Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2313107-DEAR-ME
Rated: 13+ · Letter/Memo · Experience · #2313107
A look ahead at retirement and writing for 2024


I awoke with a start. Or is it woke? My first writing dilemma of 2024 is courtesy of ….

  ‘For gosh sakes, stop yelling. Who are you?’

I’M NOT … yelling. Sorry. Your muses, I and Myself.

  ‘Oh gawd, there’s two of you?’

Well, not usually. But we have a lot of ground to cover, and I thought two of us might help you organize the coming year easier.

  ‘Ohh, my head is throbbing. Where am I?’

Still in bed. It’s 9:42. Time to get up. The better part of the forenoon is gone … and so’s your creative time.

  ‘I hurt so much. I can hardly think anyway. Just let me go back to sleep.


  ‘You’re yelling … again.’

Sorry… again. But time’s a-wasting.

  ‘Wait,’ I think, belatedly. ‘Two? But I only have one muse.’

Not now. We’ve got too much to do. The three of us are going to Kickstart your Retirement program. Uh, maybe a Go Fund Me would work better.

I know--we’ll ignite that reviewing passion of yours. Reviewing can fund your writing this year. I mean you earned enough gift points in the past two months alone to buy an annual Upgraded membership. Keep that up and you'll get that Premium membership, easy peasy.

My muse, making an uncharacteristic late appearance, has wakened me from my drunken slumber. Sunlight is already streaming in through the window. I partied late into the night actually seeing the new year arrive, a very unusual thing for me. But I had much to celebrate—I finally retired after working most of my life, culminating with owning and operating a custom cabinet shop for more than 30 years. Best. Job. Ever.

Usually Mr. Muse visits early, between 5 and 6 am, after which I can never get back to sleep.

You’ve been dreaming of this since you joined WDC 15 years ago.

It hurts to think right now. I think he's still talking but maybe I'll just ... z z z z

* * * * *

  'Ok, let's get to it. We've had all month to think about this. We are running out of time.'

Myself couldn't wait for you. But I have some ideas. Let's begin with some main areas you want to pursue this year, and then flesh them out.

*BulletG* Writing.
         Write fiction stories and essays: "I Write in 2024
         Write and collate my memoires for family members: "Roots & Wings Contest
         Publish a Noticing Newbies newsletter every four weeks.

*BulletG* Reviewing.
         Complete at least 50 quality reviews every month.
         Maintain a presence on the Most Credited Reviewer list for at least eight months.
         Maintain an active presence on following reviewing groups all year:
                   "Anniversary Reviews
                   "SuperTower Review Room MB Rewards
                   "Angel Review Forum

*BulletG* WDC Support.
         Maintain a daily presence on both the Newsfeed and Help forums.
         Operate my contest: "WDC L'il Helper Contest
         Continually update and organize How To references: "The File Cabinet

That's a pretty ambitious year you're undertaking.

  'Hey, I'm retired! I have all the time in the world!'

Word Count: 483

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2313107-DEAR-ME