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two guys meet at a restaurant, one human one vampire. |
vampire stories The ones I loved, left. The ones I held, didn't hold me back. You were dead, I wasn’t. Chapter 998 -997 As I sat down with my book, a black notebook, the notebook that once was theirs. I started writing in it: “It happened last year. The year they died. The year didn’t flow by like everyone said would happen, no, every second felt like a lifetime. I didn’t ask for this! For none of this, not a single thing that happened. The constant emptiness I felt, turned into anger and madness. And after all this time it’s still here. These feelings..? I can’t get up in the morning, not that I ever could, because yea you know.. the vampire thing. I simply feel empty, not necessarily emotionless, more like no happy feelings, no romance feeling, not anymore.. not after him. Only the desire to be with him, the constant anger in my brain and heart, I simply can’t come to it. What I should feel and how I can heal. But what else should I need or feel? What are necessary feelings? I wouldn’t know, many people, vampire’s and other creatures would say: Happiness, sadness, anger, fear and disgust. Happiness, why? It only goes away the second something bad happens. Anger, anger is the one I say is valid because you are more productive that way, you want to do more, maybe in a bad way, but you want to do more. Fear, why would you be scared? For what would you be scared? Death maybe? But it always comes and is always there. And disgust, that one is valid too, you need to hate people and disgust them in order to know who and what are good for you. I want to be with him again, I’m angry at him, that he just died, that it wasn’t me. I’m angry at the person who killed him, why and how he did it.. It was cruel. It happened in front of my eyes, but I had them closed. I don’t know if it would’ve been better if I had them open.. but I could see the killer, I could see his eyes and fangs or other features. My only wish is that I could kill him, with my whole heart I hate him, that person.. The person who killed my lover.” I closed the notebook and looked at it. The black cover with some rainbow and knife stickers on it. They liked stickers a lot. With my hand I went over the cover of the book, I felt the features on my fingertips. Goosebumps went over my arms, I don’t know why that happened. Maybe his ghost was with me, but- that can't be. Their in nature, in the woods, their soul is somewhere else, their mind in his body, their body in the ground.. I sighed and put the book back on the table. The black cover matched the purple with black tablecloth, I stared at it for a while. I looked over at my ferret, it isn’t a usual pet to have for a vampire like me but we are connected sort of, like they were.. like they were connected to Clover.. She was sleeping, the orange of her fur looked like bright red in the little light I had turned on. She noticed that I looked at her and slowly opened her eyes, they were bright red, like mine. I smiled at her and Clover walked over to me, jumping on my lap. With my hand I went over her fur, petting her like a human would have done with a cat. I wanted to grab the book again but I doubted, I stared at it for a while but didn’t grab it in the end. The kitchen light flickered and I looked over at it. It happened more times since they left, so I didn’t think much of it, knowing that it was common that ghosts did thing’s like this after they had left their loved ones to let them know they were still “alive”. Alive, what a weird word, no one is really alive because everyone only survives. Surviving from little scratches and from the little moments between 2 heart beats, the 2 heart beats that can bring someone to love or die. Chapter 19-17 (One year ago) The sundown had started and I could go outside, “finally” I thought. It was a long day, I couldn’t sleep and my ferret kept me awake too, I read some books and drew a little bit, nothing else really. I looked over at my ferret. She was sleeping so I let her lay down on the dark green carpet. Randomly I got chills, stood up and walked to the front door. Didn’t grab my coat or anything else, I opened the door, closed it and walked away into the light of the dark. The lanterns were on, but that light we can handle when it isn’t directly shined upon us. I looked at the light shortly and it looked the same as every other night. A sigh went out of my mouth, of relief? because it didn’t change? While looking around I saw two people, too dark to see if they are human or vampire. My eyes drifted off to another lightsource, a café. In the café, LED lights shined. Nothing bright, nothing unusual. “Shall I go in?” I tought. I looked around for a moment just to see a man.. women? I don’t know, I can’t make it up from the light and the hair, they looked back at me, we made eye contact for a moment and I nodded politely, they nodded back and walked into the café. After a few seconds I walked in too. While looking around to search for them, I saw them in the corner, the corner where I usually sat.. A sigh went out of my mouth again, half panicking, half anger. I looked around for empty seats but there were none, it was busy. I thought for a moment and then walked up to them. They looked up at me from the menu card, he raised an eyebrow, as if he said: “what do you want weirdo?” ‘I- every place is full, can I sit here?’ ‘Please?’ I quickly added. They nodded quietly and I sat down across them. I grabbed the other menu card and looked at it. The person across me, they were.. pretty hot. Red hair, I think from origine. Green eyes.. I looked back at the menu card for a half minute, I counted in my head “1, 2, 3, 4” etc. When I came to thirty my eyes looked back just to see them looking at me. ‘uh, uhm sorry’ I smiled awkwardly. "No worries” they answered back with a monotone voice. ‘Are you ready to order?’ they asked me, I nodded as an answer. He let his hand in the air to call a waiter, some seconds later she came. She was a young vampire, I think around four hundred years old. She had a sweet smile and black hair with white strikes through it. ‘What will it be today gentlemen’ I looked over at the person across me, I smiled without noticing, ‘I’ll take the wine and the apple cake’ she smiled ‘okay, and what is it gonna be for you today sir?’ I tought for a moment ‘the same as him but instead of apple cake I will have the chocolate cake if possible, thanks.’ We both closed the cards and gave them back to the waiter. ‘So, why did you decide to sit here? With me.’ They asked ‘I saw you outside and liked how you looked, and the place was full anyways so yea’ I smiled but not too far, they couldn’t see my fangs. They grinned and nodded ‘okay, well I like your looks too’ they said in a flirty tone. My face turned a little less pale, with humans you would see it as blushing. I didn’t notice at first but they did and laughed softly ‘ur charmed by me.. hmm already?’ “Shit” I tought not again.. After a few minutes the girl brought our drinks and food. ‘Looks delicious’ we both said at the same time chuckling. ‘One question though, what are your pronouns/gender because I use he/they and I rather not be misgendered or misgender anyone’ he asked me. I looked at him, blinked a few times ‘I just use he/him I think but thanks for letting me know!’ We both smiled and looked into each other's eyes. I took a sip of the wine and after that a bite from the cake. They did the same and said with mouth still half full ‘this is good stuff’ I grinned ‘lemme taste some of yours’ With their fork he grabbed some cake and brought it to my mouth, I took the bite and ate it. Again I blushed ‘indeed good, want some of mine?’ He nodded and I did the same, he held my hand to stabilize the fork, I looked at his hand and poked accidentally in his nose because of it. ‘AH’ he reacted, ‘sorry sorry sorry, I- I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry’ his face got a cute concerning smile ‘no worries, it's okay.’ I smiled back and poked my fork in the chocolate cake, I looked at him and he looked at me, accidentally staring at me. After a few minutes I noticed it and I smiled at them. He got red from blushing ‘I- it’s hot here, or is it just me?’ he stuttered. I laughed a little and ate a piece of my cake, ‘nom’ they said, we both laughed again, Me with the piece of cake in my mouth. When we stopped laughing, he ate some too. ‘So.. what’s your name?’ they asked me. I grinned and said mysteriously ‘I like to keep that a secret’ he smiled ‘so what can I call you.. mister secret?’ I tought for a moment ‘not mister secret.’ He looked at me and chuckled. We quietly ate our cake, my hand laying on the table, some more forward than my plate. They looked at it for a moment and slowly directed their hand to mine. I saw it from the corner of my eye and didn’t know what to think, while they went closer I panicked more. He didn’t see anything from it but still I panicked and they sat there like it was the normal daily chase of the day. Then our fingertips touched, my face turned less pale again, he looked at me and smiled. I went forward with my hand too and before we knew we held hands. It looked a bit uncomfortable, which it was but we both didn’t seem to mind at all. ‘Why?’ I asked questionly looking at him, raising one eyebrow. ‘Because.. why not? You’re pretty hot and look like a chill dude’ they smiled at me and grinned. I looked away for a moment and responded quietly ‘thanks.’ He still looked at me, The next moment they stood up. ‘What's wrong? Did I do something?’ I said concerned. He sat next to me. ‘No, nothing's wrong I- I’m just flattered by you- your.’ he stopped talking, started smiling and grabbed my hands, both this time. We looked each other in the eyes, their eyes were emerald green, green like one from a human.. I sighed disappointed and they noticed. 'What's wrong?’ He asked worried. ‘Nothing- sorry’ I grabbed my fork and plate, where one last bite of cake laid on. I poked in the cake with my fork and pushed it in his mouth, he looked stunned and chuckled. He chewed on it, still the fork in his mouth. When they were done eating the piece he poked the fork in my nose ‘payback!’ I was startled for a bit ‘nah no fair! mine was an accident!’ ‘mine was too.’ He said innocently. I chuckled and shaked my head no. The waitress came by and stopped at our table. ‘Are the gentlemen ready to pay?’ I wanted to grab my purse but they put their hand on it to stop me from grabbing it. ‘Yes we are, don’t split the payment please, I’ll pay’ he looked over at me and smiled kindly. I smiled back with a silly smile and whispered ‘thanks’ he paid and wrote something with a black ballpoint pen on a tissue. Then he randomly walked away, not looking back or saying anything, they left. I grabbed the tissue, left there alone, stunned. When I opened the tissue I read what he had written on it: Meet me tomorrow at noon in the café next to this one. See you then mister secret xxx Chapter 55-53 I looked at the moon from outside my house, it was almost noon. Then the clock suddenly rang. Twelve o’clock it said, I grabbed my coat and said goodbye to my ferret, Angel she squealed like a little squirrel. I opened the door, breathed slowly in and out and walked to the place where we would meet each other. They looked around, I chuckled when I saw it and waved insecurely not knowing for sure if it was them. He looked at me, smiled and waved back. We walked up to each other and looked in each other's eyes. Mine were blood red behind the contact lenses, for his eyes they were normal brown. His were emerald, moss, berry green..? I don’t know, all I know is that they were pretty. ‘Hello.. mystery man’ I smiled softly to him but still not showing my teeth. He looked at me and smiled back, showing all his teeth. We are quite the opposite from each other I think, like I would be a black cat and he a golden retriever. ‘So what would you like to do mystery man?’ He asked while grinning at me. ‘I don’t know, and stop calling me mystery man please’ I said it seriously. He looked at me like I was the worst fun ruïner and said ‘but-.’ ‘No but’s allowed, only my butt’ he laughed a little ‘no but serious, don’t call me that.’ He walked some closer to me ‘okay..’ He paused for a moment ‘mystery guy.’ I looked at him like they were crazy ‘wh- what are you doing? Just- just nothing’ he replied grinning, he bit his underlip. While rolling my eyes I sighed and pushed him away. ‘What is it mystery guy?’ He said teasing. I almost showed him my fangs and bit them dead but I could remain, just at the edge of calm. ‘What’s wrong, I'm not that annoying am I?’ He looked worried at me and I scoffed. ‘Sure not that annoying’ I said mockingly. ‘What’s wrong is you, your outfit, it’s so.. old.’ They said, standing up in a blast of a second for my nose again. ‘What’s wrong with my outfit?’ I said. ‘But I'm not that annoying am I?’ He asked again, I left him at his question again. Turning my back to him, he looked at me. I felt his eyes burning in my neck. ‘What is it, you dumbass?!’ They said loudly. ‘I am no dumbass’ I scoffed ‘you are.’ He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around ‘I’m no dumbass’ I smiled politely at him, ‘you are’ “I tought I would like this guy, he seemed kind.” I tought. It started raining softly, at first a few drops and we both looked at the sky. ‘It starts to rain, shall we seek shelter?’ He asked me ‘nah I’m good’ I replied. We both went downwards with our heads and bumped against each other. ‘Aw!’ We said at the same time while grabbing our foreheads, he looked diagonal at me and started laughing. I smiled back. ‘Sorry’ we both said at the same time again. I smiled again, showing my fangs a little bit but you couldn’t really notice, they looked like normal human teeth.. ‘So can I give you something now, like a piece of cake or I dunno.’ I looked at him and replied in a monotone voice ‘sure.’ He grabbed my hand, not minding that it is (mostly) seen as a sign of love, pulling me with him in the direction of the same café we first met. I looked at him like he was crazy or something and he simply smiled back. Slowly it started raining more and more. It was a 7 minute walk from the park I think and he basically just pulled me with him while we were running through the pouring rain which came with loads out of the sky. He laughed hard and had a big smile on their face. I tought it was a little childish but from the inside I enjoyed it and still I couldn’t show it. Because what would happen then? Would he be scared of me, scared of who I am? My race or if he heard what I had done. Would he still be so happy amongst me, or would he take me to the police or worse.. In the moments my brain dozed off I stood still, still in the rain. They looked over their shoulder at me and walked back. His hands were big and felt strong, he had put them over my shoulders. ‘What is it, mystery guy? You’re okay?’ I looked up to his bright green eyes. ‘Y- yea’ I stuttered ‘I’m okay.’ He raised one eyebrow in disbelief. ‘You sure? You don’t look that okay, it looked like you were in another place or something like that’ I simply nodded at it and walked through. He walked next to me, not dancing anymore. I think he tought they did something wrong, he didn’t, I did.. my mind did it. His eyes.. I felt them looking at me, at my face which didn’t say a thing, didn’t give off a signal or emotion. In the distance I saw the lights from the café. We couldn’t see it clearly because it was raining so hard. I looked over at him, when we both looked over at each other thunder rumbled. He started counting, barely hearable because of the rain. ‘One, two, three, four, five, six, sev-‘ lighting stroke. I looked at him not knowing why he counted ‘three seconds means that the lightning is 1 kilometer away, so I counted just not seven so it is around 2,5 kilometers from here’ he smiled proudly. ‘We need to walk quickly, we don’t want to be a living lightning machine,’ I nodded and he grabbed my hand. We ran to the café, and opened the door quickly. When we were in the little hallway, just before the dining room. He let go of my hand, they looked at me and laughed. ‘You look like a cat who is drenched to the bone.’ I shivered from the cold ‘I am no cat but I am soaked, and by the way, you're soaked too’ he smiled big and hung up his coat on the hangrail. I did the same and we walked into the dining room. ‘Hello gentlemen, what can I do for you at this late hour?’ The waitress asked politely. ‘We-’ I wanted to answer that we wanted a table for two but he reacted quicker. ‘Hello young lady, we want a table for two if that is possible.’ He smiled. She nodded ‘that is possible, follow me!’ She headed to the corner of the café, and showed us the table. ‘Mystery guy, that’s the table where we met!’ They said with a smile on their face and I nodded quite satisfied. ‘So this table will be good for the two gentlemen? Yes young lady, thank you.’ She smiled ‘I will take your order when you’re both ready, just wave for me.’ We both nodded and said at the same time ‘okay.’ He laughed and I watched him, laughing with that big smile showing all his normal.. human.. teeth.. I stopped smiling for a second and I think I looked very depressed because he stopped laughing immediately and looked concerned at me. ‘You okay?’ I looked up, seeing his worried face. ‘Yea sorry I’m okay, I think it is because of the rain I feel a little bit under the weather.’ He nodded, not really convinced by my answer. We both sat down and didn’t say anything for a few minutes. Then he stood up and sat next to me, grabbing 2 menu carts and shoving one under my face so I needed to look at it. My eyes went up and saw his face, concerned but smiling because of his action. 'You alright?’ I scoffed. He looked me in the eyes, my bright red eyes which I had to hide with contacts. For his eyes.. They looked normal brown. ‘Yes I’m alright.. mystery man.’ He grinned evily. ‘I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!’ I slapped my fist on the table a little too hard that his glass of apple juice fell over his clothes. ‘I- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that!’ My voice shaked. My brain panicked. My body froze. He let out a short scream because of the sudden action. ‘AH’ ‘I am so sorry, let me help you clean that up!’ He stopped me, stood up and without saying anything he left the café. For a few moments I sat there, not knowing what just had happened. When I finally realized I jumped off the bench and ran after him. Chapter 4+4-4 He started running. They ran and ran, still the rain was pouring and thunder came closer. I ran behind him, trying to head up. ‘WAIT!’ I yelled at him panting, ‘I’m sorry! Come back!’ He stopped and bumped into me. He didn’t look at me, their eyes looked away towards the dark rainy clouds. I let my hand rest on his shoulders and turned his face towards me. ‘I’m sorry I shouldn’t have shouted.’ He looked at me with dull eyes who seemed like they had cried, those eyes who looked like they experienced years and years of trauma and abuse. He closed his eyes and shivered for a moment ‘it’s okay, I overreacted, just please don’t shout at me again..’ His voice sounded doubtful. I looked at him and smiled a little ‘I’ll try not to, want a hug?’ I asked him. He nodded and held his arms open, I hugged him and his big arms held me back. We stood there in the rain for a while, not saying a word, just hugging each other. After a while I let him go and looked at him ‘are you feeling better?’ ‘Yea kinda thanks’ we both smiled when they said ‘I still need a new nickname for you if you don’t like the other one’ I sighed and scoffed. ‘No nicknames please’ He rolled his eyes, 'why not?’ He asked with a big grin on his face. ‘Because I don’t like nicknames, no further questions.’ I looked at him challengingly. ‘Oh so you’re gonna play the hard way.’ He grabbed my arms and pulled me towards him. He didn’t wink or anything, just looked at me being hot and manipulative but I don’t know if it was in a good or bad way.. I smiled softly at them and looked him in the eyes, those big.. emerald.. green.. eyes… I knew I could stare at them for hours, I don’t want to, I don't need to but still, The feeling of looking at them brings me a safe feeling, I don’t know how to describe it.. Since when did it start? I have only known him for a day or two. I don’t like this feeling, not at all. I pushed him away after a few seconds and looked away. Away from those mesmerizing eyes. ‘Whats wrong mys-‘ I heard him holding back his words and un-intentionally I smiled a bit from it. ‘How can you do this to me?’ I murmured with a lowered voice in the hope he couldn’t hear me. ‘What did you say?' ‘What did I do wrong..?’ They asked, afraid he did something wrong. ‘You? You did nothing wrong.’ I held my breath for a moment and continued quietly ‘only that you’re so-.’ He grabbed my hand ‘so what? Hm?’ He asked me, raising one eyebrow, half grinning. ‘I don’t even know your name and still I'm here, looking at you not knowing What to say, How to talk!’ I gasped for air ‘how you look, I can’t- why I’m asking myself because I don’t even know you but still you’re feeling so familiar at the same time.’ They looked at me in silence and grabbed my other hand too. He smiled at me, kindly, not being mad or.. scared. ‘It’s okay, I’ve had it before but none of them were like you, like those brown/reddish eyes, like this body of yours.’ I looked at him not knowing what to say. I opened my mouth but no sound came out, and if I could.. I wouldn’t know what to say. He continued talking ‘I would love to know you better, to see a smile of yours with white healthy teeth showing, a smile of pure happiness, freedom’. ‘I think we would become good friends,’ they smiled at me, and I didn’t know what to say. We both looked at each other for around a minute or half when we both started talking at the same time. ‘Mystery guy-’ he said, ‘extrovert guy-‘ I said. He bursted out laughing hearing that name ‘me, an extrovert?’ I looked at him being embarrassed by myself. His red hair looked like it had been dunked in a glitter basked, the rain made it wet and sparkly. I looked away from his hair again, so he didn’t think I was a creep who couldn’t keep his eyes off boys. (which was true in his case) ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked me. ‘Nothing you’re just drop dead gorgeous.’ I pretended like I fell. ‘Eyo- what?’ they said but then he got a big smile on his face. ‘So you’re trying to flirt with me?’ He set an accent on the word trying. I blushed, looking at him not knowing how to feel. ‘Do I need to feel mad over him? Do I need to feel angry? Happy? Sad?!” As I tought this he could see the confusion falling over my face like a rope gliding away from someone's hands, waiting to fall. ‘What's wrong, mystery guy?’ he said, looking at my face smirking. I pushed him away softly, jokingly and he knew I didn’t mean it. ‘Ey ey ey, what are you doing?’ They asked me half laughing. ‘I already said, don’t call me mystery man.’ ‘You and I both know I will never stop calling you that, if we keep contact of course.’ I sighed, looking at him and trying to accept the fact that he indeed wasn’t gonna stop naming me “mystery man”. ‘Alright alright, it’s fine.. just don’t call me that too much please’ he nodded, both knowing that wasn’t going to happen. We looked at each other for a moment or two till I started to zone out, wondering if I needed to show him, wondering if I needed to tell him. Tell him that.. ‘So what are we gonna do?’ He asked, interrupting my thoughts I would be captured in, like all the times I hesitated. I raised my shoulders, not knowing what we could do. ‘I dunno, maybe go back to the café or look if something is open, like a bowling thing or something?’ He said. ‘I don’t have money with me and I don’t want you to pay so it’s okay’ I smiled at him, ‘I spend all the money I had with me, at least what I had with me in the café for the coffee so yea.’ ‘But I drank that one so it's okay.’ He tought for a moment what else to do. ‘Maybe just sit somewhere and just relax?’ I nodded ‘sure’. He grabbed my hand and I turned pink, pink like his skin color. We walked to a bench and laid my jacket on the bench so their butt wouldn’t get wet. ‘Thanks gentlemen’ I smiled and wiped some water away where I was planning to sit. He took his hoodie out over his head and his shirt was shown, he laid his hoodie on the place where I wanted to sit. ‘But- like this you will get cold!’ I said, kind of refusing to sit there because of what he did. ‘It's now already wet so just sit down myste-’ he corrected himself ‘dude..?’ He chuckled, I sighed and sat down next to him. At first we both didn’t say a word, just looking at the tree’s in the park and the birds flying in the night sky, the rain had slowly stopped pouring. Till there were only a few raindrops now and then. He followed a bird with his finger and I looked at him, the eyes who seemed like they would always find the light even in the darkest night. I slowly started murmuring words: ‘The light in your eyes, shining brighter than the night. Looking at the sun, looking at his eyes. The same feeling comes over yourself, the chill feeling of little needles walking over you. The darkness can’t hit them, it won't get till that point. Unless it will. Unless.. Unless is always the solution to anything: To wondering To curiosity To sadness. The light in those eyes, keep it bright.’ He looked at me, listening to my words. ‘What you just said..' I looked up at him knowing that I said it.. out loud. 'It’s nothing' I looked away, not wanting to see that face which I found so beautiful. 'Maybe it’s nothing to you but I think it was beautiful.' He smiled at me and I could see it from the side of my eye. "Not again" I tought while turning red like a carnelian stone. it looked more like I went from pale to rose quartz color. He chuckled with a cute smirk in it. 'The poem, the thing I just said.. It is about you, I think you have beautiful eyes, they are the color of the fresh grass in the spring and they look like a sprout of sunshine after the rain, like a green emerald stone, the kind that never really disappears.' I looked at him again. He had tears in his eyes and a red face. 'I'm sorry, did I do something wrong.. What did I say wrong?' I looked at him worried. 'Nothing' he smiled 'it’s the kindest thing someone has ever said to me.' They looked at me with those eyes again and it felt like I melted from the inside from warmth. ‘Stop doing that' I said to him, 'stop doing what?' He asked questionably. 'Doing that with your eyes. I ain't doing anything with my eyes' he replied. I sighed and smiled a bit. 'So out of the blue, do you trust me?' They asked. I looked at him 'I don't know, I don't know you for that long but I think I kinda do already!' His eyes,looked like the milky way, a thousand stars in one sight, a thousand lights showing in a circle of life. ‘I think you’re perfect’ They smiled at me. Chapter square root of 36 -4+3 His eyes focussed somewhere else again, while I looked at him. ‘Perfect, you say?’ He nodded as an answer. ‘I’m not perfect, and it’s not perfect because- because.’ I wanted to tell him, tell him what’s holding me back, tell him what's bothering me. Tell him.. The truth, the truth no one ever knew, the truth which was too dangerous, the truth which was too.. Problem making to tell him. ‘What’s on your mind? The ducks who were fighting about the bread?’ He chuckled ‘No, something else.’ They looked at me, and I looked away. ‘I don’t know if you’re ready for it, or at least prepared or okay or atleast anything positive.’ I said hopeless. He turned my head towards him so I needed to look him in the eyes, those eyes. ‘I’m pretty sure I'm right for it, maybe it’s your name?’ He looked at me smiling, still trying to get my name out of my mouth, I rolled with my eyes. ‘So you really want to know my name? It’s not that special of a name or something.’ He started nodding yes heavily and then looked at me with puppy eyes, he was.. incredibly good at it for a middle aged man. ‘Fuck you’ I pushed their face away ‘I’ll tell you my name if you will shut up then!’ They turned his face back at me and his eyes got big ‘yes’ he said with a satisfied face. I sighed and said quietly ‘my name is Rhanas’ he looked at me and then shouted entousiast ‘OOOOO, cool name!!!!’ I smiled a little and he said ‘it would be fair to tell you my name now too, right?’ I nodded. ‘My name is Lucas, nice to meet you Rhanas’ they said with a big smile ‘same goes for me, i think.. and hope’ I said chuckling I nodded questionally, ‘but you wanted to tell me something else other then your name wich was my idea but- you get what I mean Rhanas.’ I nodded again. As we sat there silently for a few moments. I questioned my whole decision if I should walk away from him, to the woods, and put a silver bullet or a wooden stake through my heart. After a while I broke the silence, deciding to take the risk. The risk that could kill me, break me, heal me? ‘You know vampires right?’ I asked him nervously, he nodded, not wanting to interrupt me. ‘Okay so, those are real, and I’m one’ just saying it like that, so raw and it seemed so sarcastic, so unreal.. They looked at me, breaking into laughter. ‘You- you can’t be serious!’ He didn’t stop laughing, I was the opposite. My look could’ve killed someone if it would have been possible, I was dead serious. After a minute or two he stopped laughing ‘wait you’re serious..? Yea I am serious’ he looked at me, from head to toe. ‘Proof it?' ‘Proof to me that you’re.. a vampire.’ I opened my mouth, showing him my fangs, those pure white teeth with sharp cutting teeth on the edges His jaw dropped, just like you saw in animations but then.. in real life. He sat back and I closed my mouth, looking away at his reaction. I knew that this was coming, I never told no one, not even them.. They found out. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / When Rhanas was little, a little vampire: ‘Hey Loily’ Rhanas said. ‘I told you not to call me that Rhanass!’ Loil pushed Rhanas playfully. Rhanas fell on the ground, at first a bit stunned but then they both started laughing, the laugh you hear when two young children play. They laughed with wide open mouths, Rhanas showing his fangs and Loil showing his normal.. human teeth. Rhanas got tears in his eyes from laughing and pushed Loil also playfully. He looked at Loil and they both stopped laughing. She pointed at him, his face, his mouth, his teeth. ‘You- you h- have’ she stuttered. Rhanas was too shocked to speak and immediately closed his mouth. He held his hand for it and turned his head away. Loil stood up carefully, walking back a few steps. ‘Please don’t hurt me, please d- don’t bite me!’ She said with a death-scared voice. ‘I won’t, I am still your best friend!’ Rhanas said, trying not to scare her too much. He looked back at Loil, Rhanas looked into those eyes driven by fear. ‘You’re not my best friend! You’re a- you’re a monster!’ He screamed hard and ran away, leaving Rhanas behind. Rhanas started crying, from fear, from anger, from being.. mindless and helpless. He ran away, Rhanas ran as hard as he could till he was in the woods. The same place. The same woods. I thought back of that moment, the moment when it all started going down, down into those eyes. They say: Eyes always tell the truth, but not this time; I had hid it. All these years, I hid it for 826 years, the “accident” had happened when I was 89 years old, so in human years, around 8 years old. The silence which had fallen, it was dark, not awkward or weird but dark. Darker than the souls that Gorgyra had woven on her dress which she took from the archeon, her endless lover. Darker than Hades' home. Darker than Nyx. Darker than Tartarus’ void. I didn't dare to look at him nor say a word, all they did was stare. Stare at me in anger, madness and the unknown. We waited and waited, waited until the other would say something, I looked up carefully only to see his burning eyes looking at me. His face had a mixture of scaredness, angriness and relief somehow. I didn't know what or how to react, for me it was one big blur but I'm sure it was harder for them. 'I- it can't.' Lucas stuttered. 'Still here I am, alive and well..' I said while looking away again 'but it doesn't make a big difference right..? So if you would want and like..' I took a big breath. ‘Do you wanna go out on a date with me?' I looked at him being scared of his reaction. 'I- I don’t know, this all is confusing as fuck and you're.. You're a vampire! A monster' I swallowed on hearing that word used on me so violently again. 'I'm not a monster. But you're not human either right?' He replied 'true but a monster..? That's a big word.' My eyes went away from his gaze again, still scared, worried. I opened my mouth wanting to say something but he was me fore, 'I can't, first of all it's- overwhelming and I just- how in Hades name am I okay with this, it's not something you see everyday..’ ‘Actually-' I murmured, letting him say the rest, letting it walm over me like a waterfall on a rock. 'I- I can't right now.' They looked at me with a sad look but I sensed that he was still scared. But in his own way also.. Concerned. His eyes, those emerald green eyes. I looked at him, begging him to stay without words. 'I’m sorry Rhanas, catch you later I think..' he said before walking away, walking away into the darkness of the night. I stood there in silence, shocked and relieved in some way that he didn’t abuse me or give me to the police or anyone else. I suppose he didn't know what to do eather. My legs trembled, my eyes staring, my head twirling. I went to sit down on the bench again, on the coat he laid down, for me.. My mind was shouting at me "hideous, freak, monster, go away, you don’t belong here, you don’t belong in this world!" I screamed as hard as I could, making stares laying upon me and making crows fly away. l wanted to stand up, walk home and lay down but my legs didn't work, they didn’t listen to what I wanted. I swallowed, laying my head in my neck. Sighing the hell outta my lungs, 'i'm sorry lucas.' ‘Sorry that I lost you too.’ Chapter 60006 - 60000 (From lucas's perspective) I looked away from him, at the pond and the little duckies. his eyes burned in my face and I could feel that he was watching me. 'Perfect, you say?' He asked me, I nodded and breathed in and out a few times not getting his complicated talks. When he started talking again, I looked up. What's on your mind? The ducks who were fighting about the bread?' He asked me and I laughed a little from it and said: 'No, mostly.’ Again our eyes crossed paths but he looked away. ‘I don’t know if you’re ready for it, or at least prepared or okay or atleast anything positive.’ He said. I held my palm on his cheek and turned his face so we saw eye to eye again. ‘I’m pretty sure I’m ready for it, maybe it’s your name?’ I smiled at him when he rolled his eyes. The movement made me chuckle. He asked if I really wanted to know his name and I started nodding heavenly. I started thinking: “Pleaseee in the name of Apollo, tell meee.” I started doing my puppy eyes at him so maybe he'd tell me now. 'Fuck you' he said embarrassed but I knew it worked. He pushed away my face 'I'll tell you my name' he said and I turned my face back at him and my expression screamed !yes! He sighed. 'My name is Rhanas.' I looked at him and shouted like a little child 'OOOO COOL LAME!!!' Rhanas got red. 'I mean- I mean your name is not lame your name is super nice!’ He chuckled. 'It would only be fair to tell you my name too, right?' I said. Rhanas nodded at me. ‘My name is Lucas, Lucas Andrew Vallendor, nice to meet you Rhanas’ I said with a big smile. He nodded. 'But you wanted to tell me something.. something other than your name because yea that was my idea you know, do you get what i mean?' He nodded again like he was scared to talk to me. We sat there in silence, I saw that he was thinking about something he is scared of.. of me I suppose because what else is there? But we can't read thoughts so I will never know. I tought and tought, not knowing if it was all my fault, did I make him awkward? Did I do this? What was going on?! My legs were shaking from nervousness, I breathed in and out then I looked up at Rhanas. 'You know vampires right?' He asked me and I nodded, startled from the sounds for a moment. 'Okay so. those are real, and I am one' he said to me with a flavor of sarcasm. I looked at him, raising an eyebrow. slowly starting to laugh awkwardly, not knowing how to react. It was.. impossible right? right..? 'You- you can't be serious' I chuckled again, while his face looked stone-cold. After a while my laughing stopped 'Wait.. you're? you're serious??' I looked at him, startled. 'Yea I am serious' I looked at him from his eyes to his toes. 'Proof it.' I said trembling and questionably. 'Proof it to me that you're a vampire!' My voice got softer, quieter, more afraid. He slowly opened his mouth, and that's the moment I saw. The fangs, the longer pointy teeth, I sat some further away from him, my eyes getting bigger and bigger. I was scared, not knowing how to react, my head went blank, poof. He closed his mouth and looked away from my face. I saw he was thinking of it. His vision drifted off to somewhere else.. I didn't say anything, startled and scared. I knew something like this would've needed to exist, it can't be that humans were the only thing. But him.. That he was, something else. Never tought of it, and now something else is sitting next to me, a vampire called Rhanas. Staring, staring, all I did was stare, I couldn't seem to hold my gaze somewhere else. I wanted to. I wanted to look. I wanted to see. but I was scared to death. I couldn’t. I couldn’t look away. After some time I opened my mouth, closed it, opened it. Not being able to make a sound. ‘I- it can't be.. right?' My eyes focused on a tree behind him for a moment then back to Rhanas' face. “Still here I am, alive and well,' he looked away 'but it doesn't make a big difference right? so if you would want and like' I fell silent, he took a breath and i knew more was coming. More would come out of that terrifying mouth, I tried to calm down and see it differently but in the moment I couldn't. 'Do you want to go out on a date with me?!' He asked me, more violently sounding then he ment, I hope.. 'I- I don't know, this all is confusing as fuck and you're.. YOU'RE A VAMPIRE! A MONSTER!' I screamed, starting to tremble again. 'I'm not a monster,' Rhanas said slowly with a low voice. ‘But you're not human either right?!' I said my voice trembled as well. 'True.. but a monster? That's a big word I think..’ Rhanas replied. I saw his mouth opening, but I wanted to be for him 'I can't' gathering all my courage. 'First of all, it’s overwhelming and I just-' I took a small breath. ‘How in Hades name am I to be okay with this, it's not something you see everyday!' My courage went down again 'actually..' I heard him murmuring. 'I just can't right now.. not right now it's too- too much.’ He looked me in the eyes and I looked back with a scared, but sad concerned look. I don't know why I felt like that, but I did. ‘I'm sorry Rhanas, catch you later I think..' I turned around and stood up. I swallowed and walked away into the darkness from the night. When I walked out of the park, directly to my house, I broke down in tears, in emotion. I realized what I had done but also knew I couldn’t change it. Still it was scary as fuck but I felt guilty. and it will never go away. Unless, Unless I go back, I looked over my shoulder. Knowing I would be startled, getting non-verbal and scared again. ‘Later when I thought this all over’ I said to myself 'But I will come back for you.' Chapter 6 = 66 - 60 A few weeks had passed, Rhanas had worried himself sick, not going out for anything. I survived on one bread piece a day and a little ceasar salad mostly. Constantly thinking about Lucas.. About Loily.. about everything and everyone. Not knowing if I should go to the café to see if he was there or leave it. I swallowed looking over my living room, and sighed. Angel looked at me like, boss, what are you doing..? 'I don’t know what do do anymore Angel I swear, should I go to Lucas, shouldn't I go to lucas it's just too confusing' Angel jumped on my lap and basically forced me to pet her, so I did. 'you're spoiled Angel, but love you too.' The clock donged, 11 pm, British time, an hour later than the European time-line and 5 hours later than in DC Washington, it was 16 December 2023. almost 17 December, Loily's birthday. Sighing, I stood up and walked to the kitchen. I opened the fridge but closed it only seconds later. the doorbell rang, I looked up weirdly 'better it's not a salesman, again' I sighed and walked up to the front door. Again, they pushed the button. I opened the door. When I saw the person standing there I took a step back. 'hey Rhanas' they said nervously 'can I come in..?' I nodded quietly, Angel stood next to me half growling at him, she felt that I was nervous, and scared.. I set a step aside so they could come in, and so they did. 'Follow me I guess, or will it be a quick visit? No, I want to talk with you Rhanas' they said. My face looked scared, but relieved in a way, I pointed at the door which led to the living room. Angel followed them suspiciously. I closed the door and asked Lucas if he wanted tea, or coffee, or some pop 'tea please' he smiled and sat down at Angel's chair, which she didn't like. She certainly didn't like that so she started growling and actually bit Lucas in his knee. 'AWF’ I heard them scream, I ran up to the living room and chuckled. 'ANGEL EMPTY YOUR MOUTH!' She immediately let go, 'please Lucas go sit somewhere else fast or she'll grab your other knee too.’ He quickly stood up, didn't make a sound and sat down on the couch. 'Sorry for Angel.. She's like that sometimes' he nodded 'it's alright, do you have a towel or something though? Yea I'll grab it.' I walked away and came back a few minutes later with a towel and two cups of tea. I gave the towel and sat the plates down 'here' he smiled little to me. He cleaned the wound while I made sure Angel was out of the room so Lucas would feel some safer (I hoped). 'So here you are, what did you want to talk about Luc?' I accidently gave him a nickname and I got red, 'sorry I didn't mean it that wa-’ ‘it's alright Rhanas' he looked at me, their gaze empty. 'I wanted to talk about.. it all, you know what I mean.' I nodded and he continued 'well it's weird this all, it's new, it's different..' he looked away to the plant standing behind me. 'We both can understand why you think this way.. but I hope you're more okay with it I think..?' I said questionably. 'Yea, I am okay with it I suppose.’ ‘I looked more about it from your side but also mine and it's, it's so much its so weird, cool but mad in a Dionysus way mad, I still don't know how and why and HOW IN HADES NAME this possible is, how you, us can be together.’ They said panickingly but didn’t panic. I want it but it's so- it's so not normal and it's other then yea.. normal’ Lucas chuckled. ‘And I'm scared that no one will accept us and that I one day don't love you enough anymore and I'm scared I'll let you down' I looked at him while he vented and ranted about it. I slowly stood up and laid my hand on his shoulder 'hey hey calm down Lucas.' I smiled at him. 'It's.. It's alright, I can understand why you think all this, well actually I can't because I wasn't born "human" so I never got that experience.' I looked up, out of the window to the streets. 'You didn't experience my life but I didn't experience yours either.’ Lucas grabbed my hand and looked at me. ‘We're different, but I still.. like you because of it I think.' I saw the honesty in his eyes, he said the right thing to me while I should be helping them. 'You're a really good guy, I know you still think the idea of "us" is weird and I can understand that, I’ve had it before but still.' ‘I hope’ ‘I hope you're the one who stays' I said to him with a kind little smile on my face. They nodded 'I- I hope so too' smiling a little nervously at me. I sat down by him, looked at them and smiled. 'Thanks' my voice trembled a bit, 'for what?' he asked questionably. 'For.. coming back I suppose?' Lucas looked at me quirkily 'I suppose?' They said sort of offensive. We chuckled 'yes' he wanted to say something but didn't in the end. ‘But that's.. it's alright, I know it will always stay, whatever choice you make.' 'To stay.. or to leave.’ They said kindly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………………………………………………………………………………………… . . . . . . . . . . . ………………………………………………………………………………………………… . . . . ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………………………………………………………………………………………… . . . ‘I want to stay, but I want to leave too..’ He looked back up to me, with those eyes. Those emerald, green eyes. Those emerald colored eyes, shining in the lovely morning light. Those bright leaf green eyes, waiting for you to come and find. Those beautiful grass colored eyes, waiting for the sun to rise. Those verdant green eyes, who have seen all those lies. I smiled at him, my mouth opened.. Not scared anymore to show them my fangs, those fangs where so many people were scared off, those fangs who were bound to be my downfall ‘What?’ They asked chuckling. ‘Huh’ I replied not knowing what I did, I still stared at him ‘you stared’ he said. My face turned as red as a red ripe strawberry, if I wouldn’t be a vampire. He saw me driving off again, to another world and chuckled softly. That world, that world where only emerald green existed, I had a cute little smile on my face, my fangs sticking out a little bit. He blushed at the sight of it, glad that I was more comfortable with him then before, I looked up and my eyes became big, I smiled too. My face had gone completely red but I hadn’t noticed. ‘My choice?’ They said hesitantly, I nodded comfortably at him. ‘I.. I want to stay.’ He let out a little sight, smiling at Lucas again. ‘Yay’ I said softly, upon which they smiled at me. I sat down next to him and grabbed his hand slowly, suddenly he said ‘DO YOU WANT TO BE MY BOYFRIEND’ I think he said it some louder than he originally meant. We were both startled for a second and then I chuckled and said ‘yes please’ I had a big wide smile on my face, Lucas had too. They let out a big sigh, ‘oh gods that was scary’ All I could do was smile at the sound of his voice and said 'which god? An olympic god, an no-' he interrupted me 'olympic god, and i think Aphrodite then, or Eros/Cupido. Oh and with that most people think Cupid is a Greek god but he is the Roman version.' He started talking a lot more about the Greek gods, the 12 Olympian gods and minor gods and monsters. I liked the sound of his voice and wasn't annoyed by it surprisingly, like most of the time. Accidently I was staring at him and he saw it 'oh I- I'm sorry, I talk too much didn't I?' He let out a nervous chuckle, 'no no no, you didn't talk too much, you talked just right' I smiled 'I like the sound of your voice.’ ‘How do you like those greek gods and monsters, it's cool!' I said to them enthusiastically. He started blushing 'oh, glad I didn't talk too much, at least if you're speaking the truth because most people think I do talk too much.' 'Well let those people think what they want, I don't think you talk too much, you're amazing' I paused for a few seconds. 'My boyfriend.' They were Startled and got as red as blood of a freshly bitten person, Lucas buried his face in his hand and let out a muffled "hmmh" I chuckled. Chapter 2+5 After a while of just doing nothing much we both stared at each other for some time. Lucas bursted out laughing because of my face which went colorful again. I buried my face in his chest, because of the redness forgetting who I was talking to and sitting next to. 'HMPF' a muffled scream went out of my mouth, I got more pink, my skin tone almost looked like Lucas'. They put his arms around me and hugged me, I was.. surprised. I put my hands around his waist too and there we sat, hugging for what seemed an endless amount of time. ‘How can we?-’ He swallowed his words but we both knew what he wanted to say. ‘We can stay like this vampire.. and human.’ I spoke about our races like they were as different as a wolf and a dog, the same but one is more dangerous to the others eyes. ‘Yea but no’ he looked at me. ‘We both know one that isn’t going to work, you can't go outside in normal daylight, and I can’t stay up every night, because yea, my job and I don’t know I need the sleep I guess.’ I pulled away from our hug, looking at his face just to see genuine sadness. ‘It will be alright Lucas Andrew Vallendor, we will figure something out.’ I showed a little smile, trying to hide my concern and sadness. He chuckles ‘you’re bad at hiding your feelings, do you know that?’ I looked at him baffled. ‘I’m not!’ My voice sounded like an irritated English man with a heavy accent, and he started laughing, ‘you have a cute laugh,’ I said. Lucas looked at me and got bright red ‘t- thanks’ they stuttered. ‘Oh gods- I said that out loud didn’t I..?’ I asked nervously, knowing the answer. ‘You did, still thanks tho, I think that you have a cute smile’ I stared at him again, blinking a few times. ‘Uh Uh Uh, thanks..? I guess?’ They laughed again. I was glad to see him laughing instead of being sick of sadness and concern. ‘Do you still want some tea or a cookie? By now our tea must’ve been cooled off too much and I don't like cold tea, I don't know about you but. Yes please warm is better agreed’ he interrupted. I walked over to the kitchen and started making 2 new cups of tea, ‘want a cookie with that??’ I asked him ‘yes please’ he mocked my accent from earlier. ‘Ey! Not fair’ I reacted angry but chuckled silently, ‘I hear you laughing, so it is fair. Mmmhhh' I let out a quick laugh and brought our 2 cups of tea and the cookie-tray into the living room. I sat it down on the table ‘thanks’ Lucas replied. ‘Rhanas do you maybe have a notepad or anything to write on, maybe we can.. figure it out what to do with us because I really want to be with you and still get sleep and still not be too tired for you.’ I nodded and walked to a cupboard, after searching for some time I found a piece of paper and a pen, I walked back to them and said ‘here. 'Thank you!' He replied. We both took a sip of our tea at the same time and then he grabbed the paper and the pen in their other hand. I still held my cup, it was warm and comforting. I never knew why but I find the warmth of the hot tea comforting, when I hold the cup it gives another warmth in me. I think it's similar to what humans feel when they're in the sun but I could never know for sure. ‘Okay soo, uhm what do we have?’ I said. He wrote down some things: Stay like this. We move to somewhere far away and rob a bank. You bite me into a vampire (is this a myth or truth?) We die He showed me the paper and I looked over it ‘hmm interesting choice the second and last’ I chuckled. ‘Like you said, with your job and money etc. it's impossible to stay like this for a long time.’ I looked up at Lucas. ‘Well it is possible but we both ain’t going to get enough sleep and yea..’ He looked back at me. ‘So i think option 3 is the only one that can.. and will work?’ I said hesitantly, knowing it is the only option we have. ‘I think yes, it's the only option but I'm alright with it.. I think.’ He looked at the paper and back at me and smiled softly, still trying to comfort me. I think he saw my discomfort, because Lucas also looked concerned. ‘Do you mind.. explaining it? Like how, what, when etcetera’ I nodded. ‘Alright, I never did it though, so It’s new for me too.’ He chuckled ‘then we’re in this together!’ We both smiled and he pulled me in a tight hug again. I liked to feel the warmth of his body pressing against mine, I like how he can comfort me with just a single gesture, I like how he likes me. We sat like this for another 2 minutes or so when Lucas pulled away. ‘Shall we.. “start”?’ He said nervously. ‘Alright.. so, I guess it's easier to pull out your sweater because you have a turtleneck. Don't get me wrong though, I love your sweater but yea.’ ‘And we don't want to get blood on it’ He nodded ‘alright’ Lucas stood up from the chair and pulled out his sweater, I accidentally stared at him. Lucas chuckled ‘is the sight good?’ I nodded and we both got red, he looked like a tomato and I looked like a shade of foundation. ‘Okay so next I guess we just sit/lay down and I'll bite you..?’ We both didn’t really know what to do/say but we trusted each other and that’s enough I suppose. ‘Alrighty Rhanas’ he said flirty but it sounded more like- I don’t even know what it sounded like, all I know is that it sounded funny. ‘It might hurt though so sorry for that’ I said. ‘That’s alright, I don’t mind getting hurt for you or by you,’ he smiled and I smiled back. He turned his head to the side and grabbed my hand, Lucas gave it a little squeeze. ‘It will be alright, it needs to be’ I came closer to his neck, 'are you ready?" I whispered. Lucas replied: ‘Yes’ ‘Here I go’ I mouthed softly, my mouth opened and I put it on his neck. slowly and carefully I put my teeth into his skin. I tasted his blood, it was sweet and had a weird taste. I seemed to recognize his blood type, it was AB+. Don’t know how I knew, but I just knew. I let go of his flesh and looked at him, our hands strangled together. He looked back at me. ‘That wasn’t.. Too bad’ we both chuckled ‘I really hope it didn’t hurt that much though.’ ‘It didn’t, I once got punched in-.’ Lucas stopped talking and I saw his eyes draw back. ‘Lucas?!’ I said concerned, he didn’t respond. ‘LUCAS?!’ He didn’t reply, he had fainted, or worse.. died. I felt his heartbeat, it was still beating. ‘Not much blood came out of the wound, and I didn’t drink much either so it’s natural’ I said to myself, trying to comfort me. I looked over at the clock and waited, waited and waited for what seemed an eternity. After what seemed like 300 million hours he woke up, I still sat by his side and layed a blanket over his body so they didn’t catch a cold. ‘YOUR-’ my voice softening ‘your alive’ I smiled big ‘I love you’ ‘Hey, are you alright?’ Was the fourth thing I said to Lucas when he woke up. He looked at me and blinked a few times ‘it feels.. Different but not weird different if you get what i mean..?’ Lucas said silently. ‘Do I look.. Different? Do I have pointy teeth etc?’ They asked. ‘You look a little more pale but I don’t know if that’s of the biting or blood loss’ I smiled. ‘Smile for me so I can see em’ They smiled hesitantly and opened his mouth in a funny smile. ‘Hmm, yes’ he gasped and felt his pointy new fangs. ‘It feels so.. weird’ he looked at me and chuckled. Lucas looked in my eyes and pulled me closer so I was forced to lay down with him, ‘Hello’ he smiled. ‘Hello’ I replied. Then he pulled me closer to him and kissed me. I kissed back, feeling his lips pressing on mine, it felt reliving, knowing he would do anything for me, go anywhere for me. ‘This felt weird- those teeth aaah how are you surviving with them?’ He laughed softly. ‘You’re going to be used to them after a while I guess because you don't know better.’ He nodded ‘probably’ We laid down like that for a while, my head at his shoulder. After a while I heard a little snore and chuckled. ‘Goodnight.. vampire boyfriend. I blushed and looked one last time at Lucas before falling asleep too. Chapter 826 - 818 It’s a week later, Lucas is drawing at the table with Angel next to him on the other chair. My eyes caught staring at him again, I looked over at the clock and it’s around 20.13 PM. ‘Shall we go take a walk or something?’ He looked over at me ‘sure.. honey’ Lucas said chuckling. They said it the whole week long already, like 4 times a day and every time, still every time I get colorful from blushing. ‘Angel are you coming?’ I said to my ferret, she walked over to me and jumped on my lap ‘no- we’re going to walk not sleep’ I chuckled and put Angel down next to me. Lucas gave me my shoes and put on his too ‘thanks.’ I stood up and grabbed my coat. ‘Angel now you can come in my pocket, we know what happened last time people saw you on the street.’ Lucas looked questionably over to me and I chuckled. Angel jumped over in my pocket and stook out her little head. ‘Ready Luc?’ He nodded and we walked out of the house, it was dark already, ‘the sun is going down early again. Yea I like it’ he replied. When we stood outside the cold hit us. ‘I love the winter.’ I said. ‘I hate the winter.’ Lucas replied. We laughed, ‘how can you love the winter Rhanas I swear it's so cold and weird and yea not my style’ I laughed again. ‘The sun is down earlier, it’s cozy sitting by the fire, and sweaters and the leaves are gone, It's just beautiful, and plus I hate the heat.’ He gasped at hearing this. ‘No. Just. No’ Lucas said grumpy. ‘Don’t be such a grumpy emerald.’ We walked down the street and could see the trees of the forest in the distance. Lucas started humming and grabbed my hand carefully, I gripped his hand back tightly and squeezed it. ‘I like you’ ‘I know dumbass’ he chuckled. ‘Good dumbass’ we both started laughing and walking through. Suddenly he started running, he pulled my arm half off ‘LUCAS AAAAH’ I ran with him because otherwise I fell (which I still did but that's not the point). He ran faster and the worst thing is, it was down-hill! Faster and faster. Faster and faster. Faster and faster. Faster and we fell. ‘AAAH’ I screamed. ‘AAAH’ he screamed. We rolled down the hill, scraped our knees and broke our coats. He rolled upon me and there we laid in the wet grass. The silence only was for a moment before we both started laughing. ‘That-’ I smirked ‘was the dumbest thing we ever did.’ ‘I don't even know you that long so that's not hard’ I nodded ‘true, but we are 20 so.’ They laughed even harder and couldn’t stop, it was contagious, my laugh sounded funny and he needed to laugh from my laugh. It seemed like we were both young children again laughing over a silly thing. ‘Are you okay??’ My voice half laughing, half concerned. ‘Yea yea I’m alright just a scraped arm’ he chuckled ‘you?’ His voice sounded concerned through the chuckle ‘I have a uhm let's look, scraped knees, arms and my jacket is ruined but that’s alright it was an old one anyways.’ He searched in his pockets and held up 3 big band aids. 'Come here, let's see those scraped knees and arms of yours. ‘I sat differently so Lucas could put the bandaids on my knees and arms. ‘I hope this helps,’ Lucas smiled sweetly at me. He took out his jacket and gave it to me ‘here take mine, give me yours.’ I looked at him startled ‘but- no! Don't deny my help when you can get it, because it might be too late when my offer disappears.’ He tried to say this with a straight face. (which I don’t think is possible because he is gay) ‘Then I'll wait until the offer disappears.’ ‘But- no! that's not how it works!’ He replied, laughing angry. ‘Actually it does’ I stood up and walked past him. Lucas stood there startled by my reaction. I laughed about it and looked over my shoulder, they stood there still. Lucas shaked his head. 'WAIT FOR ME’ he ran towards me and grabbed my hand and walked further to the woods ‘hello love.’ ‘Hello love’ I replied. The roots of the trees went under the pavement making it rise, my foot stuck behind one of the roots and my body fell forwards, somehow Lucas managed to catch me. ‘Romeo’ I called him laughing. Lucas tought it would be a good idea to call up the poem of the great poet shakespeare: O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name’ he talked with a fancy old accent. ‘Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love And I'll no longer be a Capulet. Tis but thy name that is my enemy: Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What’s Montague? It is nor hand nor foot Nor arm nor face nor any other part Belonging to a man, O be some other name What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, where he not Romeo call’d Retain that dear perfection wich he owes Perfection which he owes Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name, And for that name, which is no part of thee. Take all myself.’ Lucas set me right up, and I hugged him shortly. ‘You are a dumb smartass’ They chuckled. ‘And you’re my Romeo’ I blushed and gave him a kiss on his cheek. ‘Come, we’re almost there, third try the charm. And this time without falling!’ We both laughed and continued our way. Our way that would end up somehow. The forest looked dark and raw, no lights to be seen. We walked past the end of the asphalt into the gravel and sand of the forest. ‘I always like the feeling of walking barefoot over sand, it feels chaotic but calm at the same time,’ They didn't look at me, just walked forward to the path while holding my hand. For a few minutes we both didn’t say anything then Lucas realized something. He said ‘I can see.. in the dark?!’ I chuckled. ‘Yes, I don’t know how it works but we have better night view.’ Lucas looked at me with the eyes of a child that just got his christmas presents. ‘That. Is. So. COOL!’ He screamed. ‘Calm downn!’ I said laughing ‘it’s normal, we only come out at night so it’s a natural I think or at least logical?’ Lucas looked at me, blinked a few times and then started running and jumping and being his busy minded adhd self. I walked behind them, on my own pace while keeping an eye on Lucas. ‘Don’t go too far alone! Or else I won't be able to hold your hand anymore!’ As soon as he heard it he came back sprinting, almost falling.. again. Lucas grabbed my hand, squeezed it a few times and puffed out. ‘You alright?’ I laughed shortly. ‘Yes- give me- one second’ he panted and let out a short chuckle.. My eyes drifted off, over to the dark silhouettes of the trees, standing there maybe being as old as me. ‘It’s weird that those trees are maybe my age, or younger even’ Lucas looked at me with their eyes dropping wide open. ‘Wait.. then HOW OLD ARE YOU IN KRONOS NAME?!-’ I chuckled, I liked his Greek myth moments. ‘I am 826 years old, so still particularly young for a vampire’ his eyes got big, ‘wait- that means you're’ Lucas started counting on his fingers ‘uhm SO MUCH OLDER THAN ME!’ I laughed at his expression but still I felt.. It felt different, he was a vampire now too but he wasn’t once since birth, they didn’t experience it all, it hurted but atleast I wasn't alone anymore. Not anymore.. Never again.. ‘But in like, human years I suppose you're kinda my age, at least I’m 21 years old.’ Lucas looked at me, his emerald green eyes, almost the only physical thing left off them. His teeth.. Longer, His hair.. Darker, His skin tone.. Paler. Only his eyes didn’t change, or not yet.. I hope they never change. Those emerald green eyes. Chapter 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 1 ‘Time had passed so fast. We’re already an hour later than when we left our house.’ I said. ‘Our house..’ Lucas said, repeating my words, smiling. ‘How do you even pay the rent when you don’t work tough?’ He asked me. ‘Well I mostly work with a small online business which I can do at daytime inside, or at night.’ Lucas looked at me while we walked further into the woods. ‘And I have built up a lot of money over the past couple of years, but yea mostly that.’ He nodded ‘yea okay, understandable, but what do you call a couple of years?’ ‘I don’t know 400 or something like that?’ Lucas looked at me like WHAT TF YOU SAYING?! The pathway curved down into two paths, ‘left or right?’ I asked him. ‘Uhm right’ Lucas replied, so we walked to the right path. ‘That ferret of you’ he started ‘Angel I think her name is. Yes, that's her name’ I replied. ‘How did you “get” her, did you just go to a pet store or..?’ Our eyes crossed paths and we chuckled. ‘Well not exactly, I found her but it was more like she found me’ I looked at him. Lucas nodded ‘so like.. a uhm a weapon finds you in camp halfblood?’ I chuckled ‘sorta.. I think?’ I said and went on with how I found clover ‘but well, the story is: I was walking in a forest, not this one though, one in Europe I think I don't remember it as clearly as I wished.’ Lucas nodded. ‘And then she just came to me, so nothing much interesting there’ I smiled. ‘Well not really came to me, I found her in the bushes, lonely and small. I was like 94.50 years then so we were both kids.’ I stopped for a moment and said hesitantly ‘we were both- we were both kids with nobody else to love.’ Lucas wrapped one arm around me when we continued walking, my feet feeling heavy like weights were hanging on them. I don't know why they felt like that, Angel helped me get through it all but still it hurts, I don't know why, but at the same time I do know why. ‘Maybe I'll find one too, then Angel won’t be alone and she has somebody too, like now that you have me, so you’re with one person more, not alone with Angel.’ They smiled at me, trying to cheer me up a bit. ‘Thats right’ my mouth curled up a bit, trying to smile for him. I was really glad that he was here now with me but something inside still isn’t right, and I know That It will never heal. . . . . . . . . . . . ‘What sort of animal would you want then? If we would find any, what would you like to have?’ I asked him to start a conversation again after not talking for a few minutes. The silence was calming but disturbing at the same time, it’s all so confusing. ‘I think.. A bird, or a fox, or a duck, or a dog!’ They chuckled ‘well I am alright with every animal as long as it isn’t a spider.’ We both laughed at that ‘arachnophobia?’ Lucas nodded ‘yea, I am really REALLY terrified of spiders, even the thought of them’ he shrugged. ‘Okay so, I think if any then a fox or a dog or a bird is most likely, a duck is cool yea but not really for at home and yea, I don’t why but it doesn’t feel like something YOU would have.’ ‘True I think..? But I love ducks though, so yea.’ I chuckled. ‘We will go to the park to feed the ducks tomorrow, is that alright with you sir?’ They got a big smile on their face when we heard a squeak. ‘It came from somewhere distant towards the’.. Lucas tought for a moment and held his hands in an L and _| shaped form for themselves. ‘It came from the right, wait no left, it came from the left I think..’ We walked towards the sound, carefully and silent trying not to make too much noise. Another squeak. Lucas ran towards it, putting his hands in the bushes. His arms got scratches all over them but Lucas didn’t care. ‘Watch out!’ I said loudly. He didn’t answer. ‘What is it?!’ I asked Lucas, walking up to them. ‘It’s- It’s’ he slowly moved his arms upwards out of the bushes, trying not to hurt the thing he was holding. ‘IT’S A FOX!!’ He said some too loudly, on which the little fox squealed loudly. I chuckled ‘yes it’s indeed a fox!’ Their smile lit up the world while petting the fox carefully. ‘Would it be a magic fox like your ferret?’ Lucas asked ‘It’s- it’s not magic?’ I replied chuckling. ‘Almost magic, also good’ Lucas said. ‘Let me see’ my eyes drifted over the the fox, my hand gliding over the soft fur little lights lighted up with the touch, a pattern showing. And it looked someway like this: Lucas’ eyes lighted up, showing sparks of red shining against the emerald green color in his eyes. My face drooped down, hoping it wouldn't take over those emerald green eyes. ‘It’s “magic” ’ I said chuckling ‘said in your words then at least, but to make it really yours you gotta give it a name’ Lucas tought for a moment. ‘What would be a good name for this little foxy?’ They murmured. ‘I think I know a name’ they said hesitantly ‘well tell me Luc! I think I'm gonna name her.. Clover, because clovers are a sign of luck and we’re both new to this world and we both are lucky enough to find each other’ I smiled. ‘I love that name, hello Clover’ I looked over to her. ‘I love you’ Lucas looked up at me and smiled, ‘want to walk further in the woods or go back home? I think it’s alright if we walk further, it doesn't seem like clover has any wounds and yours aren’t that bad either. We can take care of them at home, I don't want to ruin this evening’ I smiled, hoping it didn’t come out bad. ‘Alrighty, then we walk further’ they smiled at me and we continued our way. walking further into the darkness of the night. Chapter 10000 - 9990 As me and Lucas walked further, through the fallen leaves and the cold wind. We found peace in each other. It seemed so perfect, so calm, so unreal to be with someone who finally loved me, and in some way still be like me. I looked at Lucas, they looked back with a smiling bleak face. Randomly Lucas started dancing, having Clover in his arms and swinging around. He looked truly happy, but how can anyone ever be I tought. I started humming and dancing with him, laughing and looking at his face. The cold winter face, the vampire face, the face that was my lover. I got a cold chill up my spine, Lucas chuckled ‘are you alright?’ I nodded ‘yea just a random cold chill it’s from this weather it’s so colddd!’ I shivered again. They laughed ‘it is but yea, your warmth warms me up!’ Lucas said cheerfully. I laughed ‘don't be so cheesy it’s weird’ Lucas laughed too and hugged me quickly. My eyes looked at his clothes, he wore a black t-shirt, ripped pants with high red converse. I wore a brown shirt with a band name on the back but I didn’t know the band how iconically. Green pants and also high red converse, I stole some clothes from him and he stole some of mine, it looked sorta funny. But it was a similarity, the converse and the changing clothes once in a while, it was our thing and I liked it, not too cheesy and not too subtle, suddenly it started raining, bit by bit, raindrop by raindrop. I looked up and chuckled ‘come!’ We started running, running around the trees, through the rain and the coldness of the fall almost winter. Lucas shivered ‘now you’re the one cold’ I chuckled and gave him my jacket which was originally his, they blushed and smiled. His fangs, fresh, but beautiful ‘I like your smile’ ‘It's the smile of a vampire’ he leaned in to kiss me. Suddenly there was a bright light, we covered our eyes and we held our hands together, he squeezed it scared. I heard someone running fast, faster and faster. closer and closer. Towards us. Then a scream An ear.. Bleeding Scream. It wasn’t from me or the person running No.. The scream was from Lucas. I closed my eyes and didn't let go of Lucas’ hand. Their hand, that I was holding.. I felt it fade away, I opened my eyes again, just to see my partner falling down their knees, a wooden stake through their chest, trough their.. Heart. I started twitching and looking around me, faster than a lightning bolt to see if that person was still here. No. No one.. No one was there. I focused on Lucas again, I pulled the stake out their heart in a rush, not thinking. After that I realized what I had done and tried to compress the wound with my jacket and left hand. With my other hand I held Lucas’ hand to keep hope. ‘He won’t die, no he won’t.. he couldn’t’ I said softly. Panicking. ‘Don’t forget the words you told me, I’ll still speak them.. You’ll still speak them..’ My voice wanting to sound calm but not obeying to what I wanted. ‘Promise?’ Lucas said, almost not hearable. ‘I promise, Lucas, stay awake Lucas!’ His eyes slowly drifting away, him closing his own eyes slightly. The hand they were holding, my hand.. The grip loosened. Their eyes slowly fell back, their body trying to relax. ‘No, no NO LUCAS!’ I started screaming now. That was the last time I saw those emerald green eyes alive. ‘NO, DON’T LEAVE ME PLEASE!’ My voice filled with anger, sadness, loneliness, rage. “No.. please no, this isn’t real, it's! It's a fairytale.” I tought, trying to convince myself. I wanted to say it out loud. But couldn't. My voice was gone, I was too stunned.. Too sad to speak. I held them, I held them in my arms as I sat down. Dead. No single life left in their body. The brain, the muscles, the soul.. Everything had left. They left me alone, alone in the dark woods, alone in the rain, alone in the night, alone in my own life.. alone again, it started all over again. I let out a horrible scream, the kind.. the one you know.. the kind nobody wants to hear. Slowly they slid away from my arms, towards the wet ground. When their whole body touched the ground he started to disappear. Disappear in the ground. Slowly the roots of a little tree standing next to the dead body of my partner went over him The body slowly going into the ground, barely see-able. Roots over their neck, arms and legs. Till there was nothing left, only the ground that looked like him, once being Lucas Andrew Vallendo, A human A vampire A partner, Barely noticeable, barely recognisable. I cried, the tears fell down my face, onto the ground, on their body. The dirt lighted up, One Last Time When it happened I smiled a little because I knew he was still somewhere, in his greek elysium. I stood up and turned around and walked away, trying not to stay by him all night. My eyes couldn’t resist looking back one last time, one last time I looked back. Back to the body which was now gone. Back to the body which was my downfall. A sigh of sadness came out of my mouth and one last tear was cried. ‘Life isn’t about living, Its about surviving,’ ‘Goodbye Lucas Andrew Vallendor.’ The last words I said to him. I lifted up my head and walked away, out of the woods, out of his sight.. Clover walking next to me when we walked back home. A home he couldn’t return to. |