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Rated: GC · Chapter · Erotica · #2307873
A big feast, a bigger brother...
Note: Sorry for the long delay, had quite a bit of a block as to how to finish up this chapter. Hope you enjoy it!

Wafts of the ocean drifted through the house as I baked the fish. Kai sprawled over the sofas in the living room. It was a majestic sight seeing him in the house, him being so big squeezing into the ill-fitting house. My mere height of 5'4 pales in comparison to his new height of 9'11. It's an out-of-this-world experience to be able to witness such a size comparison. For the longest of time, despite my saltiness for his already huge size at 6'4, there was always this repressed feeling of envy and adoration. That 1 foot seemed so great, making you look that much more intimidating whenever you interacted with me back then. Yet now, with over 4 feet of difference, you're still the same silly younger brother. Childhood innocence radiated from him as he lay sprawled out on the couch.
I cooked up a feast. Large pots of fish stew were being made, paired up with noodles as well. I decided to make fish noodle soup. I even fileted the remaining fish and baked them. I was lucky that Kai wasn't hungry yet, which gave me ample time to make the broth. I paid special attention to the fish that was under Kai as he grew. I could see the deep imprint of his foot on the fish, clearly noticeable as the meat below was significantly mushy. Oh, I'll have my turn with him later after lunch...

A few hours later, it was all done. Laid out on the table were 3 pots of soup with 2 pots of noodles as well as a few trays of baked fish
I had a small bowl of noodles along with some fish and vegetables as well by the side. Kai lumbered over upon smelling the strong umami flavor in the air. It's worth pointing out that now, I could feel the ground thud with every footfall from Kai's feet. Truly magnificent that he has grown to such a size. I can't help but feel proud, knowing that I have contributed to his growth by feeding him diligently every time he requested. Seated on the floor, he was still a good deal taller than the table. Armed with a spoon and fork, it was hilarious watching him try to eat with it. They were just so ridiculously small on his large hands. His fingers were slightly longer and even wider than the utensils, making it quite difficult for him to properly use them. Holding it normally, his thumbs were practically near the end of the spoon already, dipping into the pot whenever he went in to grab the noodles. Eventually, he settled with using a ladle and scooping everything into his gaping maw. The slurping sounds he made throughout the meal filled the house, running on a loop in my head. As he was significantly higher than the bowl and did not bend closer to eat, much of the soup on the noodles splashed about the table and onto the floor. Some bits of fish and noodles weren't exempt from that fate too. By the time he was done with it, he started his feast on the trays of fish. I dare say that it is a captivating performance to watch every time he eats. I never know if what I cook will be enough to satiate him. Knowing him, he'll never be.

Once I finished my noodles, while he was still in the midst of his feast, I moved over to his feet, his legs far extending beyond the table. It was just so big. His toes reached slightly above my crotch, roughly where my waist was! They just looked much bigger than in the morning as he was sleeping. I hurried over to get a measuring tape and sat down in front of them. His big toe alone measured 6.5 inches. Stretching the tape from bottom to top, his feet were now a staggering 29.5 inches long. His big toe was so wide now that when I tried to mouth it, I had to stretch my mouth to its maximum just so I could take it in! Even though I shoved it as deep as I could, I barely got to half the length of it! I could tell that Kai was enjoying it as he let out a couple of moans now and then in between the slurp of his noodles. Going by scale, his feet would be a size 57. As I was busy with my mouth, my hands got to work, kneading the balls and arches of his feet. They were far more difficult to work with compared to when they were size 28s. Yet, I was still able to give him a comfortable rub down as well as a good massage, though it took considerably longer. When I was eventually done with both feet, Kai was also finished with the trays of baked fish. Throwing everything into the dishwasher, I saw Kai have a hard time navigating the cramped confines of the house. At 9'11, he was close to a foot taller than the 9' ceilings. Something about him bending down to walk about really helped accentuate his size compared to mine, making me feel much smaller. Most likely because he also blocks out most of the ceiling lights, casting a huge shadow over me.

"Lie down for a bit bro, you know the drill." Kai bellowed. His voice echoed throughout the house despite him speaking in his normal voice. I knew where this was going. Back when he was shorter at 7'4 he had already done this with his 18 inch feet. Now, more than 2 feet taller with 29.5 inches of feet, I couldn't wait. My cock was hard as a rock, tenting my pants as I lay on the floor. His heel reached my belly button while his toes covered my eyes and nose. He was finally big enough for his feet to cover so much of my body! He then pushed my legs down with his other foot, his toes wiggling over my tented cock. As much as I was squirming, it was honestly amazing. His toes were just so big that my cock felt so small under them. I eventually couldn't take it anymore and squirted onto his huge toes.

"That's fast bro! Guess it's my turn then!" Kai said with a devious grin. At that point, his cock was already hard and pushing against the button of his boxers. The stitchings on them eventually couldn't hold it any longer and the button popped right off. His cock shot through the opening of the boxers, filling up more room and stretching the fabric more as it grew erect. I could see him looking over me, moving his feet all over my body. I can imagine him just picturing how much bigger his feet were compared to me, getting off on it. Kai even shoved his right foot under my shirt on my belly, the sheer size of it causing some of the threads of my shirt to snap as well. He started to arc forward and I knew it was about to come. Shots after shots rained over my small body as he continued. I was honestly impressed to see how much a 9'11 tall giant teenager had in him. As he finished up, he released his foot, a huge footprint on my torso devoid of liquid.

I was in sheer captivation by his display of strength, his sheer size, and how massive he was. All in all, it has been a long day. Getting up, I still couldn't come to terms that he had just come all over me. I was still in awe of his sheer load; some of it still dripping off my hair, arms and shirt. "Well, I guess that's enough for one day, let's shower and head to bed?" I asked, to which he agreed. I grabbed for the both of us a towel and got myself a new pair of clothes before I headed upstairs to shower. Kai followed behind slowly, his head grazing the ceiling and his oversized feet too big for the stairs, requiring him to step on a few steps at once, the entire staircase creaking beneath his untold bulk. As I was about to close the door, Kai's large hand blocked it, and he proceeded to enter. It was always a treat watching him enter these low doorways, bending and contorting to fit through the 6'7 doorway. "You wouldn't mind me joining you for a shower, right?" he chuckled. He knew my answer. I was also not going to try to stop him as well. "Sure, why not?"

He was largely undressed already, save for a ridiculously small towel which did nothing to hide his large cock which was hanging below it. His chiseled body glistened with sweat, displaying his rock-hard abs and sculpted chest. Every single muscle in that man's body was well-defined. "So what's it gonna be for us? Bath or shower?" Our toilet had both a bathtub and a shower. Though he wasn't gonna fit comfortably in either, I like to give him the choice of choosing where we'd be bathing in. "I don't know man..." he said as he placed a foot into the bathtub. The length of his foot was significantly longer than the width of the bathtub. His heel and his toes were against the side walls of the bathtub. I couldn't help but let out a gasp, his feet were huge! Something I could never get tired of, seeing how big his feet were compared to everything else. Then, he went over to the bathtub and placed both feet into it one by one. The width of both feet was almost the width of the bathtub. His feet alone occupied more than a third of the length of it. Then as he placed his other foot onto it, groaning could be heard as more of his weight was on it. He maneuvered into the bathtub, his knees hugging his chest and his toes curled against the end of the tub near the tap. His butt pressed against the back wall of the tub. He filled every inch of the tub. As he signaled me to come over, he lifted his feet out of the tub to give me space in front of his chest and placed me there. The water quickly filled up the tub as Kai took up the majority of the space. Only his lower thigh as his crotch was submerged into the water, I helped to wet the rest of his body by splashing water onto him. A rhythmic creaking could be heard as I lathered Kai's hair and torso with soap. It grew louder until suddenly, CRACK!

It happened in an instant, the entire bathtub shattered into a thousand pieces. It just couldn't contain the combined weight of the water and Kai's godly weight. The base of the tub collapsed and the walls of the tub gave way, sending water and soap flowing all over the bathroom. We were largely still in the same position, Kai was still lying down with his legs sprawled out in front of him while I stood in front of his chest with his thighs between my feet. He smiled sheepishly, chuckling about the whole ordeal, while I was still coming to terms with what happened. My cock however had immediately sprung up. However, I repressed my urges and insisted, "Come on, we still gotta soap you up, let's finish up in the shower." Kai looked down at my nether regions and then back to me before giving me a grin and following me into the shower. Our shower was a cavity in the wall, so at least it would be sturdier compared to normal glass-walled ones, a plus for trying to fit a giant inside. Once again, Kai had to contort his way through the shower door, this one being slightly lower than the one into the toilet. He closed the door and stood straight, his neck against the 9' ceilings. As I was about to get more soap, Kai called out to me, "Hey look at this bro! I'm too wide for the shower!" I turned around and saw that he was standing sideways. He tried to slowly turn back but found that his triceps were brushing against the walls, and he hadn't even fully straightened yet! As he turned more, he wedged himself tighter against the confined walls of the shower. His wet body gave him the slight lubrication needed to complete his maneuver, his bulging muscles squeezed against the walls. He laughed, "Look at me! I'm a wall of muscles! You can't pass through anymore!" I rolled my eyes at the sheer childishness of my brother, as much as that turned me on. I soaped up my hands and rubbed over his body while he remained in his constrained position. His muscles were well defined, with his round pecs and washboard abs. Even his thighs and calves were extremely well sculpted. Finishing up his thighs, I went to his large feet, getting him to lift both. My hands were so small on his feet, my fingers lathering the instep of his feet. Then I soaped up his soles with my palms, occasionally running a finger across, eliciting chuckles and spasms periodically. I crawled between his legs to soap up his vast back as he didn't want to unstuck himself. I had to climb up him just to get to the top of his back and his head. I finished up his back and smacked his butt before crawling back, getting the shower head to wash off the suds. After I was done, I similarly gave myself a quick lather and rinse before getting out of the shower. However, that stupid oaf still decided to block the way. "Come on Kai, get out of the way, if not I'm just gonna crawl out and leave you here." I was annoyed that he still kept up with the whole wall of muscles thing throughout the entire shower and till now he still didn't want to unstuck himself.

"I can't! I'm stuck!" At first, I thought he was joking. However, I could hear the fear in his voice as well as the fact that his muscles were twitching, him trying to turn out of being stuck. He was completely wedged, as much as he was trying to turn his body, his body was just far too wide and his shoulders were wedged into the wall. I, being the short 5'4 eye-level to his belly-button brother that I am, did the best I could. I got a good footing before trying to shove at his thighs with all my body weight. That worked as well as it should have, a small 125 pound boy trying to move a hulking 1214 pound giant of a teenager. Thinking on my feet, I told Kai to lift both his legs, perhaps his bodyweight could serve enough of a force to wedge his shoulders from the wall. However, this accomplished nothing as he hadn't moved an inch at all. I crawled over to the other side and tried pulling as well to no avail. I heard Kai whimpering, a sound you wouldn't expect someone of his size to make. That was when I knew I had to do my job as the big brother. I crawled back to his front and comforted him. He seemed so scared and felt so weak and powerless. This vulnerable side of him was something I hadn't seen in him for quite some time. If anybody was going to get him out of this, it was me. It was then I had an unconventional idea flash across my mind. I soaped up his shoulders, then readied myself. I was unsure if this would work and feared the repercussions. However, getting Kai out was the top priority. As he looked about desperately, struggling to free himself, I looked at his cock, dangling in front of me. I apologized in advance. In his confusion, I clenched my fist, coiled back, and swung at it, hitting both it and his balls. What came next was something I never prepared for.

The moment my fist contacted his cock, he let loose a deafening roar, hunching over and jolting himself loose from the wall. I had to cover my ears as his rumbling voice echoed throughout the confined space. I was being squished to the wall as Kai doubled over. As Kai slowly recovered from the unexpected punch, he straightened up and looked down at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. The shower was now even more cramped, with him towering over me, his wet and glistening body casting a shadow that felt both intimidating and exciting.

"You little shit," Kai playfully mocked, his deep voice reverberating in the small shower. "You think you can just punch my cock and get away with it?"

I gulped nervously, realizing that my unconventional tactic might have consequences. I was at his mercy. He extended one of his enormous 29.5-inch feet toward me, wiggling his toes. The sheer size of it was mesmerizing.

"I think it's time for some payback," Kai grinned. He lifted his foot, and I couldn't help but be drawn to the sheer enormity of it. It was easily larger than my entire body.

He lowered his foot, gently pressing it against my chest. The weight and size of his foot were overwhelming, pinning me against the tiled floor of the shower. My heart raced as I felt the immense pressure, and I could see the playful dominance in Kai's eyes.

"Now, little bro, let's see how you like it," Kai said, his tone both teasing and seductive.

The size and weight of his foot were overwhelming, and I braced myself for the impact. The crushing force pushed the air out of my lungs, and I let out a muffled gasp as his sole pushed further down on my chest.

Kai's foot wasn't just long, it was immensely broader too, covering a large portion of my chest. The pressure from his immense foot bore down on me, and I could feel my ribs creaking under the weight. He held it there, not applying his full strength, but enough to remind me of his dominance.

He leaned down, his face inches from mine, and with a sly grin, he said, "You thought that punch was something, huh? Well, I can play rough too, little brother. Remember, I'm almost 10 feet tall now, and you're so... small in comparison."

My chest felt like it was in a vise, and I struggled to breathe. But there was something undeniably exhilarating about this playful power dynamic between us. I couldn't help but be both scared and excited by the overwhelming presence of my giant brother. We dried off, and the towel Kai used was completely wet. The towel barely covered his wide hips, barely covering his colossal endowment as it hung below it. Enough of it, we already had one intense session, that's why we had to bathe! I went to dry my hair, but as I was doing so, he exclaimed, "Anything else I can wear cos these sure ain't gonna cut it." I turned around to see him pointing to the boxers from earlier whose button popped off. Luckily I had bought extras from before. We quickly dressed up and then we headed off to bed.

Still sharing the same bed from the night before, he was now a foot and 5 inches taller and close to 350 pounds heavier. The moment he sat on my bed, the bedframe's joints popped and moaned as it was pushed to its limits by Kai's growing stature. I can see the supports visibly bowing under his size. He was almost getting too big for the bed, it could barely support his large size, let alone last another growth spurt. I was sure it would collapse instantly.

The mattress springs compressed to their maximum, practically lying flat on the groaning supports. Swaying his feet onto the drawer I shifted earlier in the day, they were near where his calves were now. I had to shift the drawer further back for him to rest his large feet on, majestically displayed for my eyes to feast on. His body was also wider than the bed now, and his arms drooped on the floor, leaving no space for me to sleep compared to the morning. He gestured me to sleep on top of him, on his chiseled torso, which I gladly agreed to. Climbing up, he put the blanket over me, barely covering his enormous body. I could feel his endowment below my calves as they rested on it, only separated by the strained boxers. He had quickly drifted off to sleep. This big oaf, I truly loved the giant he was growing to become.
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