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by D.B.
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Personal · #2306642
31 Days of Halloween day 16
No matter what your belief that spirits/ ghosts are real, the truth is it doesn't matter what we believe or want to be true. What's true is true. The problem is, when it comes to spirits, there is really no provable, scientific way(that I know of) that one can point to and say "There! The afterlife is real and there really are spirits!"

But if there are indeed spirits, then that would mean we are spirits. albeit in flesh avatar bodies. And it would also mean all living things, plants included. have spirits. By realizing that we could be spirits wearing bodies, it does make the concept of a spirit less scary when you consider that they are just body-less beings.

A lot of the fear comes in from the fact that we can't see spirits most times. But they can appear as a full-fledged person, a mist or a ball of light or orb. I believe I have seen a couple of spirits and felt many spirits at times. One spirit was a full fledged person(I wrote about that in an earlier story). Another spirit I have seen was a ball of blue light. I have also seen and talked to deceased people in dreams(this is a common occurrence for many people.) Hardly ever do I realize they are dead, they seem so vibrant in the dream.

This is the time of year when it is long believed that the veil between the worlds is thinner, meaning that you can feel more the presence of those who have passed on. As the weather changes, the trees discard their leaves and the winds turn from warm comfort to sharp breezes, it reminds us that things are always transforming. We will too change form. When I was little, I used to wonder where did something go when it wore down or eroded? Did it just disappear?
Now I don't think anything just disappears, it just changes to a different form, and some of those aspects can't be seen or are hard to recognize.
When water turns to steam, it disappears from the pan it is in, but the molecules of it still exist somewhere (I believe).

And you can see the effects of wind. like it blowing things, but the wind itself is invisible. In of itself, it doesn't have a color but it is still energy. and spirits are energy. Spirit is what runs our bodies and minds.

As far as feeling spirits, one of the most potent experiences I've had is when I was at an event that celebrated ancestors. All of a sudden I could feel a heaviness in the room, like many presences. My sister, who was having the event, said those were everyone's visiting ancestor spirits. When we were done remembering and thinking about the ancestors, the heaviness left. It was something I can't really fully explain to someone; you have to feel it, but it was really palpable.

Most of us have had the feeling of someone being around or behind us and we look and no one is there. That is probably a spirit.

I personally don't believe that when we die we go over in heaven and we are prevented from ever being in the presence of loved ones until their time. I think the "other realm" is right next to ours.
Don't get me wrong, I think there is a real heaven that is unspeakably beautiful I have probably read/heard thousands of nde's over the years that describe places of indescribable beauty. There are a few that talk about hellish realms as well, but when they asked for help out of there they got it, and the experience changed their life in a positive way because they started living better and treating people better. I have had my own mystical experience as well, and I can say it is the only time I have experienced true ecstasy.

I can't prove it of course, but I believe you can live in heaven as a spirit and also be with/visit people here. It isn't like a body where you are limited to time and space. You are truly free. And I believe God would want that for us.

Spirits aren't that mysterious when you realize we are all really spirits.

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