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Eddie and Anne |
Chapter 1 East London. 1966. Anne and her friends were passing Eddie’s classroom on their way out of the old Victorian school. “I’m sorry.” Eddie sat at his school desk and mouthed the apology to Anne through the classroom’s internal partition windows. His own class, on a short detention, was a little late in finishing. Anne looked at him briefly before looking away and ignoring him. “Jones,” his form teacher called out. “Would you like to pay attention, or would you like to extend the detention period for the whole class?” Eddie received some bad looks from his classmates. “Sorry, Sir,” he said. He tried to look as if he were paying attention but his mind was firmly on Anne, the love of his teenage life. He could not remember when be had not had a crush on her. He had finally got Anne to agree to go out with him but then he seriously messed it all up. When his class was dismissed Eddie rushed down the stairs of the old Victorian school and dashed out through the gates hoping to catch up to Anne. He noticed her at the crossroads at the end of the street standing talking with a young lad. Eddie began running towards them knowing he had to apologise for his stupid mistake. Anne’s friend noticed Eddie approaching. “Here comes that boy you fancy. He’s right for you and I’ve heard he’s be a bit besotted about you as well.” “Fancy him, yes, I do fancy him, like mad. But I’m not about to let him know that.” Her friend went off to the right as Anne turned left. She turned and smiled as Eddie got near. “Oh, it’s you again,” she said. “I’m sorry. There was a good reason why I couldn’t make it.” "Yes, I know. You preferred to see the World Cup Final than to turn up on the date with me.” “But, Anne, we won. It’s like a once in a lifetime event.” “Well, Eddie, a date with me is like a once in a lifetime event, because you won’t be getting another chance.” “Why's that, are you courting again? Is that your boyfriend you were just talking to?” “No, that was just a classmate, Scouse Les.” “Oh, he’s from Liverpool.” “Nearly right. But you are right about one thing, Eddie; I am seeing someone now. He is sixteen and has his own Lambretta scooter. So like I said, you had a chance and missed it.” “But can’t you give me another chance? Meet me at the youth club on Saturday afternoon and I’ll make it up to you.” “At the bleeding youth club. What, you’ll get me a glass of lemonade and let me win a game of table tennis or something? I don’t think so, Eddie. And anyway, what about your girlfriend Jacqui?” “She’s not my girlfriend. She is just a friend.” “Yes, well she looked quite friendly when I saw the two of you at the school gates last Thursday. It looked as if she were trying to suck the tongue out of your mouth.” “Just a bit of fun but she got carried away not me. I don't care about her and I don’t care about your Lambretta boyfriend. I’ll soon tell him to get lost.” “Listen, Eddie. I go to the Lincoln Hall Community centre every Saturday night for the disco. If there is no football on the tele’ and you decide to turn up there, I might just have a dance with you if my boyfriend is not there.” “I don’t dance.” “Well, there's no point turning up then.” Anne grinned, turned away, and walked off. “I’ll definitely see you there,” he called after her. "Thought you might," she called back. Saturday night Eddie set off to the Lincoln hall with some friends. He felt good in his new Wrangler jeans, Hush Puppie shoes, tab collar shirt, and a blue/green mohair jacket. He was not keen on dancing but thought that he should make an effort if he wanted any chance with Anne. He walked into the hall and straight away noticed Anne talking with Scouse Les and Demon Dave. He didn’t know Scouse that well but he knew Demon Dave. He didn’t know why Dave’s nickname was Demon. He was more like a wimp than a demon. He thought perhaps he would be better as Wimpo Dave. He didn’t like him much. A Dusty Springfield song began playing: I Only Want To Be With You. Eddie was delighted when Anne left her two friends and walked over to him. “Come on then,” she said. “ Let’s have a dance, Mister Don’t Dance. Or should I find another partner?” “I was only joking. Of course I can dance. Especially when Dusty is singing a song all about us.” Anne laughed and took hold of Eddie’s hand and they walked out to the floor. Despite his best effort, Eddie felt a fool because his friends were looking over and grinning. But he also felt ecstatic dancing with the girl of his dreams although all too soon the song came to an end. What’s that Scouse and Dave doing dancing together?" Eddie said. "Are they poufs or something?” Anne laughed. “Of course not. Don’t be so judgemental. Listen, I’m just going to have a word with Pat about the netball match on Tuesday. I won’t be long.” Eddie took the opportunity to visit the men’s room to check on his hair and appearance. He had to look his best. Thinking she must have feelings for him and perhaps the Lambretta lad had had his day with her. He got back in the hall and looked about but could see no sign of Anne and walked over to Demon Dave. “Do you know where Anne is?” “Yeah, she got her coat and left.” “Don’t talk daft, she’s not gone.” He noticed Scouse laughing. “What are you laughing at?” “I’m laughing at you dick-brain. Her boyfriend has a scooter. What have you to got to offer her. You even dance like a moron.” “You better watch your lip,” Eddie said. “Don’t mess with me, peanut head, or you could end up with a busted nose.” Eddie gave a sarcastic laugh. “I don’t think so,” he said and looked around the hall again. “She must be here somewhere.” “I told you,” Dave said. “She’s gone. If you hurry you might catch her up.” Eddie hurried off to the exit giving a wave to the lads he had come with. Outside Anne was stood talking to the lad with the Lambretta. She saw him and gave a wave before getting on the scooter pillion seat and they rode off. Eddie was devastated wondering why she was leading him on. But he was not about to give up. He was sure that Anne was only interested in the lad because of his Lambretta scooter. Monday morning Eddie saw Anne walking to school. She was not wearing the usual short skirt but was wearing slacks and she appeared to be limping. He hurried up to her. “Anne, what’s the matter with your leg?” “That idiot went round a corner and tipped the scooter over. My leg is all bruised up and grazed. Luckily I was wearing my jeans." "I wondered why you were wearing slacks to school. Good job you haven't got a broken leg, or worse." "Anyway, I was hurting but he seemed more interested in checking the damage on his scooter than looking after me.” “Do you want me to have a word with him?” Eddie said. “No, he would only beat you up. But I finished with him and I didn’t like him that much anyway.” “So, can I take you to the youth club tomorrow night.” “I’d rather go to the pictures. There’s a good film on at The Odeon.” “I can’t afford that. I don’t get my allowance until Friday.” “Why don’t you get a weekend job like Demon Dave. Him and Scouse Les work for Dave’s uncle sometimes. He always seems to have plenty of money." "Is that why you like him?" "Like him. Don't make me laugh, Eddie. He's a bloody delinquent and hasn't grown up yet. Anyway, I want to see the film. so I'll pay for the both of us.” “I can’t let you do that. It’s not right,” Eddie said. “It’s all right. You can pay me back on Friday when you get your allowance.” Eddie was happy with the idea; not because Anne was paying but because it seems as if she is to be his steady girlfriend. He was also relieved that she had no interest in Demon Dave. He took hold of both her hands and wondered if he should try to kiss her. Would she let him? He decided to try but the lad on the Lambretta pulled up next to them. "We need to talk, Anne," the lad said. "I've nothing more to say to you. I told you we are finished, it's over between us." The lad laughed. "So, you have gone and fixed yourself up with this brat." "You heard her," Eddie said. "So why don't you just piss off and perhaps learn how to ride your scooter properly?" "You are on thin ice, boy. You had better keep your mouth shut or you'll be getting a dig." "You don't frighten me," Eddie said. "I know Karate." "Oh, do you now? We'll see about that." The lad stopped the engine, got off the scooter and made his way towards Eddie.