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A question to be pondered. |
Many are Called Part 1 Something has been on my mind a lot lately. I didn't know why. I decided sit and contemplate about it more in depth. I had been writing things down anyways and I just decided to write instead. It wanted and got my attention. What this is all about is in the New Testament bible. Located between, or at the end of a parable where it is said “Many are called but few are chosen.” What does that actually mean? I will just use this one parable to keep it shorter. This may offend some, not my intention. I am just asking the question, and this is the search for the answers. The parable I will use is the king and his sons wedding feast. He called all who were invited of his kingdom to the wedding feast saying it was ready. They shunned the king. He sent servants again to tell them again all is ready for them, to please come. Some ignored them and sent them away, while others beat, then killed the servants. Hearing this angered the king and sent out his armies to kill them, destroying their cities and the occupying people. Then told servants to find anybody left out on the highways, and countryside, good and bad, then dressed them up for his feast. But one came without a wedding garment on, undressed for the occasion. The king was furious about that one. He then told the servants to throw that person out into the darkness, and then there was weeping and the gnashing of teeth. I ask, was it the one who was thrown out of the world into the darkness, or was it the rest that were weeping and had the gnashing of teeth? With the phrase many are called, few are chosen. Who are the few here? The story here seems so contradictory to itself. I ask spirit for an answer here. I am told from within myself to use spiritual intuition. The basics. What is God/Spirit/creator/source? It's Love, light, intelligence, awareness, thought, and life. The creative source is what I am calling God here. The creator is not human with human thoughts and behaviors. We are made in the image of the creator, which is love. The king in the story felt more like a tyrant to me. Demanding respect, all should be honored to come. Many were coming to the feast already. Then others busy with life's cares, their own beliefs, and just plain not wanting to, refused to come. Even after a second personal invitation by his servants which angered some of them enough to beat and even kill the servants. This infuriated the king so much he struck out at them and destroyed their cities and all within them. The king still wanted others to come. So he gathered up whoever he could find to come to the wedding feast. Most fearing now who he was, came to the feast and dressed for the part. Except one, not dressed to his liking really angered him. It was he who was thrown out from the world by the kings servants. Out into the darkness as far as the king was concerned. Then there was the weeping and gnashing of teeth. Is the gnashing of teeth referring to one person here? It seems to me that it’s much greater than the one expelled. Most who read and are taught this parable assume the king is God, and his son Jesus, wedding the church. In that case didn’t he kill the members of the church and lay their cities to waste first. Finding them unworthy? Going and gathering all the people that were considered unworthy by the church and the people of that first group. The hall was filled with these people. Then there was the one without proper dress. He was expelled/tossed out of the world and sent into the darkness, then there was the weeping and gnashing of teeth. Most assume that it was that person thrown out was the one weeping with the gnashing of teeth. Was it? Didn't the same thing happen to Jesus here when he was crucified and expelled/tossed out from the world. The world weeps and gnashes its teeth over that still feeling guilt from what happened to him. Was this God in the parable? Or was that a human ruler? I am asking because it is a question that’s just begging for an answer. Does a loving God just go and kill people and lay their cities to waste? What is God, a human like vengeful, arrogant, my way or the highway type? Or is God a loving energy that would love you unconditionally? True love has to be unconditional in nature, doesn't it? Now to me that doesn’t follow spiritual intuition, so he cannot be! So I wonder again why it is said many are called but few are chosen? Even Jesus said I am in the world, but not part of it. Most believe at least he was a chosen one. Rejected by his own for the message he was bringing, and not bending to the authorities (church), (state). We all know what happened to Jesus after that. A bigger tragedy is the messages he was trying to bring and teach that were never heard by the masses, except perhaps in those days. These parables also confused the apostles at the time, and they asked Jesus privately what they meant. These parables are not meant for you, but for all others. Parables meanings have been hidden from them to be unseen and misunderstood. Until the time they are ready to understand, see and hear them. Then he told them what they meant. Did the apostles ever reveal what he told them in private? Were the words of them messages spoken, or written down and perhaps burned as heretics writings? Maybe that is why that is said. To hold on to spiritual truth through all your trials. To find love in all the noise. To be true to yourself till the end. For me I will believe Creator/Spirit/Source and what I call God Is the unconditional, unending love, and will love and forgive me through all of my faults. If I ever got tossed out of the world I would be in good company. So what do you think of that statement now “That many are called, but few are chosen?" What does that mean to you? What does that parable mean to you? Part 2 Up to this point is what I ended up with after weeks of rewriting, editing trying to analyze a parable with many are called few are chosen at the end of it. I got to where spirit was quiet about it so I thought it was done. However something kept bothering me about it, and I couldn't release it. It try rewriting parts again but it ended up almost the same. I knew there was nothing to add to, or do for that parable. Something still kept on nagging me about it. I reread so many times and couldn't figure it out so I put it aside for a few days. Many are called, few are chosen kept going though my mind. I kept asking for guidance for a answer.Then it finally came to me. It was all the toiling with that parable. Dissecting looking for the answer within that parable, and finding it was never there to begin with. Spirit always said to to ask and the truth will be revealed to you. Where do you go to find the answers from spirit? Do you go to a outside source? Perhaps a clergyman, priest, rabbi, minister, guru, spiritual advisor, pray to God out there somewhere, and everywhere. I wouldn't have found my answer with any of them means, or any others you may think of. This is where it gets interesting. I will give you a short description without going into the details of it. What is the message every master ever told us? Where to find the answers to life, the source, heaven, kingdom of heaven, nirvana, the greatest peace known, love, and knowing we are all one. Do they go to temples, churches, synagogues. etc.. They all tell you to go inside to find the divine within. Those who make it there are totally different when the come back. Masters are described as radiant, loving, so full of peace and joy it emanates from them. They found heaven inside of themselves. They come away from that experience wanting, and trying to tell others. They return back often to recharge and sit in that inner peace. They know that their light is so needed by the world. People come to them because they are drawn by that energy, and want to feel it. They ask how do do that for themselves. However most don't listen, hear, or see/understand that message because it goes against all their beliefs. The noise of the world drowns it out from them. Now back to "many are called but few are chosen," and the parable. My answer or conclusion is:The parable and trying to unravel it is a fools errand. You can go round and round with it trying to understand it. It was never meant to be understood. The ones who heard, and understood the masters words, heeded them. Jesus probably got frustrated with the masses, because the message he was bringing was so simple. The people thinking it can't be this simple questioned him about everything. They couldn't release themselves from their yokes, because they were so invested into life's religions, rulers, cares of the world etc., they wouldn't except it. He was offering them a way out of that oppression. When they couldn't comprehend the simplicity of the message, and they feeling they needed to do more than that to earn it. He made it not so simple. He gave them parables to work with, hiding spiritual truth within them. However to understand them you would have to go back to the original simple message. The message in case you have forgotten already is to go inside to find God (divinity), the kingdom of God, heaven, nirvana. Not looking for them, or whatever you think you are trying to achieve, or get/go to on the outside. You have a piece of divinity with in you already and are part of that divinity. That is what Jesus said. The people in them days came away with If you have divinity within you must be God's son. That stuck. He told them no! That you are all sons and daughters of source. They wouldn't believe him. That is why he said if you believe me, you will find eternal life.You have access to that now, the kingdom is here (inside). He was only able to teach a few in life. He even had a hard time with teaching some of the apostles. Like for instance Simon Paul who Jesus said that his head was as dense as a rock because he was having a hard time releasing old beliefs, and was having trouble understanding the teachings. After Jesus death, it was Mary who he came to first. She was in mediation/prayer, mourning, in despair, and highly emotional at his grave site. With all that emotional energy she found the kingdom within and was with him. He came to the apostles in the same type of way. Mary the leader of the first church, and the apostles taught as witnesses to what they had learned from Jesus. I will not go further with this here. Not the point. Just trying to fill things in a bit for you. So to find the answer/truth I seek, I had to give up. Then surrender any fragments of beliefs I still hung onto, and to go inside. Just as a note if you were wondering: I never have got to the place that the masters found yet, but I know the path is there and hopefully will. However I don't have to be to that point to utilize that source. No more than you do. It's available to all. You see many are called by the messages/parables to toil with to no avail. A few will use the path that I describe and be chosen to give the answers to. Maybe one day in the near future enough people will go inside and pull out their piece of heaven to manifest it into our reality to change the world to match that inner place. It would be heaven on earth, bringing peace and love on earth finally. Maybe then it.can be said "Many are (have) chosen, but a few need to be called." With this I conclude: You see what you have seen here. Heard what you have heard. Maybe you still can't see, nor understand what you have seen and heard. In that case I have a parable for you instead. Thomas Seeker |