Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2312235-What-have-you-found
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2312235
The rail was where the enemy had gone. one member entered the rail car to be vaporised
         Major Jacob was afraid, he looked at the brass door he was supposed to enter if he was to see the judiciary council. His blood ran

cold in his veins, there stood a door man who wore a cloth hat on his head, he wore a white jacket, with a white dress shirt, his pants were

white as well, black shoes. On his hands were white gloves, his back was straight as an arrow at the door watching him walk toward the


          Jacob’s back was straight as a board his head held high. He wore his dress jacket and in his hands held the folder that he would

have to present to the council. The door man looked at him, his face was without a blemish, it betrayed nothing. He wore a heavy jacket.

He opened the door for Jacob.

         Jacob could see the interior of the room. The walls were whiter, there was a desk in the middle of the room. The figure was wearing

a white wig that noted his rank in the high council, his jacket was like a robe for the bath, it was blue in colour. Over his shoulder was a

huge map of the NATO alliance, there were maps of other military groups in various colours along with the galactic factions that made up

the groups.

         There were eight others in the room seated in chairs here, they turned to face him as he appeared. Jacob grit his teeth, he knew

that this would be difficult to speak of. He did not know what he should say first.

         “Well, Jacob what can you say, “The trial has been stopped as the council had said it would be and how it was done. Any

explanations available for us to hear?” the chief judge MIra behind the desk said as he glared at the officer who just entered the room.

Jacob froze right where he stood. He brought his eyes to rest on the man who addressed him, he frowned, the blood drained in his veins

feeling a chill on his back, he thought for a moment before he began, “The defendant has vanished.” He stopped speaking.

         The others in the room looked at him. It felt as if they were about to dissect him. The one to the right slammed her hand down on

the table beside her where a cup of coffee may have sat for her to drink. The woman said in an icy calm voice,”What do you mean by

saying this to us? How could he have left the court house.”

         “I don’t know? You see, the attack at the trial was more extensive than anywhere else.” Jason said as he tried to calm his nerves,

saw smoke rising from ash trays. There were some glasses that were transparent and a few had coffee cups on them. Their eyes rested

on his body.

         “What do you mean, by you don’t know?” a black man said as he watched his hand holding the folder in his hands.This figure was a

judge in Britain before becoming a member of the Judicial council as were the others representing the other countries of NATO and the

galactic house of Tara.

         “My soldiers arrived at the courthouse, it was under attack by someone dressed in armour such as ours.” Jacob said as he drew

pictures of what his troops encountered the evening that the CO encountered to find the two of them, when he was with Monique.

         The chief judge looked at the pictures, He said, “This armour looks exactly like our own armour."

         “How could that be?” the woman asked as she lifted the picture from the folder there were other pictures of the beings attacking

other troops and the vehicles. The soldiers dressed in their armour were cut to ribbons by the weapons they were carrying.

         “We don’t know,” Jacob said as he looked at her.

         “What were the EMS talking about happened there?”

         “We knew something was amiss. That was all the vehicles were sent there from our house?” Jason said as he turned to face the

chief judge.

         “It did seem tantamount that someone was there. Who intended to harm the people there. We did not know what has been

happening beforehand.” Jason said, he was sweating. He grit his teeth, he wondered what they wanted to happen. Did they expect for him

to show what we had done to the enemy to deter them from doing further damage to us.

         “Couldn’t you have stopped them from doing this to the trial. It was supposed to be done without question to show that we could not

be intimidated by anyone.” An olive skinned lady asked as he lifted a cup of coffee to drink.

         “We did not know that they could find out where the trial was supposed to. No one knew, aside from us. but they did know? I know

that no one should have known what they set up the trial there.” Jacob said he knew he should have kept his shut. They knew that the

result was.

         “Do we have any of that armour in our possession, that they were wearing in the rail, Then the remains that blew up?”


         The squad walked into the rail, that blew up. They looked nervous as they entered the rail that blew up.

         The sergeant choose three of the best troops they had to enter the rail. The door way had armour that had melted to a depth of an

inch in molten slag. They felt the heat that was there, even their armour began to feel damp because of the heat. They drew back from the


         The armour began to run from their bodies, the crew began to take off their armour. To be safe from being scalded by the molten

armour. Inside the armour that the enemy wore had melted,. The back of the armour was blown up, showered the interior of the rail with

their armour. There were bubbles in the armour, some of these bubbles burst and exploded to shower the interior of the rail. Smoke lingered

there, The armour looked like melted wax, ran across the floor of the rail and covered the benches that served as seats there. The armour

was not going to be able to lift it from the rail’s benches.

         It took a long time before it had become cold enough to enter the rail car. The armour was still tacky enough to cause their armour

to stick to it.There were thirty benches that were covered in the slag that made up this armour. There were tubes that were clear cylinders

of hose, these were on the back of the armour and the front of the armour that covered the aisle that was between the benches.

         They were fearful of attack by the enemy they were facing. They entered the two other rails that came to life as they advanced

toward the one rail where they suspected the enemy to be. The doors to these rails were open. The cabs were fully lit up, you could see

where the personal would ride to get to their destinations. The rails looked like train passengers would be. The engineer's positions as full lit

up as well. The squad saw no one there,

         The rail had sixty benches there, all of the benches had some pool of the wax that made up the armour. The interior of the rail had

been melted down to the bench and floor. That had to have been an intense temperature to melt the interior of the rail. It was harder than

steel, the melting point was 40,000 degrees of this interior. It had gone up like kindling..

         Smoke climbed into the air from the armour and was reduced to slag, The squad here had to gain something to present to the

colonel; they needed evidence to show him, that they had at least have something to be able to identify the enemy who attacked the


         The armours' mask did not take any damage from the explosions. The mask had a tube that would be fit into the being;s mouth and

nose. A corporal reached out to lift the mask from where it rested.

         “Careful, remember what happened as Private Callous touched the armour.”

         “Thanks for reminding me.” he walked up to the interior of the rail, he looked about, there were metal portions of what must have

been armour. The armour had dents in it, there were tubes that littered the floor. He saw a facemask that was intact, He calmly lifted a

small screwdriver to touch the mask,

         The mask shifted about gently and it bobbed up and down. He then touched the mask as it lay a few inches away from the slag.

The helmet looked intact,

         The corporal felt a chill crawl up his back, he trembled as he did this. He expected to see a possible explosion. Nothing happened,

he bit his lip. He looked at the empty boots of his friend who had been vaporised by the other explosion.

          He tried to lift his feet, but found the liquid ran about his boots and held him fast there. He lifted the mask to throw at another

soldier who caught it, The hose was still attached to the mask. It had been torn from where it rested inside the armour.

         The interior of the face mask looked like it wad been attached by four straps that was held there. The mask had a seal similar to a

pilot’s tank for a pilot to fly in a jet above the area in space does not have ozone, There was what appeared to be a liquid on the covering of

the mask where his eyes should have been.

         The others had to melt the liquid that had surrounded his boots. They had to pry him off the floor of the rail. The troops helped him

out of the rail, they seemed happy to have done this for him.

         The face mask was carried into the laboratory, The technician looked up at them as they approached him. He smiled, and

said,”What do you have?”

         “We found this in the rail that destroyed the Private by turning him into vapours.”

         “I see," he said as he cleared off the table before him. There was a tool chest, and a chair for him to sit upon, He smiled

appreciatively. The soldier carrying the face mask and the rest of the helmet put it down on the table.

         The tech looked at the helmet, he reached inside the tool chest to draw out some tools to work with to dismantle the helmet. He

looked at the black face mask, there was a shiny portion of the mask where a fluid from the person who wore the mask. He suspected it

had to be perhaps tears or water from his eyes.

         The hose that connected to the face mask had some residue for the person wearing the armour. The helmet was with a UV visor,

So, this person would react to light differently than most people. This was an oddity. It did not make sense. The technician rubbed his

eyebrows as he put the visor down.

         It defied any sense, that the armour had melted but the helmet did not become damaged by the heat that was right beside it.

How could it not have been damaged by it. The technician knew that it had happened. He believed that it had happened to the armour/

         He tried to scrape a piece off the helmet, nothing came off it.

         The man who brought it in looked at him and laughed. “I don't think it can be harmed?”

         “I agree, but I should be able to make some headway with the equipment I have here, shouldn’t I,” the techonician said.

         “I suppose, so?”

          “Will you have to tell Jason that you have some remains from the armour in the rail?” the corporal said.

         “I guess I will have to do this, won’t I?” the technician said.


         Jon began to try and gain access to the rail lines computers. The rail computer shut down when he had gained access to the

computer. The computer finally came alive. He did not know where the rail lines were that were used ro get here.

         He was amazed that he had gotten into it. No one had to be there to send the rail here. This could be accomplished by

punching in the data from anywhere there were computer lines to be attached there.

         He did not know, where they were to cause this rail to have gone to the court house. They could have been anywhere. This

was not what he was needing to find..

{Item:2312514:the defendant has a tracker on her}
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