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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Fantasy · #2316606
Carter finds a massive mansion and a bath.
** Sexual Content **
A thick layer of dust covered the floor and furniture, allowing Carter to surmise that the mansion had been abandoned for a long time. He crossed a hall and entered a massive room. It was filled with columns and benches. A large marble pool with a wide coping was in the middle. A small staircase allowed access to the elevated pool.

"Not a pool, but a bath! This room must be a literal bathroom," said Carter as he walked down the staircase. He was covered in literal spiders and ground-in dirt stained into his skin. He could use a bath and hurried his pace.

The spacious bath was filled with promise but void of water. As he walked around it, Carter found a protruding metal switch in front of the pool. He pulled it, and the pool's marble floor slowly lifted until it was level with the top of the bath. A loud noise happened, and the elevated bath floor started to go down. Water rushed into the pool, and it filled up. The floor stopped, and the bath was filled.

"Nice," said Carter quietly.

He heard a small noise that echoed off the walls. Looking around, Carter decided to explore the surrounding area. The bath could wait until he ensured no spider sacks or beasts were hiding in this room. Finding treasure wouldn't hurt either.

He wandered around and found two small doors on the back wall. He opened the first door and found towels and soap. Soap! He hadn't seen soap since his castle days.

"Luxury soap," said Carter as he sniffed the soap and remembered Princess Caroline, his ersatz wife-to-be. He hated that the only image he remembered of her was of her casting the wind spell to kill him. He shook it off, remembering that it had been a long time.

He opened the second door and found several gowns. No, he remembered, they are called monk's robes. They were red and had a giant spider designed on them. They had a hood and a string for a belt. He looked down at his dirty clothes and said, "I'll be back later to get you when I'm clean."

He walked back towards the bath and climbed the stairs. He stood on the coping and looked at the cold water that probably had been underground for years. A thin coat of moss and weeds floated on the surface.

He pointed his finger at the contaminated water and brought up the spell Sanitize. The water lit up with a red light, the contents on the surface burnt up, and hopefully, the invisible creatures in the water died.

"That should kill all the germs in there," thought Carter. He removed his dirty clothes and equipment and threw them on the floor. Standing at the edge of the bath, he dipped his toe into the water, and it was cold.

Darkness covered his vision, with soft light floating from a few magic lights in the wall. His magic light was in the other room, and he didn't want to recall it because it would upset the others. He closed his eyes, and a glowing rock appeared in his hand. He threw it into the water before it burnt his hand. The pool exploded with warm light. His head became fuzzy, warning him not to use any more mana for a while.

He stepped down into the water and found it to be lukewarm already.

"Good enough," said Carter. He sunk into the bath until he was fully submerged. His displacement splashed the water over the top of the coping onto the floor. He stood up and let out a noise of delight. It had been a long time.

"What was that noise?" asked Arista from the other room.

Carter stood up and grabbed one of the soaps. He looked at it for a few seconds and then started scrubbing.

A few minutes of peace and quiet passed in the bathroom, and the meal must have concluded. It wasn't hard to find Carter in this giant mansion. All the women had to do was follow his footprints in the dust.

"A bath?" asked Arista as she ran to the edge and placed her hand in the water. "It's hot!" she screamed.

"Probably crawling with parasites," said Seth.

"Way to ruin a great time," said Arista.

Carter saw the filth pouring off of him as he scrubbed real hard.

"Aren't you scared of the parasites, Master?" said Corin.

"Don't call me that," said Carter as he stopped cleaning. He didn't want to be anyone's master.

"I used a sanitize spell before I jumped in," added Carter.

"Sanitize? You know that cantrip?" asked Seth.

Carter pointed at the water and rereleased his spell. The faces of the women staring at the water took a red tinge to them, making them look evil. A slight pain covered Carver's skin as the spell had engulfed him, too.

"Nature preserves us," said Seth as she ran towards the stairs, removing her dirty clothes and throwing them on the ground next to Carter's. Seth was small in stature but large in breasts. Her skin and hair were caked with dirt. She was just as dirty as Carter was. Carter handed her one of the ten soaps he stole from the closet. A big smile came to her blackened face as she sniffed it and scrubbed.

Arista slowly took her armor off and then her loin cloth. She had great tan lines, just like Yuma. He had seen her breasts before, but it never got old. Her hips swayed back and forth as she slowly lowered herself into the water. A dirt ring encircled her breasts as they floated on the water's surface. She plunged under and came back up and floated on her back. Carter placed some soap on top of her tan stomach. She grabbed it and sniffed it.

"Wonderful!" said Arista and started to wash herself.

Corin and Hammy were the next to get in. They were more apprehensive about bathing with strangers, namely Carter. Corin had long hair down to her knees, which was well-maintained for being so dirty. She took her burlap bag dress off, showing her dirt-covered body and womanly assets. Hammy's dirt-covered body was slim, with an unknown color of shorter hair. He handed both of them some soap, and they started scrubbing. He calmed himself down and concentrated on getting all the dirt off.

The floating light flew into the room, and it got lighter. Carter could now see all the dirt floating to the bath's bottom.

Hammy and Corin looked at Carter with concern. "How filthy were we?" asked Corin as wet blotches of dirt floated around her.

Carter looked at Corin and said, "When we get all the dirt off, I'll refill it, and then we can relax."

Corin smiled and shook her head up and down. Her breasts were back to being the right shade of color, and he could see her nipples now.

Carter felt two hands on his back as someone was washing his back. He looked back and saw Arista smiling. "If I do yours, you do mine," said Arista.

Carter felt weird with someone else's hands on him, but he peeped out a little, "Sure."

"Your back is so muscular and wide," said Arista. She wiped her soap across Carter's back, making a white line across his back.

"When was the last time you bathed?" asked Arista.

"A few years ago. Leatrix washed me," said Carter. He didn't know why, but someone washing your back felt good. She stood and leaned over Carter's back to whisper into his ear. "I wanted to thank you for saving us," said Arista. She kissed him on the cheek, which was now clean. She could see his jawline now, and she took a double take. She slipped down his back, her breasts rubbing as she went down. She shook her head for a moment and went back to scrubbing.

Carter looked across and saw Corin, Hammy, and Seth working on cleaning their bodies. Their hair, faces, and backs were both cleaned. They were all beauties.

Arista walked in front of him and said, "All done, your turn." Carter's gaze went down to her white, round butt with tan stripes surrounding it. She dipped below the water and backed up over his legs. She sat down on his lower thigh with a thud. He grabbed his soap and started washing.

"Oh, that feels good," said Arista. He felt her hands grab his knees, and she held firm. She would squeeze every time he tickled her.

Her back wasn't as dirty as his or the other women. It didn't take him long to clean her back.

"All done," said Carter. Arista slid her butt up his thigh until it hit his hard manhood. She said a little "oh" and quickly looked at Carter's face. She was still straddling his thighs.

Carver held his hands out of the water and said, "Sorry."

She smiled, stood up, and walked towards Hammy.

The water was now a murky brown and needed to be changed. He turned his face away from the wiggling torsos and looked at the statues surrounding the bath. He was trying to calm himself down, and now that Arista was off his lap, it was working.

Seth walked over to Carter and said, "We are done cleaning. Let's empty the dirty water." She started to stare at Carter's face with a perplexed look. She turned around and whispered something to Corin. Hammy and Corin both looked his way.

Carter wasn't very good in social situations. He had spent the last decade in hell, and social interaction was not part of his curriculum. His life in the castle with the King and Queen was a fuzzy memory. He barely remembers any of their faces, except the Queens, which he saw every day: lifeless and frozen.

"Pick up the heat-stone before you get out," said Carter as he pointed into the water. Arista reached down and grabbed it. He didn't want it getting lost.

The women climbed out of the bath and waited by the stairs. They were grouped up and whispering back and forth. Carter emerged from the water and walked down the stairs.

Several gasps came from the women waiting for him to get out. He looked around and then said, "What?"

They were looking at him as if he was on fire. He looked down at his chest, made sure he was not aroused, and then viewed his back.

"Nothing," thought Carter.

He grew a little frown and grabbed the switch. The bath floor came up again, and all the water drained. It then came back up, filled with water. He heard the women whispering behind him, but the mechanism was too loud to listen to what they were saying. He sanitized the water again.

He turned around, and Arista was in his face. He was nervous and said, "Throw the heat stone back in, or it will be cold."
She threw the rock in the water while still staring at his face.

"What is that?" asked Arista as she pointed down to his penis. Carter took his hand and cupped his groin up, covering it up.

"Do I have to say? Don't you know what it is?" asked Carter. He was oblivious to the problem. He kept his hands to himself.

He looked over towards the other women, and they had covered up their breasts and groins with their hands.

His mind raced, not knowing that it probably wasn't proper to bathe with women. But they were the ones who walked into his bath. He had to say something because Arista was still staring at him. She didn't seem to be covering up her privates as her breasts poked him in the stomach.

"Did you think I was a woman?" asked Carter, mindlessly asking the obvious.

Arista had this look on her face as if she had just won the lottery. She grabbed ahold of Carter's penis and pushed him back into the bath. It was slow going because Carter had to walk backward up the stairs with someone holding his penis. It was growing larger in her hand.

Seth walked up behind her and said, "Take it easy, Arista."

She turned her head while holding onto Carter's member and said, "He's mine."
Seth backed up with her hands in the air and said, "Okay."

Arista pushed Carter backward through the water until he hit the pool's edge. Arista had a ferocious look on her face. "You don't understand how much I need this," said Arista as she forced a long kiss from Carter.

When she was younger, before the Forest, she met the love of her life, Yuma, and they were married by the King in devotion to each other.

Finding a mate for life is easy in Thresh. Finding a father for your children is a one-out-of-a-million shot. Yuma's dream was to have children and bring them up in this world with Arista. They were guards of the kingdom and, hence, made very little money.

Years after marriage, they heard about a man named Dr. Shipper who was visiting Cob. They made an appointment with him and brought their life savings as payment. He was going to fertilize Yuma for one hundred gold. It turned out to be a deception, and it hurt poor Yuma badly, who couldn't take the loss of her gold and the chance of having a child. Thinking life was over with, she ran into the Forest to end her life. Arista followed her.

Carter would usually put up a fight if he were in trouble, especially with someone holding his penis. But for some reason, he wanted to see where this would go. The smell she was giving off was intoxicating and providing too much of a challenge to resist.

The other women sheepishly walked into the water, sat back, and watched. Carter had seen animal shows where the alpha animal would eat first, and the others would wait for scraps. He was beginning to see why he was told to keep his manhood a secret.

She kissed him on the lips again while moving her hand up and down on his member. He was already excited and couldn't help not showing it. She pushed him back over the edge onto his back and jumped on top of him. She still had ahold of his manhood and slipped it into her. She let out a loud moan and then started to move up and down. Her legs straddled his outer thighs, and her butt made a slapping noise against his pelvis that echoed through the room.

Seth walked up slowly towards Carter and Arista to observe, for she had never seen a heterosexual mating before. She wanted to keep a scientific perspective, but her hand moved down to her private region, and she started to self-gratify herself. She looked back at Corin and Hammy, who were doing the same thing next to each other.

Arista's rhythm went faster and faster as she bounced off of Carter's pelvis like a spring. She didn't think she would enjoy sex with a man, but for some reason, this felt wonderful.

Arthur always teased all the women in the village but never performed. She wasn't about to miss out on being fertilized this time. Her breath became heavy as she was nearing her climax. She tightened her whole body as she released her orgasm. Her thighs received a knot as she slowed down her pace. She let out a groan and fell next to Carter in exhaustion and pleasure. Seth saw her chance and climbed on top of Carter. Her giant breasts slid on his body as she got into position. Arista's hands went to push her off, and Carter stopped her. She looked at Carter with greedy eyes. Seth slipped on without waiting and started moving.

"I will get back to you in time," said Carter as he looked into her eyes. She understood and calmed down. Carter looked back at Seth and grabbed her hips to push harder. She let out a loud moan as he pushed up. She wasn't sure if she was doing it right, but it felt right. She stopped moving and let Carter do the work. Carter wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her. He hopped back into the water and placed Seth on her back on the bath's edge. He pulled her until she was flush with the edge and placed himself back into her. He started pushing, and she let out several moans in a row. Carter was beginning to feel like he was about to erupt.

He looked at Arista, watching eagerly, and said, "Lay down next to her." He tried to keep his voice normal but was about to burst. Arista laid down and held her legs open. This made Carter even more excited. Seth let out her final moan, and Carter let loose. After one push of his release, he held his groin tight and pulled it out. He placed it into Arista, and she loudly moaned as he entered. Carter released the rest inside her as he finished with a couple more pumps.

He stepped back, turned around, and sank under the water. He looked up and saw Corin and Hammy still playing with themselves and kissing. They looked back towards him and stopped.

"Don't stop. Just give me a few minutes," said Carter with a mischievous grin. Corin and Hammy looked at each other, perplexed.

"For what?" asked Corin.

Seth, lying on her back, started laughing. "What do you mean, a few minutes? Everyone knows that Cambian males can only fertilize once every thirty days."

"Oh, I didn't know that," said Carter.

Seth looked over at Arista with a sorry look. "They also have a meager sperm count, which is insufficient to fertilize two females. The odds that I'm even fertilized is about 1%."

Carter stood up, and his manhood stuck straight out. "Oh, I guess it's been a month," said Carter as he walked towards Corin and Hammy. "Do you want a turn?" asked Carter, unsure if they did. He wasn't about to assume anything.

"Yes. Can you?" said Corin eagerly. Hammy shook her head up and down.

He pulled Corin over to the side and bent her over. Her butt wasn't as white as Arista's, but it looked great, all cleaned up. He placed it inside her, and she let out a little yelp. Carter grabbed Hammy and told her to do the same. Corin was a screamer, and she filled the room with her moans. He pleasured both Corin and Hammy until he finally fertilized both of them.

He again fell back into the water, hoping he performed admirably and everyone got what they wanted. He didn't want Arista attacking him again.

Or did he?

"It happened!" said Seth as she felt the feeling of conception. Arista was sitting with her legs in the water with a slight frown.

"Congratulations," said Arista and hugged Seth, "I'm sorry I went crazy on you."

Seth smiled back and placed her arms around Arista.

"Wait? I feel it too," said Arista as she pulled back from Seth. A large smile grew on her face as she bent over and hugged Seth again.

"Both of you?" said Corin as she looked at Hammy.

"That's unheard of," said Seth, even though the evidence was self-evident.

Carter didn't know why fertilization was a big deal. They ignored him as they started talking about what happened. He still didn't understand the term fertilization instead of pregnancy. His chest started throbbing, and a slight pleasure came from it, like he was being rewarded.

"There's no way any man could seed two women at once. He must have made a deal with someone unholy or has some artifact," said Seth. Carter looked back at her, frowned, stood up, and turned around, showing he had nothing. Seth gave an apologetic smile and then turned her back towards Carter. The other women gathered around her. He watched as they jumped up and down in the water for a while because they were still naked.

"I guess I won't tell them I'm ready again," thought Carter, walking toward the staircase out of the bath.

He stood up and plowed his way through the water to the staircase. He went to grab his old clothes when a vision of the spider robes came to his head.

"Oh, yeah. The monk's robes," said Carter as he walked towards the little room where the robes were hanging.

He placed one on, and it fit perfectly. A simple monk's robe that felt great. It wasn't too thick, and it wasn't too thin. It had a deep hood so he could hide his manly face. He tied the belt around his waist and walked to the other room. He placed a dozen different-sized robes and a dozen bars of soap into his haversack.

"Never know when these things will come in handy," said Carter.

Another pair of shrieks echoed from the direction of the bath, and Carter returned to the stairs looking for trouble. Hammy and Corin jumped and screamed, "Joyous Nature has supplied us with bounty!"

"Nature had nothing to do with that," said Carter as a sharp pain flickered over his chest.

Seth and Arista joined in their celebration as they all jumped up and down in the water naked. They completely ignored him. Carter tightened his robe and left.

"I feel used," said Carter.
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