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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2301506
Opening of graphic novel concept set in modern era.
(original 2004)


PIC – News reporter on screen standing outside Berlin Military Research Facility
TEXT – [REPORTER] “This is Ann Somers with breaking news from the Military Research Facility in Berlin. We are live here with Professor Schumacher who is about to announce a new discovery; the common consensus around the globe is that Professor Schumacher is taking huge steps in the field of HIV research, his research may possibly have led to a vaccine or even a cure. Yes… Yes he is now ready to make his announcement, lets cross to him now.”

PIC – Shot of press conference, Professor on the stand with microphones all around him, crowd full of reporters with cameras etc. 2 other researchers at his side and 1 security guard in a black suit.
TEXT – [PROF. SCHUMACHER] “I Professor Schumacher have the great pleasure of announcing the discovery of a cure and vaccine for HIV and AIDS. As my research shows, it is based upon another retrovirus with similar effects; commonly known among the scientific world as V5. Or, in simpler terms: The Vampire Virus.

PIC – Crowd talking wildly, cameras going off everywhere; general chaotic commotion.



PIC – Outside long shot of Castle Tyrak with a few torches burning on the walls. Deep in western Russia, with snow covered mountains in the background.
TEXT – [NARRATIVE] “Somewhere in the far west of Russia, deep in the blizzard wrought mountainside lies Castle Tyrak, home of the ancient vampire Lord Tyrak”

PIC – Samuel the apprentice of Lord Tyrak. A young looking vampire, but finely dressed regardless. He is racking bottles of blood in the cellar. Hundreds of bottles are stacked upon the walls around him.

PIC – Samuels hand, holding a bottle of blood. It reads “1946 – Unnamed Lt. Col. United States Army”

PIC – Samuel is skulling the bottle of blood he was just looking at. Staircase in view.
TEXT – [SAMUEL] “Slurrrrrrp! Glug glug glug.”

PIC – Samuel cringing away from Lord Tyrak, now standing on the staircase partially kept in shadow.
TEXT – [TYRAK] “SAMUEL!!” “What have I told you about that! Hmm!?”

PIC – Samuel still cringing, holding the bottle still. Tyrak standing over him menacingly.
TEXT – [TYRAK] “Now. Do we have anything remaining from say… the Elizabethian era?” “I long for something… full of spirit…”

PIC – Samuel selecting a drink for his Master from the broad range upon the wall.
TEXT – [SAMUEL] “I…Hmm…… I know there is….”

PIC – Samuel holding up the bottle somewhat triumphantly and close up of Samuel.
TEXT – [SAMUEL] “Aha! Here we are my Lord… ‘1557 – English Noble – 23yrs age.’” “ I believe this young master fell off his horse during a hunt. As was the way back then, the surgeons bled him shortly afterward, a fine drop if I do say so myself my Lord.”

PIC – Tyrak standing there speaking to Samuel(out of picture)
TEXT – [TYRAK] “Excellent. I shall look forward to it…”

PIC – Tyrak returning up the stairs, Samuel glancing back to his drink from earlier NO TEXT

PIC – Tyrak at the head of his table, his advisors lining the table 3 either side.
TEXT – [NARRATIVE] “Some hours later”

PIC – Samuel entering the room from the far end (opposite Tyrak) with a platter.
4 bottles and 7 goblets on the tray. All advisors can be seen aswell as a large pentagram carved into the table and dyed with blood.
TEXT – [TYRAK] “Ah, at last.”

PIC – Tyrak speaking, close up in his chair.
TEXT – [TYRAK] “Your duties are complete for now Samuel, you may go.”

PIC – Samuel bowing to Tyrak and backing away quickly.
TEXT – [SAMUEL] “Yes, my Lord Tyrak”

PIC – Tyrak pouring himself a drink from the bottle into an engraved goblet.
TEXT – [TYRAK] “Now. Shall we begin?” “Does anyone have anything they wish to discuss?”

PIC – Shot of Advisors, not speaking whatsoever.

PIC – Advisor speaking, close up of his face.
TEXT – [ADVISOR] “My Lord Tyrak… Actually, I do have something of an issue… You may recall the small insurgence of Nighttimers in and around our southern regions. They still have yet to be located and eliminated….”

PIC – Lord Tyrak fuming.
TEXT – [TYRAK] – “What!? I’ve given you weeks to remove those irritating pig drinkers!! You… You are a disgrace to my name!!!!”

PIC – Advisor2 with bladed gauntlet punching it straight through Advisor1’s face; taking off half his head, just below the eyes but through the nose.
TEXT – [ADVISOR] – “But…. My Lord…. I… I can explaiaarrrrggh…”

PIC – Tyrak close up, smiling wryly.

PIC – Tyraks hand, flicking a switch on the arm of his chair.
TEXT – [SWITCH] “Flick”

PIC – Screen lowered, long shot of the room with news report from Germany finishing.

PIC – Extreme close up of Tyraks face, eyes glowing teeth showing fully, with blood dripping off one fang.
TEXT – [TYRAK] “Contact the council immediately. Arrange a meeting…. NOW!!!”

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