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The adventures of a robotic Mother, and a diaper dependent teen |
Chapter 1 Baby woke up in their crib like usual, a soaked and messy diaper that had filled up during the night. They suckled on the paci in their mouth as they waited for Mommy to come get them for breakfast. Mommy always knew when they were up due to the video baby monitor in the teddy bear that sat at the corner of their crib. The video was a live feed that was sent directly into Mommy's sensors. Perks of having your Mommy be a robotic nanny. Baby yawned causing their paci to fall out of their mouth, the brunette grumbled to themselves as they picked it back up from its fallen place in their crib and popped it back into their mouth to suckle on. As they waited they got onto their hands and knees to push out more poo poo into their diaper, causing it to sag more. Sooner or later Mommy came into their bedroom and picked Baby up out of their crib and held them close in her arms, her soft cold robotic skin comforting the brunette's naturally warm running body. Mommy greeted Baby as she always did; bouncing the diaper dependent in her arms gently, and padding the back of the teen's diaper. Baby groggily greeted the pinkette back as their paci was gently removed from their mouth and a warm bottle of milk was handed to them as they were sat down onto the changing table. Baby began to drink the warm creamy milk as Mommy changed their very dirty padding. Soon new fluff was taped onto their behind and Baby was changed out of their kitty pajama onesie, and into a baggy pink t-shirt and brown skirt, their puffy diaper poking out. Mommy helped Baby off the changing table and led the diaper dependent to the kitchen where the brunette was placed into their high chair and given another bottle while Mommy finished getting their breakfast ready. Baby watched as Mommy began to mash fresh strawberries, bananas, and vanilla yogurt together. As Baby finished their second bottle, their bladder was very full. Liquids never seemed to last long in their body, as their bladder was quick to fill. Mommy took a seat next to Baby on a bar stool and began to feed the teen their breakfast, whipping away anything that fell on their face as soon as she could. After breakfast Mommy let Baby out of their highchair and let them watch cartoons while she cleaned up. Baby rushed to the living room to watch their favorite cartoon, Bluey. Mommy had seen the show was for children while she was searching for appropriate content for Baby, and Bluey seemed to be popular among all ages, not just children. When Mommy had finished cleaning up the kitchen and dining space she walked into the livingroom to see an episode of the park. Baby was sitting in their bouncer as they happily watched the show. They had thrown their skirt to the floor, Mommy figured it probably wasn't as comfy as Baby would have liked the bouncer with the skirt, which was the reason it was laying discarded on the ground. Baby had a habit of taking off articles of clothing when they obstructed their comfort levels, luckily they knew not to do so outside the house or when guests were over. "Are you enjoying your show, little one?" Mommy asked as she took Baby out of the bouncer and placed the brunette on her knee. "Yeah Mommy! I wanna go to pawk too!" Baby chirped as Mommy began to bounce the diaper dependent on her knee. Mommy chuckled at their little's antics. She also noticed the wetness indicator on the back of Baby's diaper was showing that the teen had used their diaper recently. "We can go to the park but first, do you need Mommy to change your diaper, you little stinker!" Mommy asked as Baby got off the robotic woman's lap and went to get her skirt back on. "No diape change!" Baby smiled, "it warm and I wike it." Mommy simply smiled and went to go get socks, and pack a diaper bag before they left for the park. Later on Baby was strapped into their baby harness, and then buckled into the stroller. Mommy placed heart shaped sunglasses onto the teen and the brunette got on their favorite shoes, their yellow rain boots. It was a fifteen minute walk down to the park like always, with neighborhood mom's saying high from their porches or cars, and a few sticking up conversations with Mommy. When Baby and Mommy first moved into the neighborhood, Sunvale, most people would look at the robotic maternal figure and teen in diapers with confusion. But now almost a year later it was pretty normal. Thanks to Baby diaper depencey, several other teens and even adults started wearing diapers as well. And had actually formed a club, Mommy got together with the other moms or dads and helped organize meetings, playdates, birthday parties, and field trips. Among the diapered individuals Baby was elected the 'pwesident' and helped their fellow padded friends branch out more, bond, and get comfortable with this facet of their life. At school Baby was practically adopted by the cheerleader squad as the little sibling in the group and was the football team's lucky charm. Mommy had also become friends with the head coach of the football and cheer team, as well as the parents of the other kids. If Mommy was ever busy with work, or something else Baby would be watched by one or more of their cheer friends usually. Mommy would then normally return home to Baby in something overtly cute from their closet, in more than one diaper, and with multiple pictures of them on the other girls social media. Mommy wasn't a huge fan of Baby being in more than two diapers, simply because it was limited to crawling around due to the sheer thickness of the padding, but Baby didn't seem to mind. And pictures were alright, as long as Baby was ok with them. And on very rare occasions one of the cheer members would also be in diapers as well. Usually messy or wet. And they were normally embarrassed by being caught, but Mommy was more than happy to have another little one to care for. Now at the park Baby was unbuckled from their stroller and was set loose onto the playground. Mommy sat down on one of the benches and began to read a short 50 chapter book, and maybe talk to the occasional parent. Meanwhile Baby was busy playing on the swings. Gigging to themselves without a care as they swung back and forth. That was until the chain of their swing was grabbed and they were sent to the ground a bit too roughly. As Baby fell they covered their face with their arms and braces for impact. As the brunette blearily opened their eyes after the fall they heard laughter behind them. It sounded like an older boy, but definitely not an adult. Baby could feel their diaper exposed to the work, as their skirt was flipped upward towards their back. They could feel scraps on their knees and arms, much in their hair, and on their clothes. But most importantly they felt like crying. It had been a while since Baby had experienced any sort of pain. Mommy had done as much as she could, to baby proof the entire house to keep Baby as safe and injury free as possible. Tears welled up in the teen's eyes as they got up and did their best to dust themselves off. The diaper dependent turned to see a boy, maybe a year or two older than them. He had shaggy black hair and sun tanned skin. He wore a gray top and baggy green cargo shorts, with gray sneakers on his feet. And for some odd reason he was pointing and laughing at Baby. "Why awe you waughing at me?" Baby asked softly. The teen had meet mostly nice people in Sunvale, so someone laughing at them while they were in pain was almost completely forgein to them. "You…. You! You're wearing a diaper!" The kid laughed, "what are you a baby?!" The boy continued to point and laugh. Baby backed up and tried to cover their puffy padding by crossing their legs. "I always wear my diaper, why awe you beung so mean wight now?" Baby asked as more tears welled up "Oh man, you are a riot! You really are a baby! Why don't you go potty in your dumb little diaper for me right now!" The boy laughed as he came forward and pulled up Baby's skirt to get a full view of their diaper. He laughed harder as he watched Baby start to go in their fluff. This boy was being meaner and meaner by the minute, making fun of Baby diapers, to the way they spoke, to their clothes, and then back to the fact that they needed their diapers. And before the kid knew what was happening Baby was crying, sobbing, bawling their eyes out. And then he felt his ear being grabbed and yanked. "Jason! What did I tell you about being nice to the little kids here! First you go off picking on your little sister, and then on to this little Babydoll!" A woman began to lecture the boy, apparently known as Jason. Baby had recognized the woman, she was one of Mommy's friends, Grace Baxwood. Baby had met her niece before, a sweet little girl named Josey. Josey had said she wanted to be a babysitter when she got older and had bagged Mommy to let her Babysit Baby for an hour while Mommy went to pick up a book from the library, and run a few arens Once Mommy and Grace had allowed it Baby was placed in the semi capable hands of Josey, who had taken very good care of Baby in their own opinion. Josey had read them a bottle of milk and insisted on spoon feeding them some mash carrots and peas. The two played dress up, and had a tea party. Josey changed Baby's diaper a couple of times, and the little girl has even taken Baby to the park. Which led to a memberol scene of one of the other parents saying how cute it was of Baby to take her little sibling to the park. Josey then had the pleasure to inform the parents that Baby was not their little sister and that she was just babysitting them until their Mommy got back from arens. Josey was put on the contact list of babysitters for whenever Mommy needed one. Mommy was quick to come over to the situation, as she had heard her sweet pea crying their eyes out. It soon became the two adults talking with each other and Jason staring down Baby as the brunet hid behind Mommy. Through the conversation Baby heard a familiar muffed hissing sound, along with Jason's cheeks growing redder and redder. Baby watched as the front of his cargo shorts began to push out a little. And then the prices clicked together in their little minds and their face lit up. Baby came out from hiding behind their maternal figure and dashed over to Jason. They began to look curiously up at him with a smile. "What are you looking at …. You diapered weirdo!" He snapped at the younger teen. Baby simply smiled back happily and pulled down the front of his cargo shorts to reveal a yellowing diaper. "You have diape too!" Baby beamed Jason pushed the brunet away and blushed a deep crimson before he was pulled aside by Grace and his pants were practically ripped off of him to fully reveal his poofing diaper. "MOMMY! Mommy! Jason weaws diapes too! Can he come owew fow wunch?!" Baby excitedly babbled away as they excitedly waved their arms up and down. "As long as it's ok with Mrs.Grace." Mommy smiled as she patted Baby's head "Oh absolutely, should make up for the trouble this little man caused for your precious little chickpea." Grace agreed, Jason looked like he wanted to find a cave and live there for the rest of eternity. Mommy had extended the stroller into a two seater after arranging the full playdate with Grace. Soon Jason, who was still without pants, and Baby were buckled in. The walk home was mostly quiet, other than the soft sounds of diapers being filled. Once at home Jason and Baby were released from the stroller, and Baby's child harness was unattached as well, followed by Baby removing her rain boots. Jason was instructed to take off his shoes as well and Mommy placed them in the entryway with the rest of the shoes. "It's almost lunch time little ones, why don't I change your padding and then you both can go play or watch something while I get your num nums ready." Mommy stated with a warm smile. Jason simply nodded his head to decline but Baby, who's padding was very full by now, agreed for a change. Jason took a seet on the soft couch and was given the remote by Mommy. And after a simple head pat and diaper checking Jason, Baby was being carried off to their bedroom for a nappy change. When Baby returned they walked into the living room to see Jason scrolling through the streaming services and grumbling to himself. "Wha awe you doing?" Baby asked curiously as they sat in front of Jason on the couch and began to squish the pee filled diaper around his waist. Jason tried to simply swat the younger's hand away but it remained futile. "Trying to see what you guys have that's actually good." He grumbled. "Wike Booey!" The brunette beamed. "No not like that dumb kids show, something actually good, like Jurassic Park, or terminator, or John Wick." Jason explained angrily. "Oh, I watched Juwassic Pawk once! It was weally good, but then I had bad dweams so I had to get mommy to cudduwe wif me in da guest bed." Baby reconted, "But Mommy only wets me watch scawwy movies with my babysittews awe hewe! Like when Ms.Bwoodrein was watching me and we watched da one movie wif da alien and da kids!" Baby babbled on. "Bloodrein? You mean Bloodrein Harwood? The cheerleader chick. How does a baby like you know a babe like her?" Jason scoffed. "Ms.Bloodrein Babysits me when Mommy goes out fow bookcwub. And Mr.Dowand watches me when Mommy goes to get upgwaded. And Ms.Delancy watches me when Mommy is wooking wate at wook. Then Mx.Sock watches me-" Baby began to ramble on and on about their babysitters. Jason just sat their baffled that seemingly the entire cheer squad and even some of the sports teams came over to babysit the diaper dependent teen. "Oh and den Josey watches me on every other Sunday when Mommy goes to run arens or go to the wibwawy." Baby finished. "Wait a minute my little sister watches you?! But you're like 16, she's 10!" Jason bluntly statted, baffled. "Yeah! Josey is so coow and nice to me! She wikes playing wif me! And she pways bongos on my diape sometimes." "Holy cow! Is there anyone who doesn't look after you?! What are you helpless!" Jason scoffed. "Weww Ms.Masey isn't awwowed to babysit me aftew the hide and seek incident." Baby pondered Ms.Masey used to be a part of the cheer squad but was kicked out for baby behavior. Her Dad had gotten a new wife who had a lot of money, and as the saying goes money changes people. On one of the days when Masey was babysitting the brunette she completely ignored Baby for the entire three hours she was scheduled to watch them. When Mommy came home Baby was hiding in the bathroom cupboards with a very leaky and full diaper. Masey had agreed to play hide and seek with the diapered teen but got distracted by something on her new phone and forgot about the baby, leaving the poor little one to sit alone in their hiding space. Ms.Masey was subsequently punished by her parents, Mommy, and the cheer team. Mommy, with the consent of the girl's parents, diapered the girl and let her wet and mess her diaper until her parents came to pick her up without a diaper change. Her parents put a spending limit on her, and the cheersauad's coach and leader kicked her off the team. Fortunately Masey reworked her behavior, and now worked as the cheer and football teams water girl. But Masey still wasn't allowed to watch Baby by herself anymore. When lunch came Baby was sat down into their high chair, and Jason was begrudgingly sat into the spare highchair. For lunch was lemonade, dino nuggets, and mashed potatoes. Jason was given more independence by a trade, he was given more dino nuggets, if he spoon fed Baby their mashed potatoes. He begrudgingly accepted. The alternative was the same number of dino nuggets and being spoon fed his mashed potatoes. "Hold still bra- Baby." Jason grumbled as he scooped up some of Baby's mashed potatoes with a small plastic spoon. Baby looked excited for their potatoes to be given to them as they got ready to open their mouth. Jason gently began to feed Baby the second portion of their lunch as Mommy watched from the afar, smiling. When all of the mashed potatoes were gone Mommy let Jason and Baby gout of their highchairs, though Mommy brought Jason aside. "What do you want?!" Jason snapped at the robotic woman who towards over him in height. "It's time for Mommy to change your diapers, little one!" She chimed as she picked Jason up and placed him on her hip in a typical baby carry. Jason tried to protest but Mommy would not have it. "After such a big lunch, you must have to go a lot, so let Mommy take care of you honey." Jason was brought into the bathroom and set down onto the training potty. "Now do your business, Mommy will be right back with a change for you." Jason grumbled as he sat down on the training potty. He had read horror stories of nanny robots punishing the children in their cars harshly, so he didn't dare move. After a bit Jason sighed to himself, he really had to go. So he looked back over to the door to see it was still closed, and he couldn't hear the robot lady coming back. So he began to push the poo out into his pull up. And suddenly the door swung open and Baby and Mommy came in. Jason felt his face explode with embarrassment, and soon so did his bum. A loud fart and squish entered his pull up and the back of it darked a bit and began to sag down into the training potty. "Very good baby, you did a great job of going poo poo for Mommy!" Mommy smiled as she lifted Jason off the training potty and into her arms. Baby cheered for him as well, congratulating him on using the training potty. Jason on the other hand, was mortified. He had never poo pooed in his pull up, he had just always peed in his pull up, only going number two in the bowl. Mommy began to part the back of his diaper squishing the mess in his padding. Jason wanted to die. Baby soon left the bathroom and Mommy changed the silent teen into one of Baby's diapers. The diaper was puffy and soft, well softer than a pull up that is. His legs were forcibly pushed apart due to its thickness. On the way upstairs to Baby's room Jason let Mommy hold his hand as the robot guided up through the house. "Why is Baby still in diapers?" Jason softly spoke. Mommy stopped, and looked down at the teen boy. "Baby, or Abigale Cedar, used to live in a very abusive home. A single mother doing her best while struggling with a hard drug addiction. The men she brought home weren't the best, and Baby was often abused, mentally and physically. By the time child services were called in, young Abigail was on a mental break. They had a patchy memory, a speech impediment, and a wetting and messing problem. They were about 14 when they were out into my care. I was assigned as a caretaker, and I probably will be for a long while. It is my job to provide a safe and comfortable living environment for Abigail. I used to work with children a lot like you Mr.Jason. But while looking after Abigale, I've had to adjust my programming and parenting." Mommy explained to the blackette. "To put it simply Mr.Jason, as long as the mental block is still there, Abigail will be Baby." Jason took in the robotic woman's words silently as the two continued to head to the brunette's room. Once there Jason looked inside at the teen, they were wearing a onesei built for sleep, a soft cornflower blue with short sleeves, and a crotch button up. Cats decorated the front and the hood attached to the onesie had cat ears. Baby was clearly very sleepy, as they explained their day to two stuffed animals, a lion and teddy bear. "Could you help me up this little one down for a nap, I'll drop you off at your aunt's afterwards." Mommy asked, Jason hesitated, but agreed. "Hey Baby, it's time for a nap." He awkwardly stated. Baby looked up at him and smiled sleepily. "But I not sweepy…" Baby spoke, their sentence sleepily put together. Jason rolled his eyes as felt something being placed into his hand. He looked down to see that Mommy had given him a baby bottle, decorated with stars and a moon. "Can I have dwink?" Baby asked, looking up at the older teen. "Sure … if you go take a nap after." Jason smiled. "Okie!" Baby sleepily cheered, as they got up and went over to a large plush rocking chair. "What do you want?" Jason asked, confused. "I always rock them to sleep while they drink their bottle." Mommy explained. Jason grumbled to himself but took a seat in the rocking chair and let Baby sit on his lap. When they both were comfy Jason began to feed Baby their bottle of milk and Baby sleepily suckled on the nip. After a bit, Baby was fully asleep and Mommy gently placed them into their crib, covered them with the brunet's favorite blanket and led Jason out of the room so baby could sleep peacefully. "You used your diaper, would you like me to change it for you, before we depart? Baby likes the warmth of their diapers after they wet or mess." Mommy suddenly spoke up, catching Jason off guard, he hadn't even realize that he had used his diaper. He blushed embarrassed, but shook his head no. Being changed once by the nanny robot was enough. "Alright let's get your pants and shoes on little one." Mommy spoke, taking Jason's hand and guiding him downstairs. "You had my pants the whole time and refused to give them to me.." Jason grumbled. Mommy chuckled, patted the teen's diapered bottom, but didn't answer him. Grace heard a knock at the door and opened it to see Mommy with Jason, though he was in Baby's stroller with the brunette's usual pink heart sunglasses, and his cargo shorts had more of a bulge to them in front. The woman giggled to herself before letting Jason come inside and thanked Mommy for letting her nephew come over. Mommy told Grace about the day the two diapered teens had together, and included the bits about Jason feeding and rocking Baby to sleep. On her way back home Mommy watched the baby monitor to make sure everything was alright with her other little one. And like usual everything was fine, except for the fact , Baby's diaper was soiled, just like Jason's pull up had been. Chapter 2 Today was a school day and Baby was very excited! Today was field day, a day that happened once every fourth nine weeks. It was a day used to keep students spirits up, and normally used as a way to wind the nine weeks down before a break. Today was a week until spring break, meaning a week full of mostly fun. Mommy dressed Baby in a light green loose fitting t shirt, blue short overalls that had a cute flap in the back for easy access to their diaper, white ankle socks that were decorated with ladybugs, and their pink sneakers. After a breakfast of mashed fruits, pancakes, and two baby bottles. Baby diaper was checked one last time, and together with Mommy, Baby left to wait at the bus stop. Mommy held the diaper dependents diaper bag, and Baby happily wore their bluey themed book bag. At the bus stop Baby was greeted by a few of their friends, Ms.Bloodrein, Mr.Levi, and Mx.Page. Ms.Bloodrein took the diaper bag from Mommy, and Mommy began her walk back home for work. "Are you ready for field day tiny?" Page asked as Baby took a seat next to them on the bench. "Yeah! I told Mw.Puddlepants and Pwofessow.Fwuff n' Stuff abou it and they wewe weawwy excited!" Baby chirped. "They sound like really good friends." Mx.Page smiled back as they patted the top of Baby's head. "Tank yuu!" Baby giggled. "So what do you want to do first today? We could go play in the bounce houses, or maybe play corn hole, oh maybe they have arcade machines this time!" Levi asked, but got sidetracked with his interests. "I don't think they're going to have any video games this time buddy. If people want to play video games they can just join the video game club." Page commented. "Yeah.." Levi sighed, before taking a seat on the other side of Baby. The brunet scooted on to the boy's lap and watched happily as he played some game on one of his many electrons. "Montew go bye bye!" Baby cheered as Levi's video game character 'killed' a monster who was invading on his base. "You better not be playing anything inappropriate in front of them." Bloodrein spoke up "I'm not, I'm just playing block builder. A skeleton was attacking my chicken coop." Levi assured the cheer captain. Bloodrein smiled and rolled her eyes as she took joined the trio on the bench. Several minutes later the bus arrived and Bloodrein helped Baby on, buckled the diaper dependent into their car seat and sat beside them with their book bag and diaper bag sitting on the floor in front of the two. "So what did you do this weekend?" Bloodrein asked. Baby took a minute to think back to their weekend. Not much happened Sunday, but Saturday they did meet Jason at the park. Should they mention him also needed diapers and pull ups to Bloodrein? He seemed pretty embaysbout having to wear them, and he was their friend. Mommy always taught them to be nice to friends and others. "I made a new fend! His name is Jason, he goes to schoow wif us as weww. He was kinda mean at first but then he took cawe of me! He fed me potatoes, and my nappy time bottle, and watched Booey wif me." Baby explained. "Oh, Jason huh. I think I have a pre-calculus class with him. He sits in the back and doesn't really talk to anyone. I heard his parents are always away at work. His younger sister watches you sometimes right?" Bloodrein rambled. "Uh huh! Josey is so cool! Jason wivs wif his aunt, Ms.Gwace." Baby confirmed. Bloodrein smiled at the diapered teens story. She heard a muffled hissing sound and looked down to see the front of Baby's overalls growing bigger. The ravenette gave Baby a warm and motherly smile,"looks like someone got too excited for their bladder, here let me help you get it all out of you." Bloodrein spoke as she pushed down on Baby's bladder, causing their diaper to fill more and swell with its absorbency. Baby giggled and blushed, as Bloodrein patted the front of their diapers. "Good job Baby." She smiled. At school, Bloodrein took Baby's hand and guided them over to the bathroom so their diaper could be changed. There were already several girls in the bathroom, using it, doing their makeup, and a couple wearing pull ups. At Baby's school there was a hierarchy rule set when it came to diapers and pull ups. If you wore diapers because you needed them, you needed either a staff or student to change you. To add to that you had to sit on the training potty so you could get everything out of your system and into your padding. If you were a student who wore diapers because you wanted to, you were allowed to change your own diaper, but the training potty rule still applied. But you needed to ask the teacher before you left and bring another student with you. If you wore a pull up, you were free to change yourself, and you only had to ask a teacher to go before you left. If you were in the special needs classroom though the rules were a bit different, the diaper and pull up rules still applied; but the classroom rules were a bit different. If you wore and needed a diaper you had to sit in a desk that resembled a highchair, where you were buckled in and a table was locked in front of you. You were not allowed to get out of your chair unless a staff or a non-padded student let you out. If you wore diapers because you wanted to, you were sat in a more normal desk, you were buckled in. You could only get out of staff or a non-padded told you that you could get out. If you were in a pull up, your desk had a seat where when you sat down a soft plastic piece would be separating your legs. You could get out when you wanted. The bus also had rules, if you wore a diaper either because of want or need, you had to sit in a car seat. Baby had been helped out of their overalls by Bloodrein, and then took a seat on the training potty. Several of the other girls stood around to watch Baby go potty. Baby began to push everything that was in their bladder and bowls into their padding, the others watched in a cuteness overload, as Baby's diaper began to yellow more as it expanded. Soft little toots were heard as Baby made mushies in their diaper as well. Baby got off the training potty, unable to close their legs due to the thickness of their soiled and soggy diaper. The diaper sagged far down, and the girls gushed over the brunette unintentional cuteness. "Mommy said I needed to make mushies before I left da house." Baby spoke as they waddled over to the rest of their girls and Bloodrein. Pictures were taken and their diapers were squished from the back and front end several times. One of the girls tickled Baby's belly and the diaper expanded more with pee. "Uh oh, I went potty again." Baby gasped. The rest of the girls practically cried due to the cuteness overload. Bloodrein chuckled and picked Baby up before setting them down onto the changing table. The rest of their girls watched as Bloodrein began to change the teen's padding. Once Baby was in a new diaper they were out in their overalls again, and Bloodrein began to guide them to their classroom. Baby was strapped into their seat and their table was locked in front of them. The little robot wheeled over and placed a bottle full of milk, and a coloring page with a box of crayons onto their desk. Bloodrein said her goodbyes before leaving for her own classroom. Sooner or later field day had truly begun, Baby, and their class were escorted outside to wear the outside stuff, though there were also a few things in the gym as well. Baby was on the bench, texting Mommy about her morning so far on her phone when someone sat next to them on the bench. "Hey brat …." Jason spoke in a low voice. "Hewwo Jason!" Baby chirped. "What are you doing all by yourself?" The boy asked as he looked out into the field of kids playing games. "I was texting Mommy bout my mowning. My fends awe awso pwaying a big kid game and I wanna watch!" Baby responded, before taking a picture of themselves and Jason who refused to face the camera. "What's the picture for?" Jason asked, a bit annoyed. "Mommy likes having pictuwes of me! And I wike takeing pictuwes wif my fends!" Baby smiled, "what awe you doing? Don't you wanna go pway wif youw fends?" "No, I don't want people to see …. the thing by accident …" Jason answered, blushing from embarrassment. "Oh okie, I think you work cute wif youw diape though." Baby responded, to which Jason blushed even more. "Its a pull up … not a dumb baby diaper." He whisper yelled. "Hehehe you blush!" Baby giggled as they cupped their face. All their giggling caused them to wet their padding and the front of their shorts began to swell a bit. "You really don't know how to control yourself." Jason sighed as he looked over at the diaper dependent beside him. Later on into the day of fun came lunch. Jason was still around Baby as their friends hadn't returned yet, and so the two went off to get lunch. Well Baby went off to get lunch, and dragged Jason with them. In the cafeteria Baby was given a bottle of milk, shredded pulled pork, mixed vegetables, and a pudding cup. Jason had gotten the same, minus the bottle. As Baby suckled on their bottle Jason noticed their diaper had filled, causing the back flap of their overalls to unsnap. Other students gushed over Baby's unintentional naive cuteness, while Jason looked for one of their friends or a teacher to change this oblivious baby's padding. Author's note *New chapters will be added later on* Thx u for reading, updates may be slow, and I hope you enjoyed reading |