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Rated: E · Short Story · Holiday · #2316712
A magician needs a new bunny for his Easter act.
Oscar was like every other bunny he knew. A ball of fluffy brown with a white under belly. Nothing that made him stand out from the crowd. But he so wanted to.

He longed to be brilliant. Make others notice. He just wasn't sure how to manage it, or if it was even possible.

On the Saturday before Easter Oscar found himself musing about what he could do to get noticed when the little bell in the shop tingled to let them know a newcomer had come. Oscar hopped over to the edge of the cage and pushed up so that his paws propped him up on the side to see who this new person was.

A man in a top hat appeared. He tipped his hat to Miss Mimi who greeted him as he approached her.

"I was wondering if you could help me. I was hoping to find a special wee bunny to add to my act."

"Oh, what kind of act?" she asked looking him up and down.

"I am a magician. Can you help me?"

"Well, I do have some bunnies. Most of them have been spoken for... with Easter coming up. But I may have one tiny one left. He's the runt of the litter I guess you can say."

"Oh, might I see him. I'll be able to tell if he has the special qualities I require."

"He's just a regular bunny, sir." she told him with a smile.

"Oh, but there is no such thing as just a regular bunny miss."

"You don't say?'

"Some bunnies are special. The ones in my act are very special. My oldest, Harold, is too old for my act. He needs to be retired, and I need to find his replacement."

"Oh, well that is good to know."

"My nephew has volunteered to take him on and care for him."

Miss Mimi lead him over to the rabbit pen.

Oscar watched them approach. He could feel a strange kind of energy pass all around him. He twitched his nose and flicked his ears. His little paws seemed to dance as the man bent down to look at him.

"Well, aren't you a delightful young man," the magician said giving him a friendly smile.

Oscar bounced down and did a little bunny dance to show his excitement.

When the magician picked him up he felt the energy swirl about him as he rubbed noses with the man. The man chuckled with glee.

"I do believe this wee bunny has the makings of a fine rainbow bunny."

"A rainbow bunny, sir?"

The magician smile his mysterious smile. "You must come and see my act." He handed Miss Mimi a card as he tucked Oscar into the crock of his arm.

"Well, I may just have to."

Within minutes they left the confines of the shop. The magician had declined the offer of a box and carried Oscar in his arm. "I can see great things for us my wee little man."

Oscar could agree and seemed to fluff up at the man's words.

"You are no ordinary bunny. I will see that you are the most wonderful of bunnies. Together we will make a name for ourselves. I can feel it."

Oscar felt the magician's words pour into him. His body tingled with anticipation.

"We will practice. Harold can show you and you will learn."

They entered a small basement dwelling. Tiny, but comfortable. The magician set him down on the threadbare carpet. Oscar was immediately welcomed by a menagerie of various animals, most of them bunnies and doves. He'd never felt more at home.

"Well, Harold. What do you think? Can we make a true rainbow bunny from this little one?"

Harold loped over to Oscar and gave him a considering gaze. Oscar held his breath in anticipation.
When Harold asked his name, he told him and Harold smiled as only a bunny can.

When the magician lifted Harold gently into the air, the old bunny shimmered as his fur changed before Oscar's very eyes. Though muted, Harold changed into a rainbow of colours.

Oscar blinked in astonishment then began to bounce around in delight. Could he do as Harold did? Could he become a rainbow bunny?

When Harold was returned to the floor his colours faded and he resumed his tawny brown with wisps of grey around his jowls and eyes.

Both the magician and Harold looked to Oscar who vibrated with an energy that almost had him levitating.
"Harold tells me that you are Oscar. So my little Oscar shall we try?'

Oscar kicked up his heels and bounced his way over to the magician eager to see if he could. As soon as the magician lifted him high above his head and spoke a special kind of magic Oscar felt himself begin to shimmer. First at the tips of his toes and then up his legs into his whole body.

"Would you look at that Harold!" the magician exclaimed, "I knew he'd take to it. Oscar you are so brilliant."

Oscar glanced down at himself and realized he had, in fact, transformed into a bunny of every colour of the rainbow. He warmed with pride. This was so amazing.

When the magician lowered him to the floor his usual colouring returned. He bounded over to Harold who gave him another bunny smile.

"You'll do well," Harold told him with a wink.

"Thank you," Oscar said back lowering his head as a sign of respect to the old bunny. "I'll do you proud."

"I know you will. Your connection is strong. Your colours are even more brilliant than mine were. Keep humble wee one and you will go a long way and have a happy life here."

It wasn't long before the magician returned with carrots and lettuce in a bounty Oscar could only dream of. He had a feeling Harold spoke the truth. Good things were in store for all of them.

Word count = 997.

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