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DeathBringer can die. The big question is how can the GeOns do it? |
SpaceHorrors: “How Do They Die” The six DeathBringers ran through the shattered entrance that had just been created by Pauvic aka the leader of these DeathBringers. Each one already had a GeOn to kill, and they rushed to that GeOn to start killing them. Four GeOns not being killed ran out of that place. Let them go. Thought Pauvic as he continued killing his GeOn. We will kill them later. Pauvic already had his GeOn frozen too and was starting the draining of his always-changing colored liquid. The screaming soon started, but it didn’t last long before his liquids started coming out of his open mouth, ears, nose, etc. It wasn’t long before he was dead too. One after another all six GeOns died. All DeathBringers looked the same. They were all seven feet tall with legs that took up about half their bodies and arms that dangled almost the length of it. Their heads consisted of an always opened oval mouth with two small flat against the skin nostrils just above the mouth and two large black round eyes slightly above the nostrils to the side of each nostril. We got what we came here for. Floating in a clear liquid in a tall cylinder was another DeathBringer. She was shocked by small electrical sparks. Causing her body to shake uncontrollably. Pauvic let out a Sound Blast from his mouth that shattered that cylinder. ## Pauvic led the other five DeathBringers down what appeared to be a deserted path. There were GeOns there. Every so often one would peek their heads around a square opening on one of the single-level buildings that were on both sides of that path. Whichever DeathBringer was looking at them at that time nodded his head once in acknowledgment of seeing them. Do we know where this hidden place is? One of the other five DeathBringers, Ronov, thought. No, we don’t. Pauvic answered. All we know is that there is another DeathBringer here somewhere being questioned about how to kill us. Suddenly, Pauvic stopped and stared at one of the buildings there. I thought I heard him screaming in pain and calling out to us. I didn’t hear anything, another DeathBringer, Froin, thought. The other four thought the same thing but in different ways. It was faint, but I was sure I heard him. Maybe I didn’t. We will continue looking for him. Sooner or later, we will also find him and the GeOns doing this to us will all die too. ## GeOns in groups of two to four walked around that Wooded Area. They were talking with each other instead of protecting their part of this Wooded Area. So, it was easy for Pauvic and the other five DeathBringers to avoid them. Normally, that wouldn’t be a problem. They would just kill them, but that wasn’t why they were there. Pauvic stopped walking through that Wooded Area. The other five DeathBringers did the same thing. Crouching behind several large trees, Pauvic pointed at a small single-level building in a significant Open Area in front of them. This is where he’s at. Are you sure he’s here? Another DeathBringer, Caathine, asked. I can’t hear him. It’s probably because they aren't questioning him right now, answered Pauvic. I can’t hear him now either, but I could a few minutes ago. Froin looked over at Pauvic. How do you want us to free him? The same as the last seven, answer Pauvic. Me, Ronov, Adrew, and you start killing the GeOns. Especially, those questioning him. While Caathine and Staffona start looking for him. ## “We know that you can speak our language.” That GeOn was looking at a DeathBringer in a clear liquid in a tall cylinder jerking and shaking wildly from all the tiny electrical spears constantly hitting him. “How do you know our language?” Thanian, the DeathBringer, stopped shaking and jerking uncontrollably. The electrical spears kept hitting him, but he didn’t react to them. “We don’t know how but when we speak it comes out our language, but you hear it as yours.” “Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it? Tell us what else we want to know, and this questioning will end.” That GeOn tapped a few buttons on the control panel in front of him. The constant electrical spears slow down to about half. “This can all go away if you tell us what we want to know.” “I know what you want to know, and I’m not going to do it. You won’t let me go. To verify that I’m telling you the truth, you will try to kill me.” That GeOn smiled. “So, there is a way to kill you.” ## Three GeOns were waiting for the six DeathBringers when they entered the building in that Open Area after the entrance blew inward. The three were knocked backward, but they quickly recovered. They continued using their Hand Weapons on those DeathBringers. Multiple small glowing red balls came out of the ends of the two Hand Weapons each one was holding. Those balls were hitting the DeathBringers all over their bodies. Especially, in their heads. It didn’t slow them down. Pauvic, Ronov, and Froin walked up to them. Each one placed a hand on their chest to freeze those GeOns. While Adrew, Caathine, and Staffona headed for another entrance that would lead them to the next level below them, Pauvic, Ronov, and Froin started killing those three GeOns. By the time, Adrew, Caathine, and Staffona got to open that entrance with a Sound Blast, Pauvic, Ronov, and Froin were starting the killing of those three GeOns. After placing both palms on either side of those three GeOns on the upper back and chest, a clear cylinder came out of their palms to connect to their bodies. Almost instantly the always changing color liquid started coming through those cylinders. The screaming only lasted a few minutes before the changing liquid started coming from their mouths, ears, noses, etc. #### There were three more GeOns on the next level that tried to kill Adrew, Caathine, and Staffona when they got there. Adrew went after the GeOn closest to him, while Caathine and Staffona ran past the other two to go to the other entrance that led to the next level below them. By the time Adrew froze the first GeOn, he didn’t need to do the other two because Pauvic, Ronov, and Froin were there. I thought I was going to have all the fun on this level. Adrew thought as he went to the other two GeOns there to freeze. You do. Thought Pauvic as he, Ronov, and Froin ran past them. We will take care of the GeOns on the next three levels. After Adrew froze the other two GeOns, he went back to the first one to start killing him. As he started doing that, he looked over at Pauvic, Ronov, and Froin as they reached the already-destroyed entrance that led to the next level. They started floating down to the next three levels. Pauvic took the first one while Ronov and Froin took the next two. The entrances didn’t need to be blown off because Caathine and Staffona had already done them. ## Thanian smiled as he looked up at the level above them. “It sounds like there is a lot of screaming going on up there. I wonder what that means.” The GeOn stopped pushing buttons and turning knobs. He looked up at the next level up too. “I don’t hear anything. Think you’re just saying that to get me to stop questioning you.” “That isn’t going to happen.” The GeOn started pushing buttons and turning knobs again. Causing the electrical spears to increase in hitting Thanian. “There’s only one way to end this questioning. That’s to tell me what I want to know.” “I already know you can be killed.” The GeOn continued pushing buttons and turning knobs as he looked up at Thanian. “Now I want to know how to do it.” Thanian started looking at that GeOn again and smiled. “Do you think you can get me to tell you how to kill us by questioning me like this? That isn’t going to happen. I will never tell you that.” Thanian started brushing the electrical spears from his body. Rapidly flapping his hands wildly, it didn’t take him long to do it. ## Pauvic removed his hands from the second GeOn on that level and walked over to the third frozen GeOn. He looked back at the second one as he turned into a dirt and dust shape of himself before he fell into a mound of dust and dirt. Just like the first one had done. Her mound was near the second one. After getting to the third GeOn, Pauvic placed his hands on both sides of his head just above his ears. The cylinders came out of his palms to connect with his head, but no liquid started coming out of it. Pauvic cocked his head back slightly and closed his eyes. It looks like we may have found a GeOn who knows what going on with these hidden places. At least he thinks he does. He thinks they are questioning this DeathBringer to find out all they can about them. Especially, how we can be killed. Pauvic removed his hands from his head and placed them on both sides of his upper back and chest too. Then he started killing him. They aren’t going to find out how to kill us this way either. ## The entrance to that level blew inward from a Sound Blast. Caathine and Staffona entered through that opened entrance and stopped. They smiled. It doesn’t look like you need our help, after all, thought Staffona. All around that place, there were ten small mounds of dust and dirt. I still need your help, but after hearing you coming here to help me, I knew it was time to start fighting back. You’re not the only one who has done this, thought Caathine as she started staring at the large monitor in front of them. Several others have done it too. Not like this they haven’t, thought Staffona who joined Caathine in her looking. “Most have left some of the GeOns for us to kill. A couple we had to kill before we could help them.” Thanian was already looking at what he had done to fight back. After he had stopped most of the electrical spears, he started punching the tiny holes those spears were coming out of. Once they were all destroyed, he let out a Sound Blast that destroyed that tall cylinder from within. He stepped out and started killing the GeOns there. ## We have Thanian, and we are on our way back up to you, thought Caathine as they stepped past the shattered entrance to that room. That’s good to hear, thought Pauvic. His thoughts and all the others were coming out of their heads along with all the screaming and killing that was still going on. Stay there, we still have quite a few more GeOns left to kill. Staffona smiled. Not as many as you think. We got tired of them trying to kill us. So, we started freezing them. Besides, why should all of you have all the fun? Caathine, Staffona, and Thanian stepped up to one of the three GeOns in that outer place and started killing them. they placed their hands on their backs and chests and connected those palms to their bodies. Almost instantly the always changing liquid started coming out of those bodies. The screaming started almost admittedly too. It didn’t last more than a few minutes, though. Then the liquid started coming from their mouths, ears, noses, etc. The screaming could still be heard. Only it was coming from the GeOns that Pauvic, Ronov, Froin, and Adrew were killing. Word Count = 1,971 |