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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2317005
Princess Hildebrand was murdered. The only witness? Her highness' cat.
Emilda was tending her herb garden when the blood streaked cat ran up to her. The scarlet contrasted fur as white as spring snow. The feline sat meowing incessantly till the sorceress had to come over to look.

"It'll take these old bones a while," Emilda said. "Hang on!"

The cat flinched as Emilda reached for the animal. "Now then," she said. "I just need to get a look at you."

She picked up the frightened bundle of fur. Emilda noted the collar stamped with the Royal crest. A horse wearing a laurel wreath of Daffodils. "A royal pet," she said. "A long ways from the palace aren't we?"

Using her magic, Emilda traveled into the memories of the cat.

[The smell of roast pheasant filled the room waking me from my nap. I uncurled and stretched on the soft padded chair. My nice pet came with perks. She let me eat off her plate and play with a bauble and string.]

[Not that I couldn't hunt mice if I wanted to. I just like the bauble because it's immortal and I can kill it again and again. So sturdy, unlike my pet.]

[The boy human wheeled in the cloche on a cart. My mouth watered at the scent of cooked bird meat. I meowed my thanks and was ignored. Typical human.]

[Instead of removing the lid to carve our meal, the impudent boy grabbed a carving knife, stepped around the cart and stabbed my pet!]

[I let loose my most fearsome hiss as I leapt upon the attacker. My claws gouged his hands and face as I became a tornado of blades.]

[He pulled out some of my claws as he pushed me off. I was able to repel this aggressor so it was worth the pain.]

[I galloped over to check on my beloved human. She was hurt badly. I nudged her a few times trying to rouse her but she lay there like a sparrow with a snapped neck.]

[My pet is dead and I want vengeance. I'd ask the humans in tin cans but talking to them is like talking to a deaf dog. But I've seen you visit the palace I know you have powers. Can you help me?]

Emilda returned to her own mind. "You've come to the right magic user," she said. "I'll help catch that fiend."

With a damp rag, Emilda carefully cleaned the blood from the cat's fur. She didn't want the Royal Guard to think she'd been doing unnatural things to the Family's pet.

After settling the kitty into a blanket lined basket, she set off towards the palace at a brisk walk.

"Emilda, this isn't a good time for an audience," The Gate Keeper said.

"I'm aware," she said. "There's been a murder. You'll need my Second Sight to solve it. Now are you going to keep me here or shall we go inside to the king?"

All the Lords and Ladies stared as Emilda strode directly. She dropped an almost subliminal curtsey. "Your Majesty King Edgar," she said. "I need you to gather all the kitchen staff."

The King scowled at the Sorceress. His mustache quivered like a cocoon about to hatch. "Rather an impudent request," he said. "Even if our Princess Hildebrand hadn't been killed. What's more, why're you holding her cat?"

"This cat knows who has slain your daughter, my liege," Emilda said. "It told me one of the kitchen boys used a knife to dispatch her. If I see the guilty one, I'll be able to point him out to you."

Once the requested servants had been assembled, Emilda examined their faces and hands. "Hang on," she said. "You lad, do you always do your duties with a baseball glove?"

Fidgeting, the boy looked down. "No, ma'am," he said. "I'd just ordered it from an American sports catalogue. Thought I'd give their new past time a try. I listen to Babe Ruth's games on the radio broadcasts. Figure I could start a league here."

A knowing smile broke on Emilda's lips. "You want to take it off?" She asked. "I need to see your hands."

"I'd rather not, Ma'am."
"Now please--"

Emilda grabbed the glove and yanked it off. Four crimson slashes ran across his palm. "Want to explain?" She asked.

The boy pressed his lips together till they were invisible.

"Cat got your tongue?"

"All right!" He shouted. "I stabbed her. She'd been flirting and teasing me for a while. I asked her if she wanted to go to the festival next week. She said no. I...I just...everything blanked and next thing I know that hair ball is trying to claw my eyes out."

Within seconds the guards descended on the kitchen boy. They put on hand cuffs and read out the sentence. "Reggie Knowles," Head Guard Kimble said. "We are placing you under arrest for High Treason and Regicide. Your trial will be held..."

Emilda tuned out the rest. She found the late Princess' cat grooming itself. "Well, you got your revenge," she said. "Come find me sometime." The cat blinked its eyes once and meowed.

Word count:859
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