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Beginnings; Bedtime, The Transfer |
Chapter 4 Tom returned to his apartment. He swung the door open to reveal his dark, hollow apartment. It had just enough furniture to feel lived in, with a couch, coffee table and a television in the living room, the kitchen and dining room connected right next to it on each side. However, there was very little decoration, no plants or pictures, not even little books on the coffee table. Tom put his keys in a bowl that was on a shelf next to the door and immediately headed up the stairs next to the dining room. He walked down a short hall and entered his bedroom. A bed sat at the far wall in the center, with a nightstand to the right of it. On top sat a lamp and his phone charger. He had a few books on the bottom drawer of his nightstand, however there were still no pictures in sight. He slammed his palm against the wall, making everything in the room shake. “Shit!” He yelled, his voice echoing in the room. He tackled a captain to the ground. His mind raced, thinking of termination or worse being outed. He clenched his jaw by the mere thought of it. As he exhaled through his teeth, Tom fell onto his bed, his eyes tightly shut. As he turned his body to face the wall, his thoughts wandered as he recollected the event in the parking garage, feeling nothing but dread. But most of all, all he wanted to do was sleep. And ever so slowly, he fell. However, like always, he never received any dreams. Caine knocked on Erik’s door, almost frantically. He was constantly yelling Erik’s name outside, trying to get him to open up. For Caine, it was very important to meet with him. Erik opened the door in his robe and sighed. “Sean, why the hell are you here, it’s almost ten at night.” “It’s important, I swear!” Caine replied. “Transfer Officer James to the East Precinct immediately.” Erik raised an eyebrow as he gestured Caine into his home. “This couldn’t wait till tomorrow or something?” Erik asked. “No, I want him transferred to my precinct ASAP, okay?” Caine walked into the home and continued onward towards the living room. “You realize the others have a say too, right?” Erik said, following Caine. Erik turned on his electric fireplace and got out two glasses and a bottle of scotch from his liquor shelf. Caine sat down in a chair. “Officer James tackled me tonight thinking I was a stalker. But the thing is, I don’t remember the impact of it, at all. And he did it after he turned a corner.” Erik looked at Caine, with a perplexed expression. “The thief said something about blue eyes…” He replied as he handed Caine a glass. As Caine took it Erik poured the scotch into each glass then sat down in the chair across from Caine. Caine nodded as all this transpired. “I saw it too,” He said, smiling. “Those blue eyes.” Erik sighed once again and took a sip of his scotch. “But to transfer him early to your precinct just because there was an inconsistency… It doesn’t mean he’s like you.” “It wasn’t an inconsistency. I turned a corner, and in a millisecond I was pinned to the ground! How can anyone explain that?” One last time, Erik sighed. “You want him transferred, immediately?” “Yes!” “Well, tomorrow is his day off, that’ll give me time to write up all the necessary paperwork. I’ll give him a call as well.” “You’re the best!” Caine exclaimed. He took a sip of the scotch given to him and smiled even bigger. “So how have you been? I feel like we haven’t talked personally in a long time, Erik.” “That’s because we don’t go out nearly enough to catch up,” Erik replied, chuckling. He looked down at his glass and smiled, showing his teeth. “I’ve been alright, Mary and I are expecting.” “A baby?” Caine said, his smile still present, however showing a different emotion that would be obvious to anyone else but Erik. “That’s amazing, how much longer?” “The full nine months, we found out she’s just four weeks into it.” Caine cleared his throat and raised his glass. “Well cheers! Congratulations.” He drank half the scotch in the glass and sighed. “Guess it’s my turn, right?” Caine looked at Erik. “I’ve been well, too. But to be honest I could be better. I wish I could visit with you more but with the East Precinct being as it is, there’s a lot on my plate. And you’re the Chief of Police! We can’t goof off like the old days.” Erik shook his head. “No, we can’t. But this has been nice. We should schedule more time to just talk.” “I would love that.” Caine replied as both men took a sip of their scotch. Chapter 5 Tom’s cell phone started to ring, vibrating on the wood of his nightstand. He came out of the bathroom after taking a shower and was already clothed in sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. He looked at his phone blankly, reading the caller ID. It read “North Precinct.” He immediately picked it up and answered the call. “Hello?” Tom said. “Officer James, this is Chief Angers.” Erik greeted. “Did I wake you up?” Tom shook his head, though knowing his Chief couldn’t see. “No, Sir. What can I do for you?” “It’s what I’m doing for you, Thomas.” Erik replied. “I know it’s your day off so you don’t have to come in uniform, however I want you to gather your things.” Tom immediately gripped his phone tightly, his body trembling in anticipation. “Am I fired…?” He asked. “What? No.” Erik said. “You’re being transferred to the East Precinct immediately. Gather your things at your desk and move locations to the East Precinct today. Captain Caine will take it from there.” “...I’m being transferred?” Tom said, his body slowly calming itself down. “But you said-” “I know what I said, Thomas. But circumstances have changed, and the Captain would like for your immediate transfer. Get your things by three today, alright?” Tom tapped his index finger on the back of his phone, hesitating. “Yes, Sir.” He replied. He hung up and looked at the time. Eleven in the morning. He sighed and carrsessed both his eyes with his index finger and thumb. The East Precinct, he’d finally get to see what they were all about. Tom entered the North Precinct, and passed the reception desk to directly head towards his desk down the hall. He could hear people whispering around him as he arrived, a box already there on his desk for his belongings. He stared at his desk, hesitant to begin. Slowly, he reached towards the first item that is his possession, a tape recorder he kept for just in case situations. However, he kept failing to bring empty tapes for it to work, so it was rendered useless for the time being. He put it in the box along with cheap earbuds that went in along with the recorder. He checked the drawers of his desk to make sure he got all his pens and post-its, then picked up a picture that he hid in the depths of one of the drawers. He forgot he even had it and quickly threw it into the box face down without a second thought, he then closed his eyes and sighed. He stood up and picked up the box when a colleague of his walked towards her desk that was next to his. Officer Wesker looked over his desk and smiled slightly. “You’re transferring as of today, right? Everyone is talking about it.” She said. Tom nodded, not looking back. “Uh huh.” He said, slowly walking towards the front doors. She followed behind, at a brisk pace. “I just wanted to say that it was nice to be desk mates with you. And that I know you’re gonna be successful at the East Precinct. I’ve admired you since your vigilante days so…” Her voice trailed off, realizing she was babbling some nonsense. Tom stopped right at the door. “You shouldn’t admire me.” He gazed up at the ceiling before opening the door and looked back ahead of him. “Take care of yourself, Wesker. I doubt I’ll see you again.” Tom walked out of the precinct, feeling the chilled air surrounding him. He walked towards his vehicle in the precicnt’s small parking lot. Black and silver, Tom’s motorcycle was standing proud as he strapped the box at the back. He took out his phone, searching for the GPS app. Carefully, he got on his bike, and started the engine. |