Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2315472-Creepy-curiosity
Rated: E · Short Story · Ghost · #2315472
A short story based on creepy, paranormal, unexplained experiences I've had as a teenager.
I was always fascinated and felt drawn to the occult, the paranormal, anything that is dark, macabre, disturbing, creepy, unexplained.
I always believed that it was real, but I still wanted proof, to prove to myself with 100 & certainty that it is real.
I am respectful to the dead, to spirits, entities, demons, Deities, it's never been my intention to dabble with witchcraft, or with divination/communication with spirits for a disrespectful, or negative purpose, spirits, entities, demons, Deities and other type of beings have free will, they should be treated with respect. I don't mock them, underestimate them or what they are capable of.
I've always been intuitive, sensitive to energy and I experience precognition as a teenager this happened the day my grandad died and when my mum was mugged by a teenager thug.
I've had psychic/intuitive abilities since then, i've always believed in the existence of spirits, entities, demons, Deities and various other type of beings in existence, I've always believed that witchcraft is real, it can be helpful, but it can also be destructive ad harmful, anything involving spirituality, witchcraft, occultism can be, it depends on your intentions.
I was curious and I was going to find away to prove, via various methods that there is a afterlife, that witchcraft is and spirits, entities, demons are real.
The methods that I chose were various methods of divination- using a pendulum, automatic writing, using a homemade Ouija board, as a divination & communication method with spirits.
There wasn't always coherent messages via automatic writing, a spirit is using your body as a vessel to physically control your hand and write messages, it feels like temporary possession, sometimes it was gibberish, sometimes it was full sentences, that answered my questions.
The spirit read my mind and answered my questions via various divination methods, during meditation, when I am asleep and dreaming.

The next method was using a homemade Ouija board, I used a piece of paper a overturned glass as the planchette, i'm not religious, but I said the lord's prayer for protection and sat in a circle of salt, I placed a silver ring on the glass I used a planchette.
I started to ask questions "Is someone here?" "Who is here with me?" "What is your name?"
I felt a cold energy around me, a creepy atmosphere while I used the planchette on the homemade Ouija board.
The planchette slowly started to move and it spelled out S-A-T-A-N which freaked me out, but I knew spirits, entities or demons that communicate with you via the Ouija board lie, they will pretend to be something they aren't such as a dead relative, or an angel, sometimes a Deity so they can lure you into a false sense of security to gain your trust.
Then they will reveal their true intentions towards you, it could have unintentional, or unwanted side effects that could affect you for the rest of your life, if your not careful, don't respect the dead, or don't respect the spiritual realm, spirits, entities or demons and mock them, or mock their existence, underestimate how powerful they are, their influence on people in various ways and what they are truly capable of.
A few other spirits came through, claiming to be of various ages, but then I physically felt a cold hand superimposed in my hand, I could feel the fingers interlaced in my own, the glass slowly moved in a twisting circular motion, it took a long time to spell out messages.

When I was 18 years old I inexplicable felt very depressed, sad all day for no apparent reason it was the same day that my family were notified that my grandad died.
A year later my nan died, at their funerals just before they were buried I asked them, the universe if there was a way for my grandparents to prove to me that there is a afterlife, that life after death exists then I wanted them to return to me and prove it to me. A few months after their funerals, my house was haunted, I never felt alone, spirits were following me around my house, standing very close to me and saying my name in a creepy whisper "Carly"
Every time I was alone in a particular room of my house,
I felt the energy and presence of a male spirit standing in the corner of the room, intently but angrily staring at me, I could feel the intense energy of them staring at me, but I didn't see the spirit there.
It was creepy, unsettling and I thought at the time that I was going crazy, but my mother also experienced paranormal activity at the same time.
My mother kept smelling a phantom smell, that smelled like my grandad's aftershave, it had a distinctive smell.
I kept feeling more that one spirit around me that felt female and male.
I never physically saw the spirits that were haunting my house but I felt their energy, presence, their intentions towards me, they wanted to be acknowledged, to communicate with me.
The creepiest thing that happened was when I was downstairs, by myself watching tv in the evening, the living room door was completely closed it was open a little bit, but I physically saw with my own eyes the door handle move by itself a few times like a spirit was trying to figure out how to open the door.
The door handle moved several times, before the door opened by itself eerily slow,
I could feel the presence and energy of the spirit in the doorway, I wish I had a polaroid camera to take a photograph because it would have shown a spirit standing there.
The spirit walked into the room, when it entered the room it felt like all the air was sucked out of the room and it felt very cold, it felt like the icy coldness of a meat locker.
I put a blanket on my due to feeling cold but I still felt cold and the spirit came into the room and stood very close to me, this really creeped me out and sacred me so I turned the tv off and ran upstairs to my bedroom.
I can't guarantee that it was my grandparents, but there were spirits in my house for a few months, haunting my house, myself and my mum, which was strange, as weird and strange as it was that my house was unexpectedly haunted it suddenly stopped out of nowhere.
So this is just one of many strange, unexplained, creepy paranormal experiences I have had since I was a teenager and various weird, creepy things have happened in my life.
Another similar experience that I believe is related to the haunting is when I was sitting on my bed in my bedroom, I sensed and felt the energy/presence of a spirit in the corner of my room it walked towards me, then sat next to me on my bed, I felt their energy, presence and the indentation of the spirit sitting, I also felt the weight of their energy, it was comforting energy that I felt from the spirit, it didn't feel threatening or creepy in any way, it felt like a family member checking on me to see if I was okay.
So I have my undeniable proof now that the afterlife/life after death is real, for me it is comforting to know that, for others it might be creepy, which is understandable.
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