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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2312492
The watch has to find Oliva, they have Quan a woman who owns s tavern inside the castle.
Dera Fin Watch Commander
Elsa wife of Tabius
Ger Sia member of the watch

Queen Marissa True Queen
Sir Grey Arm KIng's guard
The hungry Ork Lady Quan owner
Bishop Carcreea

         Elsa looked Dera as he turns to leave her address, he knew he would have to make inquiries

about Tabius in the morning. He did not wish to do this, but the Queen’s life was at stake. So, he

would have to do this.

         Dera had gone to the castle to see Grey Arm, but he was unable to see him presently, so he

told the guards at the door to tell Grey Arm what he had learned, he would appreciate Sir Grey Arm's

arrival at the inn where Tabius usually was to further implore the patron's help in this matter. He did

think Grey Arm would be happy to help him.

         The guards left the room without telling him what Dera told them to tell him. They knew he

was tired, they were tired of looking about the Queen's boudoir. They were tired, they wanted to

leave the room.


         The other members rode to the other community where the carriage had gone. They would

have to find it. They were not sure if they were anywhere nearer the carriage. They saw a figure

walking across the road. This person was stumbling about as they approached he turned to face the

riders. Staring at the riders. He looked drunk. His hands were empty on his hip was a sword.

         He said “What do you want? hic.”

         “We are seeking information about a carriage which was driven here by four horses and the

carriage had on the front two lamps with which to see the road. There was an escort of four riders

with it. Did you see it. Friend?” Ger said as he slowed his horse to a canter peering at the man

walking on the street.

         “The carriage. Yeah come to think of it. I did see a coach such as that.” the drunk said, his

words were slurred, Ger saw he wore a jacket and had a sword. His head was bare, he fell onto the


         Ger slowed his horse to a stop. “Where did it go?”

         “The trollop’s want. Is where it went.” the drunk rolled about to get on his feet, he was acting

as though he was a turtle. His hands fell to ground as he tried to right himself to his feet.

         Ger climbed off his horse to help the drunk to his feet, Ger knew of the Trollop’s want by

reputation only. Ger grabbed the drunk by his arm, he lifted the drunk to his feet. His face needed a

shave, His shirt was dirty with puke that had run from his mouth. Ger reached into his change purse

to hand him a sovereign, and said, “The Trollop’s want. That’s all I need to know?" The man looked

imploring into Ger's brown eyes.

         The drunk walked down the street without any further help. He staggered on his way home.

         Ger and the others rode down the road, It was on main street, it intersected this street. and

wiped his hand on his skirt. He looked at his hand in disgust. The trollop would not be open at a time

such as this he knew they would have to wait till tomorrow to go there. The trollop was a big inn.

         Ger looked about saw a light in another inn's window. Ger and the others ride to its door, The

inn was dank, The walls were wood, there was flag stone on the floor. An innkeeper with glasses

looked at the others of them as they walked inside inn.

         “Why are you here?” he asked.

         “To have the queen arrested is why we are here. If that is any business of yours. We need

two rooms if that is possible.” Ger asked as he dropped a sovereign down on the desk,

         “Here you are?” the innkeep said, "i will need payment of the rooms."

         "Of course you will," Ger said as he handed him three silver coins.


         The Queen was finally ushered into her room, after the guards finished their search of the

room. They found that she had eluded capture they sent out guards to find her.

         They had sent other members to the viceroy's door to see him. He would not like to see

them at a time such as this. The guards knew this they would await his waking before they spoke to

him. sat on the bed where she would sleep, with Sir Grey Arm standing before her, his hand were

with out gloves, he was trembling with fear and anger. How could she have eluded us. They

would not be able to find the black Queen. Who stained our hearts with her utter vile and darkness.

         The chamber was warm thanks to the fire that blazed in the hearth. The room was spacious

enough, there was her garments chosen by her dresser before she would go to sleep. She hadn't

been here in months the garment were not what she would have chosen to wear. She was tired, but

she couldn't sleep. On the mantle piece was a candelabra with three candles on it and a portrait of

her husband, with his arms folded over. his face was looking into the room above the mantle piece.

There were two chairs and a dresser with a mirror on it. The walls were with tapestries on them

showing the battles that were fought by their army and navy. The floor had a thick red rug in the floor.

         Queen Marissa looked at Grey Arm as he stood there, after listening to what the guards and

the watch told him. It was the middle of the night now. The Queen glared at him, she closed her fists,

drawing blood from her palm to color them. She snarled,"Where could she have gotten to?"

         Sir Grey Arm looked at the floor as he tried to come up with an answer that could quell her

temper. He too would be enraged if this had happened to him too. From what he understood, she

had made it into the woods outside the castle's walls. We are still seeking information from the

people here who know of her and where she has gone?"

         "What do you know? Why are you not telling me what you know?" Marissa said as she

opened her hands, blood trickled and ran from her hands, it fell to the floor to burst when it touched

down. Tears sped from her eyes. She did not look at Sir Grey Arm, she knew he was a righteous man

and would do as she asked. 'Where did the viceroy go and when did he leave?"

         "I will find out. Rest, now," Sir Grey Arm said as he looked at the guards near the door.

         The guards walked toward Sir Grey, they seemed to have not heard the Queen say,

what she had said. Their eyes were to the floor, they knew that they should not look into the face of

the Queen. Without being told to do this. They stopped as Grey Arm arrived there.

         Sir Grey said," Find the accursed Viceroy and his council. I need to see him! Do you

understand me?"

         "Yes, we understand." the guards turned to flee down the passageways in search of the

answers he sought.

         "It seems she knows enough about the castle to have eluded us. He hopes to be able to

learn more about what she has done. Where she is going?" Sir Grey said as he drew her into his

arms. The counsel did not look pleased with his doing this.

         "Are you sure, he will be told the truth?" Marissa asked as he held her head to his chest in

his arms.

         "I think he will be able to get the truth, my dear." Sir Grey said as he felt her tears fall on his

chest. He rubbed her back with his hand as he tried to calm her nerves. He knew, that they had to

find her, and the viceroy who also vanished. How could they know they were arriving tonight. Who

told them that we would be here?
He closed his massive fist as he imagined holding the viceroy

by his throat and strangling the bastard. That is what he wanted to do. He did not know, how they

could have been eluded capture. No one would have known they were coming, he had taken the

back roads to arrive here. Someone must have told them, but who? He would find out in a hurry. You

could bet on his doing this?


         Dera woke that morning, he groggy rose. Headed into the Kitchen ate his meal with his wife.

He knew he would have to go to the tavern to see if he can catch wind of where Tabius had gone

and with whom Dera didn't know if he left with his cohorts. They were usually with him. He looked

about to see if he could see any of them here. There would be a few of his friends here, but he knew

they wouldn't talk without some incentive to do so.

         “The drunk ork was where he was headed to. It had a carving of the words in the wood. The

place was some place where one did not go to carrying much coin, Unless you desired to be robbed

as soon as you arrived there. He put on his breast plate of the watch.

         The place was deep in the underbelly of the community. Some of even the criminals steered

clear of the place. The place was busy. It was early, as Dera knew it would be, The place stank of

sour mash, Sweat and bodily odor filled your nose the serving girls looked at him with distaste.

There garments showed off much of their wares, they looked at the bar where two gruff males stood

holding clubs in their hands, they were muscle with out much brains in their heads.

         The barkeep was an exquisite woman, many a man desired her, she looked at Dera as he

walked into the tavern. She sauntered over to where he had come in. Her gown had ruffled sleeves,

a steep neckline, Her skirt hid her legs from view, her face wore a frown. Her talons were open, she

clutched a coin purse in her hands. She dropped it in front of Dera on the table he sat at, saying,

“You're early.”

         “I did not come here in regards to the taxes you owe, I am here seeking information about

one of your patrons. He usually is here throughout the day," Dera said as he looked into her eyes.

         "If you think I will supply you with information to the likes of you? You are sadly mistaken,

my friend. If I would call you that,” Quan said as she motioned for him to stay.

         “If you wish to not to pay your debt you will think hard on the matter before you,”Dera said in

a whisper just loud enough for her to hear him he nudged the coin purse toward her. There was a

crooked smile on his face, his lip had a cut through it which connected to the same line in his upper


         “What is this information you seek?” Quan said as she glared at him, there was a frown on

her face. she drummed her index finger on the table.

         “It involves Tabius.,” Dera said as he looked onto her eyes, they reflected his face into his


         “I see, why should I tell you?”

         “If you wish to remain open, you will give me what I seek?”

         “You dare to issue orders to me!” she said these words they dripped with a venom more

deadly than a king cobra. She shoved herself back to her feet. “I do not need your courtesy.”

         “Fine,” Dera said as he rose to his feet,

         One of the bouncers headed his way as Quan spat on his surcoat, her hands were closed

into tight fists,and glared at him.

         Dera in less than an instance drew his sword ran the sword through the bouncer's belly, his

entrails fell out to make the scent more rancid, His eyes teared, Quan began to run, Dera grabbed

her by the shoulder, tearing her garmented arm.

         The other bouncer raced away from the bar to barrel toward Quan, Dera put his swords edge

beneath her chin and neck. The bouncer froze. Dera said, “She is coming with me, If you want her

dead approach. If you don’t not!”

         The bouncer froze.

         Dera lead her out if the tavern to come with him, she did not move a solitary muscle except

to stay up with him. The towns people saw him do this. They had never done this before. They

watched wide eyed as he made her walk to the jail.

         Taking her inside the gallows, Dera had her sit down. “You did not know the Queen is back

she has taken the throne today. There will be a celebration, and you will join in the festiivies. If

you talk, if not you will be food for the rats.”

         “You can’t be serious!” she said.

         “Oh! But we are? Do you not understand me?” he said, as pointed at a thing that could serve

as a bed, but there were chains attached to it a few inches above the floor. Rat crawled across the

floor to it, looking at Quan as she sat there looking at the bed where she would be poised to lay.

         Dera crossed his arms over his chest as he wondered, why Greyarm hadn't appeared yet.

\What was wrong? Did they forget to do this?


         Sir Grey awoke. He walked down stairs to see his wife as she was at the moment making breaklast for him. He drew her up in his arms to kiss her and did.

She squealed in delight as he did this and asked, "Why didn't you wake me. I love you."

You looked so, peaceful. I did not wish to disturb you."

After he finished eating, he said,"I have to go the Watch commander."

"What does Dera learn from Lady Quan
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