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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2302811
When Sydney ends up in trouble, Lysithea seems to always rush to the rescue.
After the Skydom Adventurers rushed off to hunt down Bane the satyr, the town of Eldritch is attacked by Magnus' Resolute. Sydney, despite being blinded, fights to protect others even though it is a losing battle for her. Just when things seem bleak, Lysithea joins the fight and is determined to protect Sydney, ensuring they get off the island together and even will protect the dark desmo from the crew of Void Star.

Both characters are mine.

Second Time -

Timeframe: Skydom Campaign, destruction of Drumcam Reef, about 10 years since First Time
Characters: Lysithea Windhollow (llwynog/beastal fox), Sydney Knight (dark desmo: dark elf, tiefling), Sky/Hellcat (leonin/tabaxi)

         Drumcam Reef had never been so chaotic. Fires were everywhere. Bodies littered city streets across the island. The town of Eldritch was seeing it the worst. Magnus' Resolute was tearing through the streets, slaughtering any who dared take up arms against them. Men, women, children, pets, it did not matter. Everyone was being killed. What few airships there were attempted evacuations, attempted to save people but most were being ripped apart before they could even get airborne.

         Sydney winced as she was slammed against a building, the impact was enough to break brick. At the very least some of the people got out, she had taken to the frontlines to fight and give them time to flee. And the harbor master had access to the Cosmos airship. Many helmsmen were helping where they could. They watched and feared their ships might be next but they continued to take off in groups, trying to ensure some of the town's people survived.

         "Where is Blight Cosmos? The ones serving under you!" A storm giant snarled, gripping the dark desmo by her throat. She could not make words. Could not catch her breath. Coughing and sputtering, it only enraged the giant.

         A halfling smirked as he began an incantation. "We'll take her to Master Sloth, I'm sure he'd love to have Lust's right hand as breakfast when he wakes. And these will make it easier to restrain her." He chuckled, unleashing a spell.

         Sydney tried, she put everything she had into resisting the spell's effects. In the end her attempts failed and she felt her body shake, her stomach churn. Everything around her grew as she diminished in size. The halfling must have greatly up cast his spell a few levels. When it stopped, the dark desmo was barely an inch in height. She sensed the halfling bring over something, likely a means to transport her. Before he could roughly dump her into the bottle he held, two gunshots rang out into the night, striking the giant.

         She felt the sharpness of fangs just before they snatched her. The halfling's screams filled the air as he was torn to pieces by the beast's claws. Sydney stayed still as she lay limp in whatever beast's jaws. The grip was firm, yet surprisingly gentle. She felt the creature draw her further in, getting her clear of the fangs. The creature's breath had a distinct smokey smell to it, not of fire but more like an earthy smoke smell, mixed with the distinct scent of rosemary.

         "Lysithea?" Sydney questioned, laying on the tongue. She knew the cigar smell well, it was something of an Atrian thing, save for the resident archer.

         "You alright?" The llwynog asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

         "Yeah, thanks for the save." The dark desmo responded. She breathed a sigh of relief knowing no matter the situation, Lysithea had her back. She felt the shifting movements as the llwynog dealt with the giant, likely ripping him to pieces.

         "Sydney," Lysithea paused, ensuring she had the dark desmo's attention. "Eldritch has been fully evacuated. Though the death toll is steep. We need to go."

         "Ship master took the Cosmos." Sydney replied, sitting on the center of the llwynog's tongue.

         "Then we make for Port Dranar where Hellcat and the Void Star are waiting." Lysithea stated before skewering another of Magnus' Resolute on her claws. She took off full sprint, running on all fours, tearing through any who got in her path. Her heart was racing as she ran, not bothering to look back. Once she was certain they were clear of combat, for now anyway, she addressed the question gnawing at her. "So, where's Niles? He never let's you venture far from his side. Not since the accident anyway." She asked.

         "Back at Ashlan Holm. He's got a shop set up, Once Upon A Time magic wares." Sydney answered. While she could not see, she could sense something was different about the llwynog. In the past, Lysithea's aura had been orange, indicating her optimistic and enthusiastic nature. Now it was turquoise. How long had it been? How long since they last crossed paths?

         "Ashlan Holm? Well, that's a bit of journey." Lysithea mused. She flinched, narrowly dodging an enemy attack. Her gaze narrowed and her claws effortless ripped through the ogre that dared cross her path. She paused her run, catching her breath. Even the years of training was not enough to accommodate the sickly genes she had inherited from her mother.


         "I'm alright." She interrupted before Sydney could voice her concerns. She was without one of her combat options, two really. Her bite and spells; she still needed incantations to cast. And with the dark desmo in her jaws, it was impossible to do either without risking the micro's safety. "Sydney, I'm going to swallow. Think you can put up with riding in there for a bit?"

         It was odd. Sydney had been accustomed to the leader of Chrono Shield being direct. Never asking, always acting. "Yeah, that's fine. You need your fangs and incantations." The dark desmo responded, bracing herself to go down the fox's gullet.

         One swallow and she was gone. Squeezed and kneeded through the esophagus. Deeper and deeper until she passed through the llwynog's chest. Deeper and deeper until she was dropped in the spacious stomach. Sydney landed with a splash, having to swim to the surface. She wiped her face, trying to determine what she had been submerged in.

         Outside, Lysithea's ear twitched hearing the small splash. "Sorry about that." She apologized to the guest within her. She swallowed a large gulp of air before sprinting off. She knew it was still some distance before they would reach Port Dranar. Some distance before they were truly safe.

         "Did you by chance run into a group of three kids? One would be an oni, there was a human and the third is a tabaxi." Sydney asked, managing to keep herself afloat.

         "Can't say that I have." The llwynog replied, ducking under a few branches. "You alright in there? Sorry about the water. Hell decided to break loose while I was between missions." She commented, leaping across a large chasm.

         "Yeah, I'm fine. No worries on my part." Sydney replied. It was just water after all. Well, water mixed with some stomach bile and saliva. But at the time it was just water. "So, what're you doing one, here in Skydom and two, specifically on Drumcam Reef? Last I checked, you were to be the Lady of Atris."

         "As if the people would ever except a beast as their leader. The people of Atris have moved on, the noble house collapsed and no real chance of being established again. As for being here on Drumcam Reef," She paused, reciting an incantation before slashing with her claws. If she could, Lysithea was going to avoid using her bite. She did not want to risk, ingesting anything while Sydney was inside of her. "I was on a mission, dealing with a group of weresharks." She answered after a moment.

         A few hours had passed before they reached Port Dranar. Lysithea walked past the drunkards and made her way to the port where her airship was docked. She quietly paid the ship master and went aboard Void Star, her airship. "Welcome back, Eclipse. Find your contact?" Sky asked, sitting up straight.

         "Set a course for Ashlan Holm. Time is of the essence so fastest route and skies you can manage." Lysithea answered, taking her seat at the ship's bridge. She watched as the leonin went to work setting course and getting the ship geared for takeoff. "And Hellcat, you know I'm not keen on my codename being used when it's just us." She added.

         Sky snickered slightly but nodded. "Apologies, Lysithea." He responded. The ship whirled to life, all systems came up and everything checked out. "Setting for Ashlan Holm, fastest route will take us about three days. Get settled in, going to be a long travel." Sky added. He watched as Lysithea stood and departed from the bridge.

         Lysithea walked the quiet halls of Void Star until she reached her room. The door clicked open silently as she pushed on it. Once inside the lock hummed, ensuring no one got in, unless she wanted such. She sat at the small desk in her room, leaning back in the chair slightly. "Still alright in there, Sydney?" She asked, her hand resting on her belly.

         "Yeah. Heard it's something like three days." She answered, sitting and leaning back against the stomach wall. She had seen the water work its way through the stomach and down toward the small intestine.

         "I can't exactly spit you up on the ship. Sky and Kaze are still very much against anyone in Dragon Fang after what happened nearly a decade ago. They see you, I don't think I can reign them in. Captain or not." Lysithea murmured, rubbing her belly.

         "Guess I've got my room then. Safe and sound inside hotel Lysithea." Sydney teased.

         "And how do you propose we manage this? I've got to eat at some point. As do you. Unlike before where I could manage maybe eating once every few days, my metabolism has changed. I can easily down thirty-five pounds of meat in a single sitting, more than that even." The llwynog explained, trying to think.

         Sydney did not answer. She had not thought of that. But she was good at thinking up problem solving tactics. "I mean, your stomach acid doesn't seem to affect me. I've been inside of you for a few hours and nothing. I'm fine. In theory, you should still be able to eat and I can just pick off a crumb to eat." She reasoned.

         "I suppose that can work. Just try not to get pushed too far down. I'd hate to give you a full tour." Lysithea noted, trying to lighten the mood.

         Sydney smirked, rubbing her hands against the stomach wall. "Oh yeah? Maybe I'm into that sort of thing." She jested.

         Lysithea rolled her eyes. "Alright, you can stay in there. Try not to get in too much trouble, alright?" She added before going to her bed and laying back. She felt Sydney curl and snuggle into the flesh of her stomach and smiled at the feeling. "Sleep well Sydney."

         "You two, Lysithea." Sydney replied. She heard the llwynog yawn before swallowing another large gulp of air. "And Lysithea," She paused, wanting to make sure she had the llwynog's attention. The faint hum indicated Lysithea was listening intently. "thank you, for always having my back and protecting me."

         "Always will, Sydney." Lysithea murmured, a small smile on her face.
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