Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2313371-An-attempt-made-on-the-Queen
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2313371
Someone tried to kill the Queen, what has happened>

Sir Grey Arm true queen’s guard
Queen Marissa
Treasurer Phillip
Vincent Vacs
Jules Mile

         Vincent looked into the eyes of Tabius his left one had a cut on his brow and eyebrow which

was amount of blood ran like a river from this gash, his nose was crooked and bleeding two men

supported Tabius as he hung from their arms. His eyes nearly closed from the battery that he was

given to him by the other members of the watch to have him tell them the truth about what he has

done. How could he not have known about what he was doing? He did not know that he was

creating a ruse within the kingdom he was living in. The carriage would carry the persons on it away

from the castle like the one he was in.

         Tabius did not realise what he had done. He was in trouble, in a great deal of trouble which

he did not know had happened to him by being captured. Tabius stood there, his hands were

trembling, There were beads of sweat on his brow.

         VIncent asked, “Did you know this person, who paid you to take the carriage to this city?”

         “I did not know who he was. I was afraid he would take the money away if I didn’t do this!”

         “Did you see anything that is significant about this man? His clothing, the people who were

acting as his escort, the colour of his garments, what did he look like, were there any tattoos on his

skin,” Vincent said as he looked at him, he needed answers to these questions. Who was still being

paid to do this. Could he capture this person paying for these people to leave the community.

         “He has a tattoo of a serpent on his right arm, it went across his chest. His clothing was jade

green in colour.” Tabius said as he peered into Vincent’s eyes.

         Vincent grinned, he would be able to find this man thanks to his words to describe this man to

Vincent who handed him back his bag of coins. He led him out the door to the sheriff’s building.

Vincent was headed to the building of the watch, he arrived at the door.

         A officer of the watch looked at him throwing a fist at his shoulder it hit him very hard

and said,”Why are you smiling? What have you found another girl to take to bed?”

         Vincent staggered back a foot as the officer passed him, Vincent walked into the room

It was crowded with members of the Watch dressed in purple capes, and red tabards with a roaring

lion on them. Menace peered across the room, there was a frown on his face to see Vincent and he

asked, “What have you learned from Tabius?”

         “I think we will have a chance to find the man responsible for doing this to Tabius with what

Tabius gave me.” Vincent said as he advanced toward Menace, Menace had a long scar tha ran

across his left shoulder, arm and wrist and his line was white in comparison to his arm which was

beige in colour.

         “Good, then we should go out and find this man. Shouldn’t we?”

         “I don’t think I will be much good to you now. Let me get some sleep.” Vincent said as he
headed toward his bed in the barracks.


         The coach arrives at the community of Taletera, its escort also stops there. The occupants ]

leave the coach, Heading to the inn to have a meal, it is morning when they arrive there. Oliva is still

not at ease with the man she had drawn her dagger to coerce into not doing anything with her.

         The mute began to walk ahead of them to enter the inn. He waited until Oliva and Jules had e
entered the inn. It was busy.

Tables were sparce/ The mute found them a table to sit at.

         Jules smiled at him, the man lifted the map from where he held it to the table.

         Oliva noted that there was a mark on the map, nearby here. Jules knew the

region would have the things he would need to have them pay for their behaviour to
him. Oliva smiled, as she tapped the table/

         Jules looked at her, and said, "That is where we should go to watch the fun

that will be happening to them.

         "Are you sure. that we should be this near the area."

         "But of course, they will be chasing raccoons instead of hares won't they?"

Jules said as he waved a waiter over to the table.

         The mute smiled as he drew his hand across his throat and laughed. He

looked into the waiter's eyes. he said, "What is it that you wish to have."

         "A tea for the lady. an ale for the man to your right and a tea for me as well."

         The waiter walked away.

         "I will destroy the king, by buying a few mercenaries." Jules laughed


         “Do you know how many of these are up throughout the kingdom?” Sir Grey said as he

peered into Phillip's face as he tried to have Phillip tell him what he knew about the sheets with the

bounty on them for her.

         “I don’t know for sure. I thought she was someone who stole capital from someone. That was

what the Queen and the viceroy said to me. I am not one to question them am I. You see I want my

head to still be attached to my body,” Phillip said as shifted his shoulders so he could relieve some of

the pressure that developed in his body.

         “I want these posters to be pulled from the trees where they have been posted on,” the queen

said as she looked into the eyes of Phillip, he winced as if struck by her hand across the face. He

drew back from the queen and he trembled. Eyes were wide with horror.

         “Let us find the sheriff to see what else has been happening here,” Sir Grey said as he turned

and left the treasurer’s office with the Queen on his heels.

         The guards turned to face the people in the hallways which were crowded with people

headed toward where the sheriff’s building was. A figure slipped through the crowd toward her in his

hands he held a dagger. The guards did not see as he emerged from the crowd.

         Sir Grey saw him as he burst upon the queen’s right, Sir Grey stepped into his path the

dagger did appear visible in his hands, he was dressed in a cloak of black, the way he moved was as

if he was spirit.

         Sir Grey tried to grab the man’s wrist as the dagger was driven toward the Queen, he missed

the blade and came dangerously close to her, she did a slight movement so the dagger cut a portion

of her corset with its edge. Sir Grey drove his shoulder into the man holding the dagger.

         He screamed, “She is here. On the castle’s ground we must kill her to keep the kingdom


         Other pions turned to face him and her. The escort stepped in to stop this man from attacking

her. The others began to force the guards away from the person they were to protect.

         A member of the watch saw this happen. He knew the colours of the KIng’s guard and saw

them within this surrounding cover of the escort who were protecting the queen. He raced off to get

the watch to come here.

         He drew his blunderbuss and fired it into the air. Everyone turned to face the member who

fired the blunderbuss. The crowd stopped moving, they froze and they stepped away from the


         Sir Grey held him there on the ground his shoulder had driven him into it. The figure’s face

was covered in darkness, as were his hands. The blade’s edge was black as well, it was a foot long

from blade to hilt. The figure struggled to be free of his grasp. His body was slippery as an eel, Sir

Grey crushed the wrist holding the dagger. The man let go of the dagger, he tried to wrench Sir

Grey’s hand off his wrist.

         The figure looked at Sir Grey as he hammered the figure with his fist into his head. The figure

stopped fighting. He lay in a heap on the ground with Sir Grey above him. The escort drew away

from them.

         The queen seemed at ease with this having happened there. She had fallen onto the ground,

the escort moved toward her to allow her to gain her feet. They helped her up. She glared at the man

who had attacked her.

She said, “Who are you? Why did you do this?”

“For the bounty bitch. I have to protect the queen, don't I?” he said as he woke in the arms of guards

as they dragged him into the sheriff’s office.

         “Bitch! How dare you, you rogue. I will have your tongue cut out so you will not speak,” Sir

Grey said as he lifted the man’s face into his own.

         “She is the queen. She is Marissa.” a guard said as he drove him through the sidewalk to the

sheriff’s office.

         The Sheriff Marcus turned as he saw the guards carrying the man who tried to attack the

queen to enter his building. He said,”What happened?”

“He tried to kill the Queen.” Sir Grey said as he threw him into a cell.

“I see. What do you want to do with him?”

"Hold him till his trial!"

"we could be on the brink of war
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