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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Thriller/Suspense · #2305412
F.B.I. agent turned P.I.

The Digging

Deep in the forest of northern Wisconsin F.B.I. agent William Hunter and his partner Stacy Morgan stood at the edge of a large clearing as they watched serial killer Joey Hill lead another team of FBI Agents and County Sheriffs to one more grave site.
How many does that make Hunter asked the sheriff, the sheriff picked up his radio and called someone that was in the field.
"That makes 15 agent Hunter."
"It's just Hunter". He replied.
Only a few people knew the true story why Hunter why

"How many more" Stacy asked as tears started rolling down her cheek.
Looking straight ahead Hunter told Stacy "Don't let them see you cry. we are Behavioral Analysis and Criminal investigator; no emotion is aloud."

Hunter looked down at Stacy, her being only 5'7 and Hunter 6'2 he was always looking down at her and she was always looking up at him.
He remembered what it was like to be a rookie. 4 years in the Marines 2 years in the State Police and now 7 years in the FBI with the last 4 as a B.A. at the age of 32.
Sometimes Hunter had to look away when looking down at Stacy. She was very well endowed and sometimes she would wear loose blouses and did not button them all the way up, and no bra anywhere to be found. Hunter knew she was attracted to him. The first sign is when a woman fixes her hair when he comes near.
She wears a hint of make-up just to bring out the high-Lites, and a nice smelling perfume that is light and refreshing, not like something that your aunt Betty worn when visiting on holidays and would clear the room as soon as she walked in.
Hunter had to put a stop to this boob tease. Lately it was getting out of control, their relationship was partners and it stopped at that, no going out for beers after work, no dinner dates or making meals for each other at of either the houses. On one of their cases, it was a 4-hour drive to the Prison. They went first to a hotel and rented a room to shower and relax for a while. While Hunter was at the table looking at the files on this psychopath Stacy walks out of the bathroom only a towel from waist down showing all of the beauty of those full boobs.

Stacy dropped her towel and asked Hunter. "Do you like what you see?"
Even though Hunter was a full man and wanted to take her by her boobs, throw her on the bed and have sex with her but he was able to restrain himself.

It was part of the FBI training; little known to the men women who worked for the FBI would put all of the candidates to the "test" and unfortunately some would fail.
Hunter saw Stacy's clothes folded over a chair he picked them then threw them at her and said in a firm voice "get dressed".

man made and had to be cut down a multitude of times with a riding lawnmower or something similar. The grass was cut short and smelt fresh like it was just cut with-in a couple of days or so. this also brought up a red flag in Hunters head knowing Simon had a partner.
to It was a good 5 miles off the main road. The main road was a gravel that led to a dirt road. that led to a road that was grass and the only thing that made it a road was the truck driving over it many times.

It was a cold day early in November, the temperature was around 35 degrees and falling. "Great it's not even Thanksgiving and I'm already freezing my balls off." Hunter bitched to himself. " Thank God at least the heater still works on this old gas guzzling tank on wheels. His " tank " as Hunter described it was a 4 door 2008 Dodge 1500 Ram pick-up truck. It was nothing fancy, but it had everything he needed. It had an extended cab with an extending bed. The extended cab was nice on stakeouts for a quick shuteye, it was big enough for Hunters large 6'2-225-pound muscular frame. Hunter wished he had an V8 hemi engine for the overall performance of the truck. But he problem with having a hemi engine is that you will be lucky to get maybe 12 -14 miles per gallon. The truck had over 125,000 miles on it, leaked oil, it badly needed a brake job and the tiers desperately needed to be replaced. The muffler was another Issue, it was rusted out that it was falling off and held up by some masking tape. His truck had so many dings and dents no one could count them all. and the best part to go along with the makeup of his truck, it had 5 bullet holes on the driver's side door caused by some punk kid who was chasing Hunter and shooting at him.
Now both of the bumpers are made with reinforced steel, and the front one is similar to a train that has a cowcatcher on it.

that weren't going any were. even after ramming a few cars on a chase. Hunter decided to put the solid steal bumpers on after except for the front bumper that had a scratch on if from ramming into a car and pushing it with the driver who was shotting at Hunter off the HWY and into a ditch turning the car on its side sliding down to the bottom of the ditch pinning the 25-year-old driver in the front seat by his seat belt. The slop had to be 30-40 feet down and on a steep incline. Hunter ran and slid down the slope to the car while trying not to lose his balance.

"Are you alright" Hunter asked him a few times just to see if this guy was injured and needed medical help. "I think so," said the driver. The driver pleaded with Hunter "Can you please get me out of here, there is some maniac who's after me." "Sure" Hunter said "But first things first. where's the gun?" The drivers' eyes opened wide with fear after he saw that it was Hunter standing there. "What gun, I don't have a gun" the driver said nervously at the same time he was pulling on his seat belt to try to free himself. "You really are a moron aren't you." Hunter said with a chuckle "This thing around you is called a seat belt. It holds you in your seat until help comes so if your injured you won't hurt yourself worse. when help arise they will cut it off, but the more you pull the tighter it gets. So, where's the gun?"
"I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to do anything, I was just supposed to scare you." The driver said whimpering. " Does it look like I'm scared." Hunter said gleaming at the kid. "Who put you up to this?" Hunter asked while pulling out his 14inch blade. Hunter rested the knife against the kids face close to his eye. "You know the good thing about eyes is that you have 2 of them, so in case you lose one you have a backup."
It was then the kid pissed in his pants. "It was Alexandria. She said she would pay me $1000 if I would just scare you enough so you would drop the case. "Alexandria, Hun" Hunter repeated her name. "Do you know her" Timothy asked "Well let's just say we did some business together. Did you get the money?" Hunter asked. "No, she said only when the job is finished." The boy said. "What's your name?" Hunter asked. "Timothy, Tim Rollins. "Well Timothy Rollins I think we have some work to do partner, what do you say?" You're not going to kill me are you." Timothy asked. Hunter scratched his head. "Do you watch T.V." "yeah". "What do the bad guys say to the good guys when they ask that same question? Hunter asked, "if I was going to kill you, I would have already done it." Timothy said smiling. "you're learning kid, you're learning." Hunter said. Timothy told Hunter the Gun was somewhere in the back seat. Hunter told Timothy we need to get that gun. "So, when I cut your belt off you got to jump in the back before the police get here. I'm sure they are on their way someone must have called them when they herd the gun shots and the tires screeching". Thats what Hunter told him do.


The truck had many dings and dents on both sides and a bummer was falling off due to the ramming of his truck into the side of a car when the driver was shotting at him. The 5 bullet holes on the driver's side thought it gave the truck character, so he never bothered to have them banged out.

Hunter tied some fishing wire to hold it on "it's as good as new".
He said after he took a look at his job. Hunters
it but none of the windows were cracked or broken. Hunter could never figure out how that happened. But Hunter liked his truck. When hunter was following someone, he slept in his

Hunter needed a new one, but his business was a little slow this time of year and he was short on cash.

Looking at the door of the club he muttered "don't theses ass wipes know when to go home". "Just a few more pictures of Brad and his "much younger friend Kelly" and that will be that". Then off to divorce court you ass hole. Hunter could never figure out why a man would cheat on his wife. Especially with a woman like Elizabeth Monroe. Everyone knew that Brad married Elizabeath for her money. She was 12 years older than Brad, but she was a beautiful woman. With shoulder length hair, she had a very pretty face and with no in perfections. For her age she was in great shape thanks to her 3 times a week personal trainer, and for her 42nd birthday she treated herself to a nice set of boobs full and round, what else could a man ask for. Elizabeths family came from "old money". They owned a plantation in the colonial days. And the millions they had then, now is in the billions. Why would some stupid S.O.B. go and cheat on a woman like her, Hunter could never figure it out.

Private eye William Hunter sat in his
This was one of the usual cases "tell me if my husband is with another women". "Lately it hasn't changed" he thought.
"Is my wife cheating on me, is my husband cheating on me, is my partner seeing someone else". these cases were easy, follow the person of interest, get enough evidence to prove yes or not then collected my fee and on to the next one.

He was In the parking lot of the exclusive Club known as the Living room. He cursed to himself about the weather as he looked at the thermometer twice, it read 38 degrees. And Hunters' patience's were starting to wear thin.
truck a couple of doors from where the guy would be staying. He was thankful that the back seat of his 4 door pick up gave him enough room to lay down flat, he fit in the back seat very comfortable. "They don't make them like this anymore." he thought every time he would lay down. He slept very close to the person he was flowing. He didn't want his perp to drive away without him knowing. Hunter would get a sleazy motel room and make it his home base for as long he would be on the case.

It might be for only one night, or a couple of days depending on how much progress he was making. He would try his best to find a motel for around $100 a night. Even these sleazy hotels had a shower, but who knows if the sheets were changed since the last time the room was rented. Hunter would find a maid, slip her a few bucks to get some clean sheets and fresh towels. He made sure at least every 3 days he would clean sheets, and fresh towels every other day. This was part of his expenses, to get clean sheets and fresh towels.

It was an upscale Cub exclusively for members only. The club was located 20 miles west of downtown Chicago in a small suburb called Oak Brook. Oak Brook was also an exclusive area, with gated communities that had their own police force. And a city police force that doubled any other community within a 10-mile area. The Living room was called the "room" by the club members, they wanted to keep the club exclusively to themselves.
It wasn't easy becoming a member to the Club

The membership fee is $3,500.00 a year which has to be paid-up front, there are no monthly payments and no checks. Credit cards or cash can be used as a form of payments. This fine establishment was designed for professional people. The members referred to the club as "the room". An application with a complete background check is required prior to the applying person who would be accepted as a member.
The club had a Strick dress code; gentlemen needed to wear a shirt and tie, the ladies either a skirt or dress pants with a blouse or a business suit. No jeans or gym shoes no exceptions. They also had a drug free policy. The punishment for finding drugs on one's person was severe. Men would be beaten in front of the cliental and the women would be stripped naked then brought to the dance floor for everyone's eye to see, after 10 minutes of total humiliation they gave back her clothes, let her dress and sent her on her way. And their membership would be revoked immediately. They invoked a no fighting rule to keep the environment safe. If any fighting did accrue the bouncers would step-in and take care of the troublemakers in a not so kindly matter. There also was an age requirement, no one under the age of 30 is allowed the club. The Living room was sued a few times for discrimination, but the suites never went anywhere, with all the lawyers that frequent the place they made sure the lawsuits would never see daylight. This way it kept out all of the undesirables.
The club had 8 bouncers to keep things under control. Three were stationed in the alley by the exit doors, if you leave through the back, you're never going back, the bouncers will say this little tune when someone left by the back way. They would also keep their eyes open to
make sure someone wasn't snorted some coke or smoking weed. What you want to do outside of the club that's your business but inside, beatings will be issued. If the bouncers spotted something that looked not quite right, they would use their walkie to let the others know and if there might be a problem they have to deal with. Two in the front to make sure everyone was coming in. clean. The entrance had a double door, but only one side of the door was opened. One of the bouncers stood in front of the closed door
Members had to walk through a metal detector and pockets turned out and the ladies needed to dump their purses on the table so the bouncers could have a look instead of just looking while the person just holds the purse open. The members complained at first but got used to it and didn't complain too much about it anymore.

and , and three inside the club, two bouncers were on the main floor and one on the 2nd floor. The one on the 2nd floor his duty was to oversee the private room when there was a private party was going on, hence the private room.

The older son of the father Nick who was the original owed of the club decided to retire. He wanted to bring the age requirement down to 25. Nick Jr knew younger men spend more money at bars than older ones and also tipped better. But he also knew that younger aged men mean more trouble. Nick opened the clue in 1985. It was his brother George's idea to make it an exclusive member's only club. After doing some tedious groundwork they found an abandoned building in the suburbs of Chicago, the village of Oak Brook.
Oak Brook was a very expensive area

The good news is the truck had heat, and that was a must during those cold winter months in Chicago. It also had a radio that worked, but he didn't listen to much, he listened to his police scanner to see what was going on around him while he was sleeping.

The thought of buying a slightly newer used truck put a smile on his face. Maybe that 2019 4x4 Red Ram 1500 pick-up he saw at the dealership a couple of days ago put a slight smile on his face. "That truck is still there at the dealership" Hunter thought. "I have to seriously consider buying it".
Hunter didn't smile much since his dog Harley died.
Hunter was on his daily run and saw a puppy laying in the grass off the HWY he went up to the puppy check to see if it the dog had a collar or any other kind of markings, he saw none, then he decided to take the dog home. Once at home he looked the dog over, it was starved, badly beating, missing 2 teeth and he walked with a limp. Now Hunter wished he knew who the owner was, if so, they would have a merciless beating themselves. Hunter brought the dog back to a healthy dog, but the dog still had a limp and the veteran told hunter "It is what it is'.

. One of the other things Hunter likes to do with his free time is to go window shopping. Window shopping for trucks, guns dogs. 100 Hunters dog died about 6 months ago and he felt like it was time for another companion. He and his dog Harley had a nice 17yrs together, which was longer than he was married to his wife. Hunter had no children and didn't want any. Before he got married, he and his wife discussed and agreed to having no children. This was due to the fact that Hunter was in a Special Forces Unit. This Special Forces Unit was hand-picked by the Director of the FBI. In other words, no one knew when, where, why, or how they are to complete, or how long these missions will take. Most of the time they didn't know until they were ready to leave for the mission. This way was for the best.

This was the beginning, to the ending of his marriage. No matter how much his wife Becky begged him to say something about anything, his lips were sealed.

another pick-up truck. This thing is more trouble than what's it worth". Hunter thought. But he didn't have the heart to tell Miss Gina he didn't want it. Hunter just figured he would sell it when the case was over, this would make things much simpler.

Hunters didn't make much money as a PI. as a fact his salary was not much to be desired. He only charged a mere $75 bucks per hour plus expenses. Most of the other
P. I's would charge anywhere from $150- $300 per hour plus expenses, and without a second thought they would take total advantage of the situation they had at hand by letting the case linger on much longer than what was to be expected, they do this just to make a few extra bucks, and also pad their expense sheets if they even had one.
Hunter hated P.I's like that, it gave the private eye business a bad name. Hunter was always fair to his clients. He never cheated anyone, if the hotel cost was $90 per night, he would charge them $90 per night. And his expenses were just like he said expenses. He always had an
expense log of how much he spent from the first day of his case. He wanted his clients to know he was a straight shooter. Depending on the case he would want at least $1000 to start that could basically get him everything he needed to start the case. If the case ran longer than to be expected he would contact the client let them know he is running low on cash and wasn't sure how much longer it is going to take. Then find out if they wanted him to continue or stop where he is at.

Most of his cases were a wife cheating on husband, or a husband cheating on wife. Sometimes he could be locating a stolen item.
The stolen items cases were nothing more than a pain in the ass, but he would take the case, and would make no promises of retrieving it. Most of the time the stolen items were that some relative would steel it at a party or function. Then later they would try to pawn it without much of a success. Pawn brokers won't buy stolen goods, so if they had a little sniff that the item was stolen, they would tell the thief to take a walk.

When Hunter wasn't on a case and his cash was running on fumes, he would have to skip a meal or 2. He would never take a handout, from anyone. His rule was "you don't work, you don't eat." Hunter had a little brother Ricky; they were 3 years apart. It was always Billy and Ricky or Ricky and Billy. If you saw one, the other would not be far behind. When they were older Ricky became Richard and Billy William, but he preferred to be called Hunter. Richard had an IQ of 163 and was a very successful businessman. He graduated at the top of his class from MIT. He did a-lot of hush-hush work for the government. Depending on what kind of job he was working on it always classified. The government paid him well for his services, so he was able to store up a nice nest egg. William never knew what Richard was working on, and he didn't want to know. William had problems of his own, and he kept them to himself, his problems were his problems alone.
and when he knew William

he would be lucky if he could eat. His office was his old Dodge 1500 Ram pickup truck

His meals consist mostly of meat. He wanted to get as much protein as possible each day. Coffee, three eggs and 4 sausage patties for some reason he didn't like the links, he ate this for every breakfast. It didn't matter what town he was in he would always find a "greasy spoon" a good breakfast for a decent price. Hunter didn't eat lunch. He always thought lunch was a waste of money and time. But dinner he would find a fine restaurant that severed a prime cut ribeye steak. Hunter kept in top notch shape. He never found a problem with finding a gym wherever a case would lead him, but he made sure it had weights, a heavy bag and a shower. sometimes Hunter went for days without a shower or a shave. when he went into one of the fine establishments un-showered or unshaven some of the people would stare and wonder if he could pay for his dinner, but he always came through. Hunter was always a good tipper; his mother was a waitress when he was a young boy and she lived mostly on tips, a waitress salary was partially nothing, so she made sure she did her best at waiting on tables. The owner was a Greek man and a fair guy, he often felt sorry for Helen (Hunters mother) he knew when the restaurant was slow that day, tips would be at a minimum. But he also knew that she had 2 boys at home she had to feed, so before they would close for the night, Jimmy the Greek would put together a big bag of leftovers that the customers didn't eat and give it to her to take home for her boys. He did this almost every night when there was leftover food, but sometimes there wasn't. It didn't matter what the dinner was for William or his brother Richard, they were just thankful they had something to eat.

his FBI training taught him some martial arts skills, but he was more of a brawler instead of a finesse kick or punches he would rather kick his opponent in the groin and a give him a full force elbow to the back of the man's neck, while he was bending over. it would be a sure knock out.
prior to becoming a private eye. Hunter worked for the FBI when the FBI hired Hunter, they tested his IQ during the
interview and he scored a 162 that would make him exceptionally gifted person or a genius. The problem with Hunter is that he doesn't put up with any bullshit. and that was the reason he was fired from the FBI.

but lucky to him his latest clint Gina Scott, gave it to Hunter as a down payment for a missing persons case.
Gina Scott's father Thomas Scott the multi-billionaire of Scott's pharmaceuticals. has been missing for over a week. then she decided called Hunter. Hunter was recommended to her by a collage friend who had trouble with an ex-boyfriend who didn't understand they were no longer a couple and her wouldn't leave her alone. at first Gina's friend Cindy was a very attractive women, a beautiful well-endowed and intelligence. she thought Eric was a wonder man. a well-dressed gentleman who worked for a top-notch downtown lawyer's firm. but after a few months his true self showed. it started with him pinning Cindy up against a wall threating her, telling he would take her eyes out if she ever looked at another man. then accusing her of seeing other men when she was at school or with her girlfriends, no more than 2 guys would join them for some coffee after class and talked about the upcoming assignment that was given to them for their society class, those boys Eric was so insanely jealous of were just some of the boyfriends of the girls in the group. after the threats it turned into a few slaps across her face and eventually punches. Eric made sure that he hit her mostly on her body and legs, so the bruises wouldn't show. by day a downtown lawyer at night an abusive coward.

Hunter arrived the next morning after their conversation they had the night before. Hunter could see in her eyes that she was extremely worried about her father. Gina Scott,

John O'Carroll pedophile
it was a beauty.
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