Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2316576-My-Foxy-Brown
Rated: E · Poetry · Family · #2316576
The best dog in the world for me and mines.
My Foxy Brown

My Foxy Brown is my pretty brown girl
The center of my world
She was born just for me I think
She is just the right size for me
She also has the right attitude for our family

I meet Foxy almost 2 years ago
She was smaller however still big for her age
She was almost twice the size as everyone else her age
However she was all alone in her cage
To be honest so was I just not a actual one

I walked in and said I would like to adopt and we are not sure what we want
See me and my son could not agree he wanted small and discreet
I wanted anything but that I wanted something that could protect
She can protect in her own way if pushed she will fight

We needed a Foxy Brown we sure did
She came in sniffed about and picked us from the start
She peed in the observatory room marking us as her territory
We, me and my son still didn't agree ,however I couldn't let it be that she was ours

She was supposed to be ours and apart of our family
We only had 30 days to decide because of where we live
Big brown eyes and a smiling face,full of energy, a furry being that loves to know

She just had to be mines ,she was for me and our family
Sweet and kind,loves to give and willing to receive love as well
We had ,well decided although completely unprepared for her in a lot of ways
We decided to pick her up almost at once,well there was the small detail of the cash

With cash in hand we picked her up,changed her name on the spot and dropped her in the back seat of our car
With nothing but a towel I think which was not nearly big enough
This was a really really bad idea of course
She peed and pooped and throw-up too I think

This was not going well at all
She didn't speak to us for a week or more
We wondered is she mute,then one day all of a sudden she spoke
Hello,I am here, I am here and here to stay she barked
My Foxy Brown is family period ,she was chosen just for me
We love her quite a lot!

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