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Rated: 18+ · Essay · Career · #2316293
In North Wales, unfairly, the bullies are seen as normal, and the bullied as weird.
I would like to say in the job market in North Wales. My experience is that bullies get chance after chance and job after job. While the shy and quiet are dismissed as weird and deserving of defeat.
I am not perfect, but I was a relatively nice, shy, quiet, well-behaved, obedient, and hard working at school. I got decent grades and a university degree, I spent thousands on my education, in the hope I would get a good job.
I expected to get straight into the job market, and make a decent living. Instead I never got a good job. I was told on the New Deal job scheme by one tutor that nobody cares what qualifications you have, all they care is that you are not a weird. In Wales all shy people are called weirdoes. I was bullied sometimes at school. But I lived in the fairy tale idea, that most people were against the bullies and for the bullied. But as an adult people would walk up to me as an adult and tell me they hated me, and that so did everyone else hate me. They would even sadistically laugh when they told me. Most bullies are proud and open about being bullies.
I found out that the people I thought were my friends hated me also. I think when I was bullied at school, I thought that all the people who bullied me would feel guilty and all the people who liked me would carry on liking me, it turned out the other way round. I found out the bullies were proud to and still hated me. But that the people I thought were OK about me, hated me just as much.
I remember now when I was bullied by one evil bully, he pushed me up against the wall and a crowd of others stood around supporting my bully. One bully from the crowd, even made fun of me in that incident, for pushing back. It never sunk in at school, but most people supported the bullies. I was bullied loads of times, and the bullies were the popular ones.
I now realise the vast vast majority of people I was at school with were either bullies or supporters of bullies. That most people hated the bullied victims.
When I went into the job market, I could not get a job, and when I went on the New Deal, and was given confidence classes, one tutor even said nobody cares what qualifications you have, all they care is that you are not a weirdo. I went for a computing apprenticeship job and was told in a post interview-interview, that the reason I did not get the job was because I was too shy and quiet and would not fit in. I was the only person who applied for the job and still did not get the job. And I had answered all the questions. It was not even as if I did not say anything. So even in computing Welsh people will not employ nerdy people, even when they are the only applicant.
I was even sworn at down the phone for applying for jobs at an oil and gas company.
While violent bullies who beat me up, were given chance after chance and job after job even when they were lazy and nasty.
Then when people refuse to give you a job, they then insult you as lazy for not having a job, even when you spend thousands on education, and ambition. While the bullies get chance after chance. In Wales, the bullies get to the top, and the shy and quiet are thrown on the scrap heap and punished for being shy.
People who you do not know hate you, because their friends tell them you are a weirdo.
I do not know if it is the same everywhere, but I know for a fact that in Wales;
In Wales if you are shy quiet, and bullied, then you are seen as weird, creepy, depraved, warped, sexually strange, sad, lazy, stupid, idiotic, dangerous, perverted, criminal, a loser, sad, incompetent, boring, a waster, untrustworthy, unreliable, weak, a coward, a danger to women, a nerd, unpopular, a burden, unsexy, a Mr Bean type character.
In Wales, if you are a bully you are seen as a legend, a hero, clever, strong, competent, brave, confident, reliable, normal, safe, sexy, a role model, a hard-worker, sane, sexually normal, honest, exciting, funny, fun, a character, entertaining, and deserving of chance after chance in anything.
My advice to all bullies it to move to Wales. In Wales, the bullies win, and the bullied lose.
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