Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2315973-Green-Goes-Gross
Rated: E · Poetry · Comedy · #2315973
An acrostic poem to celebrate (?) St. Pat's day

S hamrocks in my dinner soup? A serious mistake.
T asted putrid, looked like sewage. Awful choice to make.
P asty texture, ugly tint. I won't do that again.
A nd yet, I love to tinker in the kitchen now and then.
T hought I'd made a timely choice for old Saint Paddy's day.
R eally messed that up this year. Whimsy didn't pay.
I 'll create something else next year. It's been a lesson learned.
C ulinary tinkering has left my stomach churned.
K itchens are a risky place to test one's artistry.
S hamrocks don't belong in food. That's obvious to me.
D elicious? Not. I'll try to make a better choice next time.
A tasty bit of something green that doesn't turn to slime.
Y ou can bet shamrocks will not be anywhere near my cooking pot.
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