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A pair of lovers are liberated from reality and venture into emptiness in pursuit of life. |
1 Exodos [Egress] On the planet near the star Arcturus lived a pair of lovers, well versed in the arts of spiritual expansion, named Hailu and Meilita. Together they practised yogic exercises and meditations every day, constantly learning more about the true nature of existence as they grew in knowledge of matters both spiritual and corporeal. As twin flame soul mates, they had learned to recognize each other as anima and animus, feminine and masculine sides, of the same being. Their love-making was a sacred act of worship to the divine within each other, a chance to merge and exist totally as one harmonious entity. They were able to recognize the wholeness they achieved through each other. Hailu saw in Meilita the blissful creative force, the powerful and fierce, yet gentle and loving mother giving birth. Meilita saw in Hailu the strong and ambitious father and the tempered, forceful impulse forward into growth. They each held space for the other in their hearts, for together they were complete. One day while the couple were making love and chanting Om into each other’s throats through lips sealed together by the purest love, every celestial body in their solar system aligned, causing a convergence of cosmic energies. The stream of energy pouring across this alignment formed a convective vortex spinning around their world. The intense humming of this convective force, combined with the creative force of their love, bridged the souls of Hailu and Meilita through quantum entanglement of their bodies as they merged in conscious unity. Every molecule in their bodies resonated in tune with the harmonic frequency of the universe, causing their souls to leave their vessels behind forever and rise above the swirls and folds of corporeal life. Together they ascended into the star-studded heavens, freed from the bonds of material existence. United in sacred marriage, their combined energies gave them power far beyond the imagination of mortals, bringing them to the level of the playful Gods as they danced joyously across time and space. For aeons they sailed the universe, bathing in the seemingly boundless beauty of all creation and perpetually growing greater energies. They danced symmetric songs across quasars and meditated in the coronae of gleaming stars. They discovered every inch of galactic superclusters, making love within pulsars and exploring the storms raging deep inside black holes to bring light into the darkest secrets of the cosmos. They harvested abundant energy from rich magnetars and fed it to young protostars, watching the beautiful youths develop vibrant mosaics of their own as they painted stories within nebulae. Eventually they reached a place where the curvature of space was so great that only photons and high frequency electromagnetic waves could penetrate this quantum barrier, which organic life was unable to even perceive. They were able to perceive the endless void beyond this curvature and, far from fear, they felt a longing to explore the emptiness and find an ethereal oasis in which they could create a home of beauty to surpass all they had seen in the universe, where they could be together in perpetual bliss amid the chaos of the primordial void that seemed to beg them for a taste of life. And so, they bade the universe one last smiling Om and set out into the void, moving in a direction that was neither straight nor bent, neither spiralled nor cubic, beyond the electromagnetic toroids and imperceptibly contoured material tesseracts of material existence, to forge a new creation among the lost photons and lonely quanta which longed for form and purpose. As the whole of physicality faded to a distant star they began to sing out with joy into the inverted chasm that defied definition or perception. The tones of their song echoed from a distant whirlpool within a stream of cosmic lifeforce and as they approached they knew they had found the oasis they sought. They settled into the centre and prepared for a simple and quiet life of creativity and love, away from the noise of the universe they’d left so far behind. 2 Dimiourgía [Creation] The oasis Hailu and Meilita now called home was a source of energy more abundant than the lifestream of any world or celestial body they’d encountered on their journey, even galactic quasars paled in comparison. Sometimes they would swim in the stream, sometimes dance in the whirlpool, sometimes simply release control and allow the winding currents to carry them along, bathing in the raw and powerful, but shapeless, torrent of life force they’d discovered amid the boundless void. Most of their time was spent together, as if their souls were fused. As the roots of trees who have grown large but too close together, becoming entwined within each other to the point of being nearly indistinguishable. Often they would separate and go on their own ways for a time, letting their whims carry them like wind across the sea, but always they carried a piece of each other with them so that they were never apart, ever feeling each other’s presence despite the great distances between them. Eventually Meilita grew incontent with simply being here as an idle participant, and felt an urge to make their oasis a part of them, just as they had become a part of it. She began to dance more fervently, more passionately than ever before, bending and shaping the streams so that the flow twirled like butterflies in a smooth summer breeze, lending colour and pattern to the ever-changing currents that came from and returned to nowhere. Meanwhile, Hailu was swimming far upstream, attempting to discover the source of this abundant tide. After a long time, he found a torn opening, a rift of quantum fluctuations through which the energy seemed to simply appear as if it originated from nothingness itself. Unwilling to leave this rather unsettling stone unturned, he pressed himself into the rift. At first it seemed to hurt but then he recognized this electromagnetic flux as what their people once called a ‘wormhole,’ which lead into a tear through the time-space continuum and across quantum strings into parallel realities. He realized that this energy issued forth from another plane of existence which was never intended to touch their own. Meilita felt Hailu’s distress but she was not concerned; she knew he was in no danger. Rather than worry, she danced even faster so that her creation could grow to greater beauty to greet his return. When he arrived, everything was colourful and danced in harmony with her as if it had a will of its own. The full spectrum was observed, stretching across great expanses from infrared to ultraviolet, far downstream from the beginning and end of her endeavour. At the centre was the whirlpool that had led them there, soaking in a playful green aura. Hailu was delighted by her creation yet still vexed by his revelations. He explained to her that this stream came from a region of great beauty and great despair; a place still consumed by primordial chaos, where matter as they knew it had not yet taken form and will existed only in forms of writhing dissipations as waves of cosmic rays collided and dispersed. He could not understand how such pure and vibrant beauty could originate from such confusion and turmoil. She told him not to worry, that all things occur as they must and that such things need not concern them here in this paradise. All they needed was each other, as long as they were together there was no problem they could not undo. She bade him set aside his concern and rather help her in deepening the intensity of her creations. Hailu joined her dance across the cosmic oasis, moving not with her motions but rather against the eddying ribbons of her streams, not to resist them but to compliment the whimsical nature of her stirrings by providing more solid forms to shape and guide the wandering branches around spiralled paths. As Meilita had given her forms the colour of the chakras, Hailu gave his forms the shape of the Sephiroth, its limbs stretching out to soak in the rays of light and sway in the winds of Meilita’s ribbons. This crystalline form would provide structure and stability to their creations. As Meilita had centred her dancing around the whirlpool, giving it the green colour of the heart, he set the tree’s dimensions so that the centre, Tif’eret, would coincide with the whirlpool as well. The foundation of Yesod he placed in her winding roots, reaching towards the source of the lifestream, and the Keter was located in the violet region of the crown, where her twirling cycles petered off into long spiralling fingers. In the centroid of the areas where cyan melded into a deep indigo, he crafted a large sphere of nothingness, a pocket of space to mirror the void surrounding the oasis, this became the realm of Da’at, where the circling blues flowed back against the current, coming from a realm of infinite ideas and the bindings of wisdom, into the bleak and radiant emptiness of eternity. After what would have been years of this joyous dance, they settled down in their new home at the heart of the whirlpool, where splendour and eternity wove into each other as lovers into a symmetrical and harmonic synthesis. There their souls entwined once more and their tantric meditations swept their minds away as if leading them back into the void to learn more of the living nothingness that would be theirs forever. 3 Gennisi [Birth] After experiencing the passing of several eternities, they emerged from their meditations into the oasis, parting to tend to their new endeavours. Hailu followed the currents to find their end and determine where the lifestream would go when exiting their region of the void. The lifestream led him to another vortex, a mirror of the one through which the currents originated. Again he pushed himself through the threatening orb of electromagnetic flux to the other side. He found that it led to a similar existence, he couldn’t tell if it was the same as the other but the chaotic vibrations seemed the same; a confused mesh of waves and vines, bizarre quantum wills colliding, exploding and collapsing. Though he was still disturbed by the thought of this unhappy origin for their blissful paradise, it gave him an idea. If such a place could harbour willpower while completely lacking in substance or matter, then surely he and Meilita could create similar wills in their oasis. The smooth curves of the lifestream could become home to a multitude of much lighter, gentler life forms than the distorted wills he found here. Filled with hope for a bright future, he returned with full haste to find his lover dancing amid the waveforms of her colourful tides, which now ebbed and flooded like a vast ocean breathing in and out. Meilita was delighted with Hailu’s idea, she felt sure they could create lifeforms here which would not only add to the happiness of their home but could even inspire its own beauty in ways they couldn’t imagine, after all every life form is capable of creating something entirely new and unique. And so their spirits merged, completing each other once again in the harmonic union of Yin and Yang. Together they danced, moving gradually from the root to the crown and down again, circling the heart of the oasis. They focused their intention on bliss, hope and divine inspiration. They thought also of those aspects of each other they loved most. Hailu thought of Meilita’s carefree creativity, of her love of dance and music, of life and beauty. Meilita thought of Hailu’s steadfast will, his grounded confidence, his yearning for harmony and balance. Their joy increased with every movement, with every gleaming beam of love that arced between them, until it cumulated into a passionate, musical laugh that flowed forth from both their souls. They poured these feelings and attributes into their creation and throughout many cycles spanning decades, they poured energies from themselves and from their divine lifestream into their new children. What they gave birth to was both matter and light, embodied colour much like the building-blocks of the material universe they’d left behind centuries ago. At the centre of each of their children was a solid, radiant orb, around which a smaller orb danced and sang out colours never imagined by the lovers. Though these orbs were innately attracted to each other, they could neither merge nor diverge, perpetually entwined yet separate. They had spawned atoms made from their own souls, children of the lifestream who could share this divine oasis with them for eternity. They ceased their dancing and approached the mols of children they’d willed into existence, watching joyously as the atomic wills discovered life. At times they would pack in close together, other times they would disperse to wide distances, then drift back together, this repeated until the motions formed a pattern of their own, a song born from the circular dance they wove around the whirlpool of the lifestream’s heart. Eventually this new life seemed to grow uneasy and, banding together into a sphere they collectively spoke their first words. “Who are we?” The couple were delighted to hear this. The simplest question imaginable, which has puzzled gurus, philosophers and scientists since time immemorial. Such a question told the lovers that their children had developed self-awareness, both as individuals and as a collective, and that the concept of identity had been discovered in the same uncertain terms that all life eventually reaches. For an instant they were both uncertain as to what answer would befit these adorable aetherial children. Meilita spoke in sweet sounds, “You embody love and bliss.” Hailu knew that this question could not be answered simply or completely. “You must define the nature of your own existence.” After all, such a task is central to the purpose of life itself, the endless task of striving to forge an identity among the stars. Meilita could hardly contain her excitement. “Among all life, you have a unique opportunity. You have the ability to define both who and what you are. There lies within you the potential to create your own form, to perpetuate your will through its own power, and to determine for yourselves the very nature of your existence.” Hailu spoke calmly. “Although this ability is innate in all life, it is realized only to a very limited extent. You alone have the potential to grow beyond your present state in any manner you see fit. You will never know constraint or limitation. All of existence is yours to explore, your very spirit may be crafted to take on any identity your will desires.” The collective puzzled over this for some time, eventually asking, “Why are we?” Meilita laughed. Yet another question which has been asked by all life for all eternity. Meilita said, “It is not possible to provide a true answer to that, if one exists at all. You are our children, whom we have created to share the beauty of existence with. That alone must be answer enough for the time being.” The next answer came instantaneously, “Who are you?” This time Hailu laughed, imagining what it must be like for a child to look up at the closest thing to God they yet knew and wonder about the nature of their own creator. “Though separate, we are one, much like yourselves. We once existed in the material manner you do now, children of a universe far from here. We now exist only as pure life force, our spirits have wandered the infinite, soaked in the beauty of all existence and chosen to bring the living love of beauty to our home.” Meilita said, “We are souls abiding beyond the cosmos.” Their children thought again, vibrating back and forth in strange movements that seemed to be their own form of communication, talking among themselves in an attempt to understand the answers given to them. Finally they asked, “What is soul?” Both laughed, now completely unable to provide any answer to this. Meilita sang sweetly to them, “A soul is will, life energy that holds together your identity.” She paused and watched as the living atoms made the same communicative motions again. “Do not worry my beloved children. Soon, you may understand all this and more but for now, think only of the manner in which you will to live.” Hailu said to Meilita, “If we are to allow them to choose their own nature, we should leave them now and let them to decide for themselves. The decisions before them must be made alone.” Meilita agreed and they returned to the whirlpool, to meditate further as one within the harmonious song of their creation. 4 Anaptyxi [Growth] When Hailu and Meilita decided that sufficient time had passed for their children to develop a way of life for themselves, they emerged from the whirlpool of Tif’eret, the heart of harmonic balance, to find their lifestream filled with thriving creatures. Their children had thought long and hard about how they wished to exist and now the river was more alive than any forest. The hydrogen atoms had found that they could merge with the nuclei of their siblings and fuse into other elements, or bond together to form molecules, creating families that could take any form they wished. The area surrounding the whirlpool, the green heart formed by Meilita’s dancing, was now home to vibrant ferns and flowers, with spines, stems and radiant petals. Schools of fish swam past soaring eagles as butterflies danced between flowers that stood in every direction, waving gently like seaweed in the current. Far away they could see a great tree that had encompassed the realm of Yesod, where Meilita’s ribbons had formed networks of roots, now a foundation for a humming tree creature reaching out with massive branches running and twisting every which way, swaying in the vibrations of the lifestream as it caressed its way into their oasis. Laughing in joy, Meilita disappeared at once into the thriving jungle of their children. Hailu looked in the other direction to find a calm crystalline lattice had formed around the void of Da’at. Passing through the still atoms, he could feel them feeding each other and using their own spin to create spiralling electromagnetic fields to hold each other in place, forming a tight crystal structure that resonated with clear, smooth notes. Occasionally they would glimmer slightly as the peaks of their waves coincided, making a picturesque song that echoed in the void between the crystal walls. Meilita was running through a meadow of grass and flowers, feeling the windy current of the lifestream slip through her as she looked out across the bright field that seemed to rise and fall without a slope. There were insect-like creatures with twelve legs, two in each direction so that they could move seamlessly from one reed to another. As she moved further from the Anahata jungle and closer to the mighty tree ahead of her, she sensed currents of fluid that swam into the meadow, a highly energetic motion that sharply contrasted the warm, tranquil glow of the meadow of Manipura yet folded smoothly along the region between. Here, the currents were similar to those she had created herself but composed entirely of protons that flowed like viscous electricity, spiralling through magnetic rivers, running through the meadow to circle back around into a vast lake between the meadow and the tree of Yesod. The lake of Svadhisthana was immense and as she peered into the centre she could see it was like an inverted atom; electrons hovered at the centre, jumping back and forth instantaneously, existing almost entirely as photons and only forming matter for just long enough to hold their formless, shifting shape and pull the wandering protons back to shore. Hailu had remained for some time at the centre of the void of Da’at, resting in the crystalline resonance. Now his curiosity urged him onward to explore the next depths grown by their children. When he reached the edge of the humming crystal, he was astonished by what he found. A whirling tesseract had been constructed within the formless oasis, in the realm of Ajna. In the material existence they’d left behind, such a structure could only exist at a quantum level, for brief periods of time before collapsing into a more tangible three-dimensional construct. Here, in the realm of living energies and endless possibilities, their children had fused together into a four-dimensional cube that rotated around four perpendicular axes as easily as a planet revolves around its sun. He gazed into the material impossibility and found it was absolutely flawless, a perfect tesseract that was able not only to keep itself in perpetual motion but to harmonically stabilize itself with the shear will power of its living components. Unwilling to risk disturbing the fragile balance of this beautiful structure, he moved far around it to pass into the realm of Keter, the crown to which the lifestream flowed up from the Root. At first glance it appeared to be an empty expanse of purity but he could feel the vibrations emanating from the region. Moving further in he realized that the beings in this realm had chosen to continue existing in the form in which they were created. Here was a cloud of hydrogen atoms that spiralled slowly around the centre of their space in a toroidal field, glowing their own natural violet hue and resonating the constant hum of Om, drinking in the lifestream that was filled with the sounds and colours and flavours left to it from the life upstream. He took his place at the centre of the sphere and joined in their chanting. Far upstream, Meilita heard the humming Om echoing up to her from Keter and smiled, taking a glance back before she stepped lightly onto the foundation of the great tree of Yesod. She could have simply swam upwards but she felt a need to climb the tree, as she had done in her childhood, slowly scaling the enormous creature. Stringy vines like mycelia grew from the bark, with both leaves and mushrooms, providing holds for her to gently lift herself with. Instead of branches, the tree had sprouted smaller trees that held out flowery bushes along their trunks, swaying gently in the currents of the lifestream as they rooted back down toward the heart of the great tree. As she climbed she was approached by a group of peculiar deer-like creatures with the feet and tails of a squirrel, who ran and jumped along the bark, catching themselves with hooked claws to steady before their next bound. They licked her lovingly and one of them said, “Thank you, dear mother, for this beautiful world and our place in it.” Meilita smiled and gently said, “Do not thank me, children. We created you because we longed to share this blissful place with other life who could appreciate the glory of this oasis. You exist because of the energies we all feed on. Go now and soak in all of the beauty you can.” They smiled and scurried away to enjoy the lives they were blessed with, and she continued climbing. When she reached the end of the tree, she looked back at the thriving vibrance of the oasis and felt infinite joy she could only express by dancing a song of gratitude and bliss. She could still hear the resonant beats of Hailu echoing up from the realm of Keter and it provided a rhythm to her song. “Here in the depths of infinite Nothing, a thriving lifestream called out to two wanderers of the cosmos. Here they found transcendental bliss in the love flowing from chaos. Through the power of Divine Light they gave birth to a thriving populace of quantum will. Here the wanderers will remain for all time, knowing nothing but love for each other and their children. Divine Light, we your children thank you. Stream of Life, we your garden keepers thank you. Oh atomic grandchildren of Divinity, we are overwhelmed with delight at sharing our heavenly home with you.” As her last words faded away into the depths they were applauded by the screeches of salmon falcons as they swam along the edge regions of the lake-stream of Svadhisthana. In absolute contentment, she bowed before their creation and began her slow descent along the strong trunks and delicate mushroom flowers of the tree of Yesod. When the echoes of Meilita’s song ended in Keter, Hailu ceased chanting Om and began to leave the radiant sphere. From all around him, his children’s electromagnetic vibrations asked the question, “Father, what do you desire of us?” Hailu was surprised by the question. “We desire nothing of you, we simply wish you to exist as you see fit. Grow, children, and create beauty. That is the highest calling in life.” Pleased with this answer, they resumed resonating Om across the lifestream and Hailu returned past the tesseract of Ajna and through the crystalline walls around the void of Da’at to meet his love in the whirlpool of Tif’eret. Together again, they shared descriptions of their thriving creation and rejoiced in the beauty they’d given birth to, embracing for a time before they left to explore the magnificence around them in blissful union. 5 Synchysi [Confusion] The children had been left on their own for momentary aeons. They’d all thought long and hard about the words spoken by their creators but as they grew they learned their own lessons through the experiences they shared in their own realms. They all preferred to remain where they were and only rarely did one of them choose to venture out into neighbouring spaces. Each region had begun to develop its own philosophies and cultures corresponding to the energies unique to their own realm, and to the frequencies they created with their activities. In the lake of Svadhisthana, the streams of protons loved to dance with wild freedom, spiralling around the throbbing lake of electrons. They could not bear the calm meadows above them, nor the winding roots of the great tree beneath them. Like the tiny worlds left behind in the universe they came from, Hailu and Meilita saw their children isolating from each other, choosing to value the beliefs they built on their own limited experience, rather than expanding outward into other realms, learning other wisdom and building newer, wider and more circumspect beliefs. The jungle of Anahata had declared itself the most sacred aspect of creation, as it surrounded the whirlpool of Tif’eret. Here, all life thrived by growing into itself, conquering to be conquered and rising to fall yet again. They saw no purpose in the humming chant of the crystalline rings surrounding the void of Da’at, and preferred to remain where wild hearts were free to devour each other. “What are you doing, my children?” Meilita asked curiously. The animals around them cheered and danced around their parents. “We are being love, dear mother. We have found it the most important and fulfilling aspect of life.” Hailu could see plainly that none of them had ever ventured beyond the jungle into other energies. “How can you know that? You would have to experience the other aspects available to you, and find the purpose in them before you can determine why they are important.” They did not understand. “But love is the only thing worth feeling. Why should we wish to go into the emptiness, or the calmness, only to diverge from this wonderful feeling.” They exchanged a concerned look and went downstream, circling around the crystalline resonance chamber and into the tesseract of Ajna. “Father,” they said proudly, “we have held this perfection for the lifetimes of planets in the material world.” Meilita couldn’t help asking, “how do you know about planets?” “We see all that has ever been,” they said slowly, with a deliberate pace and focused intent. “We were able to perceive the rise of your souls into what you are now, the story of your many lives leading up to liberation from the bondage of your existence.” Hailu spoke, “and what did you learn from our experiences?” The blinks and spurs of the interconnected nodes of the tesseract communicated like a neural network before answering. “There was nothing to learn from them, for your experiences occurred in a dimensional limitation we have surpassed. There is no wisdom to be offered in such a state.” Meilita was sad to hear that they were so stuck in their current mode of being. “But we were offered chances to experience every aspect of reality, this is the only way we could ever have risen to what we have become.” A flurry of communication erupted in the tesseract but no response came. Hailu said, “Wisdom cannot be gained from experiencing only one corner of reality. Watching the entirety of universal experience cannot compare to sharing it, feeling it for yourself. You must be willing to interweave with your siblings in the other energy forms we have all co-created here. Only then can you see the value their experience offers you.” They watched the tesseract attempting to resolve this issue between its neural nodes and move back upstream, past the jungle of Anahata and through the meadows of Manipura, until they came to the shore where the meadows met the streams flowing with the lake of Svadhisthana. They could see it all so clearly from this border. Their children had grown into complacency, too content with the natural order of their own homes. The rushing waters felt it would be boring to experience the apparently dull and meaningless tranquility of the meadows of Manipura. Manipura, on the other hand, saw the dancing of the waters as frivolous, where their own smooth waves formed pleasant, plain shapes and predictable patterns as it grew and subsided with each breath of life force. They continued on to the great tree of Yesod, whose roots and branches had continued growing but remained confined within its borders, twisting and tangling into an incoherent mesh of hollow limbs. Meilita was sad to see it had abused itself so terribly. “Why have you done this, my children? You were so beautiful.” They did not understand. “But we have formed webs so intricate and complex, we are glorious in our interwovenness just as you have taught.” Hailu was perplexed by such bizarre behaviour. “But you have twisted beyond all function. Your leaves are buried beneath roots, fruits and flowers hidden from sight by the endless networks of branches.” The children were confused. “But you were pleased with us before, and we have simply continued growing. We are now much larger than we were, why is this so wrong?” The lovers were dismayed. They could feel every realm, every tribe of their children being so closed to each other, believing themselves to have selected the only part of being that ever mattered rather than embracing the wonder of all that was offered to them. With a note of concern and fear for the well-being of their children, they returned to their oasis to consider carefully what should be said and done about these disturbing developments. 6 Nomos kai Didaskalíes [Law and Teachings] In short-lived distancing from their children the answers came clearly, and the lovers emerged after only a brief absence. Hailu went downstream to the resonance chamber in the void of Da’at, where his voice would be amplified. He knew what must be done, and could maintain contact with Meilita from great distances so they could decide together what should be said at each moment. Meilita went upstream to the fields of Manipura, where she could retain a sense of harmony and peace as she experienced the totality of the lifestream and its inhabitants, sharing with Hailu the responses to his words. “Hear us, children,” they spoke together and although the booming echo of Hailu’s words were more apparent, the sweet lullaby of Meilita’s song-voice could be heard beneath it, soothing the souls of all who witnessed them. Feeling Meilita’s joyous love emanating from his words, Hailu said, “we are sad that you have become so distanced from each other, we had hoped that you would all thrive together as a collective but instead you have built borders and limited the experiences you share together. We are not angry at you for this, we are sad for you. Nor do we blame you, it is simply a result of our hesitance in directing your growth.” The children were all listening intently, wondering what would come next. Would they be loved less, as they were, than they had been before? Would their creators punish or unmake them? “In our universe there were laws, rules to govern the interconnected behaviours of its inhabitants. These laws are not intended to restrict but rather to guide. The fundamental rules of existence are mirrored in the psyche, in the will of each individual and of each collective as a whole. Therefore by studying and knowing these laws, one finds the guidance they need to continue on the path toward perfection.” Meilita’s heart spoke through Hailu to amplify her own will. “We feel that you will all benefit from learning each law, each primal mode of reality, by sharing yourselves and your energies with each other. You must learn to intermingle and experience every mode of being available. No one single truth can encapsulate the totality of existence, what would be the point of such monotony? The purpose of life is to thrive, together: to sing every flavour; taste ever shade and see every chord; with a mind unclouded by intent, willing to learn from all that is.” “Most of these rules you will learn as you evolve in your own ways,” Hailu continued, “but we will teach you here what you must know for a beginning.” They both looked inward at the jungle of Anahata and said together, “Love cannot be itself, alone. It must encompass all, bear witness to every sight and love every single aspect of creation. It must take part in every act or it loses its inherent meaning.” Turning outward to the rest of their children they continued, “therefore you must all send envoys, groups of yourselves to join your siblings. All of you must, phase by phase, learn from experiencing all other realms. You cannot be complete until you have tasted all of each other’s essences. You cannot love yourselves until you have found yourselves in each other, nor love each other until you see yourselves in the other.” Great confusion rippled across the continuum. No one comprehended the meaning or purpose of this goal, they were all are too content within themselves. They continued, rotating as they went to focus in every possible direction. “There two halves to everything. Even duality itself comes in two forms: polarity and symmetry. The light and the dark, the feminine and the masculine, desperately long to touch each other, to become each other. To consume themselves within the other and become One. But One cannot exist without each, held in harmony. Duality itself must recognize each inside the other. The nature of polarity is to pursue, one chases the other. The nature of symmetry is to fit, one completes the other.” The children seemed to understand this, but waited to hear more as their confusion went on. Hailu stared across Anahata, past Meilita and all the way down to the tree of Yesod, while Meilita stared the opposite, past Anahata and Hailu into Keter. “We have decided that there must be a gradual polarity reversal. These two ends are too polarized, the symmetry has been distorted by discord, each side believing itself to be in harmony alone while it falls into chaos. Feminine and masculine have forgotten to reach for each other. As the emissaries of each realm interweave, the masculine and feminine must reach through and into the depths of the other. You must choose to love yourselves enough to become the other, while remaining yourself.” The confusion was rising to a furor now. Each realm felt itself complete, there was no need to be One with the rest, each seemed far too alien to the others and too bizarre to comprehend. How could a tree learn from an electromagnetic toroid? How a lake become a tesseract, while each remained whole? Meilita’s soft voice sang out across the ribbons and currents, “We know you do not wish this but we know that you will grow from the experiences we offer. You must trust us, trust yourselves and each other, and be willing to grow beyond what you have known into what will be.” Hailu remembered the swamps of his world. “The purpose of life is to evolve. One cannot grow while in stagnation. The mud is cleared by running water, the tree swayed by a gentle breeze. None may remain content for too long, lest they corrupt their true essence confusing it with their current state. These identities you have built are wonderful, yet each is meaningless without the all.” He looked around at the resonance chamber he was standing in. “A song is incomplete when it echoes one chord. A melody is needed, for a single pitch is empty.” The whole collective inhaled light, each could smell the other and, though unsure, grew curious about what adventures awaited them in their sibling territories. The lovers spoke together once more. “Please children, do not be afraid, trust that we love you and wish to see your bliss amplify exponentially. We know this will be confusing but you must know that it will be rewarding. Please, be loving with each other’s foreign nature, for none of you is truly foreign to the others, all have emanated from the same source.” Then, amid a vast and boundless silence, the lovers returned to Tif’eret and became blissful union once again, to hear and see what their children would do in the wake of such news. 7 Elasmatodis [Laminar] In the absence of their parents, the children grew uneasy, unsure how they could possibly trust the others, or grow from the apparent senseless of each other’s states. Each seemed so strange, so great and yet so frighteningly distant. Could a being of pure potentiality truly enjoy a wholly manifested tree, winding around so strangely? Could a gentle candle truly enjoy a lake? If not, how could it endure the void within a crystalline fabric? How could masculine and feminine love being each other when they were so very different? Feeling and knowing were too distinct, logic and reason too far removed from instinctual frolicking, perfect harmonic focus a terrible mismatch from whimsical rivers winding to and from a shifting, formless lake. Reluctantly, each realm selected six groups of emissaries, one for each neighbouring realm. Each and every soul, brave volunteers, would be pioneers in the foreign customs and bizarre frontiers of their siblings. Yet each soul who chose this journey knew they would find something beautiful to learn, a glorious purpose to share with their homes. Slowly, the mathematical perfection at the heart of Keter’s electromagnetic toroid prepared to blend with the frivolous, disorganized tangle of roots in the tree of Yesod. As the emissaries slowly merged into their appointed worlds, new ideas emerged. New concepts and ways of being became apparent as the energies mixed alchemically to create entirely new states of being, to be shared among the whole as they all began to reach for an internally cohesive state of unity. A gentle swirl began to develop, spiralling all way across the expanse of lifestream, dispersing new thoughts and feelings, sharing the creative potential of the all, and spiralling back down to where it began, a full and intelligible stream of unified thought was developing. Gradually the masculine and feminine began to see that they had stifled themselves attempting to be whole without the other, attempting the define their nature as distinct from the other. They learned that their distinctive nature was meaningless without the nature of the other. Symmetry is purposeless until the faces fit together. The emissaries began to form branches, streams and fluctuating vibrations between their old home and their new home, providing interconnections between each pair of realms. Feelings and thoughts began to merge into fantastic structures of knowledge, purpose and will. The roots began to see themselves as being the purpose of the crown, and the crown likewise saw itself as the purpose of the roots. They recognized the necessity leading through chains of causality that linked them all. They began to perceive purpose in their entire collective as a whole, and gradually the borders between each realm dissolved. The roots of Yesod provide stability and sustenance, making it possible for the lifestream to be received appropriately when and where it is needed. The lake of Svadhisthana loosens the fibres of the tree and allow the lifestream to take a more flexible course, choosing how best to reach its goal. The meadows of Manipura maintain a sense of calm clarity, preventing the wild wilfulness of the rivers from disturbing the delicate harmony of the heart. The jungle of Anahata ensure that all needs are met across the collective, taking part in every affair, in every stage and phase of existence, and providing both purpose and sustenance to all. The crystalline resonance chamber in the void of Da’at ensure that the will of each assembly is heard, and given a chance to state its desires, so the whole may be attuned to the needs of the one. The tesseract of Ajna focuses the intentions stated with the sacred voice, allowing clarity to determine the best and most appropriate means of ensuring these desires are brought to manifestation. The empty potentiality of the Keter dissolves all but the purity of experience itself, lending finality and purpose to the entirety and cycling the distilled essence of each back into the whole, thus feeding the roots and preparing the cycle to begin anew as it feeds on the pure life-force provided by the roots of Yesod. And this was just the beginning. Every border region had ways to blended purposes into their own form and essence. Every branch connecting distant neighbours found itself shaking with excitement every time it exchanged ideas between the two realms it connected. The spiralling stream of light that flowed across the entirety and back down again, which was now called Kundalini, ensured the perfection of creative impulses, of wills and desires, of ideas and thought forms, of feelings and intent. It provided power to amplify each and every experience, adding cohesive and purposeful structure to the totality of collective experience. Thus it improved the entire state of being and accelerated the evolution of the whole. As the Kundalini began to strengthen, the feminine and masculine performed the polarity shift they were instructed. They found uncomfortable at first, sometimes disturbing, more often confusing and disorienting. Yet over time they recognized the beauty in each other as something they wished to enjoy for themselves. They saw in each other a reflection of what they most deeply desired, needed, craved and thirsted for. They slowly learned the meaning of a unified duality, valuing their distinctiveness and individuality as they reached ever deeper into each other, longing to become one and yet rooted in themselves. As the curiosity of the rivers integrated into the perceptivity of the tesseract, they peered into the evolution of the universe, all of its space-time visible in a single moment from this perspective outside of such a limited existence. They began to perceive the ways that their growth mirrored that of the parents, and how the merging of masculine and feminine was another way to experience what Hailu and Meilita were doing in their whirlpool, Tif’eret. They recognized the sacred balance and infinite, harmonious beauty that could be achieved when this double-duality came to cohesive wholeness. When polarity pursued itself not to consume but to share, when symmetry met not to clash but to merge. When unity grew, not to cancel either but to heal and extend both into the other. As aeons passed and the lovers watched, newer and ever newer ideas developed as the children grew wiser and stronger, more loving and nurturing of each. Slowly their attention drifted back into their tantric lovemaking and they ceased to watch their children, sure that things would progress in the perfect ways to bring the collective into the prosperity of a balanced, heart-centred and cohesive whole. 8 Tarachi [Turbulence] As the children grew, they answered many questions and found newer queries lurking beneath. They answered those too, and for every resolution came a new puzzle to solve. And as children often do, they made mistakes. In the absence of their parents’ attention, they were certain they were capable of doing everything correctly. They became confident in their ideas and ensured that they would meet the approval of their parents, once their attention returned. Mistakes went unrepaired, untruths went unrecognized. Yet still, progress was made. Growth, the sole purpose of life, was accomplished. The totality thrived on their collective wisdom. Truth built upon truth, deception upon deception. The sublime and the perverse intermingled. Chaos and order forgot their own distinctions and thus their inherent purpose in and for each other. Distortions went rampant, tumorous growths were fed and nurtured, healthier fibres were allowed to whither as the aeons passed and the life of the oasis thrived by devouring itself, as is the nature of all life. Joy was found in the repetition of divine falsehood. Dogma was built on misconception and sacred light wove into dark, abysmal distortions. The interconnections holding integrity and balance began to breakdown. Differing ideologies, no longer seen as reason for advancement of wisdom, became sources of conflict. The heart, seeing how the rest were slowly turning away from the love that once united them, closed its borders to protect itself and the jungle of Anahata was once again isolated from the biosphere. Without love to balance them, feminine and masculine began to turn against each other. Manipulation and domination were held as valuable and within each realm, conflict began to fester. As each realm was won over by one side of the other, wars began to spill over from one to the next. The lake of Svadhisthana flooded, its rivers began to run deliberately through the serenity of Manipura, disturbing the gentle glow of its candle-headed meadows and the sway of its fibrous grasses. Manipura began to seek refuge within Anahata but found its walls closed tight. None were allowed to venture into the sacred lands without ritual cleansing of untruths which differed from the divine sanctity of love, thus the unbelievers were turned away and left to fend for themselves. In response to this rejection, the children of Manipura grew into a raging flame and was repelled from the borders of the sensitive jungles back into their conquered lands. They clashed endlessly with the waters as the rivers continue to writhe across the meadows. The warring elementals disturbed the sway of the great tree of Yesod. No longer could it channel the lifestream upward as it had, and its overabundance became disturbing. Its roots sank through the interdimensional portal and into the realm from which the lifestream emanated. Its branches reached into the boundless expanse of the void surrounding the oasis, seeking nothing but reprieve from war and offering hollow fruit to empty space. As the lifestream weakened and dispersed, sickness grew in the upper realms. The jungle of Anahata waned and became delirious. Forgetting to love even itself, it closed further and began to feud inwardly. Life fought life, brother raped sister and all light that once emanated gloriously from its halls ebbed into darkness. The symmetry of the crystal lattice surrounding the void of da’at fell into disarray, its harmonious chamber struck up a dismal dirge that agitated the tesseract of Ajna, together they dissolved with neither the sustenance of the lifestream nor the harmony or clarity they required in order to remain as they had been for so many aeons. At last, as the tesseract collapsed into meaninglessly scattered arrays, the sanctuary of Keter’s pure potentiality began to dwindle. Its fluctuations faded into imprecise and unpredictable spurts of sad and venomous rage. After a time the lovers grew curious what had become of their children, and ceased their lovemaking to look out across their home, met by unredeemed dismay. All life in the oasis was afflicted now with an illness that seemed impossible to reconcile. The untruths were manifest so deeply within the collective that the entirety was irreconcilably at odds even with itself, every realm was so deeply in its own conflict that the elemental furies were becoming manifest in their distant neighbours, despite the malfunctioning bridges that no longer connected them. Recognizing the depth of turmoil among their children, the lovers knew there was only one thing that could abate the conflict long enough to find a solution. Their time in the universe had taught them that the source of all elemental energies forming the fabric of existence emanated from both above and below, from the aetherial lights above the crown and the plasmatic core beneath the roots. Both primal elements must merge in order to create the natural world, only by meeting in the heart could this happen but neither could be sourced from the fabricated existence they had formed in the oasis. Natural sources had produced the universe but there were none to be found here, so far away from naturally recurring, inhabitable space. The lovers knew they would have to provide their own primal elemental life-source, limited though their channels may be it was the only course available. The only way to placate the furies of war was to call for the primal duality that gave rise to the all. As feminine and masculine, light and dark, aether and plasma, they alone could restore balance to the oasis and bring peaceful resolution to these conflicts. They separated and dispersed across hyper-dimensional space. As they grew further apart, the oasis became a plane, then a line, and gradually an infinitesimal point. Steadying themselves and reaching out across the infinite, boundless abyss of unmanifest potentiality, they met and united while separated, and merged while distinct from such untraceable distances. Chanting the primal seed of all, the dualistic unity of Om, they bridged the gap between them with love, grounding themselves in the whirlpool of Tif’eret, and began to channel the pure source of all, that which is and is not, that which is one when two irreconcilable wholes reflect each other in themselves. Aether and plasma swelled and burned across the astral realms. Entire hyper-spaces exploded and collapsed. Eternities passed in a blink of the cosmic eye of the inconceivable Godhead. The nameless One sang its formless purpose through the lovers and into the heart of their home and hearth. Plasma transmuted through the ages of infinite expanses into raw elemental force. Aether poured its purity into the elements and revitalized the life within them. Instantaneously the entire collective of their children became docile. All movement stopped and for the briefest instant, all purpose became meaningless, all life became futile. All light and dark became One. Chaos and order dissolved into potentiality. Manifestation ceased and will unraveled. Then, all was balanced again. Their children sat, phased into a placant state of vacant, awaiting the life force that sustained them, the purpose that drove them, the love that affirmed and united them. They lost all sense of themselves as they waited for the return of their parents, the newborn God and Goddess of the oasis. Having descended again through realms united by integration of cosmic eternities, encapsulated into microscopic marbles and strung into vast DNA strands of Godhead kundalini life-force, the lovers witnessed the meaning of unity through segregation, of dualistic oneness, the essence of godhood seemed empty and foolish. They settled, disturbed by the shallow meaninglessness of exponentialized eternities and when they met eyes, despair and bliss were emptiness itself. The only thing that could ever possibly matter to them was the love that held them in tandem across countless recursions of expansion and collapse. Life and death were only Love. Together they breathed their first breath as God and Goddess and looked around at their lost children. They both knew what must be done. |