Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2312643-Assignment---Writing-Class-12324
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Other · #2312643
A writing assignment focusing on poetry inspired by a physical object.
Our teacher, Ms. Hawkins, gave us a random D-20 (20 sided die) from her DnD collection (love it) and asked us to write down five descriptive words (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) that came to mind.

I received a sort of purplish-blue hard plastic die that was pretty heavy for its size.
The five words that came to mind were:

1. Cosmic (sight)
2. Weighty (sound)
3. Singed (smell)
4. Acidic (taste)
5. Roughly smooth (touch)

Then we were to write a poem describing being lucky, unlucky, or something related to that idea using these descriptive words. So here's what came to mind:

A weighty thought contorts my careworn mind
In this cosmic, vast existing plane
Some feel the flames of all-consuming fire
While others are contented with being singed
This roughly smooth conundrum leaves me ill
An acidic bitterness is on my tongue
The greatest choices have already been made
And no one told me which part I should play
We're not the masters of our fate
The lines have already been written
But I, uncertain, choose to speak
In hopes my words will be my light.
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