan' is progressing well and is expected to gradually succeed." Ryumoto expressed his optimism to the Dean.

"Ryumoto, the closer you are to success, the more cautious you must be. You must not take it lightly, otherwise, you may lose all your previous efforts." the Dean reminded.

"Yes, I will be more careful when I act in the future!" Ryumoto bowed.
* * * * * * * *

On March 19, Ito put on casual clothes and appeared in a housing estate in Wong Tai Sin.

Not long after, Fang Qiaoer, a 16-year-old female student in the estate, experienced a strong change in her mind and began to reflect on her life experience.

Qiaoer couldn't bear the torment of a broken foot and headaches many years ago. She was worried about the impact on her academic performance and the damage to her appearance.

Later, Qiaoer handed over the pocket money to her father and asked her disabled mother to take care of herself. Then she jumped from the 21st floor to her death, shocking her parents.

On March 25, Kawasaki dressed casually and showed up at a cooked food stall in Po Wu Road Market in Tai Po.

The proprietress Mrs Ho in the stall, unknown reasons, suddenly went crazy and rushed to another cooked food stall across the street, accusing the other stall of taking away her customers, and even wrote curse words on the outside wall of the shop.

After a while, Mrs Ho hung herself from a beam outside the shop. Her sudden move shocked everyone!

On March 26, Block 3 of Kwai Shing West Estate, the residence of Detective Leung Wanzhen.

Wanzhen, who grew up in a single-parent family since childhood, was dependent on her mother, and they had a particularly good relationship.

On this day, Wanzhen didn't have to go to work, so she went to a nearby market to buy dishes and went home to prepare dinner with her mother. Just as she entered the elevator, a figure passed her.

Wanzhen didn't alert. The figure was very familiar. It was the Japanese named Ryumoto.

"Mom, today's dishes are very fresh. I can make delicious dishes for dinner." Wanzhen chatted with her mother while cooking dinner.

"Daughter, it's rare that you have a day off and you have to be busy preparing dinner. It's really hard on you." Mother Liang assisted her.

"Mom, you have put so much effort into raising me, so what does this little thing mean?" Wanzhen expressed her gratitude.

"Yes, are you getting used to it after being transferred to the investigation team?" After hearing this, Mother Liang smiled sweetly.

"Oh, I'm still getting used to it. The Officer I'm following now, Sergeant Chen, is a nice and experienced detective who has taught me a lot." Wanzhen told her mother briefly about the matter.

"In this case, you should be modest and learn more!" Mother Liang instructed.

"I know, I will study hard and become an excellent police officer!" Wanzhen kept nodding her head, showing great respect for her mother.

"Well...you are not young now, so don't always think about work and forget about your lifelong happiness." Mother Liang changed the topic.

"Mom, don't worry. The most important thing now is to concentrate on my work...no time to care about other things..." Wanzhen didn't care.

"It is normal for a man to marry a woman." Mother Liang was anxious.

"Mom, didn't you also have a desire for men? What now?" Wanzhen questioned.

"Alas! Your father is indeed not a good man. He abandoned me and you..." Mother Liang said with some emotion.

"So, I think none of the men are good, we shouldn't waste our time on this." Wanzhen shook her head.

"However, not all men are like this. I believe you can find a man who can make you happy." Mother Liang comforted her and still hoped that she would find a good marriage.

"Okay, okay, Mom, don't go on, I have my ideas on this." Wanzhen didn't want to talk about this topic anymore.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a rapid knock on the door. Wanzhen put down the dishes and rushed to open the door.

"...Help...Help...It's not good...It's not good..." It turned out to be a pair of young sisters from a nearby unit. They looked very panicked.

"Kids... calm down, what happened?" Seeing how nervous the two of them were, Wanzhen asked hurriedly.

"Help...Mom...ache...stomachache...vomiting...vomiting...very hard..." The two little sisters were only five and eight years old. They were so nervous that they could not speak coherently. However, as a detective, Wanzhen also understood What was going on. She hurriedly ran to the nearby units to see what was going on.

Wanzhen found that the little sister's mother, Mrs Zhou, had fallen to the ground, struggling and vomiting in pain.

After asking the two sisters carefully, Wanzhen found out that Mrs Zhou might have taken an overdose of medicine.

Wanzhen immediately applied the first aid skills she learned at the police training school to Mrs Zhou.

After some rescue work, the situation stabilized slightly. Wanzhen called for an ambulance.

The ambulance crew sent Mrs Zhou to the hospital for treatment. The two young sisters were temporarily taken care of by Wanzhen's mother.

Fortunately, Wanzhen did first aid properly, and Mrs Zhou was finally able to regain her life after being rescued by the hospital. However, she still had to stay in the hospital for a while.

Wanzhen is a very caring person. When Mrs Zhou was sent to the hospital, she accompanied her throughout the entire process. After making a statement with the police, she went to the ward.

After being rescued, Mrs Zhou was still weak and thank Wanzhen for saving her life and taking care of her two daughters.

"Mrs Zhou... life is precious. Besides, the two children still need your care. Why... commit suicide?" Wanzhen asked the reason with concern.

"Alas! Miss Liang... I don't know how could be like this..." Mrs Zhou was also confused.


"I remember that I was watching a TV show with my two daughters...Suddenly, I felt very empty, as if… there was nothing worth cherishing in the world...Then, I took the entire bottle of pills in the cabinet... "Mrs Zhou recalled.

"So strange?" Wanzhen was confused after hearing this.

"Then the drugs took effect... The painful feeling woke me up, and I immediately thought of survival... However, the pain was unbearable and I couldn't get up to ask for help. Fortunately, my two daughters came to you alertly, and I was able to save my life." Mrs Zhou shouted.

"Mrs Zhou, the doctor just told me that you were taking psychiatric drugs. Are you... mentally ill?" Wanzhen was a little embarrassed.

"Well, it's like this. I had a lot of quarrels with my husband over money and relationship issues a while ago. He suspected that I had a mental problem..." Mrs Zhou knew that Wanzhen cared about her and didn't mind telling her about the situation.

"Then how will he deal with it?" Wanzhen asked.

"He took me to the psychiatric hospital, Dalian Hospital, for medical treatment. After the doctors at the hospital conducted a large number of tests on me, they diagnosed me with schizophrenia and gave me a large amount of drugs, told me took on time." Mrs Zhou Brief description.

"Is it better after taking drugs?" Wanzhen nodded.

"I don't think there is any mental illness at all. It's just that my husband wanted to find an excuse to abandon me. Therefore, I just kept the drugs in the cabinet and did not take them." Mrs Zhou said angrily.

"Logically, after a professional diagnosis at the hospital, there shouldn't be anything wrong." Wanzhen cupped her chin.

"Hey, what's so surprising? Aren't medical errors happening one after another recently?" Mrs Zhou raised her eyebrows.

"Well, would you mind telling me how your relationship with your husband?" Wanzhen changed the subject.

As soon as this question came up, the atmosphere immediately fell silent for a while...

"...Well, to be honest, our relationship was originally very good. Although we are not a wealthy family, our life as a family of four is quite stable and happy." Mrs Zhou confided the truth to Wanzhen.

"That's okay." Wanzhen agreed.

"However, since my husband was laid off a few months ago, we have started to have financial problems... We have often quarrelled about this. Recently, he has been travelling more frequently. I suspect that he is having an affair in mainland China... so the quarrels have become more intense..." Mrs Zhou was a little excited.

"No wonder I hear loud noises from your side sometimes... I think the matter is not without a solution. You can ask others for help or discuss it with us. The situation should be better." Wanzhen persuaded her kindly.

"You don't know, my husband has a very strong self-esteem. He thinks it is shameful to ask others for help on such a problem. He believes he can solve the problem himself." Mrs Zhou shook her head.

"Oh, Mr Zhou has a lot of character!" Wanzhen admired.

At this moment, Mrs Zhou's husband, Mr. Zhou, picked up his two daughters from Wanzhen's mother and came to the hospital.

"Madam, are you okay?" Mr Zhou asked urgently.

"Huh!" Mrs Zhou was still annoyed with Mr Zhou and didn't take him greetings seriously.

"Why do you want to commit suicide? This will not only scare your two daughters but also alarm the neighbour. How embarrassing!" Mr Zhou asked accusingly.

"I... didn't commit suicide, it was just an accident." Mrs Zhou denied it.

"Accident? How could such an accident happen?" Mr Zhou asked.

"How do I know?" Mrs Zhou didn't want to answer.

"Ah! By the way, did you forget to take your drugs on time, which caused the disease to develop?" Mr Zhou immediately thought about it.

"Hmph! I'm not mentally ill. Don't force me to see a psychiatrist, do any psychiatric examinations, or take those kinds of drugs. You are the one who is mentally ill!" Mrs Zhou became excited after hearing her husband's question.

"Hey, look at you like this, your schizophrenia is much more serious!" Mr Zhou accused.

"Bah! You are just trying to find an excuse to abandon me and find a new love. Don't think I don't know what good things you have done!" Mrs Zhou criticized her husband.

"You...are so unreasonable...the doctor is right. If you don't treat it seriously, I'm afraid the condition will get worse." Mr Zhou was furious.

"You two, this is the hospital. Please don't argue, so as not to scare your daughters. Just calm down!" Seeing the couple getting into a quarrel, Wanzhen separated them first to avoid scaring their two young daughters.
Wanzhen left their two daughters in the ward to visit their mother, while she took Mr Zhou outside the ward to ease the atmosphere.

"Mr Zhou, don't be too excited! Your wife has just been rescued and is still very weak. Don't irritate her anymore." Wanzhen advised.

"Miss Liang, thank you for rescuing my wife... but you saw what happened just now. She is arrogant and unreasonable!" Mr Zhou felt a little discouraged.

"Mr Zhou, I just hope that you can resolve the misunderstanding reduce the arguments, and harm the two daughters," Wanzhen said kindly.

"Thank you for your kindness, I understand." Mr Zhou showed gratitude in his eyes.

"Yes, Mrs Zhou said that you haven't been home for a night out recently. Is it really because of...an affair?" Wanzhen turned her eyes.

"Of course not. I just need to work in mainland China to make a living. She doesn't appreciate my hard work and still doubts me. It's simply unreasonable!" Mr Zhou answered in the affirmative.

"Well, if that's the case, you should clarify it with Mrs Zhou to avoid further misunderstandings." Wanzhen nodded.

"Miss Liang, I've explained it to her many times, but she just doesn't believe it, and there's nothing I can do about it... I think it's because she didn't follow the hospital's instructions and take her drugs on time, which led to her serious mental illness and led to her suicide. " Mr Zhou kept shaking his head and spreading his hands.

"Is Mrs Zhou confirmed to be suffering from mental illness?" Wanzhen asked.

"There should be nothing wrong. I took her to the psychiatric department of Dalian Hospital for medical treatment. In the hospital, after diagnosis by many specialists and detailed examinations and tests, it was confirmed that she was suffering from a serious Schizophrenia." Mr Zhou nodded.

"However, Mrs Zhou insisted to me that she was not mentally ill. When I talked to her just now, I couldn't feel anything unusual about her mental condition. Could it be that the hospital made a mistake in diagnosis?" Wanzhen was somewhat sceptical.

"Dalian Hospital is a well-known psychiatric hospital in recent years, so it should not make random diagnoses." Mr Zhou disagreed.

"Dalian Hospital?"

The term "Dalian Hospital" appeared repeatedly in Wanzhen's ears many times, causing her to suddenly remember the two suicide cases she had handled earlier.

The deceased persons in the case, Li Qiwen and Tam Chi-tak, also had follow-up medical certificates from Dalian Hospital and were patients of it.

Thinking of this, Wanzhen first comforted Mr and Mrs Zhou, calmed their emotions, and then returned to the computer file room of the police station alone.

Because of the name "Dalian Hospital", Wanzhen's suspicion about previous cases and Mrs Zhou's suicide was once again aroused.

To answer her questions, Wanzhen checked the information on suicide cases in various police stations in the past few months and looked up the background of "Dalian Hospital".

After analyzing and synthesizing all the relevant information, Wanzhen seemed found what she wanted and immediately went to see Sergeant Chen Dazhong.

"Sergeant Chen, after checking the information on suicide cases in various police districts, I found a common point," Wanzhen said seriously.

"Oh, little girl, what new tricks do you have?" Dazhong tilted his head.

"Don't show me such an attitude, just listen to me." Wanzhen's face was serious.

"Say it!" Dazhong looking forward to it.

"Among the more than 20 suicide cases in the past few months, more than ten of them were patients of Dalian Hospital. I believe things cannot be such a coincidence." Wanzhen exhibited the printed information to Dazhong.

"What do you think?" Dazhong inspected Wanzhen's documents.

I think the reason why so many patients commit suicide is most likely related to this hospital. " Wanzhen's eyes were solemn.

"Are you saying that there was a problem in the hospital that caused the patient to commit suicide?" Dazhong looked at Wanzhen.

"Exactly!" Wanzhen nodded.

"You must know that doctors in Hong Kong are extremely professional. Even if they commit medical errors or mistakes, it is not easy to convict them." Dazhong put down the document.

"The problem may not be as simple as medical error, I also checked the background of the hospital concerned and felt that the incident was more suspicious," Wanzhen said vividly.

"What else did you find?" Dazhong looked at Wanzhen again.

"'Dalian Hospital' is a hospital built and funded by donations from Japan's Dairen Shoshu, the 'Dalian Sect'. It is said that the 'Dalian Sect' was originally a branch of Buddhism with millions of followers around the world. Later, the reason why the Dalian Sect split from Buddhism and formed its sect was because its theory was not compatible with Japanese Buddhism." Wanzhen then provided another piece of information to Dazhong.

"It's not a big deal. It's just a personal matter. It doesn't prove anything. Doesn't it mean that if a branch of Buddhism is not accepted, then they can't fund a hospital?" Dazhong looked at the document again.

"The most suspicious thing is the identity of the Dean." Wanzhen gave Dazhong another information document.

"What's so special about the Dean's identity?" Dazhong flipped through it.

"The name of the Dean of 'Dalian Hospital' is 'Tianwu Yingyang'. He is not from a medical school, but majored in sociology..." Wanzhen read out some contents of the document.

"Does it mean that if you study sociology, you can't become the Dean of a hospital? Is this considered doubtful?" Dazhong immediately retorted.

"Of course, that's not all. It was also found out that Tianwu Yingyang served as a staff member of the Japanese Kwantung Army's "731 Unit" during World War II and was responsible for research on neurobacterial strategies." Wanzhen read again. Go down.

"Unit 731?" Dazhong stared.

"At that time, they captured many Chinese and turned them into victims of horrific experiments," Wanzhen said some information.


"However, after the war, Tianwu Yingyang was not prosecuted and became a doctor of sociology. He taught and continued research at the University of Tokyo. In the past three years, he became the Dean of Dalian Hospital." Wanzhen continued when she saw that Dazhong did not react.

"I understand. You suspect that the director took advantage of the hospital's convenience to continue conducting horrific experiments on living people, causing many people to commit suicide, right?" Dazhong said what Wanzhen was thinking.

"There is a possibility." Wanzhen agreed.

"Miss Liang...Miss Liang...I...I..." Dazhong's expression changed greatly.


"Hahaha...hahaha..." Dazhong burst into laughter.

"...Hey! You...you...why are you laughing?..." Wanzhen was greatly bored.

"Hahaha...you...your joke is so funny. Please allow me to laugh for a while before talking about it, haha..." Dazhong laughed louder and louder.

"You...you...I'm serious, you...you think I'm joking?" Wanzhen started to get a little angry at Chen Dazhong's playful attitude.

"Haha...seriously? I know you are serious...I want to ask you a question." Dazhong's laughter stopped for a moment.

"...What?" Wanzhen raised her eyebrows.

"Have you ever watched the TV series "The X Files"*?" Dazhong asked a strange question.

"Oh... I watched it occasionally... What does it have to do with what we are talking about?" Wanzhen scratched her head.

"Haha, Miss Liang, maybe you watched too many TV episodes of "The X Files" and put yourself into the role of the female agent "Dana Scully".

"Sergeant Chen, I don't have such thoughts... Could it be that more than ten suicide cases in the same hospital? Don't you think it's suspicious?" Wanzhen raised her lips again.

"Ms. Liang, do you know what kind of hospital Dalian Hospital is?" Dazhong asked another question.

"Psychiatric hospital!" Wanzhen replied quickly.

"Yes, a psychiatric hospital, which means that all the patients in this hospital are mentally ill," Dazhong said.

"Yes." Wanzhen nodded.

"Generally speaking, mentally ill patients have a higher chance of committing suicide than ordinary people. A dozen suicide cases is not a big deal!" Dazhong explained.

"This... but... at least that hospital should bear some responsibility for the fact that so many patients committed suicide in just a few weeks." Wanzhen was a little flustered by Dazhong's question.

"Didn't I say it before? It is difficult to criminalize medical errors in Hong Kong. Moreover, the hospital is under the supervision of the Health and Welfare Bureau. It is their responsibility to investigate and hold accountable, and it has nothing to do with the police!" Dazhong explained.

"It's just that...the background of Dean Tianwu Yingyang is also questionable!" The doubts mentioned by Wanzhen were constantly broken by Dazhong, which made her confidence drop a lot.

"You know that the police handle cases based on evidence and cannot decide the case based on personal background alone." Dazhong reminded Wanzhen.


"As far as I know, after World War II, most of the members who served in Unit 731 were not prosecuted. The main reason is that the research data they used for experiments on living people is very valuable." Dazhong also gave some information.


"Many team members later held important positions at home and abroad, and made outstanding achievements in the fields of science and medical technology," Dazhong added.


“Take their founder ‘Shiro Ishii’ as an example. He served for the US military after the war and became a germ warfare talent.” Dazhong even gave an example.


"Are they all carrying out a conspiracy?" Dazhong asked rhetorically.


"Also, the Second World War was more than fifty years ago. Even if those war members are still alive, they are still very old. If there is a conspiracy, it should be carried out earlier. Why are they still doing these tricks in their old age?" Dazhong Question Wanzhen’s logic again.

"Hey, Sergeant Chen, I didn't expect you to be so familiar with this kind of information!" Wanzhen sneered.

"Of course, how can I be your boss without certain qualifications?" Dazhong responded with a smile.

"That means you think my arguments are all rubbish?" Wanzhen glared back at Dazhong.

"You can say that." Dazhong nodded a few times.

"That's great. Since that's your point of view, there's nothing more to say!" Wanzhen's tone turned cold.

Wanzhen, who originally arrived with enthusiasm, now knows that Sergeant Chen disagrees with her point of view and is unwilling to follow up.

Although Wanzhen also felt that Sergeant Chen's explanation of the doubts was reasonable... However, this time she did not agree with Dazhong's view of the incident.

Wanzhen still thinks her guess is correct.

Therefore, Wanzhen resolutely made an unusual decision!

She decided to investigate the case privately!

*”The X Files” is a popular science fiction TV series in the United States in the 1990s.

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