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A war, impending genocide, whales, a father's love, and a Great Library |
"' Death for an immortal society without birth is a prolonged extinction.'" Abenahirian, the Elder said to her young charges. "Was one of many plaques hung on the walls of our Great Library before our enemies destroyed it." "Who is the enemy, and what are they called? Where do they live? Are they far away from here?" asked one of the pupils. "They lived among us at one time, and we all prospered together. At one period in our ancient history, our society had a Queen ruler, an autocrat with absolute rule. Even though she was the law, she was benevolent and loved by mostly everyone she governed. It is believed this is the reason for the division between Merfolk. "What eventually happened to cause the war?" a young mergirl asked. "We don't know anymore. It is believed that the Sunners wanted something they could not possess because it was impossible to obtain. All that is known is that both sides have experienced extreme hardship, famine, disease, infertility, and Death." "Seeking a separate and new existence, they left and went up. Instead of joining land born, they created their settlement and passed as land-born from a distance. At first, we were unaware if they survived. Too soon, we discovered the terrible truth. They not only lived, but they also thrived. Unknown to the general population, they sent recruiters to contact other dissidents to go up with them. Our people began to migrate away from us. First, there were a few scattered homesteads, but then whole villages and small towns migrated and never returned. They tried to persuade larger settlements to leave, but no one else would follow." "By this time, they stopped calling themselves Merfolk and used the term, Sunners. "If leaving wasn't enough, they went after our past. The medicinal recipes, magical spells, incantations, and the complete works of our entire historical documentation of the Merfolk were destroyed when a massive enchantment caused by the Sunners destroyed the Great Library." Silence as shock and disbelief shown on all the young faces. "Enough of this. Let's discuss our nearest neighbors, Pale Back and Sea Taker." On cue, the two Bowhead whales slowly approached the young Merfolk to discuss the open sea and answer their questions. Nearby, Marisol absently watched the young merlings eagerly conversing with the whales. These merlings are the last to be born to a once prosperous civilization. They are too young to know their fate, which should be kept that way. Let them have the chance to be carefree for a while longer. ------------ "You are very easy to find, Mari." The sudden hail startled Marisol out of her thoughts as she turned to face the speaker. "And easier to guess where your mind is." Teased Jetta as she slowly floated over to her half-sister. "Father would not want you to be in the open like this. You are in line for the Senate." "I am in his line for the Senate, not my line. It is his wish that I take his place. I wish to do other things." "Being the only Historian for a dying species is a dead-end profession. Literally." Tired of the same argument with her half-sister, Marisol responds, "What about you? Have you accepted that Father wants you to wed the Sunner King's eldest son to validate the Truce?" "That will never happen. I would marry a land born before I would marry a Sunner." Declared Jetta. "Do not say such blasphemous words! You know, saying that is forbidden, and as such, you can be sent to the outer circle for a tidal year or banished to the Trench." Grabbing the Trident pendant around her neck and kissing it, Marisol looked nervously around. "Rubbing that is utterly useless. That does nothing except make you look like a fool. Where did you pick that up?" "My Mother used to do this as she said her Prayers or was warding off evil spirits. I remember seeing her do that often when I was little. It is a protection from evil forces." "It is childish. Those are fairytales to scare children and the weak-willed." "You say that, but what about Coriel, Lavidar, or Lula? They openly criticized the Senate, used blasphemy, and disappeared immediately after. Can you explain their disappearances? Or what about all those others? It seems like people are being sent to the Trench all the time anymore." "They left to join the Sunners. I don't know." Jetta answered irritably. "Leaving all their belongings and personal possessions? The Senate will not advise under what circumstances they disappeared. Under Oath, they will not confirm or deny any accusations." "I honestly do not care. Play make-believe all you want. Rub your magical item until your hand is raw. Before I forget, Father wanted you to the Senate a half-moon ago. Now, I will disappear for a while and visit my friends. Do give Father my love." Marisol knew her Father would be upset that she was late again. This time, though, it was her sister's fault. Would her Father believe her? As she hurried, she unconsciously grabbed her Trident pendant and kissed it. While running, she wished she had the tail of a fish, like in the stories her Mother used to read her when she was little. Her Mother told her that even though they lived underwater like mermaids in a story, they were not like mermaids. Mermaids were part fish. As she was, Merfolk is a magical human gifted at living underwater. Marisol just wished she could move faster. ----------- When she arrived at the Senate, Marisol immediately saw her Father looking right at her. He didn't look happy. She rushed over, trying not to look like she was running. "I am very sorry, Father. I know I am late. Please forgive my tardiness. Jetta didn't. ." "No need to explain, dear one. I understand how your sister can be. I am glad you are here." The hug is tight and seems to last a bit longer than usual. "Let's move over there to have a little more privacy." He looks deep into her eyes for a moment. "You so much remind me of your Mother. She loved you; you know. She loved you more than you could ever realize." He paused. Marisol knew her Father was keeping something from her; he always hesitated when he spoke with her when he had distressing or unwelcome news to share. "As you know, you were only ten tidal years old when the Sunners destroyed the Great Library with your Mother and many others in it. There have been seventy-five tidal years since that day. Today marks the seventy-sixth year. Since that date, there has been much change in our lives, much of it has not been positive." "Father, I am aware of this. What are you not saying? You would not have called me if it were unimportant or could not have waited?" "You know me too well. You are right, of course. What I am going to ask is something that will change your life forever." Seeing the sadness in her Father's eyes, her voice slightly trembles, "What is it, Father? Tell me, please." "What you are about to learn, you must keep a closely guarded secret. Tell no one. Trust no one. This you must swear." Seeing the look in his eyes, Marisol grabs the Pendant around her neck, "I so swear, Father." A slight smile crosses his face momentarily, "So much like your mother." His look became hard. "When the Sunners attacked us seventy-five tidal years ago, we knew the attack was imminent. There was not much time in advance, and several Merfolk died getting us this information. We knew their primary target was our Great Library, the hub of our healing knowledge, history, and mysticism. The knowledgeable elders, practicing healers, historians, mystics, and half the population would enter the Great Library." "But the Great Library was destroyed!" "No. That is what we wanted everyone to believe. The mystics cast a glamour spell that the Sunners believed and destroyed. At the same time, Pale Back and Sea Taker escorted the Great Library into the Trench. "Can't they bring it back up? That should be easy for them to do." "No, they can't" He saw his daughter begin to protest and held up his hand to stop her comment. "The Trench is deeper than we can typically swim. Slowly going down allows our organs to adjust. Unfortunately, there is no coming back up. It is a one-way trip." "Why are you telling me this if nothing can be done?" "I am not finished." He paused as if he were trying to find the right words. "Marisol, your Mother is one of the mystics who went with the library." Several expressions flashed over Marisol's face: shock; disbelief; anger; distress; betrayal. Tears flowed freely. Racking sobs shook her thin body. Her Father held her within his heavy frame, and she became lost in his comforting embrace. He allowed her to cry and think about what was discussed and shared. He knew it was a lot to share. However, the information was needed for the news he had not yet given her. "I'm doing better now, thank you. But why? Why didn't you tell me? Why wasn't I given any of this information earlier? "Your Mother wanted me to wait to tell you. She did not want me to burden you with this much information before . before." He couldn't continue. It was his turn to be unable to speak. "What's wrong, Father? Is there other news you need to tell me? "Do you remember all the Merfolk sent to the Trench?" "Oh, yes. I have had several friends sent there." "Yes, I know. I had them sent on purpose." "What? Why? Were they Sunners? I swear I did not know if they were. Did they criticize the Senate?" "They were sent there to wait for you." "I don't understand." With this, her Father brought a conch shell and blew it into it. Sea Taker soon appeared above them, silently floating. I do not understand, Father. Why did you call Sea Taker? Do you need something from her?" "No, my daughter, you do." He embraces her tightly and whispers, "Tell your Mother I still love her and will see her again in the next realm." "Father, you are scaring me. How will I tell her this?" Tears have formed in the corners of his eyes as he tells her, "Sea Taker is taking you to the Great Library to live. Your Mother, friends, and most of our population now reside there. They require a new historian, and you are well-trained." I cannot leave you, Father.' "You must. The Sunners are planning an attack. If the Sunners see that most of us are gone, they will eventually know something is amiss and figure out where we have gone. We have called all settlements and villages to arms to protect our future. I will lead the attack, as they expect. We have a few surprises for them." In tears, "Come with me, please. Someone else can lead. Mother will be glad to see you. Please." "I cannot. My body cannot withstand the pressure going down. I am too old. Do not worry about me, Marisol. All I ask is do not forget." With this, he lifts his daughter into Sea Taker's saddle, and the giant whale begins its journey downward. One Lunar Year later, the population of Merfolk surrounds the Great Library for a Grand unveiling. Marisol stands with her Mother. "Today, we are honored to name this settlement after my Father, who gave his life to ensure our people would remain free, prosperous, and continue to grow as we once did. As you know, his legacy is now within our Great Library. His name, Oceana, will forever be remembered. Contest: Short Shot Word Count: 1,990 Image ID #2301487 |