Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2304751-Commission
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #2304751


It was a hot day for the Gurren Brigade, a very hot day in fact, so the team stopped their journey across the desert in order to take some rest. This included Yoko laying down in cave, naked, a sight that Kamina couldn't resist but to be attracted to it. With Leeron's help, Kamina shrunk himself to the size of a speck in order to spy on her without being seen, even getting on her body with her none the wiser. He made his way into the cave, hoping he was getting closer to his beloved until a boot the size of a mountain came down before him, blowing back to the ground from the impact of its powerful stomp. Of course, for Simon, he had tried to be careful when he put his foot down on his brother's way, but with the massive size difference now existing between them, even his slightness move now held immense power for the dust sized mecha pilot.

"Gimmy told me that Leeron shrunk you", said Simon as he squatted before his minuscule teammate and showed him a kind of radar he was holding, "finding you from there was easy with how predictable you are, Bro". Kamina shouted back in protest, but his voice didn't even reach Simon's knees, much less get heard by his ears, leaving the blue haired teen to stare as the speck simply decided to run under the treads of his shoe. Simon knew that he could easily block his path by moving his foot again, but he also had to be careful when doing that, Kamina was so small now that pressing his foot on top of him would be the end of him. Deciding to simply let the speck go, Simon sighed, "I'll have to do plan B" he remarked to himself as he took off his boots and clothes.

Simon walked around the cave to get away from Kamina's view, being so tiny meant he could barely see up to his waist, so simply a couple of step was what he needed to get off his view, before laying down some safe distance away from Yoko. Sure enough, he could see on his radar that Kamina walked up to his figure, the speck not being able to tell him apart from Yoko thanks to their bodies looking less like people and more like living landscapes to him, meaning that the leader of the Gurren Brigade wasted no time on climbing up his brother's foot. Simon knew having his brother directly on him is even more problematic, as he was nervous about hurting the stubborn speck by throwing him off, any attempt of moving his right foot had to be done very carefully unless he wanted to send his brother flying away in one swing.

Of course, Kamina felt like he was in heaven, believing that he had managed to climb on Yoko's body. He didn't expect her feet to smell so strongly, but he chalked it up to the heatwave, not knowing it was simply natural for a 14 years old boy's feet to have this strong scene, particularly with how active Simon is. Kamina celebrated as he ran across the sole landscape, climbing past the skin wrinkles that were in the way, evading the sweat beads formed from the heat as he shouted out loud "You'll need more than sweat to kick me off this body!". Simon didn't know what his brother was doing, but he felt uncomfortable at the idea of what he could do given he was confusing him for Yoko, leading him to want to end this before it got worse. Very cautiously he pressed his left foot's toe against his right foot, the immense bulbous mass coming down like a meteor that stuck Kamina to his sweat, allowing Simon to simply shove his foot back into his boots as a perfect measure to keep his big bro away from the redhead girl.

Simon 34%, Senpai/Naoto 34%, Miles 32%


I was thinking fifth grader Ken Amada with the high school shrunken down to 1 cm size
The entire high school? I dig that
though the basic idea is Ken and a high school, probably with every student older and taller than the 11 years old originally, become tiny
Also I think using a entire school building as a "tiny", like the 1 cm size school caught between Ken sweaty toes with even smaller tinies inside, compared to just a tiny or two in his toes, goes harder on the power difference and dynamic
Between his toes sounds nice, he can squish the school and have parts of it crumble without putting pressure
Their school surrounded by massive toes, and they can run and cry and scream as the place starts falling apart
Well the idea I was having was a mix between aware and unaware
They'll shrink and appear in Ken's room, being so small the building doesn't even make it out of his carpet strands, so when the little boy wakes up, he'll be in danger of crushing them, needing them to call him to get his attention
What do you think of the students fighting back at Ken? Like this idea?
Like some SEES members pick up their weapons like swords, bows? What do you think of this?
Though still thinking what motivation
Probably related to my idea of getting his attention?
Like he can't find them so they're attacking for him to know where they are
And any idea how the fight will go?
It'd just won't work and he'd knock them down by tapping his toe
Ok so the shrunken school just got teleported to Ken's room? And ended up on Ken's bed or carpet or table or just the floor though?
in the carpet makes it worse off for the tinies
Harder to see both for them and Ken, more stuff blocking the way, can even end up with bugs they need Ken to kill
so you like to also write how the shrunken micro struggle with the now massive dangerous world, like with normally harmless critters being not harmless anymore?
Usually what sorts of stuff?
Bugs are a classic, leftovers clothes are also nice, maybe even food/water falling down
At that size the smallest ant is 2/3 of their size
Can easily be dangerous to find one given it's also a lot longer
Yeah I really like the food chain idea, like how the shrunken human students ends up at bottim
From treating ants as an insignificant nuisance, to them being monsters able to devour them
This doesn't apply to Ken of course, these dangerous monsters are still nothing to him
So showing Ken easily just squished them like?
Yeah them running away from the monsters trying to eat them and BAM the massive foot turns them into a mess of blood unceremoniously
Particularly good if Ken isn't aware of them so he stomped them on accident
Showing how Ken effortlessly crushed those bugs monster, without even aware of or actually "fight them", while the tinies found them difficult to fight,
really a good way shows the sheer power difference between Ken and the tinies other than just "look big or very big"
Yeah he's so much bigger than them, their struggles are basically dirt under his feet
In fact that's part of the idea I had with clothes, SEES getting their path blocked by Ken's used sock
Also, how about the falling water or food?
if they find water in his room, it's probably flowing off some open bottle
Ken drops a bottle, either one he carries or was standing on the floor
That'll create a river for them
Simple mistakes or oopies, or even just mindless actions, becomes total catastrophe to the micros
Also, about the food, what do you think how heavy for some cookie scraps to drop on the tiniwa
They'd probably break something if a crumb falls on them at that size LOL
I could even have him just crush the whole school building while his friends are outisde it LEL
Your idea is nice, what do think about the tiny students holding up in their tiny school building while being toyed by Ken's feet?
Because the school is the size of his big toe, he'd probably avoid touching it unless he wants to crush them
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