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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2317635
The deamon meets Marissa in her chamber.
         The guards began to walk toward the being with the horns, he laughed as if this was a marvelous joke. The guards pointed their

swords at him. He snapped his fingers and there appeared two bear approached the guards as if they nothing to fear.

         Queen Marissa shrieked, and the man walked to her, he smiled coyly at her. She leapt at for a sword that she had trained with, her

hand had grabbed the pommel.

         The man touched her chin, as he said,"What do you mean, you shouldn't play with swords you might get cut."

         She drove the edge of the sword to his side, the blade did not move into his side, It hadn't cut him. The man brushed his hand away

from the sword. The man drew his hand away from her and her sword, she fell from him to the floor she swept her feet out from under him.

         He lost his balance, he rolled out from where he had fallen. He looked at the woman who had summoned him here. He asked,

"What is the meaning of this?"

         "She is not, who she says, she is?" the woman said as she looked into her eyes, she began to draw up her right hand, there was a

ball encasing her hand, there was a beam that emerged from her hand to come close to Marissa.

         Marissa felt a great deal of heat touch down on her flesh, flames began to engulf her legs and her body.

         The sword cut the arm of the bear to the guards right, The bear recoiled, blood exploded and leapt into the air. The other guard

toppled to the ground as the bear's paw caught him by the stomache, he winced and fell to the ground, he now was holding his guts.

         Marissa raced toward the door, her garments were a blaze. Her aid stepped into view in the hallway. He looked startled upon seeing

her naked in the hallway.

         He swung about to have guards close the gap between him and her. She lay bathed in a blanket of sweat. The guards raced into

her room, they saw the woman dressed in black as she waved her arms about. She vanished in a puff of black smoke.


         Sir Grey was busy discussing the things that had occupied them presently. The death of the Pope's son. He did not have any idea

to appease the Pope's anger with them. He knew he would haveto do something about the death but what. He was frustated with the


         He lifted his arm as he tried to walk away from the others there. The others have been discussing the matters with themselves. Sir

Grey brought himself to his full height as he strode out of the room. The others looked at the door through which he had left the room. The

room was filled with others of the Royal guard.

         The way he was feeling he did not wish to speak to anyone else. He needed some time to get thie out of his head, when he saw

other guards charging toward the Queen's room. He hurled himself into their path to join them in this pursuit that they were currently

engaged in.

         His nose smelled blood a lot of it, he saw a figure in the middle of the room, who lifted his arm and a man crashed into the wall, his

body hit the wall awkwardly. His right arm hung from a mere thread of flesh there, blood ran about the floor and the wall.

         This figure had not a hair out of place, his garments were those of noble. His jacket was dark blue, wearing a white silk blouse

beneath, on his hip was a foil. His brow had two horns rising from it.

         Sir Grey began to back pedal, he knew it was deamon or devil, He needed to find the clerics to help in this matter, he turned as he

saw the bishop walking briskly toward the palace gates. Sir GRey closed the distance, he grabbed him by his forearm to drag the Bishop


         The Bishop asked,"What is wrong?"

         Sir Grey said," Marissa's chamber has a deamon in it."

         "What are you saying, The Queen;s chamber should not have anything like that in it." the bishop said.

         "Well it does." Sir Grey began to drag him along with him.

         The soldiers drew back from the room as the Bishop was propelled into the room. The Bishop lifted his staff as he looked at the


         The deamon looked at the Bishop, and said, "So what do you think you are going to do?" Laughing at the Bishop.

         The bishop began to walk toward him, the Bishop brought himself to his full height. He looked grimly into its eyes. He drove his staff

into the floor, a head of a black serpent was revealed from the top of the staff, it grew further into a true appearance of a serpent looked at

the deamon standing before the bishop, It opened its maw, its forked tongue leapt out heading toward the deamon.

         The deamon leapt away from its path, drawing his foil from his belt.

         A droplet of fluid fell from one of its fangs, smoke began to swirl and climb into the air, The color of the smoke was silver in hue.

The serpent shifted to face the deamon as he looked at it. The deamon swung his sword toward the serpent.

         The serpent had begun to close the gap. The sword had just missed its body. The serpent threw its mass at the deamon it knocked

him from his feet, the rapier swun from his grasp. The deamon put his opposing palm on the floor to hurl himself to his feet. HIs empty hand

was open,a square of light appeared on his palm. A pyramid of light had begun grow and head toward the serpent. The serpent's body

began to twist away from the point of light.

         The sword or the point did not touch the serpent.

         "I think I need a blessed weapon to defeat this deamon as you have called him." the bishop said turned to face Sir Grey as he made

motion with his hand to cause the serpent to move toward the deamon,

         The deamon took no notice of him as he spoke. The deamon opened his other hand, he closed it again, a sword appeared there, he

swung its dark]blade at it. A few scales leapt off of the serpent's body, the tongue began to wrap about the deamon's body. It lifted him from

the floor threw him into the wall. The deamon began to shake his head. The fangs drew closer to him, the sword cleaved its tongue from its


         White fluid spilled from its body. The serpent began to back away from the deamon. The staff burst into fire; The bishop fell to the

ground and smoke consumed him.

         Sir Grey swung his sword at the neck of the deamon, beheading it, Blood rose like smoke from a bonfire from its neck.


         Oliva laughed as she turned to a pool of water that was as calm as a storm is violent. She saw the bishop falling onto the floor,

smoke billowing around him. The serpen'ts tongue being cut in two. She said, with a gleam in her eyes,"The meddlesome Bishiop is dead.

Now, all we have to do is remove the bitch from the throne."

         Jules peered across the pool to see Oliva's shapely body, she was looking into a skull that they had been carrying with them for

quite sometime. The skull was that of a mage, who Oliva suspected of being the one who had killed the original man who had occupied the

throne. He made a pact with a deamon or so, the others in the kingdom believed he did do this.

         He threw the religious order to the winds. It had taken quite a while before they had regained their poistion in the Pope's realm. He

has been over so cautious as they had done this to him. The two of them had reduced the kingdom to shambles of its self.

         The King would want answers to this question what it a rose. They would not provide them with an evidence. The king would be

angered with this happening to the Bishop. He would want answers, from the gueen and no doubt the other preists of the Kingdom. The

KIng wasn't there, Oliva was gleeful about this.


         The king has heard that the other woman acting as the queen had created problems for the church. He had heard that the city

guards were attacking the priests in the streets. He did not approve of this happening to them, That was also why he had sent Sir Grey

there to try and arrest the queen and her aid. He didn't see any reason for them not arrest Oliva

         Also he had heard that nobles were being arrested on the streets of the kingdom. He did not know, who had set up the bounty on

their heads. But he knew that it been done, his Knight had sent him a message concerning the warrants on the nobles so it was true what

hehad been told about it from the other people of the kingdom.

         He knew that he had better keep his head down, He watched as he saw his troops begin to d raw back from where they were. The

enemy had begun to advance towarrd them. The enemy would scream something that he could not understand, blood had covered their

faces and bodies. The force that was there seemed content on attacking them, the force were using bows and clubs also spears as well

the largest one had a spear that glowed.

         The king recognized him as being their leader. He rose to his feet, Brought up the spear he trhew it at the troops who were intending

to attack the monsters who were trying to wipe them out. The spear arrived on the ground, teh earth exploded throwingthe soldiers there

into the air. The earth itsekf was purple in color lightning flashed and blew about the area. Thunder roarred.

         The soldiers who were caught there fell onto their backs. The air was driven from their lungs, they were coughing, struggling to

breath. The pain held them in its fists.

         The King saw the spear protruding from thr ground, the earth cracked and exploded, The king ran hell bent on getting to the spear

before the being who threw the spear got to it,., The being who threw the spear was three times, the size of the king. He too raced toward

the spear. Lightning leapt off the spear to radiate around it and the region where it lay.

         The king vaulted toward the spear. His hand arrived on it. He felt heat rip and tear through him. His hand began to grow hotter than

molten lave. His forearm began to bubble and the skin burst showering with his body with blood and sweat. His bicept had become in

flames, The King scereamed, as he howled at the others in the region.

         The monster's body was huge, they could see his blood vessels that were visible there. He batted the king out of the way. He

reached for his spear, when his hand came upon it it he began to grow lorger than he been. The monster galred at the KIng as he lay there,

         The king was hurled headlong into the ground. He did not move. His soldiers drew back from where he was. They looked fearful as

they saw what had happened to do their King. They were afraid. Their blood ran cold in their veins.

         The monster lunged toward them. His eyes were those of a wolf, his chin began to jut from his face, his nose sank into his face, but

his upper jaw grew to a commadate his lower row of teeth which grew to the size of a jackal's canines. His ears began to grow pointed and

fur less, his hands were covered in fur. He chargwed toward teh soldiers fangs exposed. his hand drove the soldiers into the ground.

         The soldiers whirled about to face it, a spear was driven into its guts. The monster rose to its feet, to attack them further. Anpther

soldier slashed at it with his sword caught it across its calves. The monster toppled into the earth. It lay on the ground holding the back of

its legs. The spear falls from its hands/ The spear is glowing an eerie green color.

         One of the soldiers put his hands on a bag, he reached out for the spears shaft. He closed his hands over the spear, there was a

crackling of electricity as it spills off the spear. THe soldier threw the spear away from the body of the monster who had died an instance


"What has happened to our King
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