Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2305459-The-Secret-of-Mistralton-City
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #2305459
The more time a boy spends in this gym, the more his bladder is going to burst.
(Content Included: Urine Fetish)

         After entering Mistralton City Gym, Hilbert was immediately approached by the man at the entrance.

         “Stay hydrated.” He then held out a bottle containing some sort of red liquid.

         Though startled by the sudden gesture, the boy took the small drink into his hands. However, he had to pause when he read the word “caffeine” on the bottle. From what Hilbert remembered his mother telling him, caffeine was anything but hydrating. Yet the trainer sipped it all, licking his lips at the cherry flavour, and moved on.

         Hilbert’s first battle was with a worker who had two Tranquill. Hardly intimidating for Hilbert, especially with his team of six Pokémon. After a quick victory, he focused on his next opponent.

         “Stay hydrated.” But the same man he’d just beaten handed him another small bottle, this one with a blue liquid.

         “I’m fine.” Hilbert tried to walk away, but the man’s intense gaze never left him. So much so that Hilbert gave in and took the bottle, drinking its blue raspberry contents until the man finally stopped staring and began smiling.

         The next four fights continued with the same system. Hilbert would defeat a trainer’s underpowered Pokémon, and at the end of each victory, he would be forced to drink a flavoured caffeine beverage. One with a lemonade spark, another with a hint of mango, a mix with watermelon and finally classic grape. All these liquids added up, quickly making the trip from his kidneys to his bladder. Not helping matters was the sensation the boy felt every time he launched himself in one of the gym’s cannons. His pelvis would feel deep heat, vibrate, and tingle as he landed on the farther platform.

         Several battles and cannon shots later, Hilbert finally stood before Skyla, the gym leader.

         “Ooh… I’ve been waiting for you. Did you enjoy flying with the help of the Mistralton Gym cannons? They’re my pride and joy.”

         “They’re certainly…stimulating.” Hilbert blushed, trying hard to keep his balance as he danced in place. “Is there a bathroom?”

         “Yep, yep.” Skyla spun him around behind her giant cannon and pushed him past a door. She then led him down a pale blue corridor, reiterating the importance of hydration and how much she loves to see people hydrating, as if Hilbert hadn’t heard enough of that today. At last, he found himself in a tiny bathroom.

         Skyla tapped his shoulder. “I need to take care of a few things quickly, so I’ll be out there a bit after you, ‘kay?”

         And she shut the door. Hilbert, who felt like his bladder was about to tear, quickly unzipped his pants. While aiming at the urinal, his eyes glanced over a giant sign above the machine.

         It read in a scratchy font, “PEE PEE PEE! AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!” To the side of the text was a cutesy drawing of Skyla.

         “O-kay…” Despite Hilbert’s confusion, his body took control. Like popping the cork off a bottle, a heavy stream of urine rushed out the boy’s body. Hilbert’s yells were frequent, coming from an intense pressure every other second. For every moment the stream was regular, there was a moment where he felt like a firefighter’s hose.

         More than the pressure, the amount of urine left Hilbert speechless. He had enough juice inside of him to fill a whole quarry. What would normally take 10 seconds took Hilbert a minute and a half to accomplish. Now his penis was left a dripping mess, terrified at the amount of waste it let out.


         When he shook off, Hilbert realised there was no flushing mechanism on the urinal. “Maybe it’s automatic.” He waited several seconds to see if it would automatically flush like some of the others in Unova, but nothing. It was more like a slow whirlpool than anything else.

         While Hilbert had had enough of Mistralton City Gym, a noise caught his attention. It sounded like…slurping? Very faint, but having taken many baths, Hilbert knew the difference between a clogged drain and the sound of a straw.

         “Maybe it’s best I don’t know.”

         After washing his hands and leaving the restroom, Hilbert could still hear the slurping. Instead of returning to the main gym area, he took the plunge and followed the noise. Specifically, the door that was nearest to the restroom. Likely, one of the room’s walls was connected to that of the urinal’s, so this was his best guess.

         He opened the door. “If there’s a leak, I’ll just tell Skyla about it. No big—”

         The room’s few lights left only parts of the gym leader visible, but what Hilbert saw caused his jaw to drop. The long tube that went from the wall to Skyla’s mouth, now dribbling a yellowish substance out onto her body. The transparent plastic cups around the pilot, some clearly with their contents consumed. The most horrific site of them all was the puffiness of Skyla’s cheeks. Hilbert’s eye twitched once he saw Skyla’s face in plain view as she turned to look at him. All the yellow dripping down her lips…

         She blinked thrice, taking a slow, very audible gulp. That gulp may as well have taken Hilbert’s life, for he blacked out right then and there.
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