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Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2301855
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Floating around in space, Len Kagamine drifted around, exploring different planets before he came across Earth. It was the prettiest planet he had seen so far, and he was completely fascinated by it. “Oh, which planet is this?” He asked himself out loud, drifting himself closer to it. The entire planet was only about half a meter in diameter compared to him, so he easily towered over it. He had no idea there was a race of intelligent beings living on it, and that all the tiny sparkling lights on the surface were entire cities. The top part of the planet could see his colossal face looking down on them, while the lower part could only see his crotch. Worldwide panic ensued as the huge boy appeared out of nowhere and covered much of the planet in his shadow. Len carefully brought his face down closer to get a good look, trying his best not to touch it yet. “It’s so pretty…” he spoke out loud again. Now that he was much closer, his voice was booming loud to the people of Earth. His words caused the entire surface beneath his face to shake, however, no major damage was caused. Buildings shook and some windows would shatter, but the worst was still yet to come. While observing, the tiny moon orbiting Earth caught his attention. “Hmm? What’s this?” He backed off a bit and reached his hand out to gently grab it.

To him, the moon was only as big as a marble. He brought it up to his eye to get a better look, but there didn’t appear to be anything on it. “It looks like candy…” he thought to herself. “I wonder if it would taste good?” There was only one way to find out, and seeing no harm in giving it a taste, he opened up his mouth. The top of Earth could still see the upper half of Len up close, and observed him easily pluck the moon with his fingers, before bringing it up to his open mouth. The people of Earth were astonished to see a boy so huge that he could pick up the moon with ease, and just toss it into his mouth like it was candy. The loud sounds of him chewing could be heard after he closed his mouth, but as it was so tiny to him, he only had to chew a few times to completely grind it up. One loud gulp could be heard, signaling the total end of the moon. If he could easily eat the moon like that, what else was he capable of? The chaos on the ground only got worse after that.

Having quickly finished off the moon, Len turned her attention back to Earth. Something about the sparkly spots on the surface fascinated him, and he wanted to reach out and touch them. Without saying a word, and looking down onto the surface with a curious expression on his face, Len extended his index finger and brought it down. The huge fleshy pillar broke through the planet’s atmosphere and headed straight for a large cluster of devolved cities. The shadow of his finger covered them as it got closer and closer. His plump fingertip, covered in a swirly pattern, was now all the people inside the cities could see when they looked up. And it was the last thing they ever saw before his finger made contact with the ground.

Len’s fingertip came down like a huge asteroid, and created an intense tremor when it landed. Two entire cities were crushed instantly, and debris flew up kilometers into the air. One smaller city outside the other two barely survived, fitting snugly in the gap between his fingertip and nail. The tip of his nail sliced into the ground, also barely missing a neighboring city right in front of it. They all looked up at the massive wall that was his fingernail, soaring hundreds of kilometers up into the air, the sunlight reflecting off it. The people hoped the destruction would end there, but as soon as Len’s finger landed, he began to drag it down. An intense rumbling occurred as his finger moved back, sliding against the ground. The city that sat between his nail and fingertip was instantly bulldozed by his nail as his finger moved. Three more whole cities were bulldozed and crushed under his fingertip before he finally stopped, leaving a huge trail of the exposed ground and city debris caused by him slightly sliding his finger.

He lifted his finger back off the ground, and marveled to himself how soft it felt. “Ah, it feels so good!” The entire world that just watched him crush six cities in only a few seconds, after hearing him speak and seeing his expression light up, fell into a state of absolute fear and panic. Len wanted to feel the softness of the Earth once again, but this time with his entire hand. He opened up his palm, stretching each of his fingers out and brought it down back onto the surface. An entire continent was covered in his palm’s shadow, showing just how pathetically small the human race was compared to him. There was nowhere to run to in time, and it only took a few seconds for his hand to make contact. The wrinkles and swirls, as well as a few small beads of sweat, could be seen clearly up close to the humans as the enormous surface of Len’s palm descended further and further, until it made contact. The entire continent was wiped out in an instant. The loudest boom and strongest tremor by far shook the entire planet. His fingers stretched out crushed more cities and small countries nearby.

He let his hand rest for a moment, before picking it back up. An endless amount of dirt and city debris rained down as his palm lifted up, and a massive handprint crater was left on the Earth where an entire continent once laid. “It feels amazing!” He spoke excitedly. Len was fascinated by how soft the ground felt, and how easily it crumbled. Moving his face to a spot next to his handprint, another nearby continent that had yet to be destroyed by him, he brought his lips up close to the spot as if he was about to kiss it. The two giant plump pink lips lowered further down, threatening to crush another group of cities. The people inside braced for impact, however his head suddenly stopped moving. They all stopped panicking for a moment, wondering what was going on and if they might be safe before a massive gust of air hit them, the impact obliterating many cities and sending huge amounts of city debris and crushed earth kilometers away, where it all rained down upon and crushed other cities close by. Len just slightly blew on the planet’s surface, observing the gray sparkling dirt fly away like dust. He let out an amused giggle, causing more tremors across the planet’s surface.

While admiring how soft and fragile this planet’s surface was, still unaware he had already extinguished millions of tiny lives, a new idea hit him. If the ground of this planet felt so good on his palm, how good would it feel on his feet? Between his long performances and expeditions in space, his feet could get pretty tired and remained trapped inside his shoes almost all the time. “I wonder….” He thought out loud again, still assuming he was alone. “I wonder how good it would feel against my feet?” The planet and its inhabitants couldn’t take much more. Already so much of it was ruined and a titanic boy that size pressing his feet against the surface would surely doom them all. There was nothing the people could do to stop him, and they could only brace for what was to come.

Len backed off from the planet a bit, and began to remove his shoes. As soon as his feet slipped out, the steamy hot air trapped inside could be seen leaking out into the cold vacuum of space. Once his shoes were removed, he let them drift away, stretching out his feet and wiggling his toes now that they were free. The lower half of Earth could see his exposed feet clearly, observing the steamy hot air surrounding them and the large beads of sweat rolling down. He moved over to a new side of the planet, lowering his back down as if he was laying on a bed and brought his arms behind his head, before extending his legs out so his soles were facing the planet surface. As his legs stretched out, his soles got closer and closer, their shadow covering nearly the entire side of the planet. Millions of people looked up into the sky to see a clear view of Len’s soft soles, covered in many swirls and wrinkles, and many drops of sweat rolling down. The hot steamy air could be seen surrounding her feet, and soon enough the temperature on the planet rose.

Len's feet broke through the atmosphere, and he could feel a slight tingle from it. Now that his feet were inside, the heavy scent immediately began to spread. His feet had been working up a good sweat inside his shoes, so they were pretty warm. But warm to the people of Earth meant tremendously hot. The air on the ground beneath his feet heated up drastically, and the rest of the world began to heat up as well. Then the smell got stronger. The smell of a boy's feet who had been dancing a lot, working up a sweat many times, and rarely took his shoes off, was unbearable for the people at this size. The sweat of and warmth of his feet created a new muggy humid atmosphere, filled with his scent that was impossible for them to breathe in. The areas directly beneath his soles got it the worst, but soon the new air spread around the entire planet. Even the countries on the opposite side were hit with it soon after. The sweaty smelly air was already wiping out thousands of people before his feet even touched down. The surface of his soles got so close now that they were making contact with the tops of the tallest skyscrapers, which all crumbled down easily.

His feet finally made contact. One entire third of the land was crushed in an instant. A couple billion lives vanished in a moment's notice. The impact of his feet was so huge that the tremors moved across the entire planet, creating one mega earthquake that ruined and crumbled every last city still standing. Now that his feet were planted on the ground, the absolute peak intensity of his scent surrounded everything, replacing the entire previous atmosphere the planet once had. The rest of the world’s population suffocated from the unbreathable stuffy humid smell of Len’s feet, and within a few minutes the entire human race was no more. Len just left his feet resting against the planet, taking pleasure from the feeling of the ground on his soles and hummed a tune to himself as he savored it, not at all aware or caring that he had just ended billions of microscopic lives and ruined a once proud and highly developed planet.
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