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A slightly true story of my hot English Teacher giving me a wedgie |
School had always been pretty boring, but one of my more memorable classes was definitely my English class in senior year. My teacher, Ms. Ireland, was like a perfect representation of my dream woman… Short, curvy with nice boobs but an amazingly big ass with wide hips. To tease me even more, she would usually wear a tight shirt that would show off a modest bit of her cleavage, but more importantly, a black mini skirt to her knees that would show off her amazing hips and assets! She had long wavy blonde hair that would flow as she walked, and a sweet, hit pitched innocent voice that made me feel like I could melt. She was also one of our, more naïve and trusting teachers. She was eve more ditsy than the ditsiest cheerleader in our class, and it was very easy to get her to believe almost anything… something that I learned quite quickly. I rarely had to do any work in her class because I could always trick her into thinking I was doing the work. It was easy to get the test keys from her desk to. I had one of the highest grades in the class, and to top it off, enjoyed amazing views of Ms. Ireland when I was “asking for help.” I often had fantasies of meeting Ms. Ireland after class and flirting with her, or maybe even try to give her a wedgie and see how she would react. But I’d never have the guts to act on this… One day, when Ms. Ireland was checking our homework, my friend Cody looked groaned that he forgot yet again “Ugh! I forgot again! How do you keep having the time to do this stuff?” He asked disgruntled. “I’m just… prepared…” I said as I was whiting out the check mark from my previous homework and the date on it quickly. Cody, curious, glanced over at what I was doing, “Hey…. Let me see that” He barked as he grabbed the sheet from my desk! “Hey! I’m just… making changes to the title!” I nervously let out as he put 2 and 2 together. “You little bitch, cheating and doing nothing… how’s this fair??” He protested as he passed it back to me, and folded his hands on his desk, pouting. Ms. Ireland came to our desk to check our work, and Cody just gave a defeated “Sorry… didn’t do it….” As he shrugged. Ms. Ireland sighed and made an ex on her clip board as she looked happily to me “Your homework Adam?” She smiled as I showed her the page, but forgot I didn’t change the date in time…. Panicking, I hoped she wouldn’t notice as she looked it over quickly and smiled. “Good work Adam…. Cody maybe you can learn from him!” She cheered as Cody scoffed. “Check the date! That was last weeks! He has been tricking you for weeks!” Cody barks as Ms. Ireland looked confused and a bit hurt… “Oh…well…. That was my mistake then…. Try not to do that again Adam” She said trying to sound stern but failing…. “That’s it? That’s all your going to do?” Cody complained in disbelief, as Ms. Ireland simply shrugged and walked off to check the other students work. Cody glared at me, giving me the silent treatment as I smirked, happy that I got away with it but, knowing now I’d either have to actually do my work, or find another way to trick her…. After class Cody packed up and left as I hung around talking to Ms. Ireland. I managed to convince her it was an honest mistake and during class I made a new homework sheet for her to see and explained it was a “mix up” She smiled and patted me on the head, saying I was her best student and I smiled, knowing that I had successfully deceived her again, and Cody hadn’t ruined the good thing I had going! When I left the class and got my stuff from my locker, I was grabbed by someone and quickly taken to a quiet corner around the hall. “You think your pretty smart huh? Did you convince your giiirllfriend that you shouldn’t be in trouble?” it was Cody, angry and wanting revenge… I tried to escape but it was no use! Cody was a good 4 inches taller than me and quicker and stronger… “Look… I’m sorry but… maybe I can convince her to do the same for you...” I groan meekly as Cody smirks. “Toooo late!” he said as he grabbed me and spun me around. He pushed me into the locker hard as I braced for impact. “oooofff!” I let out as he quickly grabbed my pants and pulled them around my ankles, revealing my tighty whities! I instinctively went to try to pull up my pants but ended up falling into Codys trap as he gripped the waistband of my undies and pulled as hard as he could, almost getting me off my feet! “Arrruugghhhhhh n…nooooooooo” I groaned in vain from the wedgie pain as Cody laughed. “Wedgie! That’s what you deserve you NERD!” Cody laughed as he tugged harder and harder! The wedgie was painful but also made me feel anxious… not wanting anyone to see this I tried to think of anything I could do to end this quick… hoping my tighty whities would rip or maybe Cody would lose his grip, but he started to tug slower and still hard, but my tighty whities were only stretching at this point and not making popping sounds…. After a what felt like maybe 2 or 3 minutes of constant tugs my heart sank as I heard a clacking sound of high heels and to my horror, it was Ms. Ireland. “O…oh my!” She said in a slightly surprised voice as Cody immediately stopped his tugging, holding me by my tighty whities for a few seconds, not sure what to do…. Ms. Ireland continued to stare and then Cody let go, taking off not wanting to get in trouble. I stumbled forward and slammed into the locked, my pants still around my ankles as Ms. Ireland couldn’t help but giggle. With embarrassment overload, I quickly pulled up my pants, not bothering to fix my massive wedgie, and ran off, hearing Ms. Irelands giggled fade as I rand and turn a corner, and got out of the school, walking home in shame and my ass still burning from the wedgie… The next day Cody seemed to be nicer to me. Thinking that he got even with me for the wedgie and hoping it could be forgotten so Ms. Ireland wouldn’t get him in trouble. I agreed not to mention it to anyone as well, as I wanted to save myself the embarrassment, and I said I would just tell Ms. Ireland we were “messing around” if she asked…. Though I was hopeful that Ms. Ireland wouldn’t mention it… I didn’t even want to walk into her class again, but I felt a bit more reassured when I walked in and saw her smile at me, as if nothing happened. The class went well… I even did my homework for real this time which I hoped would make Ms. Ireland think I was changing things around. When I gave her the sheet though she looked at it and frowned, giving a red ex and wrote “See me after class” on the sheet. “Ooooooh someone’s in trouble.” Cody joked as I felt myself get red. Why did she go that? I had done the homework right…. My heart sank as I wondered if she was going to get me in trouble for all the times, I cheated… When everyone cleared the room as the bell rang… I awkwardly made my way to the front of the class to Ms. Ireland… She smiled and gestured to the seat in front of her desk. “Thank you for staying Adam, take Wendy’s seat right there!” She said with a hint of cheer in her voice. Wendy was the class pet who was always at the front… Ms. Ireland went over to the door and locked it. I gulped as she went back to sit on her desk, crossing her legs. She gave me a smirk, and I felt both aroused by the way she was sitting but also scared. “Do you know why I made you stay late today, Adam?” She said in a playful, but also slightly harsh tone. “I um…. I…... ok… I’m sorry about the homework and…. I’ve cheated on the tests….” I groan, knowing I might a well be honest now…. “Oh Adam, I’m not an idiot” She said in a lower, almost annoyed tone now… she did not sound the way she usually did around me. “I know you’ve been cheating; I know you aren’t very smart, even for a nerd. I let you get away with that.” She smirked, crossing her arms and I couldn’t help but look at her nice cleavage. “So… try again? Why do I want you to stay today? Hmm?” She asked as she playful cheery voice returned. “Um…. I…... is…. This about the…. Um…. What Cody did because he was just... um… messing around….” I let out sheepishly, trying to hide my embarrassment much to Ms. Irelands satisfaction. “Hahaha yeah, I don’t think he was messing around… I’ve seen quite a few wedgies in my day, and that was definitely a decent one! And you had it coming to you!” She teased as I felt my head sink… Ms. Ireland actually liked seeing me get that wedgie.... “So…. Why did you…” I mutter, nervously. “Well Nerd….” Ms. Ireland got up off the desk and walked slowly towards me. “I need you to help me with something!” She smiled, circling my desk. “You see… I was quite the bully in my school… my all-girls school…. But I never got a chance to give a wedgie to a boy…...” she faced me and gave an evil toothy smile. I gave a nervous look, knowing what was coming… “That’s where you come in Adam! I need you to help me be able to do what I never got a chance to do in high school. Doesn’t that sound fun?” She smirked as she leaned forward on my desk, staring into my eyes… “I uh…. Um…” I groaned trying to think of a way to get out of this… “Look nerd, I’ll make it simple for you!” She said in a cheery tone. “Let me give you the worst wedgie of your life, and I’ll forget about all the cheating you’ve done, and you won’t fail my class! Deal?” She winked evilly as I now knew she had me… and this wedgie was unavoidable…. “O…ok… you can wedgie me…” I groan as Ms. Ireland cheers! “Yay! Thank you, Adam!” She cheered as she blew me a kiss, winking. I felt myself grow red as she giggled and grabbed my arm, pulling me to my feet…. This was really happening… I was about to get a wedgie from the hottest teacher I ever had… part of me wanted to try to escape but, even if she let me, I knew I would be in trouble and if I just endured the wedgie that, admittedly I deserved…. Then it could all be over…. Ms. Ireland tied her hair up in a pony tail and put on long cloth gloves. She glared over at me in front of her desk and barked “Assume the position nerd!” As I felt my heart sink and leaned forward on her desk, my butt in the air, hands on the desk. She snickered evilly and came over behind me. “Ready for the worst wedgie of your life Adam?” She said in a sweet tone as I felt her grip the back of my waistband, her gloved fingers wresting against the top of my butt. “y….yes…” I groaned like the defeated dork I was as Ms. Ireland giggled. “I bet it won’t be your last though, you probably got many before to right nerd?” with that she gave a tug that literally wedged the air out of me! I was instantly lifted off my feet by my tighty whities. “Oowwwwwiiiieee aahhhhhhhhhh!” I let out in shock of how much strength Ms. Ireland had! To think my sweet ditsy English teacher was giving me this wedgie was hard to comprehend! “Hehehehe, pathetic nerd!” Ms. Ireland giggled as she held me in the air by my tighty whities. “I know your in shock but answer my QUESTION!” She growled in my ear as she let me down a bit and gave yet another agonizing tug! “Owwwiiieeee ok ok…... I’m a wedgie loser, I have gotten many wedgies before, not just from Cody but the jocks to!” I confessed, embarrassed. “hahaha, I knew It! Poooooor little dorky Adam, getting wedgied in the change rooms at gym haha” she teased me as she gave another pull so hard, I could swear I was tasting my tighty whities! “And I bet you have gotten swirlies before to huh?” She added, giggling as she held me in the air by my undies. Not wanting to anger her again I quickly said “Y…y…yes!” as she giggled and the gave another swift hard TUG! “oowwwiiiee” I cried out, trying to hold back any tears! “And am I the first girl to wedgie you? Hehe” She said in a cheery voice as she delivered another painful tug! She pulled so hard that the leg holes were way out of my pants and close to my elbow as the waistband was now getting past my neck already! “y…yes! Yes you arree…ugghhhhhhhh.” I groaned in distress and wedgie pain! “Hehehe, well don’t I feel honored! But I hope I won’t be the LAST!” she teased as she tugged even harder! I was in pure shock at just when I didn’t think the tugs could be any worse… she would introduce me to a new level of pain! The humiliating interview with my English teacher was so embarrassing, but the pain of the wedgie was almost worse! “And you have a crush on me don’t you Aaadam?” She said in a mock sing song voice as I blushed! She giggled and pulled harder and harder. “You’re blushing in answer enough you loser!” She snapped in a harsh tone as she tugged harder and harder! My undies were starting to give in to the pressure as I could hear snapping sounds! I felt a sense of relief hoping this would end soon even if my undies had to rip…. After a few more embarrassing tugs, the snapping sounds became louder and then…. *rriiiiiipppp* my tighty whities ripped to shreds as I fell forward , my face mushed on Ms Irelands desk. “Yaaaayyy!” She cheered holding my ripped tighty whities. “A trophy of the first guy I have successfully wedgied!” She giggled as she put my ripped tighty whities in her desk. “Y….yeah… happy to…help…”I grunted as I slowly got to my feet off her desk. “S…so I guess… I’ll just head home…..” I sheepishly groaned. “I didn’t say you could leave nerd!” Ms. Ireland snapped at me as I froze in place. “B…but my undies are….” I started as Ms. Ireland got something from her desk and threw it at my face. “We are going through the entire pack!” She giggled as I saw she threw a pack of tighty whities at me. Knowing what this meant…. I reluctantly pulled down my pants to put on another pair of tighty whities. “Good boy” She giggled manically as I was about to put my pants back on Ms. Ireland stormed over and grabbed them, putting them in her desk. “I don’t think you’ll need these!” She laughed, adding to my embarrassment… “Assume the position nerd!” She demanded as I did as I was told.. she continued to wedgie me again, asking me about the types of wedgies I have received at school… She bent me over her desk and used a ruler stick to spank me. The spanking burned my butt so bad I was reduced to tears, all to the laugher and delight of Ms Ireland as it was music to her ears! She had pulled me by the front of my waistband, and ripped a few more pairs. She used one pair to give me an atomic wedgie and then ripped it skillfully after she was satisfied watching me squirm. We were down to the last pair and Ms. Ireland gave a sadistic smile. “Put this on and your clothes and come with me… lets do our grand finale.” She giggled as I gulped…. We walked to the back of the school, to the forest and went in a bit until she found what she was looking for. “Ok Adam…. Here we go!” She giggled as she grabbed me and hooked my waistband on a low branch! “Owwiiee…ugh…” I groaned as I started to hang. “Your clothes! Give them to me or you’ll fail my class!” She commanded as I took off my pants, shirt, and she even grabbed my shoes and socks off me. “Good boy! This was fun! Maybe we ill do it again some time but for now…. I think we will say your even….. and your lesson learned Adam?” she teased me, crossing her arms. “Ugh….. don’t cheat…”I groaned. “hehehehe close neeerd.” She giggled gleefully. “No, it’s, don’t assume you can get away with taking advantage of “ditsy women,” she growled vindictively as she tugged on my legs, causing me to bounce in my wedgie. “Have fun hanging around looooser!” She laughed as she walked off with my clothes…. I hung for a good 30 minutes before the undies finally ripped… luckily I was able to find an old blanket lying around and covered myself as I did my run of shame home…… I now knew never to try to trick Ms. Ireland again, and I was careful not to trick any woman ever again... though Ms. Ireland was right… this wouldn’t be my LAST wedgie from a girl…. |