Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2315729-On-Fathers-Day
Rated: E · Poetry · Death · #2315729
Lost of time realize to late
Title. On Father's Day

In quiet moments, I reminisce
Of my father, a mentor, sometimes amiss
With an iron fist, he ruled our abode
Yet his approval, my heart always strode

I share this tale to warn and guide
But many turn away, their ears denied
Blaming luck for the mistakes they make
Yet deeper truths, they fail to take

Responsibility to my father, I failed to heed
Now on Father's Day, with flowers, I plead
For more time to understand his ways
Accepting it won't change, my heart sways

Regrets linger for deeds left unsaid
Lost in my world, where fun misled
I should have called, expressed love each day
But my own path led me astray

Here on Father's Day, by your grave I rest
Recalling lessons, though I failed the test
Words of wisdom you always shared
In my soul, deeply bared

"Pay attention, be true," you'd often say
Respect, honor, follow your own way
Stealing never, trust never betrayed
These values in my soul, forever laid

Now you're gone, unable to display
How your teachings lit my way
I hope you see, with pride so bright
The person I am, in your light

Hugs aplenty, tears forbidden in sight
Yet you taught it's okay to cry, despite
In solitude, tears cleanse the soul
A human act, making us whole

At your resting place, flowers I lay
Tears mingling, as I silently pray
Hoping you're proud of who I've become
Your sculpted legacy, like a drum

Your protege, your work of art
Your legacy lives within my heart
May you smile down upon me
Letting the world see

Proudly you'll say, "That's my child
Guided well, your work done
These flowers, my message to the end
A bond unbroken, my father, my friend

Time slipped away, moments missed
Under the shade tree, where we reminisced
Thank you, father, for shaping who I am
My eternal fan

Love eternal, no distance can sever
In another realm, we'll meet forever
Till then, I strive to make you proud
Alone in the crowd

Flowers laid, your words echo
Your love, teachings, my heart's credo
In silence and peace, we meet
My father, my retreat

Understanding, I'm just a person
Crying's okay, part of the plan
Until we reunite, my father, my guide
With all my heart, with all my might, I'll abide

O.B.W. 3.8.2024
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