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This is a point of view from my understanding in simple terms. My first attemp at a POV. |
This is my point of view, a culmination of research into many facets of life over twenty years of my life. I have researched religion intently, the more I researched, the less I liked religion, the less I liked any man-made system put in place, I saw disillusioned to find everything I had been taught and know was a lie. If I had to mention all the research I have done in various fields, I would need an entire page to do that. I have not included references and bibliography because I am sure that would take up ten pages of this point of view all by itself. I also prefer that before people go seeking out the references, to first read what I have written, check how it resonates with yourself and then follow a path to seek the information that resonates with you. This is not intended to replace, supplant or dictate ascension, awakening, transcending or higher consciousness in any way. Each has his own journey to undertake and each is to find the frequency, vibration and energy that will aid in their journey. Each person can find a piece of information from whatever source they may deem conducive for their personal journey. Ultimately there is no right and wrong way to undertake this journey, for some it may take a long time, while for others the journey may be a short while. When many people start on this journey, they will start to question their religious beliefs, look for other information from various sources. They will read up on the signs to awaken, ascend, or transcend whether it be physical or in the form of synchronicity. Signs from the heavens or mere coincidences are sought after. There is no set path to determine how to achieve these signs, that are important indicators for people to know, that they are on the right track in all the writings they pursue. At the same time these signs serve as distractions, causing disillusionment, disappointment. These in turn lead people even further down the rabbit hole and even further away from the path they seek. Perhaps understanding that from the very beginning, in order to control the thinking and the masses, to keep them in line with the narrative, dualism was taught. Dualism teaches right from wrong, good and evil, joy and fear. By the divisiveness that dualism offers, focusing on fear. When we make a study of antonyms of fear, we can see the reason why dualism is taught. We learn why we have been trapped in the constructs of society has set in place, to control our minds, ensuring that we adhere to the narrative. Instead of being taught to raise our frequency, vibrations and energies, we are offered more offerings and solutions. We are bombarded with media, digital distractions, divided by politics, religious beliefs, medication for treatments and our education systems turn out slaves. Dualism is the reason for almost any war that has been started, under the guise of religion or human rights. The truth is that they were losing their grip of mind control, the brainwashing, people were beginning to question. They set things in motion like changing governments, dictating what must be done or not be done, their dealings unseen, colluding together to keep everyone in line with their narrative. The greatest tools of dualism employed are politics, religion, education and medicine. The latest addition is the digital media, which creates dysfunctionality in society and more especially families. It draws in the youth, devouring their minds, destroying their creative thinking, their imaginations, making them turn on their parents. It has prevented them from looking at the world to see what can be done to better it. It has stopped people from communicating and interacting, stopped people from showing that they care. People hardly ever look up at each other anymore, nobody looks into the eyes, the windows to the soul. Digital media keeps people out of the sun, preventing the creation of vitamin D which is vital for our immune systems. Religion has been just as instrumental in starting wars, even to divide people in classes. Reading the bible, centuries ago was only reserved for the clergy, royalty and the rich and from this politics was born. Under religion we had so many wars on various continents. There is child trafficking, money laundering, murder, child abuse, almost every conceivable crime has been committed under the guise of religion. Religion sprouted and grew, divided and sub divided into innumerable different faiths, groups, sects etc. We would never be able to keep up with all the different religions because each day births a new one. Most importantly religion has taught dualism, engrained fear of heaven and hell, angels and demons, God and the devil. It has trapped the minds of humanity in a perpetual cycle of fear, of hatred, discourse. Humanity will keep hurtling towards the demise that religion has carefully crafted to keep the masses in line. Religion disconnects us from our souls. Politics along with religion are the tools that have been used for centuries and are the most dangerous of all the tools. These two systems have worked in tandem dividing people of race and creed, from country to country. They have catapulted humanity from one crisis to next, laying waste who ever stood against them, leaving chaos in their wake. I can never decide which of the two is the greatest evil. Politics though, is very prevalent in destroying economics of a country that forces humanity into slavery, making laws that are beneficial to the few. Politics has been used for centuries to divide the different race groups, fuelling hate and division, encouraging violence, sometimes under the banner of war other times on social difference. Politics rules the law of the land, they create laws that only enrich the select few, under handed dealings rule the day. Money passes hands, to oppress the poor and keep them impoverished, to keep them enslaved. Medicine, this not only poisons people but it is designed to numb them, cut them off, shut down their endocrine systems. Medicine creates even more disease; it has replaced natural vitamins and nutrients from food sources. Supplements laced with chemicals that causes liver and kidney problems, that weakens our bodies. Modern medicine has replaced everything in nature that God intended for us to heal ourselves. Again, we find dualism, we are guided, lulled into the falseness of being healed, younger, healthier. Medication serves the purpose that when the endocrine system shuts down, there is no longer release of endorphins and enzymes, that make us feel good. Depression, unhappiness and disease increases and yet more medication is foisted upon them, disconnecting them even further, numbing them even more. As the endocrine system shuts down, the more our connection to God is lost, how do you feel, love or joy or even fear and hate, when these enzymes and endorphins are no longer present in our bodies? Medicine has provided vaccines, their poison slowly working through the generations, causing more and more problems. Children born deformed, autistic with cancer other diseases, they have made childhood vaccines compulsory to prevent us from escaping this poison. Medicine has given us pandemics and yet more vaccines to alter our DNA and kill millions of people. It is hard to say which of these systems do more harm than good. Jointly the keep us trapped in this illusion we call life, in these man-made constructs to control our minds. All of this to ensure that we stick to the narrative they will have us believe, will have us follow. They offer us more trappings, piling on quick fix solutions, have us constantly change direction to keep us from knowing, to keep us from the path. Humanity is so distracted that they do not pay attention to all the trappings, they are too busy scurrying around like rats, grasping at all sorts of things to fill the void that they do not understand. Dualism brings other teachings like protons, atoms and nucleus, this is the illusion of solids. This was created to keep us believing a narrative, seldom discussed in this narrative is energy and vibrations. Nikola Tesla did a lot of research into this field. There have been other studies in the field of energy, vibrations and frequency that they would rather not have us know or understand. The huge cathedrals that were built throughout Europe have amazing acoustics, this is to increase the frequency and vibrations that create healing. This is why the foundation stones, says founded on a certain date and not built on a certain date, these buildings were already there. Also noteworthy following lei lines and energy vortexes, on which much research has been done in recent years, Michael Tellinger and others writings can be read on this, you will find that the towers of these buildings also were able to take energy from the air. Research on Tartaria showing very advanced technology and free energy. There is research on frequency, moving giant stones using musical instruments, how music was changed from 432hz to 440hz. 432hz is the healing frequency, while 440hz is a frequency that is disruptive and creates chaos on a cellular level. Dualism is used to create the illusion of solids, blinding us from how reality vibrate and at what frequency. It prevents humanity from conceiving the idea that there must be more to what we are told. Dualism also teaches that time is linear. We are taught past tense and future tense but the present tense is never a focal point. We look at history to see how to manage the future but we seldom apply the past to the present in a global perspective, it is rather applied for future purposes. With past tense, we are concerned with happened in the past, we cling to ideology, events, memories that trap our thoughts there. In the modern world one of the biggest events, the holocaust, is regurgitated over and over, we are constantly reminded of this and we are taught a narrative that they want us to believe. Today there is both historical and archaeological evidence coming to light disproving the holocaust events. Feel free to do research out of main stream, GAB has a lot of good research on this topic that has been declassified. The object of teaching time is linear is to prevent humanity from being in the present, to prevent humanity from experiencing the moment, from living in the moment. Time being linear also prevents people from seeking all the parallels that happen in the moment. We hear of talk of different dimensions that we can ascend to but there is no real proof of this ascension into different dimensions, also ascending into a state of higher consciousness. Many labels given to these various states, which would largely depend on the person and what they would call it. Embarking on a journey almost 20 years ago studying religion, mainly Christianity, then later on various other religions, I realised that a lot of what we are taught to believe is not the truth, it is fragmented. Researching various scrolls translations, I found that firstly the Hebrew used is an already altered language, therefore the accuracy of translations that we trust to be the bible is already inaccurate. Further to this it was found that there were over 300 000 edits in the bible from the scrolls. Titles are taught as names and titles translated back to Hebrew means Ba'al; the clergy know this but will continue to preach the incorrect titles. This is just to provide some background for further self-study for people to seek and find. Although there are many edits in the bible there is so much more left out that would be clearer to the path but with the indoctrination, understanding would be lacking. Yet, if trusting your intuition, the small nuggets of truth left can be found that will direct. Some of this will seem strange and blasphemous to the stoic believers, for those that have not really started their search. For those who have no idea that the path is much different from the one they know this will be hard to grasp and understand. With all the splintered religions in the world today and new ones birthing every day, there is more division and derisiveness. The best way to describe the splintered religions and their teachings is a giant puzzle, with each religion having only one piece, only that one crumb of information to share with their followers. Each religion professes that what they teach is right and scorn other religious teachings, none of them want to share their puzzle piece or try to build the puzzle. They may have interdominion gatherings but when they leave there, they go back to their own religious teachings, without considering how to learn. They cannot learn from each other, all they will do is try and convert each other, missing the point of building the puzzle. Their debates and open discussion are more of a power play to see who religious beliefs will rule the day, each religion wants to rule the world and they all bow down the Catholicism and their precepts. In the halls of the Vatican there is information that will never see the light of day, information that they will keep hidden to keep humanity subdued. The solar plexus and the gut, this is the nerve centre of the body. All the nerves in the body are connected to the solar plexus. Take a person being punched in the solar plexus, this can cause the person to pass out, this can incapacitate them. We are very familiar with the medical terms of the human body but seldom discussed is the holistic or esoteric purpose of the solar plexus. Health of the solar plexus and the gut (digestive system) is very important to the well-being of humanity. This is the feeling body, the seat of emotion and intuition. This is the area of your body where you feel vibrations, it is also the centre point of your aura. We even learned that the solar plexus chakra is linked to the aura through the Mental Body. This aura rules the thought and mental processes of the ego. Some of the key issues that can affect this aura are power, fear, anxiety and introvertism. This is also the area that allows to sense or feel other people's magnetic fields, we can sense whether someone is good or not. Processed foods are a real danger to the solar plexus, the chemicals in foods aid in shutting down the endocrine system, cutting off all the feel-good hormones and enzymes that counter fear and anxiety. When the solar plexus is off kilter, our thoughts, our mental state is thrown into disarray plummeting us into a world of negativity. The breakdown of nerve communication leads to many other disorders, especially the when the body is no longer properly absorbing the nutrients required to maintain a health system. Damage to the solar plexus would also lead to premature aging and disease, in that vital nutrients are not properly being methylased and absorbed. By the same token the medical fraternity has for decades now taught the full cream foods, animal fats, even plants oils are detrimental to our health but this has contributed to the breakdown of the nervous system. In the structure of nerves we have the ganglia and the synapses that is connected to the myelin sheath. The myelin sheath is coated with a fat layer, when this fat layer is stripped the nerves dysfunction and send incorrect messages to the body. The myelin sheath in the brain also gets affected if the brain barrier is damaged, which is more than possible with the medications we are plied with today. In essence we should be adding many herbs to our diets, eating all the natural foods, including oils - plant or animal (in moderation), to keep the gut and solar plexus healthy. Each person would have to research which diet would work best for them. Meditation in many forms has been purported as essential for to find inner peace, to start your journey to awaken, reach higher consciousness etc. We are taught that with meditation we are to clear our thoughts and think of nothing and imagine a white or golden light. This does not work for me, I struggle to clear my thoughts and I only see black. What I have started to practice is that when random thoughts that are the kind of thoughts that need more thought pop into my head, is to follow that train of thought, until I have deciphered what message may lie in it. By following this train of thought, thinking it through and researching where necessary, I have found more answers than sitting for hours trying to meditate. Thoughts like these are often times your intuition leading you in a direction to reveal something to you, to show what you are not seeing that otherwise would never be understood by you. Very often this will lead to another discovery for you to think on, trusting your intuition will guide every time in the right direction you need to take to find our path. However, you chose to practice meditation is a personal choice. The next section is not intended as religious instruction, it is intended to show a point of view for a path to be followed. When we look at the Dead Sea Scroll using paleo Hebrew and stripping away all the flowery words that we are taught in the bible, we see that hope, grace, love, worship, obedience and law were not used by the Creator, those words did not exist in paleo Hebrew. What the creator has asked from humanity is to follow him and trust him. For He says "follow me and I will provide for you, you will never lack or want". In religion we are taught that we have to be on our knees praying and grovelling. You cannot follow if you are on your knees. Following implies that you walk in His footsteps, this means you strive to emulate Him, to become like him. When you emulate and strive to become like someone, you learn their habits and mannerisms, the way they act and speak. You start behaving in the same manner. Unfortunately, the entire humanity got this wrong, for they follow a religion, they emulate what that religion dictates to them and they follow the practices of that religion. There is no wonder that the world is in a bad place for religions never teach the truth, religions also change their doctrines and beliefs over time to suit the direction that they want humanity to follow. When we follow the Creator, we become like him, we think like him, we feel accordingly and we act like him. In any religion there is a Supreme Being, Creator, God, Universe, Cosmos, which ever term you prefer, in order for you to progress on your journey, you have to follow him by emulating and become like Him/Her. My search has led met to the path of the Essenes part of the scrolls found with the Nag Hammadi scrolls found in Qumran. While the Essene Gospel of Peace provides the theoretical knowledge that we see clearly in the lives of Daniel and the Son of God in the bible. Along with the daily prayers that we see in Daniel, the Essenes penned these prayers, these prayers are ultimately what will train the mind to a positive mindset. We have one puzzle piece, now we are required to find the others but these are elusive to our understanding because we are taught that all the other religions are bad or evil. These other religions are not in line with the narrative that has been taught, few people will seek further. Throughout all these different religions there are commonalities, they all have a trinity, a divine conception, a crusifiction and a resurrection. There is a book called "The Resurrections", in which it describes twelve previous resurrections and in all these stories the same story is told. The emerald tablets which is close to 48 000 years old, tells the entire biblical story more or less the same as we know it. Where do we start drawing the line between what is true and what is not? We are taught, the recent crusifiction is our saving grace but what of the previous twelve, did those people at that time also pin all their hopes on the person being crucified for their salvation. Was that also the path of salvation everyone was taught to follow. All the religions have a common thread in teachings which humanity should live by, although preached differently by the various religions. In our search to find the truth, to find the path, we collect puzzles pieces gleaned from the various religions. To each person the information gleaned will be different, for each of us travel our own journey. Errantly called the ten commandments, we are given 3 statements, 1. Love God 2. Honour your Father and Mother 3. You will have no other god. These are requirements to follow the Creator, if this is the path you choose. Humanity or very few of them understand that to love the Creator, you have to love with a godly love, this is not achievable as a human being, unless you find the path that was set out. We are supposed to love our neighbour with a godly love and that is why the world is in complete disarray for humanity cannot conceive of this concept. Humanity while under indoctrination and brainwashing will never achieve this level of love, we are to cut off from the Creator by all the human machinations, the five systems that control humanity. Honour your Father and Mother, has nothing to do with the flesh and blood as we are taught in religion. We were created in the image of the Creator our Father and we were created from the earth of our Earthly Mother. We are required to honour them for our creation, we have the essence of the Creator and the flesh of the Mother. This is part of the Essene prayers to Honour our Father and Mother and they have separate prayers to honour them by. Having no other god before the Creator, well that is the forte of humanity, just look at how people follow celebrities and influencers, sport stars etc. Humanity is very keen on finding other gods whether deliberately or not. Some people are elevated by the media, giving humanity someone to look up to, someone to follow. You do not have to worship another god; you just have to follow whoever or whatever intently to have another god before the Creator. We find the distractions of power mongers, strewing the path of humanity throughout history with these idols. We are then given seven instructions, to follow, this is the point of free will. We are not commanded to follow laws; this implies that we have no choice. These instructions and prescriptions are to guide us so that we will at least attempt to live a godly life. They mark the path that we must follow. We must then ask, why are these seven instructions and 3 statements so important? If you read the word, you find that the number seven is a theme employed by the Creator throughout time. The Creator was also very specific about the seven steps to follow for salvation, which contradicts the teachings of Christianity. These seven steps are his plan for us to follow him, for us to understand the larger picture of what he has laid out for us. Time to play connect the dots and piece the puzzle together. The Romans wanted to achieve world domination, they could not risk people finding the true path or they would lose their grip on the people they were trying to enslave. The Romans launched the great witch hunt, not to kill witches but to destroy information, the great book burning took place at the same time. They also could not risk anyone who practiced the old religion, these people were essentially herbalists and alchemists. Here I would refer to the lost books of Moses, especially book 6 and the books of Solomon. A prophecy of Solomon on the internet, tells how the Roman Catholic Church and its subsequent religions are a curse on humanity. The Roman Empire did not disappear of break up as we are taught in history - they became a church. Whilst there are a host of biblical verses that can be quoted, to show a different path is becomes confusing, especially since the advent of Paul and Pauline doctrine, who most certainly did all he could at the behest of the Romans to hide the path. I am going to focus on one bible verse that has been dwelling in my mind for a few months now, I keep being brough back to this verse, so I have spent time thinking on this verse and started connecting the dots with other verses in the bible. The few nuggets of truth. While these are verses that lead me to my understanding, I am sure a person can find any other number of verses that will lead them to their understanding and their journey to awaken, higher consciousness, transcending. Psalm 82 v 6 - ye are gods, and all of you are the children of the Most High. These are words that the Son of God quoted to the pharisees when they wanted to stone him because he said the He was God. This particular verse has been in my thoughts for several months now, understanding has taken a long time to be gained but with thinking on this verse it slowly came to me. This also raised another thought that needed thinking through. The Son of God, called himself God or the Creator, he did not distinguish or separate himself for he understood that they are one. This lead me back to the creation account, where the word says that we are created in the image of the Creator. We were created with the essence of the Creator in us, we have his Godly essence, which in turn makes us gods or demi gods and yes we will die as mortals and be judged for using the essence of the Creator to do harm. The lifespan of a god was taken from us when Adam and Eve at the fruit of the tree of knowledge - this I will explain later. I then turned to the verse where it says that our bodies are the temple of the Creator, this implies that He is within us. Science is now proven that the letters YHWH the tetragram for the right and proper name of the Creator (this is different research on the names), is coded into our DNA. Providing further proof that we were created as gods, that we have divine essence coded into us. We are capable of anything if we learn to access that essence. The Essenes provides the theory of how to practice to start the journey, by showing us how to create a positive mindset, a map if you will. The map, this is one of the nuggets to find truth. The people who developed the Law of Attraction and the book "The Secret", understood a biblical concept, package it and made millions. It is very sad that these biblical concepts were never taught to the followers or perhaps the clergy never understood the concept themselves, but as history shows, there has been much subterfuge to keep humanity ignorant. The word tells us, "That what the heart is full of the mouth runs over with" and "what you utter, you call upon your own head", these two verses are separated in the word but should always be read together. I am going discuss this in pieces, as each part needs to be clarified to be understood. "What the heart is full of" - what our hearts are full of is what our focus is on. These are the things we spend the most of our time thinking about, they are the thoughts that are almost all consuming. If you are cash strapped, your thoughts will constantly be focused on money and more importantly the lack thereof. Our thoughts are largely ruled by what we do not have, what we lack, this is by design as mentioned very early on in my theory under education, politics, medicine, religion and digital media. We are bombarded in many ways, driven by all the machinations of man, we never have enough, we never know when is enough. They have us chasing our own tails, always having humanity thinking of the different ways to obtain what they don't have. During this process all of humanity never practices the act of gratitude, humanity has forgotten how to be grateful for that which they do have. The less gratitude in the world, the more angry, resentful, bitter people there are. Thoughts are energy and frequency, what you think is what you send out, these are what are referred to as wave lengths. When you are on the same wave length as somebody you can pick up their thoughts, think of the same thing at the same time. By removing gratitude and replacing that with resentment that becomes anger and then bitterness, humanities thoughts are always trained on the negative. It takes great conscious effort to change your thoughts into a positive mindset, the easiest way to do this, is t start practicing gratitude. Being thankful for everything that you have in your life is where you start to negate the wild goose chase after all the things that you lack or do not have. Gratitude is the lowest of the five most important levels to achieve awakening, ascension or higher consciousness. Practicing gratitude for events, experiences, incidents that bring joy, especially in the moment is a powerful tool to motivate a positive mindset. This next part is the heart or rather the solar plexus, whatever your thoughts are fuelled by will resonate in your body, it will create feelings, emotions. As with thoughts, feelings or emotions are energy and vibrations. These emanate from the solar plexus; they are also your intuition. When you have many negative thoughts, the vibrations and frequencies are low, resulting in low energy levels. It is strange but when the mind is focused on negative thoughts, the diet follows suit, people tend to eat all the wrong foods that reduces their energy levels. The most dangerous food source that is consumed is sugar because humanity has been indoctrinated that sugar gives energy. In order to raise the vibration and frequency in the solar plexus, the thought patterns have to change and become focused on what is good and wholesome, the diet has to match this to achieve the desired results. On the other hand, when your thoughts are more aligned with gratitude, happiness, joy, bliss and love, your solar plexus will resonate these thoughts and you will feel this inside your body. The feeling best to describe this for better understand is having the proverbial butterflies in your stomach. Although for those who are more practiced in feeling the vibrations it is not as fleeting and can feel this through out the body, they also know to pay attention to these feelings. Ultimately your feelings determine your intent, your desire, so you have to be very careful what thoughts you allow yourself to think, because they will create the intent that you send out or portray of yourself. "The mouth runs over with", what you have been thinking and feeling is ultimately what will form the words that you speak. The words that you utter become the very things that define you. There are many people however that have refined the art of using words to hide what they really think and feel, to hide who they truly are. You may meet someone you think is very rough around the edges and judge them accordingly but if you had to take time to have an in depth discussion with that person, you would find a depth that belies what you experience of them as a person. Unfortunately hiding who you are, does mean that you are using the wrong words to send out, to vibrate through space and time. Words and how we use them become a mask, like a jacket we put on and never take off. Words are used as a shield to ward off people we don't really want to deal with, words are also employed as a weapon. When we look at words as a weapon we can see from the five systems earlier, that words have been used to control, indoctrinate and brainwash humanity to accept a certain narrative. Words have been skilfully employed to deceive and manipulate humanity and very often lulling humanity into false complacency. Our choice of words and how we intone those words will determine the vibrations and frequency we are sending out from ourselves. Our words have to align with our thought and feelings, to achieve the desired result. "What you utter you call upon your own head", we follow the words that we have uttered, their vibration and frequency, to see our results. If you are a person who is always uttering unkind words about yourself - even in private, this is how you think and feel about yourself. This is what will come back to you, this is what you will be. We also have the habit of taking on what other people utter about ourselves, then we think that, feel that and speak it about ourselves and this is what you will become. Your intention from the solar plexus, combined with words is the reality that you will speak in to existence for yourself. If you are constantly dwelling in the negative, through thought, feeling and words, you are creating a negative existence. If you do not want to struggle in life, stop speaking it, change how you think about those struggles, practice gratitude, feel it, use the right words and intonation to utter them and call that upon your own head. Everything comes back to us in one way or another, the term karma is used to describe this. Even if you utter the right words with the right intonation, if your feelings or intention is not aligned, then your words are for naught. The next part not mentioned in many writing's, is action. You cannot speak something into existence by thought, feeling and words alone, you have to take some kind of action to start progressing in that direction. Action is born out of your feelings/intent, the words that follow determine the action that you will take. Words can't just be uttered, while you sit back with your arms folded because this does not align with thoughts, feeling and words. By not taking action you negate everything you are trying to achieve, you are negating the existence that you are tyring to create. Look at many successful people, they tell you in a nutshell that nothing is impossible, they constantly work at plans they have thought of, followed their gut, spoke about how it can be a success and then got out their butts and did something about it. If you do not take action no amount of wishing, desiring or lamenting is going to get you what you want. You want that job? Start aligning your thoughts, feelings, words and actions for that job. Express the gratitude that you are able to apply for the job that is suited to you. Lastly, the word tell us "ask as if you have already received". This is simple enough, we always have to ask / pray in the positive, here I remind you that you have to be very careful of word choice. Hope is a word used for very many things but if you stopped and took stock of when the word is used, it is a word that you will leave out of your vocabulary. Hope is a word that is used in situations of desperation, despondency etc. It is a word born out of negative feelings/emotions; it implies that there is suffering. The Creator did not intend suffering, suffering has been created as an illusion so we will keep with the narrative. The Creator promises that if we follow Him, He will provide, we will not want or lack - hope is not required. When we follow the Creator, we trust in Him, we follow Him, we emulate Him and become like Him, there is no need for hope, for there is no desperation, desolation, despondency. This also implies that grace is not needed because we are following the Creator, become like Him, so we do not need to live under grace or require saving grace. These are words that were never patterned by the Creator, but these are words that have been highly effective in brainwashing humanity to follow a narrative, keeping humanity on their knees. Whatever we need, we must ask from a place of gratitude, say thank you to the Creator for providing, trust in him to provide and act as if we have already received. Humanity only ever thanks after the fact, some clever orators do say right at the beginning "thank you for coming" because they have figured out how to get people behind them. In conclusion - to awaken and to ascend or attain higher consciousness is a very personal journey, for each person there will be different truths, different verses, different practices but the path should be very similar. Emulating the Creator, fashioning your thoughts, emotions, words and actions after Him, is the safest bet for any person to follow. These are not big secrets, nor should there be a cost as with "The Secret" and the "Law of Attraction", these precepts should be shared freely for the betterment of humanity, for everyone to achieve the highest state of their being to make the world a better place. Any one singular individual, institution or whatever may be out there, charging a cost, for what the Creator has so freely given, you can be sure that they are not giving you the whole truth. The will keep the truth fragmented so that you will going back for more, ensuring that they build wealth from gullible, desperate people trying to create a better existence a better world. How did it happen that we lost or connection the Creator and the gods we were created to be. Many scholars are now revisiting the creation account, saying that it was metaphorical. Be it real or not, the separation and divisiveness does stem form the garden of Eden. I read a work based on ancient texts where they stated that there were in fact four trees in the garden of Eden. I am only going talk on the two that I recall, the tree of life and the tree of knowledge. In some bibles it is referenced as the tree of life and other bibles the tree of knowledge. Adam and Eve ate off the tree of knowledge, this is very clear when we see the pursuit of information, the pursuit of knowledge, the chase to develop technology. Knowledge keeps us so busy looking this way and that, always seeking but never finding. Knowledge cuts us off from the divine essence that is within us. Our thoughts will always be controlled by knowledge and it will offer us nothing but misery. The tree of knowledge cut us from the divinity within us and how we were created. Had Adam and Eve, eaten from the tree of life, we would be acutely aware of our status as gods, we would be able to create, use energy that is freely available arounds, to heal, to perfect, to create beauty and have peace. Where we would work in harmony and unison, enhancing our world to be what it was meant to be in the first place and allowing us to live as the creation we were intended to be. You can take any belief system, like chakras and see how this combines, sacred geometry, the elements, etc, they all tie in, they have different ways, they also place focus on different points without truly understanding what the ultimate goal is. If we look at chakras, they place a lot of focus on the third eye and the opening of the third eye. They have people looking for signs of awakening, which creates despondency because people just feel that they are not getting there, this is the same for ascending to different dimensions. The focus in all these beliefs never lead you to become, to emulate the Creator, to transcend your human thinking to become more god like. This should be the goal, the more you emulate the Creator, the higher your frequency and vibration will be, the closer your thoughts, feelings, words and actions will become aligned with the Creator. All you worry about, your pain, your stress, your health will simply disappear, dissipate like mist in the sun. All those worries will be replaced with gratitude, happiness, joy, bliss and love. |