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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #2304751




Zenitsu is shrunk and trapped into Tanjiro’s sock to make sure he stays quiet
Being pressed against the toes and sock fibers as Tanjiro walks around wondering where he went
I can see it happening that way if the boys didn’t know there was an ant demon in the infested inn,they just happened to be resting there on their travels.Zenitsu’s complaining just so happened to irritate the demon faster than the others
Zenitsu getting his mouth gagged by musty teen foot when Tanjiro puts the socks back on,so he can’t whine about the smell out loud anymore
Literally his whole body is so pressed into Tanjiro's foot that it'll make his friend wonder if there's something in his sock
He'll dismiss it, of course, it's probably just the threads not fitting right
The sock will cushion the steps just enough to let Zenitsu survive like a piece of lint,but he’ll get harshly broken with each step
He might work his way to the toes where the pressure is lower,but his presence will be harder to not notice
And having his presence based solely on how he feels to Tanjiro, he's very much going to be considered a bug
Yeah,that route is way more brief than if Tanjiro found the demon.In his sock,in a bug infested inn,there can only be one explanation of why there’s something wriggling in his sock
And Tanjiro won’t extend his usual kind nature to a pest
It's always a good and nice boy until he sees a bug by his foot
With ants on his mind,he’s especially less hesitant to get rid of the bug in his sock,so close to the sensitive skin between his toes
If it bites him,he’ll feel the annoying sting for days
He was already putting Zenitsu in huge pain by casually walking around, actually stomping him will be lethal
Or he couldn’t be bothered and just crush the bug between his toes,possibly leaving Zenitsu all kinds of broken but alive because of the somewhat soft sock preventing the squeeze from being lethal.Though being broken like that,Zenitsu’s minutes will be numbered once Tanjiro resumes walking
I do know Matt is going to love the idea that Zenitsu survived and is going to spend his last moments with his body broken between his friend's toes, who has already forgotten about the pest in his sock


Short 1:

Noah slowly opened his eyes and looked down at his hands. He then noticed that the patio table he was sitting on was now the size of a football field. “Dad! It worked!” He screamed out in his tiny high pitched voice. Tony stepped out from behind his shrink ray and crept toward the table. He peered down at his ant sized 18-year old son with a huge grin. “We did it! It works!!” He cried out and punched the air. Noah pressed his hands against his ears as his dad yelled. “Oh sorry! Too loud.” Tony said with a laugh. “Here.” He reached for his tiny son with his fingers. He hesitated for a moment. “Uh..I don’t wanna squish ya! Let me get a cup.” He added with a nervous laughter. As soon as he disappeared into the house, he returned with a cup. As he walked towards his tiny son, a huge gust of wind swept over them. Tony blinked and his speck of a son vanished. “Shit! Noah?!” He yelled in a hushed tone. He stopped moving and looked down at his feet. Too afraid to take another step, he pulled a magnifying glass from his pocket and squatted down. “Shit…”

“AHHHHH!” *thud*

Noah slammed onto the wooden deck and knocked the wind out of him. He laid there for a moment to catch his breath. Aching all over his body and feeling like he was going to barf, he slowly got up and looked around. He didn’t recognize the yard and assumed he had landed on his neighbor’s deck. “Fuck..Dad! Da….Oh fuck he’s not going to hear me here.” He groaned. He looked around the expansive deck and saw the roof of his house peaking over the fence. Clutching his stomach, he started walking towards the fence. After just a few minutes, and having only crossed two deck boards, he heard a sliding door open directly to the right of him. He looked over and saw his neighbor’s son step out onto the deck and shut the door. He didn’t know him very well at all. He had only seen him a handful of times in passing. He knew he was a few years older than him, but that was it. He didn’t even know his name. “Fuck he’s huge.” Noah mumbled as he looked up at the giant. Then he started walking towards him. “Noah grew nervous as he felt the deck board vibrate beneath him with each footstep the giant took. The vibrations grew stronger making it difficult for Noah to stay balanced. Before he knew it, the giant was directly overhead. “NO PLEASE! DAD! DAD HELP ME! PLEASE! AHH!” *smush* Noah cried out for help as the giant’s smelly, meaty foot landed on him. Not realizing he stepped on anything, the giant walked out to the middle of the deck and sat down to do a few stretches and read his book.

Meanwhile, Tony was on his hand and knees and using his magnifying glass to find his shrunken son. “Oh Noah. Where are you?”

Short 2: Nier Automata

I was thinking of a story where 9S would be asleep, unaware that there is a tiny mite on his bare soles, which are like a vast desert to a miniaturized 2B. She’s trying to escape somehow, but eventually just accepting her new life on his foot, all while he has no idea she’s even there. Once he gets up, he unknowingly carries the girl clinging to his sole as he puts on his shoes, walking away with her in there.

Short 3: Ao Ashi

We actually talked a little about Ashito from Ao Ashi airing his feet after a game out and making a tiny pass out from the smell wafting from his feet
Then Matt added that while unconscious,they’ll be mercifully out out of their misery when he gets up and walks forward,and plants a foot right on the tiny
I'd be so good to picture the tiny was just a microbe, so the feet were miles long on either side of him
I don’t know the character or anime,but I was able to share ideas with him about how Ashito’s socks would be off color because of how they absorbed months of sweat by that point,and he absolutely loved that

Short 4: Nanatsu no Taizai

This one would be aware. I’m thinking he learns a shrink spell somehow and uses it to mess with and play with Elizabeth, specifically using his feet of course. But then he realizes that he never actually learned a spell to grow her back. So he ends up accidentally shrinking her more and more until she’s just unrecognizable lint between his toes. He’s not worried though, as he figures he can keep her safe down there, so he puts his shoes back on and heads out to go learn that growth spell, keeping her between his sweaty toes for an indefinite time

Short 5: Hero Academia

The sun was rising calmly over the city. Deku was fast asleep on his bed, still fully dressed in his school uniform and slumped over. The previous day had been a very busy and exhausting one for the young boy, so he hadn't even had the energy to change before collapsing from exhaustion on the way home from school. While he was dozing peacefully, much lower down on a lesser scale, a fury erupted...

"Wake up, you idiot! We've got lessons today and I'm stuck on your fucking sole!" shouted Bakugo at the top of his voice, pounding his fist against the flesh that absorbed his tiny blows, to no avail. We don't really know why, but he only measured less than a millimeter, merely a mite lost in the middle of Deku's sole. He'd probably only been there since last night, which was certainly a long and unpleasant experience. From his very small perspective, the world around him was like an unknown land. When he looked into the distance, he could see the wrinkles forming like dunes in the desert. The ground was both soft and rough, but difficult to walk on because it gave him little opportunity to stand up straight, almost forcing him to crawl on all fours like an animal, which tended to irritate him a lot. Added to this were the rather arduous living conditions. A thick, heavy atmosphere impregnated with humid air and a powerful, musky smell, difficult for the blond boy to bear. Deku hadn't had a shower on the way home, so his feet still smelt strongly of yesterday's sweat. But Bakugo was a hero at heart, and for him this was just one more test to overcome to prove his worth in the eyes of his classmates. So, without hesitation, he set off in search of Deku's sole, whatever the cost. And so began a perilous misadventure.

Small as he was, but determined, he made the best progress he could. On his own two legs or crawling when he staggered because his weight made him sink into the tender flesh of the green-haired giant. As if in sand, walking was all the more tiring because somehow the ground dissipated beneath his feet. It was a grueling path, not least because of the obstacles he faced at a time when his breathing was already under strain from the lack of oxygen and the continuous, unpleasant smell of perspiration lining his nostrils. Sticky drops of sweat, extreme slips, deadly precipices because of the grooves forming chasms that had to be dodged between each wrinkle... A veritable assault course in microscopic editions. However, just as Bakugo had covered almost half of the path and reached the middle of the sole, tremors were felt. "Fucking hell! This idiot has finally decided to wake up when I'm halfway to the end... You're shitting me!!!" he exclaimed angrily at the giant.

Deku was quietly waking up as the glow of the sun's rays fell gently on his face. He turned to sit on the edge of his bed and yawned as he stretched intensely. "What a night, I slept really well!" he said enthusiastically as he rubbed his eyes again.

For his part, Bakugo was knocked headfirst into the flesh by Deku's movements, which were far too sudden and fast for him to hold on. A little stunned, he regained consciousness almost entirely glued to the young giant's sole. Unfortunately for him, he fell in the middle of a trail of sweat as sticky as cobwebs, restricting his movement. "Fucking hell! I can't take it anymore! Deku! Look at your fucking feet!" he shouted, hoping to be heard...

When Deku turned his head towards his bedside table, he saw his alarm clock and noticed that he was running late. "Oh dear! I'm late! Hurry!" he exclaimed, suddenly rising from his bed without realizing that Bakugo was under his foot.

Suddenly he was faced with the hardest thing of all... Deku's pronounced, hurried footsteps propelled him into a sensational lift. With great intensity, he was slammed against the floor, plunging him into darkness, then when his foot was raised, he had only a few moments to breathe and see around him. Up, down, up, down... He didn't even have time to speak as he was under too much pressure. "Fuck... Let's do this!" he thought as he activated his Quirk. Surprisingly, he still had enough energy left to use his powers and make one last attempt to be noticed. With what little strength he had left, vulgar little flames shot out of his hands and grazed the giant's skin.

"Ouch! What's tickling me under the foot like that?" Deku asked himself in astonishment as he bent his calf back so that he could see the underside of his foot. Bakugo was very happy and thought he'd finally succeeded: "Here I am, you idiot! It's Bakugo! You've got to get me out of here!" Deku, for his part, wasn't able to hear Bakugo's tiny voice despite his incessant shouting... All he could see was a very small, harmless silhouette. "What's that? It looks like a very small bug..." he thought. "No! It's me! Bakugo! You coward!" raged Bakugo at Deku, not recognizing him. "A good slap on the floor and that'll settle it!" he said with enthusiasm and a smile. "What?! Wai..." Bakugo's words were immediately cut off when Deku slammed his foot hard against the ground, thinking he'd got rid of the annoying insect. "That's much better!" he said, all relaxed and ready to go to class.

"Please... Help me... I... I won't survive there... Plea..." moaned Bakugo, stunned by the powerful blow, as he saw himself slowly being pushed into the damp red boot of his comrade, who was putting on his shoes to leave. Gradually leaving him to sink into total darkness as the air became almost unbreathable...


Recently, Wendy had been learning a new spell. She only just discovered it not long ago, but it was supposed to be a type of air reduction spell that could significantly reduce the flame powers of the likes of Natsu. She wanted to try it out on him, but she needed to get more experienced with it first. She practiced it for a couple weeks in secret behind his back before she felt like she had mastered it enough to try it out. Once she was ready, she asked Natsu if they could have a quick duel just for fun, not saying a word about her new spell until she was ready to launch it.
As soon as the fight began, Wendy saw her opportunity open and launched her spell, hoping it would work as intended and give her an easy victory. It hit Natsu before he could hardly get a chance to move, causing him to suddenly pause. At first, it seemed like the spell worked just as intended. His power visibly drained by a considerable amount, causing him to freeze in his tracks and appear to be in a more weakened state. “Aha! It worked!” Wendy cheered out loud. “Huh? Hey! What did you–” Natsu began. But before he could even finish his sentence, an unexpected side effect kicked in. His body began to rapidly shrink, only stopping once his height was at about three inches tall. Both of them stood still and stayed absolutely quiet, equally shocked at what just happened. The reduction spell was just supposed to shrink down his power, not his entire body. This side effect was completely unexpected.
“Ah! What the hell did you do to me?!” Natsu angrily demanded, finally breaking the silence. “Ummmm… oops! Sorry, that wasn’t part of the plan.” Wendy replied with a nervous smile on her face. She slowly walked over to the now tiny Natsu to get a better look at him. Wendy’s footsteps created loud sounds that shook the ground from his perspective, already showing off the massive difference in size. Her massive sandals stopped right in front of him, the impact nearly causing him to fall over. Her toes were so close now that he could reach out and touch them. Wendy then placed her hands on her knees and bent down to get a better look at him, unintentionally granting Natsu an open view of her panties. “Aww, so cute! You look like a little doll, heh!” Wendy said, still admiring his tiny size. Natsu wasn’t having it though, and continued to get frustrated. “Hey, stop it! You better change me back!” He demanded. “Ah, I’m sorry! I just learned this spell, I had no idea it would shrink you. I’m not sure how to change you back. Besides, you look so much cuter this way!”
Wendy didn’t seem concerned in the slightest. In fact, she seemed to be really enjoying it. Ideas already began filling her head as she stared down at him. “Well, you can’t stay here. I better take you back home with me.” As frustrated and embarrassed as Natsu was, she was right that we couldn’t stay here, and he didn’t have much of a choice. “Ugg, fine then, let’s hurry up. I don’t want anyone to see me like this.” Wendy smiled, then stood back up. “Well, unfortunately, I don’t have any pockets to keep you in. There’s only one place I can safely put you for the journey home.” “Huh? What do you mean?” Natsu wasn’t sure what she had planned this time but he had a feeling we wouldn’t enjoy it. Sure enough, Wendy began to slip her right foot out of her sandal, leaving it open. “Alright! Hop on!” she said with a cute smile on her face. Natsu couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “What? Are you crazy! I’m not getting in your sandal!” Wendy’s face began to pout a bit, getting a bit annoyed at his response. “I’m sorry, but it’s the only place I can keep you in. C’mon, it’s not like you have much of a choice.” Natsu stood his ground though, refusing to comply. “There’s no way I’m doing this!” Wendy got more annoyed now, to the point where she squatted back down and picked him up with ease. “Hey! Put me down!”
He continued to get more enraged and tried to struggle against her tiny fingers, but it did no good. She quickly moved him over right above the empty sandal surface. The imprint of her sole and toes that had been pressed firmly against the soft material of the sandal that had soaked up her foot’s sweat could clearly be seen to him, and as soon as his body was dropped onto the surface, he could instantly feel just how warm and moist it was. The heavy smell that had been ingrained into the surface hit him just as instantly, almost knocking him back. But this was just a taste of what was to come. He tried to just focus on escaping, and after being dropped on his back on the sandal, tried his best to quickly get up and run away, but he was too weak to make it in time. Before he could even lift his body back up, Wendy’s giant foot came crashing down on him. He let out a big “oof!” as the entire weight of her foot pressed against him at a tremendous speed, nearly knocking the wind out of his chest. His doll-like body was now being pressed under her sweaty foot, and pushing his backside into the soft moist material of the brown sandal surface. His face was pressed into the ball of her foot, and his arms pushed up against her sole with all his strength, but it did nothing. His power was already mostly drained from the spell, and Wendy’s foot was quickly overpowering him and sapping up whatever was left.
The conditions of the sandal surface was already pretty bad when he first landed on it. In only a second, he could feel how warm it was, the material soaked with her sweat and the smell of her foot moving around in the hot sun glued to it and rising upwards. The surface of her sole was much worse. Even warmer than the sandal, the entire surface was moist and drenched in her sweat, the smell at it’s absolutely maximum intensity, a smell he was forced to breathe in now that his face was pressed against her foot. Worse of all was the weight of it pressing down on him. The once tiny feet of a tiny girl, who now transformed into a huge giantess by his perspective, was easily overpowering him and keeping him pinned down. And she hadn’t even begun walking yet. Natsu continued to try his best to struggle and curse out Wendy with what little strength he had left, completely angered and humiliated by the fact he was being easily defeated by the foot of a little thing such as her.
“There we go! All secure now! You ready for the walk back?” Wendy asked, knowing full well she couldn’t hear him and even if she did, he wasn’t getting out until she made it back home. After letting out a small chuckle, Wendy took her first step forward to begin the hike to her apartment. Her foot pressed down against the sandal, pushing Natsu’s body down with her full weight and pressing him further into the sandal’s surface, as well as pushing his front side further into the flesh of her sole, making deep indents into each surface. Her left foot then stepped down next, then her right, and so on. For Wendy, it did not take very long to reach her apartment. For Natsu however, it felt like an eternity. He was unable to move whatsoever, and his strength was completely drained. His whole body was not coated in the sweat of her foot, completely extinguishing his power every time he tried to get it back. He couldn’t see anything either, as her face was completely pressed into her sole. Her foot was pressed so tightly against her sandal that hardly any light could get inside. Even if it could, he would only be able to see the vast swirls and wrinkles that covered the sole’s surface, as well as the forming sweat drops which were as big as Natsu’s head.
The experience was as exhausting as it was humiliating. Natsu was completely worn out and unable to move. The pressure of Wendy’s foot kept him pinned down securely, pressing his body deep into her fleshy sole. The sweat was intense, and his entire body was covered in it, to the point he felt like he was about to drown. Not to mention her foot’s surface was insanely warm, and the sweat was even more so. But worst of all was the smell. The stuffy humid air filled up the entire space between her foot and her sandal, and it was the only air he was able to breathe in. It only continued to get worse the more Wendy walked, increasing the heat and intensity of the smell. Natsu was completely defeated and worn out just from a small girl walking back to her apartment. It was a beyond humiliating experience, but there was no way he could escape.
After some time, they finally reached their destination. Wendy walked up to her apartment door and unlocked it, heading inside. Afterwards she sat down on her couch, lifted her right leg up, and pulled her sandal off her foot. Natsu stayed stuck into her sole, his motionless body pressed firmly against it. “Alright, we’re back! How was your trip?” she said with a smile on her face as she grabbed Natsu and peeled him off her foot. The shape of his body could still be seen indented into her sole, as well as his backside still intended in the sandal’s surface, inside the middle of her foot imprint. She slipped her left sandal off and placed the tiny Nastu, still covered in her sweat, on the small table that sat right in front of the couch. Now free from the hellish prison of her sandal, and able to breathe in fresh air again, Natsu was able to muster up the strength to stand back up. He was utterly humiliated by the experience and more furious than ever. “Ugg dammit! What’s wrong with you?! That was the worst experience of my life!” Wendy stopped smiling and began to pout. “Jeez, I was just trying to help. I needed to keep you somewhere safe and that was the only option.” Wendy seemed to be offended by his behavior, and began to get a little annoyed.
“You know, I expected you to be a bit more grateful for keeping you safe.” she said with a slightly annoyed expression on her face. She then leaned back on the couch, lifted both her legs up and placed her feet up onto the table, right in front of where Natsu was now standing. “Why don’t you give my feet a nice massage as an apology. I’ve been walking quite a bit so they’re both pretty tired. Natsu was still furious at Wendy, but seeing her little feet tower over him so easily made him a bit intimidated of her. He continued to retaliate however. “Forget it! There’s no way I’m touching your feet! Not after what you just put me through!” Wendy continued to get annoyed, but then she got an idea. Perhaps the air reduction spell could work a second time. Natsu then notices a smug smile begin to form on her face. “Hey! What are you planning to do now–” but before he could finish, she hit him with the same spell a second time. Within a few seconds, his body shrunk down even further. Now he was roughly just a half inch tall.
Natsu couldn’t believe it and only got more frustrated. “You can’t do this to me! Change me back already!” But Wendy could barely hear him now. Even if she could, it wouldn’t matter. She had complete control over him. Her feet stayed standing up on top of the table, but now they looked like tall mountains to Natsu at his new size. He continued to yell at her until he got exhausted, his words being ignored by the smug Wendy looking down at him. “Awww you’re even cuter now! You don’t even look like a doll anymore. You look like a little insect now!” Natsu was in complete disbelief. He was now completely at her mercy. Just being trapped under her foot while he was still a few inches tall completely overpowered him, so he knew he had no chance of escaping now. He just continued to stare up at her towering feet, in total defeat. “Well, I’m still waiting on my apology foot massage Natsu! Don’t think just because you’re small now that I’m letting you off the hook!” Wendy then lifted her feet off the table, and brought them down lower, pressing her soles against the edge of the table with just the top half raised over the table surface. “Start there!” Wendy demanded. “It doesn’t matter which foot you begin with, just get started already!”
The realization was hitting him now. He was much too small to escape. There’s no way he could make it off the table. And even if he somehow did, Wendy could just easily catch him. Besides, she was the only one who could change him back. He gritted his teeth and slowly walked over to the tops of her soles. The ball of both feet and her toes were hanging over the table surface. Even just half of her foot still towered over him, completely covering him in their shadow. The moist stuff air already began covering him, and although it was much more intense now that he was smaller, at least he had gotten more used to it after that long excruciating walk. The scent of her heavy sweat, mixed with the smell of her sandals hit him at full blast now, but he still made his way over until he was right against the surface of her left foot. He reached out his arms and placed his hands on it. Her skin was super warm, and the entire surface was moist with sweat. At his new tiny size, the details of her foot could be clearly seen. The ridges that swirled all around her sole, making up her footprint, were big enough that he could touch them. Strands of hair, specs of dirt and little flakes from her sandals could be seen scattered everywhere. The hair strands were taller than him and the dirt specs were big enough that we could hold them like a rock. The sweat drops were probably the worst of all though. They were nearly big enough to cover his entire body, and one drop sliding down could almost drown him.
The smell and heat was at its absolute worst, and it now coated his entire body. Her flesh was extremely warm, but it was also very soft. His hands easily sunk into her sole without him putting much pressure on them. This entire experience has been extremely humiliating for Natsu, and especially now that he was even smaller. But there was nothing he could do. He had no way of escaping and his power was still extinguished. Being drenched in her sweat didn’t help matters either. Still angry but staying silent, he slowly began to rub his hands against her foot. They sank in easily, almost like his hands were being swallowed whole. Her skin was smooth and moist from the sweat, making it easy for his palms to slide on. He stayed in the same spot and continued to rub, hoping Wendy would be satisfied enough to let him go. “Haha, it kind of tickles!” She said out loud with a chuckle. “I can’t feel very much though. Go try a different spot!” Her voice was booming at his size. He wanted to bark back but knew there was no point, so he grumbled to himself and took a few steps sideways to rub a new spot. Just like before, he carefully rested his hands on her sole and let them sink in, before slowly moving them in a circular motion.
Wendy stopped smiling and seemed more annoyed now. “Ugg, you’re doing a terrible job! I can hardly feel anything!” Natsu couldn’t take this utter humiliation much longer. “Just let me go dammit! What more do you want?!” Of course, his words were completely annoyed by Wendy and just annoyed her further. “Hmph. Still being stubborn huh? Alright, you asked for it!” For the third time now, Wendy once again hit him with the same spell. As usual, within a few seconds, Natsu shrank down even further. He was now the size of a small ant, and the absolute size of Wendy’s foot completely covered his entire view. Still in the same spot before he was shrunk, her foot was bigger than anything he had seen before. Only the top half of her foot was still raised over the table surface, but it still looked taller than an average mountain. “Dammit! Stop doing that!” he yelled out of frustration. But now, Wendy truly could not hear him anymore. “Wow, I can’t even see you anymore! You’re still there right?” She asked out loud, but knew she couldn’t hear him anymore. “Well then, I have a new task for you. Could you climb up and lick my toes for me please?” She requested with a huge smug smile on her face.
Natsu was completely defeated at this point. His strength was gone, the heat and smell from her foot was too overpowering, and only got worse the more he shrank. He didn’t even have the energy to run, but it’s not like he would be able to get anywhere at this size. He figured the only thing he could do was to please her until he could return to normal. So while grumbling, he stepped up to the fleshy mountain and grabbed on to one of the ridges of her footprint, pulling himself up and securing his foot on another ridge. He used them as a makeshift ladder to begin his daunting climb up to her massive toes. Although he was glad he only had to climb half her foot, it still seemed like an impossible task. The dirt specks and hair strands, now even bigger than they were before, would prove to be challenging obstacles to move around. Her sweat drops were even more dangerous now, as they were big and heavy enough to swallow up his entire body and pull him back down, so he had to watch out for them.
The climb felt like an eternity for him, and many times did he nearly slip or fall off trying to dodge her deadly sweat drops. After much exhaustion and massive humiliation, he finally reached right under her big toe. Natsu couldn’t believe it came to this, being the size of an ant and licking the colossal toes of the once little feet of Wendy. Although she couldn’t see him, she could hardly feel him climbing up and noticed when he stopped under her big toe. “Did you finally make it? What took you so long?” Natsu wished he could get back at her somehow but currently, she could barely feel him grabbing onto her foot. “Well, what are you waiting for?” She asked. “Start licking!” Seeing no choice, he reluctantly opened his mouth and placed his tongue on the warm moist surface, the overwhelming taste of her sweaty foot instantly hitting him. He had gotten used to the smell by now, even though he couldn’t really breathe it in. But this was the first time tasting her foot with his mouth, and it was unbearable. The flavor of her sweat and her sandals were mixed together, and he could hardly stand it. “C’mon! Keep going!” It seemed like she was somehow able to feel his tongue, so he had no chance of faking it. He reluctantly placed his tongue back down and took another slow lick, and then another. His licking was slow at first, but began to gradually speed up as he got more used to the taste. Wendy continued to look down and smile, enjoying the fact that she had an ant sized Natsu completely at her mercy and licking her toes.
The day went by, and Natsu was never returned to his original size. Day after day, Wendy continued to taunt him and turned him into her little foot slave.

Shiize comics: https://e-hentai.org/g/2615224/baef8042ad/

I was thinking fifth grader Ken Amada with the high school shrunken down to 1 cm size
The entire high school? I dig that
though the basic idea is Ken and a high school, probably with every student older and taller than the 11 years old originally, become tiny
Also I think using a entire school building as a "tiny", like the 1 cm size school caught between Ken sweaty toes with even smaller tinies inside, compared to just a tiny or two in his toes, goes harder on the power difference and dynamic
Between his toes sounds nice, he can squish the school and have parts of it crumble without putting pressure
Their school surrounded by massive toes, and they can run and cry and scream as the place starts falling apart
Well the idea I was having was a mix between aware and unaware
They'll shrink and appear in Ken's room, being so small the building doesn't even make it out of his carpet strands, so when the little boy wakes up, he'll be in danger of crushing them, needing them to call him to get his attention
What do you think of the students fighting back at Ken? Like this idea?
Like some SEES members pick up their weapons like swords, bows? What do you think of this?
Though still thinking what motivation
Probably related to my idea of getting his attention?
Like he can't find them so they're attacking for him to know where they are
And any idea how the fight will go?
It'd just won't work and he'd knock them down by tapping his toe
Ok so the shrunken school just got teleported to Ken's room? And ended up on Ken's bed or carpet or table or just the floor though?
in the carpet makes it worse off for the tinies
Harder to see both for them and Ken, more stuff blocking the way, can even end up with bugs they need Ken to kill
so you like to also write how the shrunken micro struggle with the now massive dangerous world, like with normally harmless critters being not harmless anymore?
Usually what sorts of stuff?
Bugs are a classic, leftovers clothes are also nice, maybe even food/water falling down
At that size the smallest ant is 2/3 of their size
Can easily be dangerous to find one given it's also a lot longer
Yeah I really like the food chain idea, like how the shrunken human students ends up at bottim
From treating ants as an insignificant nuisance, to them being monsters able to devour them
This doesn't apply to Ken of course, these dangerous monsters are still nothing to him
So showing Ken easily just squished them like?
Yeah them running away from the monsters trying to eat them and BAM the massive foot turns them into a mess of blood unceremoniously
Particularly good if Ken isn't aware of them so he stomped them on accident
Showing how Ken effortlessly crushed those bugs monster, without even aware of or actually "fight them", while the tinies found them difficult to fight,
really a good way shows the sheer power difference between Ken and the tinies other than just "look big or very big"
Yeah he's so much bigger than them, their struggles are basically dirt under his feet
In fact that's part of the idea I had with clothes, SEES getting their path blocked by Ken's used sock
Also, how about the falling water or food?
if they find water in his room, it's probably flowing off some open bottle
Ken drops a bottle, either one he carries or was standing on the floor
That'll create a river for them
Simple mistakes or oopies, or even just mindless actions, becomes total catastrophe to the micros
Also, about the food, what do you think how heavy for some cookie scraps to drop on the tiniwa
They'd probably break something if a crumb falls on them at that size LOL
I could even have him just crush the whole school building while his friends are outisde it LEL
Your idea is nice, what do think about the tiny students holding up in their tiny school building while being toyed by Ken's feet?
Because the school is the size of his big toe, he'd probably avoid touching it unless he wants to crush them


My idea so far is Victor losing a battle in a dynamax raid but not getting blown out to the exit like normal,instead he gets knocked out while the dynamax energy dissipates.

When he does wake up and find his way out.its both the middle of the night,and more importantly,he’s absolutely tiny.He looks around from the rocks marking the den entrance and sees a tent in the distance and runs over to it,crawling under the flap and running into a air of dark skinned soles and instantly recognizing that they’re attached to Hop.Not wanting to deal with those looming soles,Victor runs under Hop’s blanket to keep himself warm while approaching his face,too busy stressing about his situation to notice he wandered into Hop’s shirt in the process until he walks into a wall of skin.He can barely tell where he is with how dark it is so he starts climbing,wondering why it smells so strong as he holds on as Hop shifts in his sleep,the bigger boy’s sleep being disturbed by a tickle in his armpit. Eventually Victor does climb up and reach the neck,climbing that too and finding himself on Hop’s chin.I can’t decide if I want regular vore there or if I want Victor to get sucked into the nose
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