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he Furrier's conspiracy |
Protect the Children from the Satanists! Writer’s cramp 918 words Salmon Lee Jones was the superintendent of public education for the Medford, Oregon School district in Southern Oregon. Like many public school leaders, he spent a lot of time online battling the latest right-wing idiocy and preparing for public school board meetings which had become so acrimonious as late. He felt that he was fortunate, people in his town, although somewhat conservative, were for the most part nice people in keeping with the Northwest positive, polite vibe common in Oregon and Washington. He had heard of the conspiracy theory that some schools were putting in litter boxes to accommodate Furries children who self-defined as cats. He hoped that he would never have to deal with that nonsense and kept reading online about the conspiracy along with the usual anti-LGBTQ hysteria sweeping the country. He was gay himself, and pretty open about it. The Medford schools generally tried to stay away from the whole trans controversy but were supportive of LGBTQ students and staff, and respected people’s privacy. He would not out a student to their parents without their consent if a child confessed to a teacher. He knew from personal experience what could to a child if he were outed. When he told his parents, his father beat him up and kicked him out and he spent almost four years bouncing around various places before he finally managed to graduate from school and college. He had returned to Medford last year but he had yet to speak to his father, although he had been in touch with his mother. She told him that the time was not right yet but she was working on him and one day soon she hoped they could reconcile. But she was worried he was going down the Q rabbit hole and lately had become convinced that schools were promoting the rights of furries self-identified cat children by providing litter boxes for them. She told him to expect him to show up at a school board meeting and ask them about it. Jack Lee showed up at the school board along with members of a new Church in town the Patriotic Christian Church which proudly announced that the LIBGT community, non-white people, and liberals were not welcome to attend – only God-fearing White Christian patriots were welcomed. He demanded the right to speak on an urgent matter during the 30 minutes at the end of the meeting, which was open to anyone who wished to make a comment or question about education issues in the school district. But only ten people could speak and each speaker was limited to two minutes and would have to agree to be civil and polite. Most people complied and that was fine but not tonight. All hell broke out. Jack Lee started out by announcing that they had heard the school chief was openly living as a gay person, was married to a trans man, and was promoting the Gay agenda, and part of the conspiracy of Satan worshiping pedophiles that Q warned them about. And he thought that his partner might be a shape-shifting lizard. He also was convinced that they were going to open litter boxes for furry children who identified as Cats. Salmon said “Well, I have to confess to you what everyone else knows. The first part of your question is correct. I am gay and my partner is a trans man. I was going to tell you that earlier Dad, but you kicked me out of the house and almost killed me. I ran away and eventually got a college degree and just returned to take this job So I am sorry to have had to do this in this event. Now regarding your second question, I wonder why and how any sane human being could believe that nonsense. I state for the record that there are no litter boxes for furries and that is not nor will ever be a thing here. I am not a satanic pedophile drinking children's blood and my partner is not a shape-shifting alien as there is no such thing. That’s all I have to say on that topic. I apologize to the people of Medford that you had to listen to that nonsense from my father. Meeting adjourned. “ Jack Lee responded, “Well son, I am sorry it came to this but you are in bed with Satan. And have to die to save the children!.” And pulled out a gun and killed his son and the entire school board. There was stunned silence, and then the audience tackled him and the police came and Medford became briefly the top story of school gun violence for a week until the next case. Salmon’s funeral was attended by the governor, senators, and the Secretary of Education. The Patriot Church was raided and hundreds of weapons were confiscated, and a list of targets to be eliminated. the end August 25, 1835, saw the first installment of the Great Moon Hoax , a fictitious account in the New York Sun about the use of a new, powerful telescope that had discovered life and civilization on the moon. It's an entertaining read; you can find it online here. For tomorrow, write a story or poem about a hoax story that is printed in a newspaper (or aired on TV, etc.) and some of the consequences that follow. NB: Often the best short stories are those that don't focus on some wide-spread event, but leave that event as part of the "background" and focus more closely on individuals and smaller-scale reactions. For example, if a fake news article were to cause a riot, a story might focus not on the "big picture", but just on the effect the news and riot have on the owner of a small neighborhood store. Due Aug 25th, 2023 before noon, WdC time. === ( Deadline: 15 hours 24 minutes 1 second ) Remember: * 1000-word limit on stories, 40-line limit on poems * Newly composed for the contest. * Meet ALL the criteria in the prompt * Format any required words/phrases in the body of your piece in bold to assist your judge. Do NOT put other words/phrases in bold. * Save your story or poem as a static item in your portfolio * Post a b-item link to your composition in your post to the Cramp forum * Include your word/line count in your forum post's title or body. DOUBLE CHECK that you have met these requirements so that you can avoid the frustration of being disqualified on a technicality! Remember the contest's guidelines: >> The judging will be based on how well you followed the prompt and how creative you were with it, not just on how well you wrote. (For further details and help, check the "The Writer's Cramp" page itself, as well as "How to Enter the Writer's Cramp" ) Author’s note: there are people who believe that there are school districts that have installed litter boxes for children who identify as cats and come to school dressed in cat clothing. Then there are people who believe in the Q conspiracy and many of them believe that there is a secret consipracy of shape shifting lizard people working to destory the world and especially God Fearing Christians. And there are openly white nationalist churches that considered themselvs to be Christian patriots. Sadly many of these people believe in all three theories at the same time. From Bing Chat box answers The conspiracy theory that some schools are providing litter boxes to children who self-identify as cats is a false and baseless rumor that has been spread by some Republican politicians and conservative media outlets. It is an attempt to discredit and mock the transgender and gender diverse community, as well as the furry fandom, which are two distinct groups of people who have nothing to do with litter boxes or cat identities. The rumor originated in December 2021, when a member of the public brought it up at a school board meeting for Midland public schools in Michigan1. The district’s superintendent quickly debunked the claim and said there had “never been litter boxes within MPS schools” 1. However, the hoax persisted and was repeated by at least 20 conservative candidates and elected officials in 2022, including Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., and Minnesota GOP gubernatorial nominee Scott Jensen2. Every school district that has been named by these politicians denied the allegations and said they were untrue2. There is no evidence that any school has ever installed litter boxes for students who identify as cats or who participate in the furry or otherkin subcultures. Furries are people who enjoy roleplaying as anthropomorphic animal characters, usually for fun and entertainment. They may wear costumes or accessories, such as masks or gloves, to express their furry persona, but they still identify as humans and use normal bathrooms3. Otherkin are people who believe they have a non-human identity, such as an animal, a mythical creature, or a fictional character. They may also wear accessories or symbols to represent their identity, but they do not demand litter boxes or other special accommodations3. The rumor is based on a misunderstanding and a misrepresentation of these subcultures, as well as a deliberate attempt to stoke fear and confusion among the public about gender identity issues. It is part of a larger culture war that has targeted transgender and gender diverse students, who face discrimination and harassment in many schools. Transgender and gender diverse students are those who do not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth, or who do not conform to the binary categories of male and female. They may use different names, pronouns, or clothing to express their gender identity, but they do not identify as cats or other animals3. The rumor is also harmful and offensive to both the transgender and gender diverse community and the furry fandom, as it implies that they are mentally ill, delusional, or deviant. It also erases the diversity and complexity of their identities and experiences, and reduces them to a single stereotype. The rumor also creates a hostile and unsafe environment for these students in schools, where they may face bullying, violence, or isolation3. The conspiracy theory that some schools are providing litter boxes to children who self-identify as cats is a hoax that has no basis in reality. It is a product of misinformation, ignorance, and bigotry that should be rejected and corrected by anyone who encounters it. Learn more: 1. en.wikipedia.org2. nbcnews.com3. snopes.com4. theguardian.com5. nowthisnews.com+2 more What is the furry fandom?Why do some people identify as otherkin?How can we support transgender and gender diverse students in schools? What is the Q conspiracy theory about? The Q conspiracy theory is a baseless and discredited belief that former President Donald Trump was secretly fighting a global network of Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles who controlled the government, the media, and Hollywood. The theory originated from anonymous posts on the internet by someone claiming to be a high-ranking official with access to classified information. The posts, known as “Q drops”, contained vague clues and predictions that followers interpreted as evidence of Trump’s plan to expose and arrest the evil cabal. The theory also incorporated elements of other conspiracy theories, such as Pizzagate, which falsely accused Hillary Clinton and other Democrats of running a child sex trafficking ring from a pizza restaurant12 The Q conspiracy theory has been widely denounced by experts, authorities, and mainstream media outlets as a dangerous and unfounded cult that promotes violence, extremism, and antisemitism. The FBI has labeled QAnon as a potential domestic terrorist threat, and several QAnon adherents have been arrested or charged for crimes related to the theory, such as storming the US Capitol on January 6, 2021345 The Q conspiracy theory has no basis in reality and is contradicted by facts and evidence. It is a product of misinformation, manipulation, and fantasy that should not be taken seriously or supported by anyone. What is the new world order shape shifting lizard people conspriacy about? The new world order shape shifting lizard people conspiracy is a false and absurd belief that a secret group of reptilian aliens have infiltrated human society and are manipulating world events to establish a global dictatorship. According to this conspiracy, these reptilians can disguise themselves as humans and have taken over positions of power and influence in politics, media, entertainment, and other fields. Some of the alleged members of this reptilian elite include former President Barack Obama, Queen Elizabeth II, and Mick Jagger1. The origin of this conspiracy can be traced back to the fiction of Robert E. Howard, who wrote about serpent men who could imitate humans in his stories in the 1920s and 1930s2. The idea was later popularized by David Icke, a former sports reporter who became a conspiracy theorist and claimed to have received messages from extraterrestrial beings. Icke has written several books and given lectures on his theory that the world is controlled by a reptilian race called the Babylonian Brotherhood2. There is no evidence or logic to support this conspiracy, and it has been widely debunked and ridiculed by experts, authorities, and mainstream media outlets. It is also harmful and offensive to both the reptilian community and the human race, as it implies that they are enemies and adversaries. It also creates a paranoid and delusional mindset among the believers, who may resort to violence or extremism to fight against the imagined threat1. The conspiracy also incorporates elements of anti-Semitism, racism, and xenophobia, as it often targets people of Jewish, African, or Asian descent as being reptilian or working for them3. The new world order shape shifting lizard people conspiracy is a hoax that has no basis in reality. It is a product of misinformation, fantasy, and bigotry that should be rejected and corrected by anyone who encounters it. |