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Beginnings. Finally got around to posting the next chapter. |
Two and a half years later “This is Officer Thomas James, in pursuit of the perp!” Tom yelled into his radio. Tom didn’t know where he was in Baldwin Peninsula, his eyes went tunnel vision as he had his sights on a common jewelry robber. However, he was determined to catch him, his first official arrest. This thought alone was all the motivation he needed. This robber tried to swerve from one road to another to lose this stubborn cop, eventually running into an alleyway system. He looked behind him. That damn cop! He thought to himself. He ran into another alley then immediately turned into another, he looked behind again. No one there. He chuckled to himself, he lost him. The next thing the robber knew, he was slammed into the wall of the alley. Ouch! How the- The thief looked in front of him to see the officer that was pursuing him before, seeing a glimpse of blue in his eyes, almost like a flash. “Oh, what the hell was that!” The thief exclaimed. He started to flail his arms to get the officer to release him. “You’re under arrest for stealing and assault, Sir.” Tom said calmly. He turned the perp around, handcuffing his wrists behind his back as the thief thrashed around, trying to get away. “No, Seriously! Your eyes man! They turned blue for a minute!” The thief exclaimed. “I really have no idea what you’re talking about.” Tom replied. He started reading the thief’s rights. Tom opened the door to the Baldwin Peninsula Police Department, with the thief in hand. He made his way to the front counter and asked the officer to get the thief processed. He felt someone’s presence behind him, and it wasn’t a happy one. He turned around to find the Chief of Police Angers, staring him down. “Chief-“ Tom started before Angers put his hand up to stop him. “My office. Now.” Angers said. Chief Angers crossed the main hall, and walked upstairs, Tom tailing behind him. As the stairs started to curve near the end, Tom eyed up the Chief’s office, the second room to the right of the staircase. He looked down, he knew he couldn’t leave his original post. Tom’s hair was shorter, just enough to barely cover the eyes, but just as black as it ever was. No longer a stick of a body, he instead built muscle that fit into his uniform more comfortably. His hands were no longer bruised, but instead had scarring from the time long gone. It’s a reminder to him where he started, and how sometimes he had to take matters in his own hands. The two of them arrived at Angers’s office. Angers took his seat near his desk and motioned Tom to sit across and waited for him to get down before he started speaking. “Officer James,” Angers began. “What was your original post before you hulled yourself all across town to catch a petty jewelry thief?” “Sir, it was supposed to be looking for speeders…” Tom replied. “But that thief had been on the streets for months! I knew I could catch him! And I did!” “That doesn’t matter, you were assigned to pull over speeders!” The Chief exclaimed. “I get it, you were a vigilante before, but now you work for the department, and it takes rookies a year before they transfer to a different precinct. And arresting a thief isn’t going to speed up the process.” “That’s not good enough, Sir!” Tom yelled as he stood up from his seat. “I want to help people, not give them tickets! Getting scum off the streets is what I’m good at!” “You’ll have to get to that point like everyone else does, James!” The Chief replied. “You’re not special, you’re just an officer like almost everyone else in the North Precinct! Wait your turn for god sake.” The Chief sighed and looked at Tom. “Now, go back to your desk, write up a report for the thief, and go home for your weekend, you’ll be put on meter maid duty next week.” Tom’s shoulders sunk back as he looked down, his fingernails digging into his palms as his whole body trembled in frustration. “Yes, Sir.” Tom said under his breath. He walked out of the office, but stopped and made eye contact with someone else coming into the office, almost bumping into each other. They both stepped to the right, then to the left, playing a dance until finally, the man stepped left and Tom stepped right. Tom quickly scuttled out as the man looked at the Chief and chuckled. “That was awkward,” The man said. “Who was that, Erik?” “Captain Sean Caine, what are you doing here?” Angers replied, smiling slightly. “That was a new officer, Thomas James. He’s been with us for 6 months now, and he’s starting to get antsy.” Sean Caine’s pale skin reflected like porcelain as he wore a white button up shirt and khakis, holding his tan trench coat in his left hand. His pale blonde hair was slicked to the side by sheer will to keep his bushy brown eyes from being hidden. He walked over to Angers and smiled. “Oh? What for?” He asked. “He used to be a vigilante so he’s used to a more hands on approach, which means this one year transfer rule is really starting to get to him.” “I see,” Caine said, pacing around the office. “Is that what all the commotion downstairs is about? The jewelry thief?” The Chief nodded. “Yes, I suppose.” “They’re about to start interrogating the man, and the other two captains are going to listen in, apparently.” “Are you?” Angers asked. Caine shrugged. “Only for a little bit. I doubt I’d be interested in someone like Officer James, especially with how the East Precinct is set up.” Caine sighed. “I should go down soon.” “I’ll come with you. I’m wondering what the thief has to say about the arrest.” The Chief replied, getting up from his chair. The two men made it to the interrogation room where the thief was being questioned. Caine peered through the window, looking at the thief, then at Captain Reynolds who was interrogating the thief. “I think it’s great Officer James has so much passion to catch thieves and robbers,” The woman next to Caine said. “He seems to be a perfect fit for the South Precinct.” Caine looked at his colleague, Captain Avery with amusement. “I don’t think he just has a passion for robbers and thieves, Avery.” Caine looked back at the thief. “What’s he been saying so far anyways?” “Not much,” Avery replied. “He has confessed to stealing around $2,500, but seriously, he’s been rambling for the most part, talking about how Officer James’s eyes glowed blue.” Caine’s eyes widened slightly and looked at Avery without turning his head. “What did you say? His eyes glowed blue?” Avery nodded. “He won’t shut up about it.” Caine looked at the Chief and smiled before looking back at the thief. “Is that so, Avery?” Caine walked to the door to the room where Captain Reynolds and the thief were talking. Slowly, he opened the door and immediately walked towards the table. “Rey, it’s my turn to question him, get out of here.” “Woah, Caine! C’mon, I’ve only been talking to him for ten minutes.” Reynolds whined. “I’ll only take five, go back to the other room. Shoo!” Caine pushed on Reynolds lightly as he got out of the chair. Caine immediately sat down and smirked at the thief. “Let’s talk about those glowing eyes.” “Finally! Someone will listen!” The thief exclaimed. “I don’t know how but the guy pinned me to the wall, it’s impossible! And those eyes, they had a hint of blue to them I swear!” “What color were those eyes again?” Caine asked. “Blue! Like ice! Do you know what it means?” “No idea, Sir. But you’re sure you saw them?” Caine replied. The thief nodded. “One thousand percent, yes!” Caine smirked and stood up quickly. “Interesting…” |