Sunrise, sailor’s warning Aorta said one morning, “I don't love you anymore.” Her tone was sharp, then flat A well-trained acrobat One flip, and not a beat more. Captain steered as pipes sung A chant came from the Lungs, “Freedom now; we will prevail!” Shell-shocked, seasick, shut in Locked tight, this cage of ribs You won't get far on empty sails. "I wish that I was blind," First-mate Right Eye lied, "I've seen too much, what's left?" Future fading, cloudy past The world blinks too fast I'd hate to see what's next. Unseen, a serpent slithered Below deck, a hiss from Liver, “I suffer while you savor…” She's softly spitting bile This paradise tastes vile She'll soon return the favor. The ship's bowels thundered Bemused Appendix wondered, "Please tell me who I am?" Am I wrong or right? Purpose out of sight Meek well or bursting dam. As evening light wore thin So sweetly whispered Skin, “I invited in my friend.” He plays a strange new game A house with roof in flames His every need, she'll tend. Captain Hale, ill-fated When sly Brain calculated, “I think, therefore I'm king!” With lightening feet, hot head “Now bow for me,” he said Or else he won’t do anything. A crew led by the blind They chorused combined, “Kidney, join our jubilee!” The timbers shivered A whole ship in slivers Successful mutiny. line count: 48 |