Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2302759-Forbidden-Shores-Chapter-1
by Cole
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Young Adult · #2302759
Farewell to Familiar Skies introduces Emma and the tragedies that bring her to the shores.
The airport terminal buzzed with activity as Emma stood near the departure gate, clutching her boarding pass as it began to crumple in her hand. She gazed at the clock just 5 more minutes until they would start boarding her plane. A young woman walked by her with an airplane pillow around her neck, and a book clutched to her side. It was a Nora Roberts Novel, Jewels of the Sun. A tear began to roll down Emma’s cheek, and then another they kept coming until her face was drenched and the saltiness of her tears began to seep into her mouth. That was her mother’s favorite book, she’d seen her read it a million times over again and now she would never see her read it again.
Emma glanced at the clock on the wall again, 4 more minutes until her plane would begin to board. As the crowds came and went passed her, she searched for any familiar faces, some kind of comfort, but there was nothing familiar. Just strangers rushing past, consumed by their own lives, not noticing her red and dripping face. Not that she wanted them to.
“Ok Emma, pull yourself together. Just 3 minutes left.” She whispered to herself as she glanced at the clock for the third time, took a deep breath and began to paint the picture for herself the new chapter in her life. With her eyes closed she imagined the blue of the ocean water, the golden color of the sand the waves began to crash on nearby rocks and seagulls squawked as they searched for shells. She opened her eyes and gave out a light giggle, did they even have seagull’s In Australia?

“Now boarding Flight 7496” The announcement for her flight echoed through the terminal, snapping Emma out of her trance. Taking a deep breath, she braced herself for the journey ahead. With each step toward the gate, she felt like she was leaving a part of herself behind, the echoes of her mother's laughter and love fading into the distance.

“You have the most gorgeous hair, I wish I could grow mine out that long” the attendant scanning the boarding passes commented as she held out her pass. Emma’s chestnut-brown hair cascaded in gentle waves, framing her face with the slightest touch of elegance and reached down the middle of her back. The attendant had a bob haircut and platinum blonde hair.

“Thank you, I really like yours as well I could never pull that off.” Emma smiled lightly.
“Well enjoy your flight I hear Australia is beautiful this time of year” and with that Emma boarded her plane.
As she settled into her seat on the plane, Emma stared out of the small window, bidding a silent farewell to the familiar skies she had known all her life. The engine's low hum and the rhythmic vibrations beneath her served as a backdrop to her bittersweet thoughts. She tried to picture what her life would be like in Australia, envisioning her father's face and wondering if he had changed during their time apart.

Lost in her thoughts, Emma found herself torn between hope and unease. On one hand, she yearned for a fresh start, a chance to reconnect with her father and build a new life. But on the other hand, she couldn't shake the fear of the unknown. Would she fit in? Would she ever truly feel at home in a foreign land?

As the plane taxied down the runway, Emma clutched the pendant her mother had given her, a simple silver heart on a delicate chain. It was a symbol of their unbreakable bond and a source of comfort in times of uncertainty. She held it tight, drawing strength from the memories it held and the love it represented.

The engines roared to life, and soon the aircraft ascended into the heavens, carrying Emma away from everything she had ever known. She watched as the cityscape shrank into miniature buildings and winding rivers, gradually fading into the distance. As the city faded behind her, she faded into a deep sleep.

In a moment of serenity, Emma drifted into her own world carrying her from the worries of the world. As she flew through the clouds, she came across an Island, it was vibrant palm trees everywhere and the brightest white sand she had ever seen, her new home. But, as she grew closer, she couldn’t see on the island what was previously beautiful palm trees now turned to thick bushy trees she had never seen before, blocking all sights of the inside of the island. It looked like complete darkness. The closer she got the darker it got, suddenly a jolt shook Emma awake.

As Emma awoke, the woman sitting next to her flung her arm into the air just intime to catch her glass of wine that was rattling from the table. “My! That was quiet the rumble!”
“What happened?”
“Looks like we hit a bit of turbulence, just a little rumble.” The woman pushed her long black hair to the side. “Not uncommon for this flight always gets a, shall we say flighty a couple hours in. Nothing to worry about.”

“I’m sure” Emma muttered as she peered out her small window. What she seen shocked her. As she looked down the vast expanse of the ocean looked endless, the waves crashed against each other so vigorous she knew know ship would survive it. As she looked up… the clouds were almost black, they swirled together into a funnel. BOOM! The small trays began to rattle around the plane, and a few moments later the entire aircraft lit up. That was the biggest lightning strike Emma had ever seen, the once serene skies quickly transformed into a tempestuous battleground.

Violent turbulence shook the plane, jolting Emma and her fellow passengers from their seats.” Is this what you meant by normal” Emma squealed holding her arm rests so tight her knuckles began to turn white.

“Little girl” the woman croaked as she tried to swallow her last bit of wine “I’ve never experienced this. Hold on tight, it seems like we are going” the woman was cut off as the plane started to nosedive towards the ocean.

“We aren’t going to make it.”
“Baby just hold on, everything’s going to be ok.”

Panic and fear spread through the cabin like wildfire as the plane’s altitude decreased erratically. Emma’s heart pounded in her chest, her knuckles turning ghostly as she gripped her armrests even tighter. She closed her eyes. “Dear…. Idk who ever… please keep us safe. All of us safe” Lightning illuminated the cabin again, casting the shadows of the terrified faces of the passengers around her. The deafening roar of the thunder competed with the panicked passengers, creating discordance of desperation.

Suddenly, a bone chilling sound reverberated through the air – the piercing screech of metal against metal. The plane shuttered violently, its wings catching fire as it continued to pummel towards the ocean nose first. Through the chaos and terror, a haunting silence engulfed Emma’s senses as the plane hurtled toward the unforgiving ocean below. In that very moment, Emma’s life flashed before her eyes.

Memories of her mother flooded over her consciousness. The sun glistened off the grass in her front yard, and danced off the dew on her mothers tomato plants. She could hear her mother singing but couldn’t quiet make out what song it was. As she grew closer she seen the brim of a sun hat hair so red it blazed like the sun. It was her she was going to see her again.

Swoosh… Emma was wrapped in a whirlwind of memories. Her mother was there again, this time sobbing in her rocking chair as she clutched on to the Nora Roberts book she loved so much.

Swoosh... This time she could only here her mothers voice. “You can do it Emma, keep going!!!” her voice was so soft and feminine. She was pushing Emma down the road at her 5th birthday party on her very first bike without training wheels.

Then it happened. Thunder erupted around Emma and she became so chilled her bones began to hurt. It went black, as she slipped away into nothingness.
© Copyright 2023 Cole (cole1010 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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