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Rated: E · Fiction · Activity · #2307395
An unlikely pair strikes a bargain for an unlike result.
         As          Bargained          
Petermeier 2

         "You're late, Robert. This is the third time this month. I am beginning to think you are seeing someone else besides me. Can you explain why you are late this time?" Sarah angrily said through her clenched teeth, "I am sure the reason will be quite enlightening."
         "Truly, love, I ran late because I hadn't eaten since late night and wanted to stop for a bite before I arrived here so we could have an enjoyable evening together. I didn't want to leave early again to go out and eat before morning. I get testy when I miss a meal. I am a beast when I don't eat."
         Softening her mood, "Well, since you say it like that, and you're doing it for us, how can I stay mad at you?" Becoming coy, "So, what did you bring me tonight?"
          Robert proffers a small box with a hastily tied bow and carefully hands it to Delia.
          "I know you did it. You always do. You know I love Lady Fingers, Robert. And look, they're fresh! The filling is still moist. You do love me!"
          Robert steps back and watches Delia loudly slurp the liquid filling out each different-sized morsel before slowly crunching down the remaining husks.
          Only after Delia finished licking off her fingers did Robert dare to speak again, "I am pleased you enjoyed tonight's little treat. I have something much more significant for tomorrow night."
          Delia smiles delightfully. "You make me glad we have our truce, Vampire. Tonight's part of the bargain was delicious, and mine will be filling." Calling over her shoulder, "Bring in our guest of honor.
          Two bent, aged witches bring in a chained woman talking to herself. She is brought in front of Delia and Robert.
          "As bargained. Your daughter is free."

300 Words


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