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by Whoami
Rated: E · Fiction · Comedy · #2316379
A model staff transfered to the Other Side
You have to wait at least 4 months in order to get an appointment!
Alithy was not having a good day at all. After working for hundreds of millenia and giving nothing but quality work, this was not what she deserved. Not at all!
Only this morning she woke up at exactly 05:41 like she had for all of her existence and followed the same routine that she had for just as long. She made her way through the Celestia's great revolving doors into the main atrium at exactly 09:28 and made her way to the reception desk while being pushed about by all the mingling staff of Order and Chaos, they biggest baddest Multiuniversal Corporations that had existed from the start of, well, Everything. Alithy joined the shorter of the long rows to the receptionist's desks. As she reached the desk, she said, " Hey Merlin, how are you doing? " Merlin, or well the dozens of Merlins that were seated along the desk were in fact the same being, they were just cloned sometime in the last couple of millenia, when Chaos and Order agreed that it would help increase efficiency. It was crucial to get the permit card from Merlin everyday for all the staffers at chaos and order to ascend their respective elevators as the areas were strictly prohibited to the other party.
Merlin unexpectedly cursed, " What in the multiverse.....", as he was clicking on the mouse rather frantically and read whatever was on his screen. After half a minute of this he looked up at Alithy his eyes wide in shock and Alithy could tell something was wrong." You... Alithy, it seems you have been transferred to the Chaos.inc temporarily." Merlins words, left a ringing in Alithy's ears. It apeared that they did infact ring out throughout the massive Atrium and all the movement and noise caused by thousands of people shuffling about came to an absolute stop, leaving behind a shocked silence. Merlin printed out the memo for Alithy to read as she just kept standing there, not sure of how to react. As he handed it to her she read,
" Senior manager, Alithy Dawnshine, as per the Director, Order's command, you have been assigned temporarily to Chaos. Your duties here will be assigned to your deputy to manage until you return. Please contact Chaos.inc for more information. Your cooperation is expected.
After rereading a dozen times, she still couldnt comprehend what was happening. In all her time here, she had never heard of such a thing happening to anyone before. As she stood there, merlin said " You wouldnt mind moving over, would you? you are holding the line." Sending Merlin a sharp glare, she moved out of the line, her eyes still glued to the paper in her hand. Everyone was still staring at her, most of them familiar to her. Given millenia spent together working, and considering all the weekly shocial gatherings that everyone was forced to attend, almost everyone knew everyone else. Everyone parted way for Alithy as she stumbled along vaguely towards the Elevators that led to Chaos's office floors. Those already inside even stepped out as she entered. The doors closed and the elevator started to rise on its own. Alithy's hands were shaking and she felt her knees would fold any second. She didnt understand. Even though they had worked together for all this time, there was quite the bad blood between the two organisations.
" Its about the principles", her mentor used to say.
The doors opened to a scene quite unlike her own office. The walls were a shade of deep red and marble floors darkest black, unlike order, where everything was white and gold. only the ceiling was the same, or well a lack thereof. The nearest, Milkyway galaxy, and all the others were visible, the whole shebang. A person standing behind the reception desk coughed to get her attention as she stood alone in the middle of the hall. Gathering herself she moved towards the reception. She was a senior manger, with several millenia of experiennce under her belt. She would not be scared off just because things were a tad unusual ! Gaining confidence she reached the desk and said " I have been assigned to the Chaos and i would like to request someone in the mangement for more instructions " as she handed over the memo. The lady behind the desk raised her eyebrows as she took the offered memo and consulted her computer. After a few minutes of silence she finally said " You.... you are to be instructed by the lord, lord Chaos himself." Alithy couldnt believe what she had heard. Surely this wasnt possible, she had never even met lord Order in person either and she now she was supposed to meet Chaos himself. But, but she couldn't start doubting herself again just yet, she had been tasked with something, and whatever it was , she has to see it through.
" Well then I would like to request audience with Lord Chaos then", but even as she was saying it she could see the shock of the situation coming off and the receptionist came back to her nasty self( they were chaos people, obviously they're nasty). " I possibly cannot, as you don't have a prior appointment scheduled with his Lordship and he is rather busy", replied the receptionist as she gave a smile showing her full set of pointy sharp teeth. Although it was bothersome, Alithy could understand that Lord Chaos was, infact, a Principality, and thus he was not bound to grant her an audience just because she wished to be back to her own desk at her own office. " Very well I would like to request an appointment with His Lordship". "Of course I would book an appointment at the latest date possible. It's just that his schedule is rather booked, so you might have to waitfor like , 4 months. "
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