Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2312887-For-my-brother-PDM
Rated: E · Poetry · Drama · #2312887
Another kind of farewell poem. The kind you write when you know your friend never cared.
Looking back on the moments we had
I can’t recall a time you genuinely loved me
Don’t get me wrong: your heart broke
For things anyone’s heart would break for
You cried for me in my darkest hour
And I’ll give you credit for being man enough to show it

But something changed inside
Every time we spoke you criticized
Complained about the world and the state of your life
While doing nothing to make it better
I heard you loud and clear
Made it known I was on your side

But then we disagreed
Didn’t see the world the same way
I accepted you and your wrong opinions
Fully hoping you’d do the same
But you condemned me
Said I was a poison to you
When I should have been a medicine
Well, the only difference is the dose
Why do you think I rarely called YOU?

We exchanged truth in letters
I never stopped caring about you
But when things fell silent
I knew something was wrong
And I took you to task for it
And you slapped me in the face

I can see now we never were brothers
You were a friend while things were easy
You never cared to search for the truth
Your truth was all that mattered
That’s fine by me, old friend
I'll let things be your way
You go ahead and play the victim
I’ll choose to be a man
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