Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2316840-Baeve
Rated: GC · Fiction · Fantasy · #2316840
**Trigger Warning** There is explicit scenes/SA Short chapter introducing gender fluid mc
The sphere appeared, radiating a soft white and green glow, in Sebastion’s hazel eyes waking him from his light slumber. It took a moment before it occurred to him that he was not dreaming causing him to shoot up in his cot with his back against the wall. His heart raced with fear in his chest and then subsided to curiosity. As his breathing caught up with him a sweet smell filled his nostrils like flowers in bloom on a fresh Spring morning. Images of grass wet with dew and soft moss flicked in his mind’s eye.
What is happening? He asked himself. Then repeating his question allowed, “What is happening?” Unsure if he was asking himself, the orb, or perhaps whoever might have put it there hovering above the middle of the dirt floor. Wait, it’s hovering?
Are you going to stare gawking the whole time, or are you going to take me inside of you? A woman’s voice rang out in a sultry tone.
Heart racing once more he remembered he was naked and his blanket had fallen to the floor. He frantically tried to cover back up as his head turned about as if on a swivel searching for the owner of the voice.
You are hearing me within, Baeve, no one else is in here. Sebastion turned back to regard the orb, eyes wide in wakening. Put your hands around me and take me into you, Baeve. I belong to you after all.
What is happening? He thought again.
God is restoring your soul. You are only half of who you truly are. You were very young when you lost me, it’s no surprise you don’t recognize me.
The longer the moments stretched into seconds the more questions were being presented to him. Yet, somehow there was a familiarity to the voice in his mind. It was his, but not. It was a woman’s but it was his own voice had he been a woman.
“How do I take you… Urm… inside of me?” he asked the orb. It was quite large. If he had to guess it was probably a foot in diameter. That realization caused him to blush. No, that could not have been what the magical floating orb intended.
I am aware of your thoughts, Baeve, though I believe it would be warmer for me if you pulled me into your heart, where the soul resides in flesh.
“Where the soul resides?” Just as the words passed through his lips he heard footsteps coming down the creaky wooden planks that served as steps leading to his tiny basement room.
Quickly, Baeve! That despicable man is coming . Reclaim me and free us!
Unsure of how his Master would react to the scene in his room, Sebastion’s heart sunk. With little time to think he leapt from his cot to the orb clumsily. He wrapped his scarred hands around the oddly familiar thing and pulled it to his chest. He was in disbelief as it passed into him, a warm sensation flooding every fiber of his person. It settled in his chest as the light faded and the ragged door of his room swung open.
“Surprised to see you already on your knees for me, boy. Are you finally beginning to enjoy our little games?” A gravily voiced Master Jordan stood hunched in the little doorframe. His hands went for his belt as he came through, long fingers unclasping it. At this point only the candle light from the stairway outlining the man flicked into the dark basement room. He was tall, with arms just as long. His beard hid most of his face and hung low past his collar bone. He was slender with sinuous muscles composing an imposing figure with sharp eyes.
As he approached, no longer shielding the doorway, more of the dim candlelight slipped into the room. The tall man froze before the figure knelt at his feet, his trousers falling to his ankles. The scared little man on the floor seemed entirely different this time. Though, before he could discern what changes had occurred the air filled with a sweet scent, like flowers in bloom on a fresh spring morning.
“Do you remember the first time you played with me?” the sultry female voice made the man’s eyes go wide in shock as he had not recognized it. “You held me down, and did to me as you pleased.” The person the man was unsure was even Sebastion anymore began to rise, yet the familiar long black hair hid their face and chest. “I cried out for you to stop until the words could no longer escape me.” Thick vines burst up from the floor, thorns biting into the man’s flesh and rending it away from his person as they wrapped around his legs and up his body. He began to scream out in both pain and anger with the sudden sting of pain. Then suddenly the snaking vines jerked, pulling him to the dirt floor on his back, with a slam stealing the air from his lungs.
“What the fuck is this! Where is Sebastian?” he demanded from his compromising position on the floor half naked. “Who are you, witch?” he gasped.
The small framed witch stepped to stand over him. For the first time in his life another person was looming over him and fear shot down through him landing in his groin as he mentally cowered. His vision blurred as involuntary tears threatened to blind him.
“The man named Sebastion was murdered several years ago.” The looming figure knelt, knee on Jordan’s chest, and raised a hand. Vines grew from their forearm and over their hand forming into a point tipped with an impossibly thick thorn. They brought the point to the scared man’s rib cage and began to push it, slowly, into them.
“Fuck! I’m sorry! Spare me please. Sebastion was mine. I owned him, I did nothing wrong. I bought him fair and square. I swear it!” Jordan spoke each syllable in rapid succession as pain overtook his consciousness. The words turned to screams and the thorn dug deeper and up into lungs. “Mercy! Ple… ess…gr.. gurg..”
“Have you lost your words so soon?”
After several minutes went by, the man’s heart stopped and he screamed no longer. As the dagger like thorn was removed from his lifeless body, wet moss grew out from the wound and began to creep across the carcass. Another half hour passed before they moved. Mushrooms and flowers grew from the moss as the dead man’s body was completely covered with it. It grew at a rapid pace as if feeding off the corpse. It wasn’t until the rib cage they were kneeling on collapsed, like a hollowed out beehive, jolting them back to consciousness.
“What happened to me?” they asked allowed. Causing a second jolt as if hearing their own voice for the first time. The voice was that of the orbs but it came from their lips. It was soft and sultry. If honeysuckle and dew made a sound it would sound like this they imagined.
She imagined...
Lifting her hands to her face she could see the scars were gone in the dim light. Looking down to her chest small breasts were in place of the usual pectorals. Addressing the rest of her body, she realized she had become softer. When she was a man not even an hour before she was skinny and malnourished, but now her hips were wider and a comfortable, yet not thick, layer of fat were in places she could have never imagined having it before. She was a small woman. Except, a penis still hung from its usual place. However, in that moment she felt wholly feminine.
After a moments pause the realization she was alone again settled in. She slew her master and the orb was… inside of her. No, it was a piece of her, but now she is whole having absorbed it. That realization brought her comfort and she only felt alone for that brief moment.
What now? She wondered. Her legs started moving towards her cot as if making the decision for her. She grabbed the small burlap blanket, wrapping it around herself above her breasts tucking the end in on itself under her arm pit. It fell to mid thigh acting as a towel. Though, she had never properly bathed, and wondered what that must feel like. She went up the steps to the top where she had to lift the hatch door to leave the basement. She paused before opening it all the way, took a deep breath, and pushed it open.

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