Submissions may ONLY be entered between
SEPT. 1st-12:01am and SEPT. 7th-11:59pm. WDC Time
to coincide with the week-long WDC Birthday Bash festivities.

No early or late entries will be considered.

may not exceed 2300 words, excluding title, author byline, and word count
DO NOT EDIT your entry after submission. We will begin judging as soon as you enter. This is a hard and fast rule.

You must include the GP Entry Donation with your post.

If there are four or fewer entries, only the RAOK Donation and 30% Winner's Prize will be awarded.

Your item or entry must be viewable (may not be set to private or passkey protected.)

Items and entries must be rated correctly.

*Tophat* Word limit is 2,300. This does not include title, notes, or post scripts e.g definitions.

Word count MUST be included
in your post AND at the
top or bottom of your item. TWO PLACES: once in your post and once in your item.

All decisions of the judges are final and not subject to appeal or debate.

Submit your entries to this forum in G-ITEM format only. If you don't know how to do this, see "
Video: Linking to an Item"


Multiple submissions are permitted. (Each submission requires the
same ▼ For example: If your first entry is accompanied by an entry donation of, let's say, 2,300 GPs, all of your subsequent submissions should be accompanied by an identical entry donation of 2,300 GPs)
GP Entry Donation.)

Each Submission must be in its own post. (Please do not submit multiple submissions in one post.)

You must insert the phrase
"Happy Birthday WDC" into your submission anywhere you like. It does not have to be integral to your submission--it just has to be there..

Present and former Novel Workshop and Crosstimbers Workshop members are eligible contestants.