Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2316570-Jennys-New-Groove
by IE
Rated: E · Short Story · Writing · #2316570
It's National Goof Off Day! Writer's Cramp Winning Entry - Quill Awards Nominee!
Jenny rolls over in bed, pulling the covers with her. At that moment, Alexa announces that the time is six a.m.

“Alexa! Stop!”

Rolling over again to face away from the light that streams through her bedroom window, Jenny pulls a pillow over her face, savoring the thought of sleeping in.

She already laid the groundwork yesterday, coughing her way through a Zoom meeting, enough to have several of her coworkers ask if she was feeling okay.

Groping for her phone, she lifts the pillow long enough to text her boss. “I’m not feeling well. Staying home today.”

There. All set for National Goof Off Day!

A chuckle emerges from beneath the pillow as she turns on to her back. Coffee. After a nap.

The next time she wakes, the sun has moved. Sitting up, she squints at her watch. Oh wow. When’s the last time she slept in until nine?

Coffee. Bathroom first.

Finally up and about, Jenny showers and brushes her teeth. The new pale green silk robe she bought in honor of today beckons from the hook in the closet. She smiles as she ties the sash around her waist and pads barefoot down the hallway to the kitchen.

Three minutes later she sits at the dining table with a fresh cup of coffee. Savoring the aroma, she takes a sip and sighs contentedly.

No deadlines. She’s not even going to check her email today.

When she’s ready, she’ll dress and head to the beach. The beach on a weekday? She’ll have the place to herself. At least she hopes so. There could be a million other people goofing off today just as she is. Surely not all of them are going to the beach, though.

A text reply from her boss comes in, the message what she expected: “Feel better.”

She will feel better. After a day at the beach.

After another cup of coffee, Jenny pads back to her bedroom, shedding the robe and dressing in her new bathing suit. The suit is royal blue with white polka dots, one of those 40s retro styles, with the high waisted bottoms and a fetching tie beneath the band around her rib cage. She leaves the robe on the floor. Totally not normal Jenny behavior. But today it’s okay.

Almost giddy at the thought of being close to the water, she gathers the beach bag that she packed last night. After tossing in a couple of bottles of water, she heads out the door.

Arriving at the beach thirty-five minutes later, she parks in the lot, noting that it’s about half full. Not bad. Definitely room enough for her to stake out a place in the sand.

Jenny takes her beach bag from the trunk of the car and heads down the stairs to find the perfect spot. She spreads out her towel and sits after removing her beach cover up. From the bag she takes a floppy white hat and puts it on to shield her head from the sun.

Ah, this is the life, she thinks. The rest of the day stretches out in front of her. She can nap here. Or play at the water’s edge. Maybe stop at that new restaurant on the way home. Watch TV? Rob a bank? Maybe. Anything is possible, although the bank robbery thing is out. Too much effort. The point is that she can do anything she wants. Or nothing.

Jenny squirms to get more comfortable on the towel. Today is good practice for when every day is goof off day, also known as retirement.

She lifts the uncapped bottle of water and toasts the sea. Life is Good.


612 words

March 22 is National Goof Off Day!
Now here’s a day that just about everybody can relax and enjoy. It is National Goof Off Day, a March 22 holiday. This is a day to do anything and everything…..except what you’re supposed to do today. Normally, we all work pretty hard. So, a day to idle around doing nothing is well-deserved.

Write about how you, or a character, will spend the day goofing off!

One of your genres must be Your choice, but you MUST pick at least 2 different ones. 'Contest Entry' doesn't count as a genre.

Quill 2024 Nominee
© Copyright 2024 IE (elatedie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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