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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Mystery · #2307934
A murder mystery and a horror story with wild animals, five dreams, and a love song.

          Mystery Lane is a dead end street with eight houses.
There are four houses on each side of the street. Every
house has two floors and an outdoor porch in the back.
Mystery Lane is connected to Main Street. Anyone who
is going north on Main Street could make a right turn
onto Mystery Lane.
          On the right side of Mystery Lane, there is a yellow
house, which is the closest house to Main Street. There
is a red house next to the yellow house. There is a white
house next to the red house. There is a dark green house
next to the white house, and the dark green house is at
the end of the street.
          On the left side of Mystery Lane, there is a light
blue house, which is directly across the street from the
yellow house. There is a beige house next to the light
blue house, and it is directly across the street from the
red house. There is a pink house next to the beige house,
and it is directly across the street from the white house.
There is a dark blue house next to the pink house, and it
is directly across the street from the dark green house.
The dark blue house is at the end of the street.
          The former name of Mystery Lane was Shady Brooks
Lane. The name of the street was changed ten years ago.
          The Town Committee voted to change the name of the
street. There are five possibilities of why the name was changed
from Shady Brooks Lane to Mystery Lane. There are five stories,
and only one of them is true.

      1. Mysterious Organ Music

          Many people would hear mysterious organ music in
          the yellow house when there was nobody in the house.
          The mysterious organ music could be heard in the
          daytime and in the nighttime.

          There was a young man who was living with his wife
          and a white cat in the yellow house. His name was
          Dave, and her name was Susan. The cat's name was

          Dave and Susan went on vacation in the first week
          of July. They went away for five days and four
          nights. They left on a Monday, and they came
          home on a Friday. They left Max in the house
          when they were on vacation. There was nobody
          in the house when they were on vacation.

          There was an organ in the room at the end of the
          hall in the front of the house. Dave shut off
          the organ the night before they went on vacation,
          and the next day, he checked it right before they
          left the house. Dave was certain that the switch
          was in the off position when they left the house.

          Dave had a red car, and Susan had a white car.
          Dave was driving the red car when they were on
          vacation, and the white car was in the driveway
          when they were on vacation.

          Dave and Susan had an alarm system in their house
          that made the lights go on and off automatically
          when they went on vacation.

          The front window in the room at the end of the
          hall was open about two inches when they went
          on vacation. All the other windows were closed.

          Many people would hear mysterious organ music
          in the yellow house when Dave and Susan were
          on vacation.

          Dave and Susan came home four days later on a
          Friday at 3:00 in the afternoon, and they heard
          the mysterious organ music right before they went
          into their house. They went upstairs, and then
          they went into the room at the end of the hall,
          and then they made a remarkable discovery.

          Max was stepping on the organ keys. When Dave and
          Susan were on vacation, Max climbed onto the organ,
          and then he stepped on the switch, and he turned on
          the organ.

          They moved to another town a year later in the first
          week of July.

      2. Mysterious Screams

          Many people would hear mysterious screams behind
          the red house. The screams could be heard anytime
          of the year except in the winter.

          There was a young man who was living with his wife
          and two kids in the red house. His name was Joe,
          and her name was Kate. They had a boy and a girl.
          The boy was three years older than the girl.

          They moved into the red house in the first week of
          March, and they were living there for five years.

          There was a big tree in the back yard, and the tree
          was slightly closer to the side yard between the red
          house and the white house.

          Joe put a scream box on the back of the tree every
          year in March, and he took it off in December. He
          put the scream box on the tree in the last ten days
          of March, and he took it off in the first ten days
          of December.

          A person or animal could walk by the scream box,
          and it would make screaming noises.

          They moved to another town five years later in the
          first week of March.

          The mysterious screams were never heard again.

      3. Mystery Sex Party

          There was a college student who was living with his
          parents in the white house. His name was John. It
          was the first week of July, and his parents were on
          vacation. John was the only one living in the white
          house when his parents were on vacation. John had
          an older brother and sister who were married.

          John hosted a mystery sex party on a Saturday night in
          the white house when his parents were on vacation. He
          invited seven people to his house. Four of them were

          Every man would draw a number from one to four, and
          every woman would draw a number from one to four.

          The man who draws number one would go into a bedroom,
          and take off his clothes. Then he would lie in the bed in the
          nude, and then he would put on a blindfold.

          The woman who draws number one would be his mystery
          sex partner. She would go into the bedroom, and she would
          not say anything until she gets in bed with him. Then
          she would take off her clothes, and then she would get
          in bed with him. Then he takes off the blindfold.

          The man who draws number two would go into another
          bedroom, and take off his clothes. Then he would lie
          in the bed in the nude, and then he would put on a

          The woman who draws number two would be his mystery
          sex partner. She would go into the bedroom, and she would
          not say anything until she gets in bed with him. Then
          she would take off her clothes, and then she would get
          in bed with him. Then he takes off the blindfold.

          Then about 30 minutes later, the four people in the
          two bedrooms would come out with their clothes on.

          Then the woman who draws number three would go into
          a bedroom, and the woman who draws number four would
          go into another bedroom.

          The woman who draws number three would take off
          her clothes, and then she would lie in the bed in the
          nude, and then she would put on a blindfold. The
          man who draws number three would be her mystery
          sex partner.

          The woman who draws number four would take off
          her clothes, and then she would lie in the bed in the
          nude, and then she would put on a blindfold. The
          man who draws number four would be her mystery
          sex partner.

          John and his parents moved to another town a year
          later in the first week of July.

      4. Mysterious Letters

          There was a young woman who was living alone in
          the pink house. Her name was Linda. She got three
          mysterious letters in the mail on three different days
          in the first week of April.

          The first letter had no return address. It was a very
          short letter. Nothing offensive was written in the
          letter. The man who wrote the letter did not give his
          name. The letter was written by a young man who only
          identified himself as "The Mystery Man." He mentioned
          in the letter that Linda was a very lovely lady.

          Two days later, Linda got another letter in the mail
          that was very similar to the first letter. The second
          letter had no return address. The man who wrote
          the letter still did not give his name.

          Two days later, Linda got another letter in the mail
          that was different from the first two letters. The man
          identified himself as Mike, and he mentioned that he
          wanted to have a relationship with her. He did not
          give his address, but he did give his phone number.
          He asked her to call him if she was interested.

          Linda called him, and then she found out that he was
          her next door neighbor. Mike was living in the beige

          Mike and Linda started a relationship. They were
          married a year later. Linda sold the pink house
          a year later, and then she moved into the beige
          house with him in the first week of April.

          Mike and Linda were living in the beige house for
          two years, and then they had a baby girl. They
          moved to another town six months later in the first
          week of October.

      5. Movie Scenes

          Shady Brooks Lane was used in many scenes from
          five mystery movies.

          Wild animals have been spotted beyond the end of
Shady Brooks Lane. Someone saw a wolf in the wooded
area. On another day, someone saw a bobcat in the wooded
area. There were a few times a year when someone saw a
wild animal beyond the end of Shady Brooks Lane.
          Wild animals have also been spotted beyond the end of
the same street after the name was changed to Mystery Lane.
Someone saw a wolf in the wooded area. On another day,
someone saw a bear in the wooded area. There were a few
times a year when someone saw a wild animal beyond the
end of Mystery Lane.
          There was a young woman who was living alone in one of
the eight houses on Mystery Lane who was murdered this year.
Her name was Erica. The murder happened about ten years
after the name of the street was changed from Shady Brooks
Lane to Mystery Lane. The murder happened on the last day
of April on a Saturday night. It was a foggy night. Erica
was stabbed to death in her bedroom. She was stabbed five
times. She was robbed. All of the money in her pocketbook
was stolen except for a few pennies and a few silver coins.
          There was a young man who was living with his wife
next to Erica's house. On the last Saturday night in April, he
looked out of a side window at 9:00, and he saw a mysterious
black car in Erica's driveway. He looked out of the side
window again at 9:20 on the same night, and he saw the
black car going out of the driveway, and then he saw the
car going to Main Street.
          The murder was discovered the next day at 2:30 in the
afternoon. Erica was found dead on the floor. The murder
was never solved.
          There is a five year old girl who lives with her parents
on Mystery Lane. Her name is Chrissy. She lives in either
the white house or the dark blue house. If Erica was living
on the left side of the street, then Chrissy lives in the white
house. If Erica was living on the right side of the street, then
Chrissy lives in the dark blue house.
          One week after the murder, on a Saturday night, Chrissy
had a nightmare about the murder and wild animals. One week
later, she had another nightmare. Chrissy had a nightmare
every Saturday night for five weeks.
          The following is a summary of the five nightmares that
Chrissy has experienced. In all five dreams, she is standing
in the front yard of a house on Mystery Lane. In one of the
five dreams, a love song is being described in a subtle way.

      Dream 1: It's a sunny day in March. Chrissy is standing
                      in the front yard of a yellow house, and she
                      is looking at the house. There are patches of
                      snow in the front yard, and the snow is melting.
                      There is a big white dog in the front yard.
                      Then all of a sudden, it gets very dark. The
                      day has turned into night. Chrissy hears a woman
                      screaming from inside the house, and then she
                      sees blood flowing down the front of the house
                      in many places. The front of the yellow house
                      is covered in blood. Then the dog turns into
                      a wolf. Chrissy is frightened by the sight of
                      blood and the wolf, and then she starts running
                      to her house. When she is three quarters of the
                      way to her house, the wolf runs after her, and
                      she keeps on running until she gets to her house.
                      Then she enters her house, and closes the door
                      right before the wolf gets to the front steps,
                      and then she wakes up screaming.

      Dream 2: It's a cloudy day in April. Chrissy is standing
                      in the front yard of a red house, and she is
                      looking at the house. There are three big white
                      dogs in the front yard. Then it starts to rain.
                      Then all of a sudden, it gets very dark. The day
                      has turned into night. Then it stops raining.
                      Then all of a sudden, it gets very foggy. The
                      fog is completely covering the red house. Chrissy
                      hears a woman screaming from inside the house.
                      Then the fog diminishes, and then the fog is
                      completely gone. The red house is gone. The
                      red house has vanished into thin air. There is
                      a pool of blood on the ground where the red house
                      once stood. Erica's body is laying in the pool
                      of blood, and there is blood all over her body.
                      Then the three dogs turn into wolves. Chrissy
                      is frightened by the sight of Erica's bloody
                      body and the three wolves, and then she starts
                      running to her house. When she is three quarters
                      of the way to her house, the three wolves run
                      after her, and she keeps on running until she
                      gets to her house. Then she enters her house,
                      and closes the door right before the three wolves
                      get to the front steps, and then she wakes up

      Dream 3: It's a sunny day in May. Chrissy is standing
                      in the front yard of a dark green house, and
                      she is looking at the house. There is a white
                      cat in the front yard. Then all of a sudden,
                      it gets very dark. The day has turned into
                      night. Chrissy hears a woman screaming from
                      inside the house, and then she sees blood
                      flowing down the front of the house in many
                      places. The front of the dark green house is
                      covered in blood. Then the white cat turns
                      into a bobcat. Chrissy is frightened by the
                      sight of blood and the bobcat, and then she
                      starts running to her house. When she is
                      three quarters of the way to her house,
                      the bobcat runs after her, and she keeps
                      on running until she gets to her house.
                      Then she enters her house, and closes the
                      door right before the bobcat gets to the
                      front steps, and then she wakes up screaming.

      Dream 4: It's a sunny day in June. Chrissy is standing
                      in the front yard of a light blue house, and
                      she is looking at the house. There is a black
                      cat in the front yard. Then all of a sudden,
                      it gets very dark. The day has turned into
                      night. Chrissy hears a woman screaming from
                      inside the house, and then she sees blood
                      flowing down the front of the house in many
                      places. The front of the light blue house is
                      covered in blood. Then the black cat turns
                      into a tiger. Chrissy is frightened by the
                      sight of blood and the tiger, and then she
                      starts running to her house. When she is
                      halfway to her house, the tiger runs after
                      her, and she keeps on running to her house.
                      The tiger catches up to her right before she
                      gets to the front steps. Then the tiger grabs
                      the lower part of her right leg with his mouth,
                      and then she wakes up crying.

      Dream 5: It's a cloudy day in July. Chrissy is standing
                      in the front yard of a beige house, and she is
                      looking at the house. There are three big brown
                      dogs in the front yard. Then all of a sudden,
                      it gets very dark. The day has turned into night.
                      Then all of a sudden, it gets very foggy. The fog
                      is completely covering the beige house. Then the
                      fog diminishes, and then the fog is completely
                      gone. The beige house is gone. The beige house
                      has vanished into thin air. Then all of a sudden,
                      another fog quickly moves in, and it completely
                      covers the land where the beige house once stood.
                      Then the fog diminishes, and then a red house
                      appears on the land where the beige house once
                      stood. Then the fog is completely gone. Then
                      all of a sudden, another fog quickly moves in.
                      The fog is completely covering the red house.
                      Chrissy hears a woman screaming from inside the
                      house. Then the fog diminishes, and then the fog
                      is completely gone. The red house is gone. The
                      red house has vanished into thin air. There is
                      a pool of blood on the ground where the red house
                      once stood. Erica's body is laying in the pool
                      of blood, and there is blood all over her body.
                      Then the three dogs turn into bears. Chrissy is
                      frightened by the sight of Erica's bloody body
                      and the three bears, and then she starts running
                      to her house. When she is three quarters of the
                      way to her house, the three bears run after her,
                      and she keeps on running until she gets to her
                      house. Then she enters her house, and closes
                      the door right before the three bears get
                      to the front steps, and then she wakes up

          A love song is being described in one of the five dreams.
The song was released in the 1970's. The song has at least 10
letters in the title, and no more than 20 letters. The word
'love' is not in the title. The word 'home' is mentioned
in the song one time, but it's not in the title. The word
'years' is mentioned in the song one time, but it's not in
the title. The song could have two names for a very simple
reason. There is only one name that fits all of the clues.

          If the name of the song begins with an 'A', then the
          murder was committed in the yellow house.

          If the name of the song begins with a 'C', then the
          murder was committed in the red house.

          If the name of the song begins with an 'I', then the
          murder was committed in the white house.

          If the name of the song begins with an 'M', then the
          murder was committed in the dark green house.

          If the name of the song begins with an 'N', then the
          murder was committed in the light blue house.

          If the name of the song begins with an 'R', then the
          murder was committed in the beige house.

          If the name of the song begins with an 'S', then the
          murder was committed in the pink house.

          If the name of the song begins with a 'T', then the
          murder was committed in the dark blue house.

          The dream that is describing the song determines which
story is true. The dream has the same number as the true
          Chrissy could have been standing in front of the murder
house in one or two of her dreams, or she was not standing
in front of the murder house in any of her dreams.
          Chrissy was afraid to go to sleep after she had one
nightmare. Sometimes she would go to sleep, and leave the
lights on.
          There is a young man who lives alone in a white house
on the right side of Main Street about a half of a mile south
of Mystery Lane. His name is Ed. He has a brown car. He
plays the guitar. Three months after the murder, on the last
weekend in July, Ed would go to every house on Mystery
Lane in two nights, and he would play a few songs on his
guitar in each house.
          On Saturday night, Ed would drive his car to Mystery
Lane. Then he would go to the four houses on the right side
of Mystery Lane. He would go to the yellow house at 7:00.
He would ring the bell, and then he would ask the man or
woman if he could come into the house, and play a few
songs on his guitar. The next house that he would go to
is the red house. Then he would go to the white house,
and then he would go to the dark green house. Then he
would leave the dark green house between 9:00 and 9:30,
and then he would go home.
          On Saturday night, Ed would play his first song in
the yellow house, and he would play his last song in the
dark green house.
          On Sunday night, Ed would drive his car to Mystery
Lane. Then he would go to the four houses on the left side
of Mystery Lane. He would go to the light blue house at
7:00. He would ring the bell, and then he would ask the
man or woman if he could come into the house, and play
a few songs on his guitar. The next house that he would
go to is the beige house. Then he would go to the pink
house, and then he would go to the dark blue house.
Then he would leave the dark blue house between
9:00 and 9:30, and then he would go home.
          On Sunday night, Ed would play his first song in
the light blue house, and he would play his last song in
the dark blue house.

      1. What is the love song?

      2. In which house was the murder committed?

          A) the yellow house         B) the red house

          C) the white house          D) the dark green house

          E) the light blue house     F) the beige house

          G) the pink house            H) the dark blue house

      3. Which house does Chrissy live in?

          A) the white house            B) the dark blue house

      4. Why was the name of the street changed to Mystery Lane?

          A) Mysterious Organ Music     B) Mysterious Screams

          C) Mystery Sex Party              D) Mysterious Letters

          E) Movie Scenes
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