Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2311564-Park-Bench
by Sumojo
Rated: E · Fiction · Emotional · #2311564
A man sits and thinks about his wife

A man sits with his thoughts

January Photo Prompt: A brand new year is here. It's a time to contemplate, dream, remember or forget? It's up to you to interpret this photo prompt by telling us what this person is thinking as he sits on that bench on a chilly January afternoon.

Tell us what he's thinking to himself. Since it's his own internal dialogue, you in essence are in his head, relating his thoughts, dreams, regrets or successes. (First Person POV)

Words 366

It’s strange to sit here without Mary. She would have loved to watch the children on their toboggans.

Haha! I know I shouldn’t laugh but that little kid sure went a cropper at the bottom of the hill... He’s okay, here comes his dad to brush him down.

There they go, dragging the toboggan back up the slope.
Gee, he reminds me of our George. It can’t be sixty years. Can it?

Oh, well that’s another Christmas gone. The first without Mary. Oh, they did their best to cheer me up, but what they didn’t know I was trying to do the same for them. It’s hard to lose your mother, no matter what age you are.

There he goes again. He’s a happy little lad. Mary would say “look at those rosy cheeks, Ron.” She loved children.

I wonder if she’s watching me. Nah. Of course not…

She just might be though, that’s why I’m sitting here. This is where she’d look. Our favourite park bench. She loved this park. All the seasons.

I’m pleased she’s out of pain, but I miss her so much…

I miss you, Mary. How many years?

She always knew how many years since we wed. She kept track of all the birthdays and events. I won’t be expected to remember. Will I?

Oh. I have a visitor. What a beautiful little robin. He’s out of luck. No crumbs today.

Now don’t start getting any silly ideas. It’s just a bird, but look at those red feathers. Her favourite colour.

I’m wearing the hat she knitted for me last Christmas. It looks a bit silly on a man my age, but I love it. It’s very warm.

I can feel my old bones seizing up. I’d better get moving!. Get on with my walk around the park. She’d be pleased I’m getting out of the house. I know she was scared I wouldn’t be able to manage without her…

It’s hard, Mary.

Ouch! That little kid just threw a snowball. I’ll show him…

That was fun. Cute kid. Oh well, better get moving…

These old knees aren’t what they used to be. Nothing is what it used to be anymore.

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